10 research outputs found

    Kauppa, verkosto ja kaapparisota : turkulaisen kirkonmiehen Paavali Scheelin ja Danzigin porvarin Hans Chonnertin kauppayhteydet 1509–1516

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    Työ on tapaustutkimus turkulaisen arkkidiakonin ja tuomiorovastin Paavali Scheelin ja Danzigin porvarin Hans Chonnertin sekä tämän pojan Hans Chonnert nuoremman kaupankäynnistä ja kaupan organisaatiosta. Työn pääasiallisena lähdeaineistona on käytetty Paavali Scheelin kirjekokoelmaa vuosilta 1509–1516. Suomen keskiajan lähteiden joukossa ainutlaatuinen kirjekokoelma mahdollistaa henkilötasolle ulottuvan tarkastelun sekä kaupassa ja henkilöverkostossa ilmenevien muutosten seuraamisen. Kirjekokoelman ohella on käytetty laajasti muita Itämeren piirin editoituja aikalaislähteitä. Aineiston lähiluvulla on hahmoteltu Scheelin ja Chonnertin kauppaverkosto: kaupan kannalta keskeiset henkilösuhteet ja henkilösuhteiden merkitys kaupassa. Verkoston kannalta olennaista on henkilöiden erilaisten roolien erottelu sekä kauppiaan, laivurin, lähetin ja velallisen roolien merkitys kauppaverkostossa. Scheelin ja Chonnertin kauppakontaktit osuvat osittain samalle ajalle Itämerellä 1500-luvun alussa käytyjen sotien kanssa. Tanskan ja Ruotsin unionikiistat sekä Tanskan ja Lyypekin (hansan) väliset kauppakiistat johtivat 1500-luvun alussa monivuotisiin sotiin, joiden yhteisenä piirteenä oli kaapparitoiminta vastustajan rannikoilla ja Itämeren keskeisillä kauppareiteillä. Itämeren kaapparisota muodostaa Scheelin ja Chonnertin kauppaverkoston kontekstin vuosina 1509–1512. Kaapparisodan loppuminen vuonna 1512 mahdollistaa Scheelin ja Chonnertin kauppaverkoston sodan- ja rauhanajan organisaation ja toiminnan vertailun. Scheelin ja Chonnertin kauppaverkoston ytimen muodosti pieni kauppiaiden ydinjoukko, johon kuului Turussa sekä kirkonmiehiä että porvareita. Ydinjoukon toiminta perustui luottamukseen, luottoihin, henkilökohtaisiin ystävyyssuhteisiin ja tiiviiseen informaation vaihtoon kirjeitse tai lähettien välityksellä. Vaikka purjehdus oli kaupankäynnin elinehto, laivureiden rooli kauppaverkostossa oli toissijainen. Sodan loppuminen Itämerellä johti laivureiden täydelliseen vaihtumiseen vuosien 1512–1513 aikana. Kauppaverkoston ydinryhmä sen sijaan säilyi samana, ja sen yhteistoiminta tiivistyi. Laajemmassa kontekstissa tapaustutkimus johtaa kolmeen päätelmään: 1) Paavali Scheelin omissa nimissään käymä kauppa oli normaali osa Turun tuomiokapitulin toimintaa; 2) turkulaiset kirkonmiehet ja porvarit tekivät kaupan saralla pitkälle menevää yhteistyötä, ja heidän kauppaverkostonsa olivat kytköksissä toisiinsa; 3) tanskalaisten monivuotinen kaapparitoiminta ei estänyt kaupankäyntiä Turun ja Danzigin välillä

    Avauksia kirjetutkimukseen

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    Arvosteltu teos: Kirjeet ja historiantutkimus / toimittaneet Maarit Leskelä-Kärki, Anu Lahtinen & Kirsi Vainio-Korhonen. [Helsinki] : Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2011

