369 research outputs found

    Overdamped van Hove function of atomic liquids

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    Using the generalized Langevin equation formalism and the process of contraction of the description we derive a general memory function equation for the thermal fluctuations of the local density of a simple atomic liquid. From the analysis of the long-time limit of this equation, a striking equivalence is suggested between the long-time dynamics of the atomic liquid and the dynamics of the corresponding \emph{Brownian} liquid. This dynamic equivalence is confirmed here by comparing molecular and Brownian dynamics simulations of the self-intermediate scattering function and the long-time self-diffusion coefficient for the hard-sphere liquid.Comment: 4 Figures, 23 page

    Abuso psicológico en parejas jóvenes: Análisis y formación para una violencia invisibilizada.

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    El abuso psicológico (AP) al igual que otras manifestaciones de la violencia de género, es un fenómeno que afecta cada vez a más mujeres en el mundo y también a más adolescentes cuyas relaciones sentimentales se basan en la sumisión y en el miedo. Muchas jóvenes consienten conductas posesivas y agresivas por parte de sus parejas considerándolas como algo natural e incluso como prueba de su amor. El principal objetivo de este trabajo es crear un plan de formación que sirva a los profesionales que trabajan en el ámbito de la violencia de género a detectar conductas propias del AP. A este le siguen otros más específicos como el de revisar bibliografía sobre el AP o entrevistar a profesionales que han trabajado con la problemática de la violencia de género. Para llevar a cabo el presente estudio descriptivo-analítico, se ha procedido a realizar una revisión bibliográfica sobre la violencia de género y en concreto sobre el Abuso psicológico y sus diferentes estrategias para así poder contextualizarlo. De este modo se ha podido delimitar su definición, las estrategias a partir de las cuales se lleva a cabo, el perfil del maltratador y de la víctima y la legislación que lo regula. A partir de ahí, tras revisar otros proyectos y entrevistar a algunos profesionales que trabajan con esta problemática, se ha diseñado un proyecto cuyo fin sea facilitar a los profesionales la detección del AP. En definitiva, según se ha podido constatar una vez recabada la información presentada a continuación, el AP está cada vez más presente en la sociedad a pesar de su dificultad para detectarlo debido a la falta de evidencias físicas. A pesar de ello existen numerosas estrategias de uso de la fuerza psicológica, algunas de ellas muy sibilinas, que permiten al maltratador tener un control total sobre su víctima en cuanto a sus conductas y actuaciones

    Situation of the Libraries of Spanish Monasteries and Convents before the Suppression of Religious Orders

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    This paper gives an analysis of the libraries pertaining to religious communities in Spain from their beginnings to the time of their suppression with the sale of religious assets in the 1830s. The reasons for the need to create book collections in the convents and monasteries, and their evolution, are given in detail. Some examples are included in order to obtain quantitative (number of books) and qualitative (predominant languages, subject matter, etc.) data and to offer an approximate number of the books in the libraries of religious orders before this nationalization of assets began

    Prevalence of acute oral mucosal damage secondary to the use of systemic antineoplastics: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of acute oral mucosal toxicities in non-irradiated patients treated with systemic antineoplastics agents. The secondary objective was to find out differences in its prevalence among the different types of systemic antineoplastics. STUDY DESIGN: A systematic review and meta-analysis was performed. Articles from 2010 to July 2022 were retrieved and included if patients were adults undergoing oral assessment after administration of commercially available systemic antineoplastics. Data was extracted and pooled proportions were estimated using random-effect model method (Der Simonian and Lair). RESULTS: Eighty-two articles were included in the study. The overall prevalence of acute oral mucosal damage across studies was 38.2% (95% CI: 33.1%-43.3%). The prevalence was 42.9% (95% CI: 32.8%-53%) in patients treated with chemotherapy alone, 38% (95% CI: 29.1%-47%) in patients treated with a combination of chemotherapy and targeted therapies, and 32.1% (95% CI: 26.8%-37.5%) in targeted therapies alone-treated patients. No statistically significant differences were found in the prevalence of oral mucosal toxicities between the different types of systemic antineoplastic treatments. CONCLUSIONS: Oral mucosal toxicity is a major side effect in non-irradiated cancer patients undergoing systemic antineoplastics

    Oral hygiene instructions and professional control as part of the treatment of desquamative gingivitis. Systematic review

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    The aim of this present article was to evaluate the scientific evidence on the efficacy of daily hygiene and professional prophylaxis for treatment of desquamative gingivitis. The present systematic review was conducted following the PRISMA protocol. Searches were carried out in Pubmed, Embase, Web of Science and Cochrane Library up to July 2018, randomized clinical trials and cohort studies on desquamative gingivitis (DG), and oral diseases joined to DG. After screening, we found that nine publications met the eligibility criteria eight cohort studies and one randomized control trial. The diagnosis of the diseases corresponded to oral lichen planus (n=185), mucous membrane pemphigoid (n=13); plasma cell gingivitits (n=15) and pemphigus vulgar (n=11). The follow-up was between a week and a year after instructing patients. Dental daily hygiene and professional prophylaxis, at least with supragingival scaling and polishing have significantly improved the extension of the lesion and reduced the activity of DG, and gingival bleeding in all patients. Furthermore, these techniques have also reduced pain and gingival plaque. In conclusion the studies presented support the efficacy of maintaining personal and professional oral hygiene in patients with GD, reducing the clinical signs of the disease, regardless of its pathogenesis

    Non-surgical treatment of periodontal disease in a pregnant caucasian women population: adverse pregnancy outcomes of a randomized clinical trial

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    Aim: To analyze if non-surgical treatment of periodontitis in a pregnant Caucasian women population can reduce adverse pregnancy outcomes. Methods and results: A parallel randomized clinical trial was designed and approved by the Ethical Committee of Sanitary Area Santiago-Lugo, Spain (registration number: 2016/451). Forty patients with periodontitis stage II grade B were randomly allocated to receive either comprehensive non-surgical periodontal therapy (test group; n = 20) or professional tooth cleaning (control group; n = 20) before 24 gestational weeks. Randomization was computer-generated by the statistic program Epidat v.4.1 and allocation was performed using sealed opaque envelopes. Clinical measurements and peripheral blood samples for biochemical variables were collected at baseline, in the middle of second trimester before non-surgical treatment, and in the third trimester. Microbiological samples were collected in the second and third trimester. A statistically significant reduction was verified in all clinical and microbiological parameters after periodontal treatment in the test group. No significant differences were observed for the rest of the variables, including preterm birth and/or low birth weight. No adverse events related to periodontal treatment were reported. Conclusions: Non-surgical periodontal treatment in Caucasian patients with periodontitis stage II grade B did not significantly reduce the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes.S