548 research outputs found

    Colloidal Semiconductor Nanoparticles as Functional Materials: Design, Assembly and Applications

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    This work summarizes results of about ten years of the author’s own research activities in the field of colloidal synthesis of semiconductor nanoparticles, their postsynthetic chemical modification, assembly, and applications. I attempted to provide a concise yet comprehensive overview presenting my own results as a part of the knowledge framework created in close collaboration with many colleagues from all over the world. This habilitation thesis consists of an introduction, explaining the motivation of the research accomplished, followed by a main part which briefly presents key achievements of the author with links to appropriate annexes, i.e. original published articles in peer review journals which are attached to this cumulative script, and completed by conclusions

    Сучасний зміст зносу та амортизації як об’єктів бухгалтерського обліку

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    У статті розглянуто економічну сутність категорій «амортизація» та «знос» як об’єктів бухгалтерського обліку.In the article economic essence of categories of depreciation is considered as objects of accountingВ статье рассмотрена экономическая сущность категорий «амортизация» и «износ» как объектов бухгалтерского учета


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    Стаття присвячена аналізу системи співпраці між держаними органами, місцевим самоврядуванням та громадськими організаціями в сучасній Польщі. У результаті дослідження підтверджено, що основним правовим інструментом співпраці між органами державного і місцевого управління та неурядовими організаціями є Закон про діяльність суспільної користі і волонтаріат, який визначає насамперед механізми взаємодії та правову базу для дотування суспільно корисної діяльності, яку здійснюють громадські організації

    Experiment K-6-23. Effect of spaceflight on levels and function of immune cells

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    Two different immunology experiments were performed on samples received from rats flown on Cosmos 1887. In the first experiment, rat bone marrow cells were examined in Moscow for their response to colony stimulating factor-M. In the second experiment, rat spleen and bone marrow cells were stained in Moscow with a variety of antibodies directed against cell surface antigenic markers. These cells were preserved and shipped to the United States where they were subjected to analysis on a flow cytometer. The results of the studies indicate that bone marrow cells from flown rats showed a decreased response to colony stimulating factor than did bone marrow cells from control rats. There was a higher percentage of spleen cells from flown rats staining positively for pan-T-cell, suppressor-T-cell and innate interleukin-2 receptor antigens than from control animals. In addition, a higher percentage of cells that appeared to be part of the myelogenous population of bone marrow cells from flown rats stained positively for surface immunoglobulin than did equivalent cells from control rats

    Realizacja porewolucyjnych przemian politycznych na Ukrainie w kontekście perspektywy konsolidacji demokracji

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    The article is an attempt of analysis of democratic consolidation perspectives in Ukraine under conditions of political changes realization after the Orange Revolution and after the Revolution of Dignity. Special attention is paid to the problems that limit democratization and modernization of Ukrainian political system. The state of democracy development in post-revolutionary conditions is compared. Prospects of consolidated democracy development in Ukraine are determined.Artykuł jest próbą analizy perspektyw konsolidacji demokracji na Ukrainie w warunkach realizacji przemian politycznych po Rewolucji Pomarańczowej oraz po Rewolucji Godności. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono problemom, które ograniczają demokratyzację i modernizację ukraińskiego systemu politycznego. Porównano stan rozwoju demokracji w warunkach porewolucyjnych. Określono perspektywy rozwoju demokracji skonsolidowanej na Ukrainie

    Використання системи АВС для управління витратами

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    ДВНЗ «Київ. нац. екон. ун-т ім. Вадима Гетьмана»У статті розглянуто напрямки удосконалення методики калькуляції собівартості і розподілу непрямих витрат з використання системи АВС для цілей управління витратами.The article considers ways of improving methods of costing and allocation of indirect costs with the use of ABC for cost management.В статье рассмотрены направления усовершенствования методики калькуляции себестоимости и распределения непрямых расходов с использование системы АВС для целей управления расходами

    Antibodies to myofibril antigens in cosmonauts after spaceflights

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    Serum samples obtained from 15 astronauts before and after spaceflights were studied with the use of the indirect immunofluorescent method. In seven astronauts antibodies to different elements of the human heart muscle appeared after flights. Strong and very strong luminescence of the elements of heart muscle tissue was detected in the astronauts after the third space flight. In a study of the sera on sections of bovine heart muscle tissue the reactions of the sera taken before and after flight were found to show no essential differences

    Selectively Tunable Luminescence of Perovskite Nanocrystals Embedded in Polymer Matrix Allows Direct Laser Patterning

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    Cesium lead halide perovskite nanocrystals (NCs) have gained enormous attention as promising light-emitting and light-converting materials. Most of their applications require embedding NCs in various matrices, which is a challenging task due to their low stability, especially in the case of red-emitting CsPbI3 NCs. In this work, a new approach is proposed allowing the formation of red-emitting perovskite NCs by anion exchange induced directly inside a solid polymer matrix using green-emitting CsPbBr3 NCs as templates and iodododecane as an iodine source. Moreover, a simple and efficient route to photo-assisted termination of the anion exchange reaction in the polymer composite after reaching desired optical properties is demonstrated. The findings allow the authors to pattern a thin composite film with an ultrashort UV laser resulting in a selective generation of green- and red-emitting features with a 15 µm resolution