279 research outputs found

    Working with Medical and Psychological Illness: A Phenomenological Exploration of Nurses\u27 Experiences in Treating Eating Disorders

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    Eating disorders (EDs) have become an epidemic within the United States, with medical and psychological consequences that can be lethal. Treatment for these diseases is complex and demanding, requiring an integrated treatment approach by a multidisciplinary team in which nurses play an integral role. Research has demonstrated a wide array of both positive and negative experiences among nurses in traditional medical and mental health settings. Though researchers have assessed nurses\u27 subjective experiences in treating EDs, the literature neglects to focus upon the broader experiences of nurses, including perceived benefits and challenges, in treating both adult and adolescent ED patients. The current study employed qualitative, phenomenological methodology to explore the experiences of nurses in treating EDs. Interviews were conducted with 12 nurse participants and were analyzed via a phenomenological method of analysis. The outcome was the development of textural-structural descriptions for participants and composite themes capturing the essence of their experiences. Three primary thematic categories emerged: initial attitudes, conditions of treatment, and emotional awareness and outcomes. Understanding of these nursing experiences may help mental health professionals to improve education/training for nurses entering the field, increase support and communication with the treatment teams, mitigate negative emotional experiences, and highlight the benefits that such ED nurses experience

    Where Have All of the Students Gone? Examining Student Retention at a Small Liberal Arts College

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    As colleges and universities continue to face increasing competition and higher student acquisition costs, it has become imperative that these organizations focus on retaining students and closely monitor their retention rates. This paper reports on one college’s use of the marketing research model to address a lower than expected retention rate. A classic marketing research model is utilized to generate information. This survey revealed that there are many controllable issues that schools can change to increase retention. However, there are also some factors over which a school may have little control, or would require a long term strategy to address

    Knygos prekybos Lietuvos Didžiojoje Kunigaikštystėje XVIII amžiuje metmenys

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    The strengthening of the influence of the age of enlightenment has created in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania potential opportunities for the growth of interest for reading and books.But the complex and rather unfavourable political and economic conditions, the spreading anarchy in the country, leading gradually under pressure of external forces to the destruction of the Lithuanian statehood, and also a rather big percent of the illiteracy among the people, even among the gentry, and the severe censorship by the church, all this aggravated the normal development of the book trade and made this profession even rather risky. The progress of the book trade was also impeded by the bureaucratic pretensions of the guild of bookbinders in the city of Vilnius. This guild flatly asserted that dealing with books is a prerogative of its members.On the other hand, if the book publishing in Lithuania till the year 1773 was completely in the hands of monastic orders, in the professions of bookbinding and booktrade prevailed the private commercial initiative. The center of the book trade in the XVIII century was the capital of Lithuania Vilnius, where several bookshops have been established by local and foreign bookdealers. In the dealing with the local book production was the monopoly of the local bookdealers, the dealing with foreign book production was mostly in the hands of foreign individuals.Separately this paper deals with the experience in the book trade of the biggest local typographical enterprise – the printing shop of the Academy of Vilnius

    Apie tobulybę

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    Publikuojamas L. Karsavino lageryje rašytas rankraštis, kuriame nagrinėjami žmogaus subjektyviosios būties, mąstymo ir pažinimo, būties sąrangos, tobulos ir netobulos būties ir kiti klausimai. Aptariama Nikolajaus Kuziečio metafizika, ypač aukščiausias būties sluoksnis – priešybių sutapimo būtis. Tobulybė apibrėžiama kaip visa to, kas yra, buvo, bus ar gali būti, pilnatis. Tai visa ko vienybė, kuri aprėpia ir suturi visą būtį. Tobulybė juda, nes judėjimas yra būtis, be jo negali būti gyvenimo. Nagrinėjamas laiko ontologinis statusas: kadangi judančioji tobulybė yra laikinis (arba steigiąs laikiškumą) vyksmas, kur momentai vienas po kito atsiranda ir išnyksta, tai ramioji tobulybė turi būti visalaikinė. Šis visalaikiškumas atsispindi ir mūsų netobuloje būtyje. Keliamas klausimas, ar tobulybė savyje apima tobulėjančią būtį. Teigiama, kad tobuloji būtis turi savyje tobulėjantį netobulumą: tobulėdama, pilnatimi tapdama, Dievo iš nieko kuriamoji būtis tuo pat metu vienijasi su Dievu ir dievėja, virsta Dievu vietoj Jo, mirštančio dėl jos. Žmogus Kristuje susitinka su kuriančiuoju netobulą būtį kaip tobulėjimo priemonę ir ima dalyvauti Dievo kūryboje

    Supply Chain Cyber Uplift

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    This report was written by Lyria Bennett Moses and Susanne Lloyd-Jones, with research assistance by Michael Levas. The work has been partially funded by the Department of Home Affairs. The work has been supported by the Cyber Security Research Centre Limited whose activities are partially funded by the Australian Government’s Cooperative Research Centres Programme. The aim of this report is to describe international approaches to improving the role of small and medium enterprises (SME) in the supply chain for critical infrastructure assets. A search of available literature was conducted that identified relevant secondary source material. The research undertaken for this report focused on the United States, Europe, Canada, and Australia. Overall, the results of the research indicate that the role of SMEs in the supply chain for critical infrastructure assets has been considered by governments in other jurisdictions. The report provides the evidence base for the Supply Chain Uplift project deliverable – an 8–10-page guide for SMEs to help improve their cyber security posture in the context of major reforms to the security of critical infrastructure

