7 research outputs found

    Infecção pelo vírus da Hepatite C em pacientes em hemodiálise em Maracaibo, Venezuela

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    Over a two year period, the incidence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection was evaluated in 29 hemodialysis patients, aged between 15 and 75 years (mean ± SD: 45 ± 39.5 years), from the University Hospital Hemodyalisis Unit, Maracaibo, Zulia State, Venezuela. Anti-HCV antibodies were determined using a fourth generation ELISA (Innotest HCV Ab IV) kit and positive blood samples were tested using a recombinant assay kit (Inno-LIA HCV Ab III), both kits from Innogenetics N.V., Belgium. The findings indicate a lack of HCV seroconversion in the hemodialysis patients over the study period, confirmed by the recombinant assay. Risk factors for HCV infection were 0.3270 (95% confidence interval: 0.01323-8.080) in patients undergoing hemodialysis. The findings suggest a lack of significant sources for HCV infection due to the preventive measures to avoid its transmission in the hemodialysis unit.Durante período de 2 anos, estudamos a incidência da infecção pelo vírus da hepatite C (VHC) em 29 pacientes em tratamento de diálise, com idades entre 15 e 75 anos (c ± DS; 45 ± 39,5 anos), procedentes da unidade de hemodiálise do Hospital Universitário de Maracaibo, Estado Zulia, Venezuela. Para a detecção dos anticorpos contra o VHC (anti-VHC) utilizamos a técnica de imunoensaio enzimático (ELISA, Innotest HCV Ab IV) e em amostras reativas por ELISA, utilizamos o método de immunoblot recombinante de terceira geração (Inno-LIA HCV Ab III), ambos da casa comercial Innogenetics N.V., Bélgica. Os resultados demonstram ausência de soroconversão ao VHC nos pacientes hemodializados durante o período estudado, o que foi confirmado pelo método de imunoblot recombinante. Os fatores de risco ao VHC foram 0,327 (95% CI: 0,01323 - 8,080) nos pacientes submetidos ao tratamento de diálise. Nossos resultados sugerem ausência de fontes de infecção neste centro de hemodiálise e que as medidas universais de controle de infecção são cumpridas

    Detección molecular mediante RT-PCR de calicivirus y enterovirus en niños menores de 6 años con síndrome diarreico

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    Mundialmente, la diarrea es una de las causas más importantes de morbi-mortalidad en la población. En Venezuela, se reportan anualmente cerca de 480.000 consultas y 706 fallecimientos a causa de diarreas, de las cuales el 32% se registran en el Zulia. Entre los virus con capacidad patogénica involucrados en cuadros diarreicos se encuentran los calicivirus y enterovirus. Con el objetivo de evaluar la prevalencia de estos agentes virales en el municipio Maracaibo, se colectaron 150 muestras de heces diarreicas de niños menores de 6 años, en las que se analizó la presencia de calicivirus y enterovirus mediante RT-PCR. Se observó una mayor prevalencia de infección por enterovirus (31,3%), lo que indica la existencia de posibles problemas de higiene y/o contaminación del agua. Además, se evidenció disminución de la infección por enterovirus con el aumento de la edad, posiblemente por la adquisición de anticuerpos por exposiciones previas al virus. La prevalencia de calicivirus en la población fue baja (3,0%), considerándolos así casos aislados. La ausencia de este virus durante el primer año de vida se ve favorecida por la protección inmunitaria que confiere la alimentación con leche materna. El presente estudio indica que los enterovirus son agentes etiológicos importantes de diarreas en la población infantil estudiada.Calicivirus and enterovirus molecular detection through RT-PCR in children under 5 years old with diarrheal syndrome Abstract: Worldwide, diarrhea is one of the most important morbility-mortality causes in the general population. In Venezuela, there are annual reports of around 480,000 consultations and 706 deaths due to diarrhea, 32% of which are registered in Zulia State. Calicivirus and enterovirus are among the viruses with pathogenic capacity involved in diarrheal episodes. With the purpose of evaluating the prevalence of these viruses at the Maracaibo Municipality, we collected 150 diarrheal feces samples from children under 5 years old, and calicivirus and enterovirus presence was determined through RT-PCR. There was a greater prevalence of enterovirus infections (31.3%), which indicates the probable existence of hygiene problems and/or water contamination. There was also evidence of a decrease of enterovirus contamination with age, possible due to the development of antibodies during previous exposure to the virus. Calicivirus prevalence in this population was low (2.9%), and they were considered as isolated cases. Absence of this virus during the first year of life is favored by the immunological protection conferred by maternal breast-feeding. The present study indicates that enteroviruses are important diarrheal etiologic agents in the child population studied

    Infección por rotavirus en infantes atendidos en centros asistenciales del estado Zulia

