183 research outputs found


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    Adanya heterokedastisitas pada suatu data deret waktu, membuat pemodelan dan peramalan dengan menggunakan ARIMA Box Jenkins tidak lagi valid. Diperlukan metode lain dalam memodelkan heterokedastisitas, sehingga dilakukan pemodelan menggunakan ARCH-GARCH dalam memodelkan volatilitas dari data tersebut. Seperti pada data mingguan penutupan harga saham PT. TELKOM yang diambil pada periode September 2008 hingga Desember 2012, Residual yang diperoleh dari model ARIMA diuji heteroskedasticity dengan uji Lagrange Multiplier (LM). Hasilnya data tersebut mengandung heterokedastisitas yang kemudian dimodelkan dengan GARCH (1,1) untuk memodelkan varians error dan dilakukan peramalan dalam jangka waktu 104 periode ke depan.Kata Kunci: : Time series, volatilitas, heterokedastisitas, Uji Lagrange Multiplier, model ARCH - GARC

    Study of the Influence the Acidity Level of Sulphuric Acid to Thermal Cracking and Triglyceride Saturation of Crude Palm Oil by Using Two Stages Electrochemical Thermal Cracking

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    Crude Palm Oil (CPO) was experienced with electrolyze by using two stages electrochemical thermal cracking reactor, zeolyte as catalyst, silver as cathode and cuprum as anode. In this research, we used electrolyte solution for 2 kinds of concentrate which was 40 and 60% of sulphuric acid (H2SO4). It worked in 1 atm with electrolyze for 1 hour, heating till reaching temperature 80oC for 1 hr, fogging process for 1 hr, and heating without electrolyze nor fogging about 30 minutes. From lubricity analyze, this product is a fuel with high lubricity. The analyzer showing that cracking of triglyceride of crude palm oil has same characteristics with diesel


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    Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah rendahnya minat mahasiswa non pendidikan FPEB UPI untuk bekerja di perbankan syariah. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi minat mahasiswa bekerja di perbankan syariah. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah persepsi nilai religius, persepsi penghargaan finansial dan minat mahasiswa bekerja di perbankan syariah. Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa non pendidikan Fakultas Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Bisnis Univeritas Pendidikan Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu survei eksplanatori dengan menggunakan angket atau kuesioner sebagai alat pengumpul data, sedangkan teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda. Adapun sampel yang diambil sebanyak 142 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi nilai religius (X1) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan sebesar 0,328 dan persepsi penghargaan finansial (X2) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan sebesar 0,279 terhadap minat bekerja di perbankan syariah (Y). Artinya semakin tinggi (baik) persepsi nilai religius dan persepsi penghargaan finansial mahasiswa terhadap perbankan syariah maka minat mahasiswa bekerja di perbankan syariah akan semakin tinggi.;--- The main problem in this researchis the low interest student non education FPEB UPI to work in Islamic banking. Therefore, the purpose in this research is to know what influence of factors which is affect the interests of student to work in Islamic banking. The object in this research is the perception of religious values, perceptions and interests financial awards students working in Islamic banking. The subject of this research is a student of non education faculty of Economics and Business University Education Of Indonesia. The methods used in this research is explanatory survey using a question form or questionnaire as a means of collecting the data, while the data analysis technique used was multiple linear regression. As for the samples taken as many as 142 people. The results showed that the perception of religious values (X1) positive and significant impact of 0.328 and perception financial awards (X2) positive and significant amounted to 0.279 against interest work in Islamic banking (Y). This means, if the perception of religious values and the perception of student financial awards against Islamic Banking is higher, then also the students interest for worked in Islamic Banking will be higher


