35 research outputs found

    Endomorphism rings of finite global dimension

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    For a commutative local ring RR, consider (noncommutative) RR-algebras Λ\Lambda of the form Λ=EndR(M)\Lambda = End_R(M) where MM is a reflexive RR-module with nonzero free direct summand. Such algebras Λ\Lambda of finite global dimension can be viewed as potential substitutes for, or analogues of, a resolution of singularities of SpecRSpec R. For example, Van den Bergh has shown that a three-dimensional Gorenstein normal CC-algebra with isolated terminal singularities has a crepant resolution of singularities if and only if it has such an algebra Λ\Lambda with finite global dimension and which is maximal Cohen--Macaulay over RR (a ``noncommutative crepant resolution of singularities''). We produce algebras Λ=EndR(M)\Lambda=End_R(M) having finite global dimension in two contexts: when RR is a reduced one-dimensional complete local ring, or when RR is a Cohen--Macaulay local ring of finite Cohen--Macaulay type. If in the latter case RR is Gorenstein, then the construction gives a noncommutative crepant resolution of singularities in the sense of Van den Bergh.Comment: 13 pages, to appear in Canadian J. Mat

    The F-signature and strong F-regularity

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    We show that the F-signature of a local ring of characteristic p, defined by Huneke and Leuschke, is positive if and only if the ring is strongly F-regular.Comment: revised version, incorporating referee's comments. 6 page

    Hypersurfaces of bounded Cohen--Macaulay type

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    Let R = k[[x_0,...,x_d]]/(f), where k is a field and f is a non-zero non-unit of the formal power series ring k[[x_0,...,x_d]]. We investigate the question of which rings of this form have bounded Cohen--Macaulay type, that is, have a bound on the multiplicities of the indecomposable maximal Cohen--Macaulay modules. As with finite Cohen--Macaulay type, if the characteristic is different from two, the question reduces to the one-dimensional case: The ring R has bounded Cohen--Macaulay type if and only if R is isomorphic to k[[x_0,...,x_d]]/(g+x_2^2+...+x_d^2), where g is an element of k[[x_0,x_1]] and k[[x_0,x_1]]/(g) has bounded Cohen--Macaulay type. We determine which rings of the form k[[x_0,x_1]]/(g) have bounded Cohen--Macaulay type.Comment: 16 pages, referee's suggestions and correction

    Two theorems about maximal Cohen--Macaulay modules

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    This paper contains two theorems concerning the theory of maximal Cohen--Macaulay modules. The first theorem proves that certain Ext groups between maximal Cohen--Macaulay modules MM and NN must have finite length, provided only finitely many isomorphism classes of maximal Cohen--Macaulay modules exist having ranks up to the sum of the ranks of MM and NN. This has several corollaries. In particular it proves that a Cohen--Macaulay local ring of finite Cohen--Macaulay type has an isolated singularity. A well-known theorem of Auslander gives the same conclusion but requires that the ring be Henselian. Other corollaries of our result include statements concerning when a ring is Gorenstein or a complete intersection on the punctured spectrum, and the recent theorem of Leuschke and Wiegand that the completion of an excellent Cohen--Macaulay local ring of finite Cohen--Macaulay type is again of finite Cohen--Macaulay type. The second theorem proves that a complete local Gorenstein domain of positive characteristic pp and dimension dd is FF-rational if and only if the number of copies of RR splitting out of R1/peR^{1/p^e} divided by pdep^{de} has a positive limit. This result generalizes work of Smith and Van den Bergh. We call this limit the FF-signature of the ring and give some of its properties.Comment: 14 page

    On a conjecture of Auslander and Reiten

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    In studying Nakayama's 1958 conjecture on rings of infinite dominant dimension, Auslander and Reiten proposed the following generalization: Let Lambda be an Artin algebra and M a Lambda-generator such that Ext^i_Lambda(M,M)=0 for all i \geq 1; then M is projective. This conjecture makes sense for any ring. We establish Auslander and Reiten's conjecture for excellent Cohen--Macaulay normal domains containing the rational numbers, and slightly more generally.Comment: 12 pages, minor changes, this version to appea

    Wild hypersurfaces

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    Complete hypersurfaces of dimension at least 2 and multiplicity at least 4 have wild Cohen-Macaulay type.Comment: 16 pages. v2 incorporates referee's suggested revisions; to appear in JPA

    The adjoint of an even size matrix factors

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    We show that the adjoint matrix of a generic square matrix of even size can be factored nontrivially, answering a question of G. Bergman. This note is a preliminary report on work in progress.Comment: 7 pages, preliminary versio

    Local rings of bounded Cohen-Macaulay type

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    Let (R,m,k) be a local Cohen-Macaulay (CM) ring of dimension one. It is known that R has finite CM type if and only if R is reduced and has bounded CM type. Here we study the one-dimensional rings of bounded but infinite CM type. We will classify these rings up to analytic isomorphism (under the additional hypothesis that the ring contains an infinite field). In the first section we deal with the complete case, and in the second we show that bounded CM type ascends to and descends from the completion. In the third section we study ascent and descent in higher dimensions and prove a Brauer-Thrall theorem for excellent rings.Comment: 13 pages, revised and correcte

    On the growth of the Betti sequence of the canonical module

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    We study the growth of the Betti sequence of the canonical module of a Cohen-Macaulay local ring. It is an open question whether this sequence grows exponentially whenever the ring is not Gorenstein. We answer the question of exponential growth affirmatively for a large class of rings, and prove that the growth is in general not extremal. As an application of growth, we give criteria for a Cohen-Macaulay ring possessing a canonical module to be Gorenstein.Comment: 12 pages. version 2: includes omitted author contact informatio

    Factoring the Adjoint and Maximal Cohen--Macaulay Modules over the Generic Determinant

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    A question of Bergman asks whether the adjoint of the generic square matrix over a field can be factored nontrivially as a product of square matrices. We show that such factorizations indeed exist over any coefficient ring when the matrix has even size. Establishing a correspondence between such factorizations and extensions of maximal Cohen--Macaulay modules over the generic determinant, we exhibit all factorizations where one of the factors has determinant equal to the generic determinant. The classification shows not only that the Cohen--Macaulay representation theory of the generic determinant is wild in the tame-wild dichotomy, but that it is quite wild: even in rank two, the isomorphism classes cannot be parametrized by a finite-dimensional variety over the coefficients. We further relate the factorization problem to the multiplicative structure of the \Ext--algebra of the two nontrivial rank-one maximal Cohen--Macaulay modules and determine it completely.Comment: 44 pages, final version of the work announced in math.RA/0408425, to appear in the American Journal of Mathematic