    Songs and Writings : Oral and Literary Cultures in Early-Modern Finland

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    Laulut ja kirjoitukset: suullinen ja kirjallinen kulttuuri uuden ajan alun Suomessa (Songs and writings: oral and literary culture in early-modern Finland) has been written at the crossroads of historical and folkloristic studies. Our purpose is to study the interface of literary and oral cultures in early modern Finland, focusing on the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The book renews the understanding of exchange between the learned culture of clergymen and the culture of commoners, or “folk”. What happened when the Reformation changed the position of the vernacular language to literary and ecclesiastical, and when folk beliefs seem to have become an object for more intensive surveillance and correction? How did clergymen understand and use the versatile labels of popular belief, paganism, superstition and Catholic fermentation? Why did they choose particular song languages, poetic modes and melodies for their Lutheran hymns and literary poems, and why did they avoid oral poetics in certain contexts while accentuating it in others? How were the hagiographical traditions representing the international medieval literary or “great” tradition adapted to “small” folk traditions, and how did they persist and change after the Reformation? What happened to the cult of the Virgin Mary in local oral traditions? This book studies the relations and mutual influences of oral and literary cultures in Finland during the long period stretching from late Middle Ages to the nineteenth century. The Reformation, the process of turning vernacular languages into literary ones, the rise of new early-modern territorial principalities, and the reorganisation of the whole Baltic Sea area in the sixteenth century and after all affected both people’s everyday lives and the spheres of the sacred. The learned elites became interested in folk beliefs and practices as they started to argue about and order their own religious practices in a new way. Lutheran congregational singing spread from the German area to the northern Baltic Sea regions. The first Finnish sixteenth-century reformers admired the new Germanic models and avoided the Finnic vernacular Kalevala-metre idiom, while their successors picked up many vernacular traits, most notably alliteration, in their ecclesiastical poetry and hymns. Over the following centuries, the new features introduced via new Lutheran hymns such as accentual metres, end-rhymes and strophic structures were infusing into oral folk poetry, although this took place also via secular oral and literary routes. On the other hand, seventeenth-century scholars cultivated a new academic interest in what they understood as “ancient Finnish poetry”. The main source materials studied in this book are from the Reformation period and immediately after, when Finnish clergymen wrote their first comments and depictions of folk beliefs and worked to create Lutheran hymns in Finnish, and also largely from the nineteenth century, when most Finnish folk poetry and older oral traditions were collected. These later folklore materials are used here to shed light on the transformations of folk beliefs and poetic forms during the centuries that followed the Reformation. The emphasis is on the areas which formed the old medieval diocese of Turku (Swedish Åbo) or what the Swedish rulers called the province of Österland (Lat. Osterlandia, later Finlandia) west from the border of Nöteborg (Finnish Pähkinäsaari) between Sweden and the Grand Duchy of Novgorod in 1323. In addition, some other sources, especially from the Finnic and Scandinavian areas, are used as comparative material.Peer reviewe

    Laulut ja kirjoitukset: Suullinen ja kirjallinen kulttuuri uuden ajan alun Suomessa

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    "Songs and writings: oral and literary cultures in early-modern Finland renews the understanding of exchange between the learned culture of clergymen and the culture of commoners, or “folk”. What happened when the Reformation changed the position of the oral vernacular language to literary and ecclesiastical, and when folk beliefs seem to have become an object for more intensive surveillance and correction? How did clergymen understand and use the versatile labels of popular belief, paganism, superstition and Catholic fermentation? Why did they choose particular song languages, poetic modes and melodies for their Lutheran hymns and literary poems, and why did they avoid oral poetics in certain contexts while accentuating it in others? How were the hagiographical traditions representing the international medieval literary or “great” tradition adapted to “small” folk traditions, and how did they persist and change after the Reformation? What happened to the cult of the Virgin Mary in local oral traditions? The first Finnish 16th-century reformers admired the new Germanic models of Lutheran congregational hymns and avoided the Finnic vernacular Kalevala-metre idiom, while their successors picked up many vernacular traits, most notably alliteration, in their ecclesiastical poetry and hymns. Over the following centuries, the new features introduced via new Lutheran hymns such as accentual metres, end-rhymes and strophic structures were infusing into oral folk poetry, although this took place also via secular oral and literary routes. On the other hand, seventeenth-century scholars cultivated a new academic interest in what they understood as “ancient Finnish poetry”. The book has an extensive English Summary for the international readership.

    Toimittajakannan- ja suhteiden hallintamenetelmät rakennusteollisuudessa

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    Rakennusyritysten hankinnoilla on 60-80 prosentin osuus rakennushankkeiden kustannuksista. Tämän vuoksi hankintojen onnistuminen vaikuttaa merkittävästi hankkeen taloudelliseen ja ajalliseen lopputulokseen. Yritystasolta lähtevällä hankintojen kehittämisellä voidaan vaikuttaa välittömien kustannussäästöjen lisäksi myös välillisesti koko yrityksen kustannusrakenteeseen ja kannattavuuteen. Keväällä 2000 NCC Finlandin tekemän esitutkimuksen mukaan yrityksen hankintojen tärkeimmät kehitysalueet olivat toimittajakannan hallinta ja pysyvien pitkäaikaisten toimittajasuhteiden rakentaminen sekä näiden liittäminen tuotannon kokonaishallintaan. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kehittää NCC Finlandille pitkäaikaiseen toimittajayhteistyöhön perustuva hankinnan toimintamalli. Tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi NCC Finlandin toimittajat luokiteltiin käytettävän toimittajayhteistyön perusteella ja kuvattiin eri hankintaprosessit erilaisille toimittajayhteistyömalleille. NCC Finland jakaa hankintojen toteuttamisen kolmelle tasolle: Hankintatoimen kehittämiseen, yritystasolla tehtävään strategiseen hankintaan ja projektikohtaiseen hankintojen hoitamiseen. Tämän vuoksi NCC Finlandin hankintatoimi on jaettava strategiseen hankintaan ja operatiivisiin toimintoihin. Keskeisimmiksi tuloksiksi osoittautuivat pitkäaikaisten yhteistyökumppaneiden ja tärkeimpien tuoteryhmien valintamenettely sekä toimintatavat NCC Finlandin käyttämien toimittajien suorituskyvyn parantamiseksi. Kehitettyä hankinnan toimintamallia testattiin puualumiini-ikkunatoimittajan kanssa. Testauksen avulla varmistettiin hankinnan toimintamallin soveltuvuus käytäntöön. Lisäksi testauksen avulla voitiin arvioida toimittajan saamia hyötyjä yhteistyön aloittamisesta NCC Finlandin kanssa