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    El Rotavirus (RV), es uno de los principales agentes infecciosos de diarrea aguda en niños menores a 5 años. El objetivo del presente trabajo consistió en detectar la presencia de Rotavirus en infantes atendidos en centros asistenciales del estado Zulia. Se recolectaron 150 muestras de heces diarreicas de niños menores a 5 años atendidos en el Servicio Autónomo del Hospital Universitario de la ciudad de Maracaibo (SAHUM) y Seguro Social del municipio Jesús Enrique Lossada (JEL). Se observaron 64 casos positivos para RV mediante el método inmunológico de Aglutinación directa en partículas de látex. Posteriormente, se confirmó su presencia por RT-PCR, y se obtuvieron 22 casos positivos, con mayor incidencia en el género masculino (36,8%), seguido por el femenino (30,7%). El grupo etario de 0-11 meses de edad resultó ser el más afectado, siendo la manifestación clínica dominante la diarrea tipo aguda. No se observaron diferencias significativas entre las muestras de los dos centros asistenciales. TitleRotavirus Infection in Infants seen in Welfare Centers of Zulia StateAbstract Rotavirus (RV) is one of the main infectious agents producing acute diarrhea in children under 5 years. The aim is to detect the presence of rotavirus in infants treated at health centers Zulia state. 150 samples diarrheal stools of children under 5 years were taken from Servicio autónomo del Hospital Universitario de la ciudad de Maracaibo (SAHUM) and Instituto Venezolano del Seguro Social of Jesús Enrique Lossada municipality (JEL). 64 positive cases to Rotavirus (RV) were observed by direct immunological method of latex particles agglutination. Subsequently; the presence of Rotavirus by RT-PCR was confirmed; and 22 positive cases were identified; showing greater detect of virus to the male gender (36.8%) and femenine (30.7%). The age group of 0-11 months old was the most affected; being the dominant clinical manifestation of acute diarrhea type. There were no significant differences between the samples of the two health centers

    Hepatitis C virus infection in hemodialysis patients in Maracaibo, Venezuela

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    Over a two year period, the incidence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection was evaluated in 29 hemodialysis patients, aged between 15 and 75 years (mean ± SD: 45 ± 39.5 years), from the University Hospital Hemodyalisis Unit, Maracaibo, Zulia State, Venezuela. Anti-HCV antibodies were determined using a fourth generation ELISA (Innotest HCV Ab IV) kit and positive blood samples were tested using a recombinant assay kit (Inno-LIA HCV Ab III), both kits from Innogenetics N.V., Belgium. The findings indicate a lack of HCV seroconversion in the hemodialysis patients over the study period, confirmed by the recombinant assay. Risk factors for HCV infection were 0.3270 (95% confidence interval: 0.01323-8.080) in patients undergoing hemodialysis. The findings suggest a lack of significant sources for HCV infection due to the preventive measures to avoid its transmission in the hemodialysis unit

    Low prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection in Amerindians from Western Venezuela

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    Previous studies have not found hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in Amerindians from Western Venezuela. A survey of 254 Bari and Yukpa natives aged 10-60 years (mean ± SD age = 35 ± 5.4 years) from four communities, two Bari and two Yukpa, in this area were studied to assess the prevalence of antibodies to HCV (anti-HCV) and HCV RNA among these indigenous populations. Serum samples were examined initially for anti-HCV by a four generation enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Reactive samples were then tested using a third generation recombinant immunoblot assay (RIBA-3). Viral RNA was investigated in all immunoblot-reactive samples by a nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. Six (2.3%) of 254 natives were positive by ELISA, one (2.2%) of these reactive samples were positive by RIBA, and four (1.5%) were indeterminate. Only two (0.8%) were positive by PCR, corresponding to 1 (2.1%) of 47 inhabitants of a Yukpa community and to 1 (2.2%) of 45 subjects of a Bari community. Iatrogenic is thought to play a role in acquisition of the infection. The findings indicate a HCV focus of low endemicity and are compatible with a low degree of exposures of the natives to the virus. Studies are necessary to assess the risk factors for infection in these Amerindians

    Gestión empresarial: El reto del entorno frente a las nuevas tecnologías, emprendimiento y vida laboral

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    Human beings perceive and interact in the hospital world through their senses, through sight, hearing, and, to a lesser extent, through smell, touch, and taste, in which labor sensorially shapes the worker’s body. The research aims to show the sensitive interaction of hospital personnel and the labor shaping of the worker's senses. To that end, covert ethnographic method, field diary, and interview were used. Four interviews were carried out to the custodian staff and one to the administrative support staff. All four interviews showed affectation by the hospital world and a sensory configuration of the staff. Moreover, the social setting of the hospital sensorially shaped the body of its personnel, where the interacting bodies adapt to the space, which is influenced by the affective state, becoming larger or smaller depending on this state.El ser humano percibe e interactúa en el mundo hospitalario a través de sus sentidos, mediante la vista, el oído y, en menor medida, por el olfato, el tacto y el gusto, enlos que la labor configura sensorialmente el cuerpo del trabajador. El objetivo de la investigación es mostrar la interacción sensible del personal del mundo hospitalario y la conformación laboral de los sentidos del trabajador. Se empleó la etnografía encubierta, el diario de campo y la entrevista. Se realizaron cuatro entrevistas con personal de intendencia y una con personal administrativo de apoyo. Las cuatro entrevistas mostraron una afectación por el mundo hospitalario y una configuración sensorial del personal. El establecimiento social del hospital delineó sensorialmente el cuerpo de su personal, donde los cuerpos interactuantes se adaptan al espacio, que es influenciado por el estado afectivo, haciéndose más grande o reduciéndose en función de este estad