631 research outputs found

    Means for phase locking the outputs of a surface emitting laser diode array

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    An array of diode lasers, either a two-dimensional array of surface emitting lasers, or a linear array of stripe lasers, is phase locked by a diode laser through a hologram which focuses the output of the diode laser into a set of distinct, spatially separated beams, each one focused onto the back facet of a separate diode laser of the array. The outputs of the diode lasers thus form an emitted coherent beam out of the front of the array

    Research study of Beta Cephei variable stars using data from OAO-2

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    Photometric data from the Wisconsin Experiment package on OAO-2 were obtained for six Beta Cephei variable stars. The data were reduced in accordance with the OAO 2/Wisconsin Experiment Package Photometer Users Guide. For delta Cet and gamma Peg, there were enough data points to form reliable composite light curves at seven or eight ultraviolet wavelengths. The light curves are well represented by sine waves in phase with the blue light curve for each star. The amplitude of the light variation increases with shorter wavelengths. For theta Oph, epsilon Cen, eta Sco, and Lambda Sco, mean magnitudes and light ranges were obtained at several ultraviolet wavelengths. No significant differences were found between the mean, de-reddened ultraviolet colors of the observed stars, and the mean values for standard stars computed by Bottemiller. An attempt to derive a temperature scale from a comparison of the observed ultraviolet colors with Kurucz models was unsuccessful

    Matematización : la necesidad "real" de la fluidez en las representaciones

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    Este artículo se ha escrito como reacción al de Luis Rico y otros, acerca de los “Sistemas de representación y aprendizaje de estructuras numéricas”

    Mode identification in Beta Cephei stars

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    The essential observational characteristics related to mode identification are summarized. Major emphasis is placed on the following: both light and velocity amplitudes; typical periods in both light and radial velocity; the light curve for Beta Cephei stars in comparison to the classical Cepheids and RR Lyrae stars; the van Hoof effect with respect to the radial velocity curves in many Beta Cephei stars; and the line profiles of many Beta Cephei stars

    A cost-performance model for ground-based optical communications receiving telescopes

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    An analytical cost-performance model for a ground-based optical communications receiving telescope is presented. The model considers costs of existing telescopes as a function of diameter and field of view. This, coupled with communication performance as a function of receiver diameter and field of view, yields the appropriate telescope cost versus communication performance curve

    A simple method for designing or analyzing an optical communication link

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    A simple method is described for determining the performance of a free space optical communication link. The method can be used either in the system design (synthesis) mode or in the performance evaluation (analysis) mode. Although restricted to photo counting based detection of pulse position modulated signals, the method is still sufficiently general to accommodate space-based, as well as ground-based, reception

    Guest Editor's Prologue: Special Section on Communications Over Nonlinear Channels

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    If power is abundant and components are ideal, communication using all linear components may be achievable. However, in most practical communication systems, power is severely limited and the inefficiencies associated with actual linear power amplifier stages are intolerable. For these reasons, most communication systems employ highly nonlinear power amplifiers. Whether the resulting channel is linear or non-linear depends on ones definition of the channel. If the channel is defined as being from the input of the transmitter to the output of the demodulator at the receiver, the channel is clearly nonlinear, even through the electromagnetic channel may be completely linear

    Velocity fields and spectrum peculiarities in Beta Cephei stars

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    The acquisition of short wavelength spectra of Beta Cephei variable stars from the International Ultraviolet Explorer is reported. A total of 122 images of 10 variable stars and 3 comparison stars were obtained. All of the images were observed in the high dispersion mode through a small aperture. The development of image processing methods is also briefly discussed

    An overview of the Galileo Optical Experiment (GOPEX)

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    Uplink optical communication to a deep-space vehicle was demonstrated. In the Galileo Optical Experiment (GOPEX), optical transmissions were beamed to the Galileo spacecraft by Earth-based transmitters at the Table Mountain Facility (TMF), California, and Starfire Optical Range (SOR), New Mexico. The demonstration took place over an eight-day period (9 Dec. through 16 Dec. 1992) as Galileo receded from Earth on its way to Jupiter, and covered ranges from 1-6 million km. At 6 million km (15 times the Earth-Moon distance), the laser beam transmitted from TMF eight days after Earth flyby covered the longest known range for transmission and detection

    LaserCom System Architecture With Reduced Complexity

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    Spatial acquisition and precision beam pointing functions are critical to spaceborne laser communication systems. In the present invention a single high bandwidth CCD detector is used to perform both spatial acquisition and tracking functions. Compared to previous lasercom hardware design, the array tracking concept offers reduced system complexity by reducing the number of optical elements in the design. Specifically, the design requires only one detector and one beam steering mechanism. It also provides means to optically close the point-ahead control loop. The technology required for high bandwidth array tracking was examined and shown to be consistent with current state of the art. The single detector design can lead to a significantly reduced system complexity and a lower system cost