47 research outputs found

    Hüppeliigese vigastusi ennetavad meetodid

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    Toiduriskide tõlgendused allergikute hulgas

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    The aim of the Bachelor’s thesis titled “Interpretations of food related risks among allergenic people“ was to study how people interpret risks in there everyday eating choices when heath issues already have occurred. The aim was to answer questions like, based on what people with food allergies make there choices regarding food, where do they get the necessary information and how do they process it, how they deal with the risks given with food, what shapes their knowledge, beliefs and attitudes related to dietary risks? The theoretical part describes the progress of modern hazard society based on researches of U.Beck and other sociologists’ interpretations of decision making progresses. With the development of society people have more choices in there everyday life because there is more information and with every choice there is a risk. Theoretical part also contains information about food allergies, how they appear, how they changes lives and how people can cope with them. The empirical research includes 10 interviews, their analysis and summaries. The aim of the data analysis was to find out the answer to the questions set up in the beginning. People in the risk group do not debate over risks and in the market situation hedonism and brand promises thrive. Discussion and references are written in the last part of graduation thesis. There is a debate about lack of interest in information regarding food risks, healthy diets and coping with allergies and new questions on how to change communication programs so that people would be more aware of allergies and food related risks.http://tartu.ester.ee/record=b2510627~S1*es

    Covering Chemical Diversity of Genetically-Modified Tomatoes Using Metabolomics for Objective Substantial Equivalence Assessment

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    As metabolomics can provide a biochemical snapshot of an organism's phenotype it is a promising approach for charting the unintended effects of genetic modification. A critical obstacle for this application is the inherently limited metabolomic coverage of any single analytical platform. We propose using multiple analytical platforms for the direct acquisition of an interpretable data set of estimable chemical diversity. As an example, we report an application of our multi-platform approach that assesses the substantial equivalence of tomatoes over-expressing the taste-modifying protein miraculin. In combination, the chosen platforms detected compounds that represent 86% of the estimated chemical diversity of the metabolites listed in the LycoCyc database. Following a proof-of-safety approach, we show that % had an acceptable range of variation while simultaneously indicating a reproducible transformation-related metabolic signature. We conclude that multi-platform metabolomics is an approach that is both sensitive and robust and that it constitutes a good starting point for characterizing genetically modified organisms

    Viron puolustusvoimien ampumaohjesäännön tarkoituksenmukaisuus

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    Tämän työn tarkoitus oli löytää Viron Puolustusvoimien ampumaohjesäännön yhtäläisyyksiä Kanadan, Suomen ja USA:n ampumaohjesääntöjen kanssa ja löytää ne alueet, joita ei ole huomioitu ja joita jalostamalla pystytään kehittämään Viron Puolustusvoimien ampumaohjesääntöjä ja ampumakoulutusta. Vertailu toisten maiden ampumaohjesääntöjen kanssa avasi paitsi uusia kysymyksiä myös mahdollisuuksia yleistyksiin; sen tutkimiseen, mikä on kansallista ja mikä puolestaan yleisemmillä tekijöillä selittyvää. Katseen siirtäminen pois omasta maasta tai muuten tutusta kohteesta sekä asioiden peilaaminen vertailukelpoisia tapauksia vasten saattaa myös avata silmät uusille kysymyksille. Tässä työssä keskitytetään rynnäkkökivääriin perusampumakoulutukseen ja yritetään selvittää, mitkä ovat ne osa-alueet, joita kehittämällä pystytään nostamaan perusammuntakoulutuksen tasoa. Perusammuntakoulutuksen tason nostaminen antaa sotilaille paremmat edellytykset jatkaa ammunnan jatkokoulutuksessa ja taisteluammunnoissa. Samalla perusampumakoulutuksen tason nosto vähentää jatkokoulutuksen ja lisäresurssien tarvetta. Tutkimuksen pääongelmaksi muodostui: – Mitkä ovat poikkeavaisuudet/samankaltaisuudet eri maiden ampumaohjesääntöissä, ja miten näitä todettuja poikkeavaisuuksia/samankaltaisuuksia pystytään hyödyntämään Viron Puolustusvoimien ampumaohjesäännön kehittämisessä? Tutkimuksen alaongelmiksi muotoutuivat lopulta seuraavat: – Millaista oppimisympäristöä ammunta edustaa, miten ammuntaa on koulutettava, ja miten sotilas parhaiten oppii ampumaan? – Miksi ja miten ampumakoulutus on rakennettu muissa asevoimissa? Tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen tutkimus jossa käytetään aineistolähtöistä sisältöanalyysiä. Tutkielman tutkimusaineistoa ovat olleet eri maiden ampumaohjesäännöt ja koulutusohjeet, sekä ase- ja ampumakoulutuksesta suunnitteluun kertova kirjallisuus. Tutkimuksessa selvisi, että Viron Puolustusvoimien ampumaohjesääntö on rynnäkönkiväärin peruskoulutuksen osalta vertailukelpoinen ja tarkoituksenmukainen, jos sitä verrataan muihin maihin ja pienillä muutoksilla ampumaohjesääntöä pystytään kehittämään edellekin vastamaan tulevia haasteita

    The determination of Se, Cu and ZN in blood serum of Estonian people

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    Capillary Electrophoresis Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry for Comparative Metabolomics of Transgenic versus Conventional Maize

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    In this work, capillary electrophoresis time-of-flight mass spectrometry (CE-TOF-MS) is proposed to identify and quantify the main metabolites in three lines of genetically modified (GM) maize and their corresponding nontransgenic parental lines grown under identical conditions. The shotgun-like approach for metabolomics developed in this work includes optimization of metabolite extraction from GM and non-GM maize, separation by CE, online electrospray-TOF-MS analysis, and data evaluation. A large number of extraction procedures and background electrolytes are tested in order to obtain a highly reproducible and informative metabolomic profile. Thus, using this approach, significant differences were systematically observed between the detected amounts of some metabolites in conventional varieties (Aristis, Tietar, and PR33P66 maize) compared with their corresponding transgenic lines (Aristis Bt, Tietar Bt, and PR33P66 Bt maize). Results point to some of these metabolites as possible biomarkers of transgenic Bt maize, although a larger number of samples needs to be analyzed in order to validate this point. It is concluded that metabolomics procedures based on CE-TOF-MS can open new perspectives in the study of transgenic organisms in order to corroborate (or not) their substantial equivalence with their conventional counterparts.Peer reviewe

    A Time-Efficiency Study of Medium-Duty Trucks Delivering in Urban Environments

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    This paper uses data from a major logistics service provider in Gothenburg (Sweden) to (i) identify the different activities in a typical urban distribution tour, (ii) quantify the time required by drivers to perform each of these activities, and (iii) identify potential initiatives to improve time efficiency. To do so, the authors collected GPS data, conducted a time-study of the activities performed by the drivers for a week, conducted a focus group with the drivers, and a set of interviews with managers. The results show that driving represents only 30% of the time, another 15% is spent on breaks, and the remaining 55% is used to perform activities related to customer service, freight handling, and planning. The latter are subdivided into multiple activities, each taking a small amount of time. A focus group with the drivers and some interviews revealed several initiatives to improve time efficiency. Most initiatives can bring small gains, but when aggregating all potential time savings there is a big potential to improve overall time efficiency. Initiatives with highest potential and low cost are: providing better pre-advice on upcoming customers, improving route planning, having hand-free cell phone use, and enhancing handling equipment