1,101 research outputs found

    Der Einfluß von Hybridenwein im Vergleich mit dem Wein aus Europäerreben auf den Fettgehalt der Rattenleber bei länger dauernder Verabreichung

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    Die Verträglichkeit eines Hyibridenweines und eines Weines von europäischen Edelreben wurde bei Wistar-Ratten verglichen. Beide Weine wurden längere Zeit an gesunde und lebergeschädigte Tiere verabreicht. Als Kontrollösung diente ein Alkoholgemisch, das den Weinen entsprach.Bei 4monatiger Verabreichung an gesunde Ratten lösten hohe Weingaben eine Zunahme des Gesamt-Lipid-Gehaltes und eine Änderung der Feinstruktur der Leber aus. Die Entwicklung des Körpergewichtes war gehemmt. Bei Ratten mit experimenteller Leberverfettung verstärkten die Weine die Vorschädigung.In beiden Versuchsreihen fehlten sichere Hinweise auf einen Unterschied zwischen Hybriden- und Edelwein. Dagegen unterschied das Alkoholgemisch sich qualitativ und quantitativ in mehreren Prüfungskriterien von den Weinen

    Von Meyenburg Complex or Liver Metastasis? Case Report and Literature Review

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    Hepatic lesions represent a common finding in clinical practice. Bile ducts hamartomas, also known as Von Meyenburg complex, are benign hepatic malformations composed of small dilated cystic bile ducts lined by fibrous stroma. They represent a rare and asymptomatic clinic-pathological entity. Imagiological findings are variable, and may present as multiple small scattered lesions, or rarely as a single nodule. These findings may resemble secondary lesions and, although benign, there are cases of progression to colangiocarcinoma. Thus it is important to include this complex in the differential diagnoses of focal hepatic lesions, being necessary a detailed investigation for their differentiation. This case represents an atypical presentation of a rare and not frequently considered entity in clinical practic

    Ground state correlations and mean-field in 16^{16}O

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    We use the coupled cluster expansion (exp(S)\exp(S) method) to generate the complete ground state correlations due to the NN interaction. Part of this procedure is the calculation of the two-body G matrix inside the nucleus in which it is being used. This formalism is being applied to 16O^{16}O in a configuration space of 50 ω\hbar\omega. The resulting ground state wave function is used to calculate the binding energy and one- and two-body densities for the ground state of 16O^{16}O.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, LaTe

    Wavelet Based Fractal Analysis of Airborne Pollen

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    The most abundant biological particles in the atmosphere are pollen grains and spores. Self protection of pollen allergy is possible through the information of future pollen contents in the air. In spite of the importance of airborne pol len concentration forecasting, it has not been possible to predict the pollen concentrations with great accuracy, and about 25% of the daily pollen forecasts have resulted in failures. Previous analysis of the dynamic characteristics of atmospheric pollen time series indicate that the system can be described by a low dimensional chaotic map. We apply the wavelet transform to study the multifractal characteristics of an a irborne pollen time series. We find the persistence behaviour associated to low pollen concentration values and to the most rare events of highest pollen co ncentration values. The information and the correlation dimensions correspond to a chaotic system showing loss of information with time evolution.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    The problems associated with the monitoring of complex workplace radiation fields at European high-energy accelerators and thermonuclear fusion facilities

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    The European Commission is funding within its Sixth Framework Programme a three-year project (2005-2007) called CONRAD, COordinated Network for RAdiation Dosimetry. The organisational framework for this project is provided by the European Radiation Dosimetry Group EURADOS. One task within the CONRAD project, Work Package 6 (WP6), was to provide a report outlining research needs and research activities within Europe to develop new and improved methods and techniques for the characterisation of complex radiation fields at workplaces around high-energy accelerators, but also at the next generation of thermonuclear fusion facilities. The paper provides an overview of the report, which will be available as CERN Yellow Repor

    Techniques to Screen Sorghums for Resistance to Insect Pests

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    Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is one of the most important cereal crops in the semi-arid tropics. Grain yields on peasant farms are generally low, insect pests being one of the major factors limiting production. There are over 150 species which damage sorghum crops, of which sorghum shoot fly (Atherigona soccata), spotted stem borer (Chilopartellus), sorghum midge (Contarinia sorghicola), and head bugs (Calocoris angustatus and Eurtystylus immaculatus) are the major pests worldwide. This bulletin describes techniques to screen for resistance under choice (field) and no-choice(cage) conditions, methods of evaluating insect damage, and the sources of resistance to the major pests

    Science verification of the new FlashCam-based camera in the 28m telescope of H.E.S.S

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    In October 2019 the central 28m telescope of the H.E.S.S. experiment has beenupgraded with a new camera. The camera is based on the FlashCam design whichhas been developed in view of a possible future implementation in themedium-sized telescopes of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). We report hereon the results of the science verification program that has been performedafter commissioning of the new camera, to show that the camera and softwarepipelines are working up to expectations.<br

    Observation of a large parity nonconserving analyzing power in Xe

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    A large parity nonconserving longitudinal analyzing power was discovered in polarized-neutron transmission through Xe. An analyzing power of 4.3±0.2% was observed in a p-wave resonance at En=3.2 eV. The measurement was performed with a liquid Xe target of natural isotopic abundance that was placed in the polarized epithermal neutron beam, flight path 2, at the Manuel Lujan Neutron Science Center. This apparatus was constructed by the TRIPLE Collaboration, and has been used for studies of parity symmetry in compound nuclear resonances. Part of the motivation of the experiment was to discover a nucleus appropriate for a sensitive test of time-reversal invariance in polarized-neutron transmission. The large analyzing power of the observed resonance may make it possible to design a test of time reversal invariance using a polarized-Xe target

    Many-body effects in 16O(e,e'p)

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    Effects of nucleon-nucleon correlations on exclusive (e,ep)(e,e'p) reactions on closed-shell nuclei leading to single-hole states are studied using 16O(e,ep)15N^{16}O(e,e'p)^{15}N (6.326.32 MeV, 3/23/2^-) as an example. The quasi-hole wave function, calculated from the overlap of translationally invariant many-body variational wave functions containing realistic spatial, spin and isospin correlations, seems to describe the initial state of the struck proton accurately inside the nucleus, however it is too large at the surface. The effect of short-range correlations on the final state is found to be largely cancelled by the increase in the transparency for the struck proton. It is estimated that the values of the spectroscopic factors obtained with the DWIA may increase by a few percent due to correlation effects in the final state.Comment: 21 Pages, PHY-7849-TH-9