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    Penelitian yang berjudul “Pengintegrasian Level Makroskopik, Sub Mikroskopik, dan Simbolik Sub Materi Elektrolisis pada Video Pembelajaran” bertujuan untuk mengembangkan dan menghasilkan video pembelajaran yang mengintegrasikan ketiga representasi kimia pada materi elektrolisis. Video Pembelajaran ini diharapkan dapat membantu guru dan siswa dalam mempelajari materi elektrolisis. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development), sedangkan model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model ADDIE. Dalam video pembelajaran yang dikembangkan, konsep elektrolisis direpresentasikan ke dalam tiga representasi kimia. Level makroskopik dituangkan melalui klip video apersepsi materi elektrolisis, fenomena, serta pengamatan selama proses elektrolisis. Level sub mikroskopik dituangkan dalam penjelasan pergerakan ion dan molekul dalam larutan serta animasi reaksi pada elektroda, sedangkan level simbolik pada video dituangkan dalam persamaan reaksi elektrolisis. Hasil uji coba terbatas, menurut para guru materi elektrolisis pada video pembelajaran sudah sesuai dengan konsep kimia, aspek visual dan audio video pembelajaran sudah baik, informasi dalam video pembelajaran dapat dimengerti dengan baik dan bebas dari miskonsepsi, serta video pembelajaran yang dikembangkan sudah layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Menurut siswa, video pembelajaran dari aspek media sudah baik dan bisa memotivasi siswa dalam belajar. Kata Kunci: Video Pembelajaran, Representasi Kimia, Elektrolisis, Model ADDIE The study, titled "Integrating Level Macroscopic, Sub-Microscopic, and Symbolic in Electrolysis Sub Topic on the Instructional Video " aims to develop and produce video learning to integrates three chemical representation on electrolysis topic. The Instructional Video expected to help teachers and students on electrolysis topic. The method used in this research is the Research and Development, while the development model used is an ADDIE model. In the instructional video that developed, the concept of electrolysis represents into three chemical representation. The macroscopic levels in the video are video clips of apperception, phenomena, and observations during the electrolysis process. The sub-microscopic levels are an animated explanation of ions and molecules movement in solution and the reactions on the electrodes. The symbolic levels in the video are the electrolysis reaction equation. According to the teachers, the instructional videos are according to the chemical concepts, the visuals and audio of instructional video are good, the information in the instructional video are easy to understand and free from misconceptions, and the instructional video that developed already fit for use in learning. According to the students, the instructional videos are good on media aspect and be able to motivate students for learning. Keywords: Instructional video, Chemical Representation, Electrolysis, ADDIE Mode

    Analisis Faktor-faktor Yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Manajemen Laba Pada Perbankan Syariah Periode 2010-2013

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    Transparency in disclosing the financial statements is required by decision makers asappropriate balance and adequate information so important to the company . In the presentfinancial statements , management took accounting method with a specific purpose . This isoften referred to manajamen profit . Management actions earning management raises a numberof scandals in corporate financial reporting .In this study, a sample of Islamic banking with theobservation period 2010 to 2013. The analytical method used is multiple regression method . Theresults showed that simultaneous ( F test ) independent variables used in this study are firm size ,debt to equity ratio , return on assets , the size of the company , the audit committee and the auditof ownership has a significant effect on the occurrence of earnings management in the company .Test results on an individual basis using the t test showed that the only variable return on assetsand institutional ownership has a significant effect on the occurrence of earnings management inthe company

    Separation of Glycerol from Biodiesel Oil Products Using High Voltage Electrolysis Method

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    This study aims to separate glycerol from used cooking oil biodiesel products. This research is done by main process by analyzing free fatty acid level (FFA) to know the fat content of the oil in order to know the next process. This research is done by electrolysis process using high voltage. We done transesterification process by using methanol and NaOH as catalyst before performing the process of electrolysis with high voltage. Biodiesel is manufactured using a mini-scale stirred tank reactor (RATB) laboratory. This process is heated at temperature (35-60) oC, the ratio of used cooking oil and methanol (5:1, 6:1, 7:1, 8:1, 9:1) using a 0.1 N NaOH catalyst. The research obtained optimum reaction temperature yield highest percentage of rendement at temperature 60oC and ratio of used cooking oil and methanol 5:1 with percentage of rendement equal to 88,88, cetane number 48,4, kinematic viscosity 2,560, pour point 37,4 oF, flash point 131 oF, Conradson Carbon Residue (CCR) 0.09, and ASTM Colour 1.5. This shows that the manufacture of biodiesel with high microwave and high voltage utilization yields a high percentage of 88.88 and the product is biosolar-48. 


