106 research outputs found

    Medikuntza-ezagutza poltsikoan

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    Gaur egun medikuntza arloan ezagutza handia dago, baina zabaltzea da zaila. Horretarako, erakundeek gida klinikoak egitea erabaki zuten; bertan mediku es-pezialistek gomendioak eta maila oneko erreferentziak ematen dituzte gaixotasun ba-koitzaren inguruan. Gida asko daude eta ia ezinezkoa da denekin egunean egotea. Tek-nologiak aurrera egin duen heinean, gidak informatizatzea lagungarri dela ikusi da. Hasiera batean formatu elektronikora pasa ziren, baina gaur egun gida exekutagarriak daude, eta Erabaki Taldeak OsasunApp aurkezten du, automatikoki mugikorretako aplikazioak sortzen dituen sistema. Artikulu honetan OsasunApp azaltzen da; baita zer egin beharko litzatekeen etorkizunean ere.; Today there is a huge amount of knowledge in the field of medicine, but it is difficult to spread it. Public organizations make clinical guidelines to let profession-als of medicine access to best practice recommendations and references in multiple dis-eases. There are many guides and it is almost impossible to be up to date in all of them. As technology has progressed, clinic guidelines have been computerized. Initially to digital formats, but now they are even executable. In this paper, ErabakiTaldea Group introduces OsasunApp, a system that automatically creates mobile applications. Be-sides explaining OsasunApp, a forecast is provided in this area

    Behavioral interactions and trophic overlap between invasive signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus (Decapoda, Astacidae) and native fishes in iberian rivers

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    The signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus Dana, 1852 is a successful invasive species in the Iberian Peninsula. This is of particular conservation concern, as fish fauna is highly endemic and also threatened within this ecoregion. The aim of this study was to analyze behavioral interactions and trophic overlap between signal crayfish and native fishes in Iberian rivers (northern Spain). Video cameras were used to record fish "dominance/evasion" after spatial encounters with crayfish. Diet composition and isotopic signatures (¿13C and ¿15N) were compared to evaluate the niche overlap. Fish were dominant in 25% of the encounters with juvenile crayfish, whereas this percentage was only 4% with adult crayfish. Observations showed a high fish "evasion" response for Pyrenean stone loach Barbatula quignardi (B¿cescu-Me¿ter, 1967) (>30%). Dietary results showed a high trophic overlap between signal crayfish with the pelagic Pyrenean minnow Phoxinus bigerri Kottelat, 2007 and the benthic loach. However, the isotopic niche overlap was low, with brown trout Salmo trutta L., 1758 showing the highest area (only 0.1 ¿2). Overall, our findings suggest that interferences may occur with native species for food (i.e., benthic invertebrates). Consequently, measures should be applied to control invasive crayfish in Iberian rivers

    Le manuel de biosécurité. Canevas et guide de rédaction.2761

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    Ce document constitue un guide pratique pour les responsables de la biosécurité dans la rédaction du manuel de biosécurité. Il vise aussi à informer les autorités compétentes pour l&#039;autorisation et l&#039;inspection des laboratoires où sont manipulés des organismes génétiquement modifiés (OGM) ou pathogènes, sur le contenu du manuel de biosécurité. Le manuel de biosécurité s&#039;adresse au personnel scientifique (chercheurs, technologues de laboratoire) travaillant dans les laboratoires, il leur procure les informations, les lignes directrices et les procédures qui leur permettront de travailler de manière sûre en réduisant ou en éliminant les risques d&#039;exposition au danger biologique.</p