178 research outputs found

    Preparation and investigation of the heterogeneous systems, containing highly dispersed components

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    The results of the investigation of the different materials containing highly dispersed substances are reported. The following materials, in-cluding colloidal, supported and fibrous regulators of intraballistic char-acteristics of composite solid propellents; X-ray contrast neutron-capturing magnetic liquid for radiation examinations, neutron-capture therapy of malignant neoplasms and X-ray diagnostics; magnetoabrasive tools combining high magnetic, cutting and abrasive characteristics; magnetic sorbents for the purification of the waste water of the industrial enterprises; antifriction and antiwear additives to mineral oils; developers for latent fingerprint visualization on wet, greasy and adhesive surfaces; different gas-generating systems for sickness diagnostics; silver and silver/palladium powders for conducting pasters are consid-ered. The preparative peculiarities of the interphase synthesis and the properties of the nanosized metals and their compounds obtained by this method are discussed. The state (sediment, film, colloidal solution) and the phase of the reaction product's localization (organic, water or inter-face) is shown to depend on such factors as the nature, concentration and ratio of the reagents, reaction temperature, volume of the phases and in-terface area. The properties of the formed metals and their compounds are differ from one's of the corresponding substances precipitated from the homogeneous (aqueous) solutions

    The Influence of Ultrasound and Ultraviolet Irradiation on the Nanocomposite Calcium Phosphate-Polymeric Gel

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    An influence of high-intensive ultrasound and ultraviolet (UV) irradiation on the nanocomposite calcium phosphate-polymeric gels has been investigated. The action of UV light leads to a significant increase in shear stress and viscosity of hydroxyapatite (HA) / polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) gel while HA / sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (Na-CMC) gel is insensitive to the UV action. Ultrasonic treatment of HA / PVA gel plays an important role only at small shear rates. UV treatment of HA / Na-CMC gel has no effect on its structure and can be used for low temperature UV sterilization. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3546


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    The novel stabilizing ligand, 5-mercaptotetrazole-1-acetic acid, has been applied for a simple synthesis of noble metal nanoparticles in the aqueous medium. This method is based on the reduction of metal salts in water in the presence of available 5-mercaptotetrazole-1-acetic acid. The interaction of the nanoparticle surface with the ligand has been investigated. According to quantum chemical calculations, the most stable structure has been realized when the capping ligand binds with the surface of nanoparticles through both sulphur and nitrogen N4 atoms. Free carboxyl groups provide good redissolvation in water.Obtained particles are attractive as precursors for catalysts, as well as biologically active systems with antibacterial and fungicidal properties.Предложен простой способ получения устойчивых в воде золей серебра, золота и палладия в присутствии динатриевой соли меркаптотетразол-1-ил уксусной кислоты (МТУК), выступающей в качестве стабилизатора. Исследовано взаимодействие частицы и стабилизатора, на основании квантовохимических расчетов предложена модель адсорбции оболочки на поверхность частиц. Установлено, что наиболее устойчивой является структура, при которой взаимодействие между поверхностью частицы и стабилизатором осуществляется при одновременном взаимодействии серы и атома азота N4 МТУК, при этом свободная карбоксильная группа обеспечивает хорошую диспергируемость частиц в воде.Полученные частицы представляют интерес для создания катализаторов и биологически активных систем, проявляющих антибактериальные и фунгицидные свойства

    Синтез и строение тетразолсодержащих оснований Шиффа

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    A method for synthesis of tetrazole containing Schiff bases, the promising chelating agents, has been developed. The method is based on salicylic aldehyde reaction with N-substituted 5-aminotetrazoles. The prepared Schiff bases have been characterized by NMR and IR spectroscopy. The electron and molecular structure of compounds synthesized have been also studied by quantum-chemical calculations.На основе N-замещенных 5-аминотетразолов и салицилового альдегида разработаны простые методы получения тетразолсодержащих оснований Шиффа - перспективных хелатирующих лигандов в реакциях комплексообразования с ионами металлов. С использованием методов ЯМР- и ИК-спектроскопии, а также квантовохимических расчетов изучены состав и некоторые физико-химические характеристики полученных соединений