    Avauksia kirjetutkimukseen

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    Implementation of Line-of-Balance Based Scheduling and Project Control System in a Large Construction Company

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    Line-of-Balance has been successfully used as the principal scheduling tool in large construction companies in Finland. It has been utilized to improve the production flow in the projects. The problem in full-scale utilization was that there hasn't been a comprehensive Line-of-Balance software tool in the market. In international literature the usual view has been that the Line-of-Balance is only suited for highly repetitive routine construction. However, regardless of the difficulty of project, the main activities are the same in every project. In this paper it will be shown that resource-based Line-of-Balance can be successfully implemented as the main scheduling tool of a large company if there is an easy-to-use software tool to support the implementation. Many of the possible applications and benefits of the Line-of-Balance have not been realized before the development of a commercial software tool, DYNAProject™. With DYNAProject the quality of schedules can be checked, the schedule risks can be analyzed,the project flow can be systematically controlled and control actions can be graphically evaluated and optimized. Line-of-Balance is used for planning but the familiar Gantt Chart can also be printed out. NCC, a large contractor in Finland, was one of the pilot companies of the development project. NCC has started a large-scale implementation project with DYNAProject which has resulted in significant improvement in the quality of schedules. DYNAProject is the first computer tool which makes possible the systematic controlling of the schedule. The challenges of implementation included the difficulty of embracing new thinking in planning and controlling projects and how to systematically utilize the cost estimation data in schedules. In the long run, the anticipated benefits include minimizing the risk level of the projects, increasing the quality of service to the customer and optimizing the logistics of the project.Peer reviewe

    Scaling limits for random fields with long-range dependence

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    This paper studies the limits of a spatial random field generated by uniformly scattered random sets, as the density λ\lambda of the sets grows to infinity and the mean volume ρ\rho of the sets tends to zero. Assuming that the volume distribution has a regularly varying tail with infinite variance, we show that the centered and renormalized random field can have three different limits, depending on the relative speed at which λ\lambda and ρ\rho are scaled. If λ\lambda grows much faster than ρ\rho shrinks, the limit is Gaussian with long-range dependence, while in the opposite case, the limit is independently scattered with infinite second moments. In a special intermediate scaling regime, there exists a nontrivial limiting random field that is not stable.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009117906000000700 in the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Laulut ja kirjoitukset: Suullinen ja kirjallinen kulttuuri uuden ajan alun Suomessa

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    "Songs and writings: oral and literary cultures in early-modern Finland renews the understanding of exchange between the learned culture of clergymen and the culture of commoners, or “folk”. What happened when the Reformation changed the position of the oral vernacular language to literary and ecclesiastical, and when folk beliefs seem to have become an object for more intensive surveillance and correction? How did clergymen understand and use the versatile labels of popular belief, paganism, superstition and Catholic fermentation? Why did they choose particular song languages, poetic modes and melodies for their Lutheran hymns and literary poems, and why did they avoid oral poetics in certain contexts while accentuating it in others? How were the hagiographical traditions representing the international medieval literary or “great” tradition adapted to “small” folk traditions, and how did they persist and change after the Reformation? What happened to the cult of the Virgin Mary in local oral traditions? The first Finnish 16th-century reformers admired the new Germanic models of Lutheran congregational hymns and avoided the Finnic vernacular Kalevala-metre idiom, while their successors picked up many vernacular traits, most notably alliteration, in their ecclesiastical poetry and hymns. Over the following centuries, the new features introduced via new Lutheran hymns such as accentual metres, end-rhymes and strophic structures were infusing into oral folk poetry, although this took place also via secular oral and literary routes. On the other hand, seventeenth-century scholars cultivated a new academic interest in what they understood as “ancient Finnish poetry”. The book has an extensive English Summary for the international readership.