    Knygos prekybos Lietuvos Didžiojoje Kunigaikštystėje XVIII amžiuje metmenys

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    The strengthening of the influence of the age of enlightenment has created in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania potential opportunities for the growth of interest for reading and books.But the complex and rather unfavourable political and economic conditions, the spreading anarchy in the country, leading gradually under pressure of external forces to the destruction of the Lithuanian statehood, and also a rather big percent of the illiteracy among the people, even among the gentry, and the severe censorship by the church, all this aggravated the normal development of the book trade and made this profession even rather risky. The progress of the book trade was also impeded by the bureaucratic pretensions of the guild of bookbinders in the city of Vilnius. This guild flatly asserted that dealing with books is a prerogative of its members.On the other hand, if the book publishing in Lithuania till the year 1773 was completely in the hands of monastic orders, in the professions of bookbinding and booktrade prevailed the private commercial initiative. The center of the book trade in the XVIII century was the capital of Lithuania Vilnius, where several bookshops have been established by local and foreign bookdealers. In the dealing with the local book production was the monopoly of the local bookdealers, the dealing with foreign book production was mostly in the hands of foreign individuals.Separately this paper deals with the experience in the book trade of the biggest local typographical enterprise – the printing shop of the Academy of Vilnius

    Percepción y prácticas de atención del Grisi siknis de la comunidad de krin krin, Waspam, río Coco

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    This research has analyzed the perception and care practices of Krisi Siknis in the community of Krin Krin, Waspam, Rio Coco. It was a qualitative study based on an ethnographic design involving community leaders, traditional doctors, people and affected families. The main results show that people who practice black magic or occultism cause this health problem. It is known that this practice gives them power to contact and manipulate different spirits that are everywhere, and who later takes possession of the people, is a sort of trick or witchcraft. The research concluded that different spiritual beings could cause imbalances in the health of the people, even while assuming that the community maintain their traditions and beliefs, as well as the knowledge they inherited from their ancestors in relation to the spiritual world that dwells in the environment.Esta investigación ha analizado la percepción y las prácticas de atención del Krisi Siknis de la comunidad de Krin Krin, Waspam, Río Coco. Fue un estudio cualitativo sustentado en un diseño etnográfico donde participaron líderes comunitarios, médicos tradicionales, personas y familias afectadas. Los principales resultados muestran que este problema de salud, es originada por personas que practican magia negra o ciencias ocultas, se sabe que esta práctica les da poder para contactar y manipular distintos espíritus que están en todas partes, los que después toman posesión de las personas, es un tipo de trik o hechicería. Se concluye que distintos seres espirituales pueden ocasionar desequilibrios en la salud de las personas, asumiendo que los comunitarios mantienen sus tradiciones y creencias, así como, los conocimientos que heredaron de sus antepasados con relación al mundo espiritual que mora en el entorno

    Neuroeducación y Ciencias sociales. Una investigación en el aula de tercero de Educación Primaria

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    La elección de una metodología de enseñanza aprendizaje adecuada al siglo XXI , nos ha llevado a investigar cómo se comporta el alumnado dentro del aula y cuáles son los factores más determinantes para que se produzca un aprendizaje significativo. Desde las Ciencias Sociales y la consideración de las emociones, el cuerpo y la mente de nuestros educandos, nos aproximamos a un modelo arduo y naciente en el mundo educativo: Neuroeducación. A lo largo del documento, intentamos comprender y mostrar la relación de los últimos conocimientos científicos sobre el cerebro y cómo se pueden aplicar al ámbito educativo formal, con el fin mejorar los procesos de aprendizaje escolar.Grado en Educación Primari

    El prácticum II en mi proceso formativo

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    El trabajo que se presenta muestra la experiencia vivida durante el Prácticum II en un centro escolar relatando las jornadas escolares que se producían. De estas jornadas se destacan tres aspectos clave: la situación educativa, la presencia corporal que el niño manifestaba y el tiempo de cada situación. A partir de ahí se ha realizado un análisis de la documentación que se ha organizado en tablas para poder sacar las conclusiones oportunas. Todo ello respaldado por la literatura especializada sobre la organización de la jornada escolar en Educación InfantilGrado en Educación Infanti

    Una intervención extraescolar en la etapa de transición a la vida adulta

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    La medición de la calidad de vida de las personas con discapacidad intelectual ha evolucionado positivamente en los últimos años. La utilización de la Escala INICO-FEAPS nos permite llevar a cabo prácticas educativas basadas en la evidencia científica mediante la evaluación de resultados personales relacionados con la calidad de vida. Desde el ámbito educativo no formal, aplicamos la escala y focalizamos la atención en dos dimensiones: Autodeterminación e Inclusión Social, con el fin de intervenir para mejorar ambas dimensiones de un joven que cursa la etapa educativa de Transición a la Vida Adulta en un centro específico.Grado en Educación Primari