659 research outputs found

    Giant defect emission enhancement from ZnO nanowires through desulfurization process.

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    Zinc oxide (ZnO) is a stable, direct bandgap semiconductor emitting in the UV with a multitude of technical applications. It is well known that ZnO emission can be shifted into the green for visible light applications through the introduction of defects. However, generating consistent and efficient green emission through this process is challenging, particularly given that the chemical or atomic origin of the green emission in ZnO is still under debate. In this work we present a new method, for which we coin term desulfurization, for creating green emitting ZnO with significantly enhanced quantum efficiency. Solution grown ZnO nanowires are partially converted to ZnS, then desulfurized back to ZnO, resulting in a highly controlled concentration of oxygen defects as determined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and electron paramagnetic resonance. Using this controlled placement of oxygen vacancies we observe a greater than 40-fold enhancement of integrated emission intensity and explore the nature of this enhancement through low temperature photoluminescence experiments

    ZnO Nanowires, Nanotubes, and Complex Hierarchical Structures Obtained by Electrochemical Deposition

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    Increasing the aspect ratio of ZnO nanostructures is one possible strategy to improve their thermoelectric properties. ZnO nanostructures with one-dimensional (1D) and three-dimensional (3D) morphologies were obtained using electrochemical deposition. Adjusting various deposition parameters made it possible to obtain arrays of vertically aligned ZnO nanowires (NWs) with controlled dimensions, density, and electrical properties. The concentrations of zinc or chloride ions in the solution were found to be key parameters. ZnO NWs were transformed into ZnO nanotubes (NTs), with an increased aspect ratio compared with the NWs, by selectively dissolving the core of the ZnO NWs in a concentrated KCl solution. The aspect ratio was strongly increased when the ZnO NWs were hierarchically organized in a 3D morphology. The synthesis of thin films composed of ordered hollow urchin-like ZnO NW structures was performed by combining the electrochemical deposition and polystyrene sphere templating methods. The electronic properties of the urchin-like ZnO structures were investigated by means of photoluminescence and transmission measurement

    Leaky mode analysis of luminescent thin films: the case of ZnO on sapphire

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    Zinc oxide (ZnO) epitaxial thin films grown on c-sapphire substrates by pulsed laser deposition were investigated using angle and polarization-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy. Side-emission spectra differed significantly from surface-emission spectra in exhibiting dominant, narrow, polarization-resolved peaks. These spectral features were attributed to leaky substrate modes in the layers. Observations were first verified using transmission calculations with non-adjustable parameters, which took into account the dispersion, the anisotropy of the ZnO refractive index and the dependence on film thickness. Results were consistent with Fabry-Perot-like interference being the origin of the distinctive ZnO luminescence observed at grazing incidence angles. A second analysis, based on the source terms method, was used in order to retrieve the bulk emission properties, including the wavelength-dependent quantum yield and the emission anisotropy. While ZnO thin films were considered here, this analysis method can be extended to any luminescent thin film of similar geometry, demonstrating the potential of leaky mode analysis for probing passive and active material properties

    Air and Vacuum Annealing Effect on the Highly Conducting and Transparent Properties of the Undoped Zinc Oxide Thin Films Prepared by DC Magnetron Sputtering

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    In this study, we aim to investigate the effect of zinc interstitials (Zni) and oxygen vacancies (VO) on the ZnO electrical conductivity. ZnO films were synthesized via DC magnetron sputtering process using pure Zn target in gases mixture of Ar/O2 = 80/17.5 (sccm). In order to improve the optical and electrical prosperities, the obtained films were subjected to air and vacuum annealing treatment. Several techniques such as field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction (GIXRD), Raman spectroscopy, photoluminescence spectroscopy (PL) and UV-visible were used to study the influence of heat treatment on structural and physical properties of ZnO films. Electrical conductivity of ZnO thin films was determined by measuring the sheet resistance and thickness of the films.  XRD results confirm the synthesis of annealed ZnO films of the hexagonal structure with a preferential orientation along the (002) plane. The average crystallite size is altered between 22.6 to 28.4 nm dependent on the plan orientation of the ZnO film. Morphology and crystallinity of the ZnO structure could efficiently control the transmittance, electrical resistivity and optical band gap. As deposited ZnO film showed a lower electrical resistivity of 2.72×10-3 Ωcm due to the Zn-rich conditions. Under vacuum annealing, a combination of low resistivity (1.17×10-2 Ωcm) and better optical transmittance (87 %) are obtained. ZnO films developed in this study with high transmittance and low resistivity and good electro-optical quality supports their use in transparent and conductive electrode applications. The plan presentation was visualized using Vesta, with the lattice parameter set as follows: a = b = 3.249 Å; c = 5.207 Å; α = β = 90°; γ = 120°. Based on the construction and optimization of primitive cells, the supercells were constructed and then optimized. Finally, (002) and (103) planes were cut and the planar supercell structure was constructed. In order to make a plane representation for the solid bulk with 10 Å of thickness

    Qualitätsmanagement und Social Media

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    Basierend auf den technischen Entwicklungen des Internets in den letzten Jahren nimmt die Nutzung sowohl im privaten als auch im geschäftlichen Bereich ständig zu. Durch seine zunehmend bessere Unterstützung der Prozessabläufe in Organisationen steigt die Nachfrage nach Lösungen für verschiedene Querschnittsfunktionen, wie beispielsweise der Dokumentationspflichten im Qualitätsmanagement. Im Rahmen dieses Beitrages wird ein Ansatz aufgezeigt, wie sich moderne Techniken aus dem Bereich des Social Media nutzen lassen, um Qualitätsmanagement-Handbücher zu erstellen und das Leben dieser Inhalte zu intensivieren. Ein besonderes Augenmerk liegt dabei auf der Zusammenarbeit aller Mitarbeiter einer Organisation

    Large Co cluster deposition on naturally and artificially patterned substrates

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    Monodispersed Co clusters with mean cluster diameter d=13 nm have been deposited on a stepped graphite surface and a lithography-patterned Si wafer using a plasma-gas-condensation cluster beam deposition apparatus. High-resolution scanning electron microscope observation indicates that 1) cluster aggregation is much more limited at the steps than on the flat terrace regions of the graphite surface, and 2) cluster density is much higher in the grooves than on the flat top of the lithography-patterned Si wafers. These results suggest the possibility of the regular arrangement of monodispersed Co clusters if the pattern size (the width of grooves and tops) is comparable with the cluster size

    P2X7 Receptor Promotes Mouse Mammary Cancer Cell Invasiveness and Tumour Progression, and Is a Target for Anticancer Treatment

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    The P2X7 receptor is an ATP-gated cation channel with a still ambiguous role in cancer progression, proposed to be either pro- or anti-cancerous, depending on the cancer or cell type in the tumour. Its role in mammary cancer progression is not yet defined. Here, we show that P2X7 receptor is functional in highly aggressive mammary cancer cells, and induces a change in cell morphology with fast F-actin reorganization and formation of filopodia, and promotes cancer cell invasiveness through both 2- and 3-dimensional extracellular matrices in vitro. Furthermore, P2X7 receptor sustains Cdc42 activity and the acquisition of a mesenchymal phenotype. In an immunocompetent mouse mammary cancer model, we reveal that the expression of P2X7 receptor in cancer cells, but not in the host mice, promotes tumour growth and metastasis development, which were reduced by treatment with specific P2X7 antagonists. Our results demonstrate that P2X7 receptor drives mammary tumour progression and represents a pertinent target for mammary cancer treatment

    Nanostructuration contrôllée à grande échelle : surfaces et films minces associées

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