
N=1 Special Geometry, Mixed Hodge Variations and Toric Geometry


We study the superpotential of a certain class of N=1 supersymmetric type II compactifications with fluxes and D-branes. We show that it has an important two-dimensional meaning in terms of a chiral ring of the topologically twisted theory on the world-sheet. In the open-closed string B-model, this chiral ring is isomorphic to a certain relative cohomology group V, which is the appropriate mathematical concept to deal with both the open and closed string sectors. The family of mixed Hodge structures on V then implies for the superpotential to have a certain geometric structure. This structure represents a holomorphic, N=1 supersymmetric generalization of the well-known N=2 special geometry. It defines an integrable connection on the topological family of open-closed B-models, and a set of special coordinates on the space \cal M of vev's in N=1 chiral multiplets. We show that it can be given a very concrete and simple realization for linear sigma models, which leads to a powerful and systematic method for computing the exact non-perturbative N=1 superpotentials for a broad class of toric D-brane geometries.Comment: 40p, harvmac-

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