1,086 research outputs found

    Exceptional SW Geometry from ALE Fibrations

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    We show that the genus 34 Seiberg-Witten curve underlying N=2N=2 Yang-Mills theory with gauge group E6E_6 yields physically equivalent results to the manifold obtained by fibration of the E6E_6 ALE singularity. This reconciles a puzzle raised by N=2N=2 string duality

    Quartic Gauge Couplings from K3 Geometry

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    We show how certain F^4 couplings in eight dimensions can be computed using the mirror map and K3 data. They perfectly match with the corresponding heterotic one-loop couplings, and therefore this amounts to a successful test of the conjectured duality between the heterotic string on T^2 and F-theory on K3. The underlying quantum geometry appears to be a 5-fold, consisting of a hyperk"ahler 4-fold fibered over a IP^1 base. The natural candidate for this fiber is the symmetric product Sym^2(K3). We are lead to this structure by analyzing the implications of higher powers of E_2 in the relevant Borcherds counting functions, and in particular the appropriate generalizations of the Picard-Fuchs equations for the K3.Comment: 32 p, harvmac; One footnote on page 11 extended; results unchanged; Version subm. to ATM

    Prepotentials from Symmetric Products

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    We investigate the prepotential that describes certain F^4 couplings in eight dimensional string compactifications, and show how they can be computed from the solutions of inhomogenous differential equations. These appear to have the form of the Picard-Fuchs equations of a fibration of Sym^2(K3) over P^1. Our findings give support to the conjecture that the relevant geometry which underlies these couplings is given by a five-fold.Comment: 19p, harvmac; One sign in eq. (A.2) change

    Extended N=2 Superconformal Structure of Gravity and W-Gravity Coupled to Matter

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    We show that almost all string theories, including the bosonic string, the superstring and WW-string theories, possess a twisted N=2 superconformal symmetry. This enables us to establish a connection between topological gravity and the field theoretical description of matter coupled to gravity. We also show how the \brs operators of the WnW_n-string can be obtained by hamiltonian reduction of SL(n∣n−1)SL(n|n-1). The tachyonic and ground ring states of WW-strings are described in the light of the N=2 superconformal structure, and the ground ring generators for the non-critical W3W_3-string are explicitly constructed. The relationship to G/GG/G models and quantum integrable systems is also briefly described.Comment: 48 page

    N=1 Special Geometry, Mixed Hodge Variations and Toric Geometry

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    We study the superpotential of a certain class of N=1 supersymmetric type II compactifications with fluxes and D-branes. We show that it has an important two-dimensional meaning in terms of a chiral ring of the topologically twisted theory on the world-sheet. In the open-closed string B-model, this chiral ring is isomorphic to a certain relative cohomology group V, which is the appropriate mathematical concept to deal with both the open and closed string sectors. The family of mixed Hodge structures on V then implies for the superpotential to have a certain geometric structure. This structure represents a holomorphic, N=1 supersymmetric generalization of the well-known N=2 special geometry. It defines an integrable connection on the topological family of open-closed B-models, and a set of special coordinates on the space \cal M of vev's in N=1 chiral multiplets. We show that it can be given a very concrete and simple realization for linear sigma models, which leads to a powerful and systematic method for computing the exact non-perturbative N=1 superpotentials for a broad class of toric D-brane geometries.Comment: 40p, harvmac-

    Holomorphic N=1 Special Geometry of Open--Closed Type II Strings

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    We outline a general geometric structure that underlies the N=1 superpotentials of a certain class of flux and brane configurations in type II string compactifications on Calabi-Yau threefolds. This ``holomorphic N=1 special geometry'' is in many respects comparable to, and in a sense an extension of, the familiar special geometry in N=2 supersymmetric type II string compactifications. It puts the computation of the instanton-corrected superpotential W of the four-dimensional N=1 string effective action on a very similar footing as the familiar computation of the N=2 prepotential F via mirror symmetry. In this note we present some of the main ideas and results, while more details as well as some explicit computations will appear in a companion paperComment: 18 pages, harvmac (b), no figure

    Heterotic/type I duality, D-instantons and an N=2 AdS/CFT correspondence

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    D-instanton effects are studied for the IIB orientifold T^2/I\Omega(-1)^{F_L} of Sen using type I/heterotic duality. An exact one loop threshold calculation of t_8 \tr F^4 and t_8(\tr F^2)^2 terms for the heterotic string on T^2 with Wilson lines breaking SO(32) to SO(8)^4 is related to D-instanton induced terms in the worldvolume of D7 branes in the orientifold. Introducing D3 branes and using the AdS/CFT correspondence in this case, these terms are used to calculate Yang-Mills instanton contributions to four point functions of the large N_c limit of N=2 USp(2N_c) SYM with four fundamental and one antisymmetric tensor hypermultiplets.Comment: 25 pages, harvmac(b), one figure, v2: minor changes, version to appear in PR

    New Symmetries of Supersymmetric Effective Lagrangians

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    We consider the structure of effective lagrangians describing the low-energy dynamics of supersymmetric theories in which a global symmetry GG is spontaneously broken to a subgroup HH while supersymmetry is unbroken. In accordance with the supersymmetric Goldstone theorem, these lagrangians contain Nambu--Goldstone superfields associated with a coset space Gc/H^G^c / \hat{H}, where GcG^c is the complexification of GG and H^\hat{H} is the largest subgroup of GcG^c that leaves the order parameter invariant. The lagrangian may also contain additional light matter fields. To analyze the effective lagrangian for the matter fields, we first consider the case where the effective lagrangian is obtained by integrating out heavy modes at weak coupling (but including non-perturbative effects such as instantons). We show that the superpotential of the matter fields is H^\hat{H} invariant, which can give rise to non-trivial relations among independent HH-invariants in the superpotential. We also show that the Kahler potential of the matter fields can be restricted by a remnant of H^\hat{H} symmetry. These results are non-perturbative and have a simple group-theoretic interpretation. When we relax the weak-coupling constraint, there appear to be additional possibilities for the action of H^\hat{H} on the matter fields, hinting that the constraints imposed by H^\hat{H} may be even richer in strongly coupled theories.Comment: 23 pages, plain Te

    The matrix factorisations of the D-model

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    The fundamental matrix factorisations of the D-model superpotential are found and identified with the boundary states of the corresponding conformal field theory. The analysis is performed for both GSO-projections. We also comment on the relation of this analysis to the theory of surface singularities and their orbifold description.Comment: 23 pages, LaTe

    Seiberg-Witten prepotential for E-string theory and random partitions

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    We find a Nekrasov-type expression for the Seiberg-Witten prepotential for the six-dimensional non-critical E_8 string theory toroidally compactified down to four dimensions. The prepotential represents the BPS partition function of the E_8 strings wound around one of the circles of the toroidal compactification with general winding numbers and momenta. We show that our expression exhibits expected modular properties. In particular, we prove that it obeys the modular anomaly equation known to be satisfied by the prepotential.Comment: 14 page