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    Increasing fuel demand has an impact for decreasing fossil energy reserves. One of the government ways to solve this problem is by increasing the production of biomass fuels, for example biodiesel. Biodiesel can be produced from waste cooking oil through the transesterification stage that reacts oil molecules with alcohol and catalyst to produce methyl esters. Heating method that can be used is microwaves method. This method utilizes wave emission which is absorbed by the sample to make sample’s temperature being higher than surface’s temperature of the reactor’s wall. In the process of making biodiesel, there are several factors that affected heating process. There are ratio of waste cooking oil and methanol, an amount of catalyst, reaction temperature, voltage, and distance of electrodes. The effect of that factors can be seen from the result of the biodiesel’s rendement. From this research, we had ratio 5:1 of waste cooking oil and methanol got 85,. % rendement, 2% of catalyst got 87.12% rendement, 60oC reaction temperature got 88.88% rendement, 10 kV got 89.12% rendement, and 1 cm of electrode’s distance got 86.34% rendement. This result suggests that a biodiesel production prototype with microwaves and high voltage utilization can produce a high percentage of biodiesel rendemen


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    Durian waste is the basic ingredient of making this briquette and just piling up into waste in the neighborhood where it sells and can not provide economic value. Now the material we used to call environmental waste will turn into alternative fuels. Through the process of processing, durian waste will be fuel in the form of briquettes and this product will have a fairly high selling value. The briquettes also smell good when used, making them suitable for the food industry, both large and large scale. Because of these several advantages, durian leather briquettes have wide open market potential in both local, domestic and export markets. The method implemented is to socialize the utilization of durian skin by spreading knowledge with the manufacture and processing of durian skin so as to produce the outcome of durian briquette product as a substitute of fuel in the era of expensive energy

    Performance of Silica Membranes from Fly Ash Coal of PT Semen Baturaja in Reducing Metal Content in Mine Acid Water

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    Mine acid water has a high level of acidity as a result of oxidation of rocks containing pyrite and sulfide minerals from the remains of rocks exposed to oxygen in the water, which usually contain high metal content. One way to reduce the metal content in acid mine water is to use a silica membrane. In the study, silica membranes were made by extracting silica from fly ash by using two types of solvents or extractors, namely HCl and HNO3.  The adsorption time are 100 minutes, 120 minutes, and 140 minutes with the aim to find out which extractors can produce membranes with performance good and optimum time in the absorption of metal content from acid mine drainage. SEM analysis shows that there is no pore formed on the membrane. Based on the results of the analysis of the research conducted, it can be seen that the membrane with HCl extractor can work better in reducing metal content with optimum adsorption time in the 140th minute. Acid mine drainage also experienced a decrease in flux from 14.9283 L / m2 hours to 6.8244 L / m2h for the membrane with HCl extractor and for HNO3 membrane decreased from 11.9427 L / m2h to 7.6774 L / m2h. Keywords: Silica Membranes, Fly Ash Coal, Metal Content, Mine Acid Water, extractor


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    This community service activity for processing used cooking oil into biodiesel was carried out at Banyuasin III SMPN 5, South Sumatra. Around the school there are many fried traders and tent stalls that have the potential to produce used cooking oil. Seeing this potential, the community service team of the Sriwijaya Polytechnic Department of Chemical Engineering provided training to students and teachers of the South Sumatra Banyuasin SMPN 5 to make laboratory-scale biodiesel from used cooking oil. Biodiesel production can be used to increase the potential of human resources and preserve the environment from used cooking oil pollutants. The method of implementing this service activity is with the pattern of field schools with press points on the exploration of knowledge, awareness of the environment, and skills and forms of approach taken to increase the motivation of students and teachers as partners and able to process used cooking oil into biodiesel by socializing about the importance of saving fossil fuels, protecting the environment and producing alternative fuels from used cooking oil which are often found in everyday life
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