1,499 research outputs found

    Quantization of the N=2 Supersymmetric KdV Hierarchy

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    We continue the study of the quantization of supersymmetric integrable KdV hierarchies. We consider the N=2 KdV model based on the sl(1)(21)sl^{(1)}(2|1) affine algebra but with a new algebraic construction for the L-operator, different from the standard Drinfeld-Sokolov reduction. We construct the quantum monodromy matrix satisfying a special version of the reflection equation and show that in the classical limit, this object gives the monodromy matrix of N=2 supersymmetric KdV system. We also show that at both the classical and the quantum levels, the trace of the monodromy matrix (transfer matrix) is invariant under two supersymmetry transformations and the zero mode of the associated U(1) current.Comment: LaTeX2e, 12 page

    Scattering of Cosmic Rays by Magnetohydrodynamic Interstellar Turbulence

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    Recent advances in understanding of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence call for substantial revisions in our understanding of cosmic ray transport. In this paper we use gyroresonance recently obtained scaling laws for MHD modes to calculate the scattering frequency for cosmic rays in the ISM. We consider gyroresonance with MHD modes (Alfvenic, slow and fast) and transit-time damping (TTD) by fast modes. We conclude that the gyroresonance with fast modes is the dominant contribution to cosmic ray scattering for the typical interstellar conditions. In contrast to earlier studies, we find that Alfvenic and slow modes are inefficient because they are far from isotropy usually assumed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Phys. Rev. Lett. in press, minor change

    Calculations for Mirror Symmetry with D-branes

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    We study normal functions capturing D-brane superpotentials on several one- and two-parameter Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces and complete intersections in weighted projective space. We calculate in the B-model and interpret the results using mirror symmetry in the large volume regime, albeit without identifying the precise A-model geometry in all cases. We identify new classes of extensions of Picard-Fuchs equations, as well as a novel type of topology changing phase transition involving quantum D-branes. A 4-d domain wall which is obtained in one region of closed string moduli space from wrapping a four-chain interpolating between two Lagrangian submanifolds is, for other values of the parameters, represented by a disk ending on a single Lagrangian.Comment: 42 page

    Impact of minority concentration on fundamental (H)D ICRF heating performance in JET-ILW

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    ITER will start its operation with non-activated hydrogen and helium plasmas at a reduced magnetic field of B-0 = 2.65 T. In hydrogen plasmas, the two ion cyclotron resonance frequency (ICRF) heating schemes available for central plasma heating (fundamental H majority and 2nd harmonic He-3 minority ICRF heating) are likely to suffer from relatively low RF wave absorption, as suggested by numerical modelling and confirmed by previous JET experiments conducted in conditions similar to those expected in ITER's initial phase. With He-4 plasmas, the commonly adopted fundamental H minority heating scheme will be used and its performance is expected to be much better. However, one important question that remains to be answered is whether increased levels of hydrogen (due to e. g. H pellet injection) jeopardize the high performance usually observed with this heating scheme, in particular in a full-metal environment. Recent JET experiments performed with the ITER-likewall shed some light onto this question and the main results concerning ICRF heating performance in L-mode discharges are summarized here

    Non-linear Weibel-type Soliton Modes

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    Discussion is given of non-linear soliton behavior including coupling between electrostatic and electromagnetic potentials for non-relativistic, weakly relativistic, and fully relativistic plasmas. For plasma distribution functions that are independent of the canonical momenta perpendicular to the soliton spatial structure direction there are, in fact, no soliton behaviors allowed because transverse currents are zero. Dependence on the transverse canonical momenta is necessary. When such is the case, it is shown that the presence or absence of a soliton is intimately connected to the functional form assumed for the particle distribution functions. Except for simple situations, the coupled non-linear equations for the electrostatic and electromagnetic potentials would seem to require numerical solution procedures. Examples are given to illustrate all of these points for non-relativistic, weakly relativistic, and fully relativistic plasmas.Comment: Accepted for publication at Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretica

    D-brane instantons and the effective field theory of flux compactifications

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    We provide a description of the effects of fluxes on euclidean D-brane instantons purely in terms of the 4d effective action. The effect corresponds to the dressing of the effective non-perturbative 4d effective vertex with 4d flux superpotential interactions, generated when the moduli fields made massive by the flux are integrated out. The description in terms of effective field theory allows a unified description of non-perturbative effects in all flux compactifications of a given underlying fluxless model, globally in the moduli space of the latter. It also allows us to describe explicitly the effects on D-brane instantons of fluxes with no microscopic description, like non-geometric fluxes. At the more formal level, the description has interesting connections with the bulk-boundary map of open-closed two-dimensional topological string theory, and with the \NN=1 special geometry.Comment: 33 page

    Quantum cohomology of partial flag manifolds

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    We compute the quantum cohomology rings of the partial flag manifolds F_{n_1\cdots n_k}=U(n)/(U(n_1)\times \cdots \times U(n_k)). The inductive computation uses the idea of Givental and Kim. Also we define a notion of the vertical quantum cohomology ring of the algebraic bundle. For the flag bundle F_{n_1\cdots n_k}(E) associated with the vector bundle E this ring is found.Comment: 33 page

    3D simulations of gas puff effects on edge plasma and ICRF coupling in JET

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    Recent JET (ITER-Like Wall) experiments have shown that the fueling gas puffed from different locations of the vessel can result in different scrape-off layer (SOL) density profiles and therefore different radio frequency (RF) coupling. To reproduce the experimental observations, to understand the associated physics and to optimize the gas puff methods, we have carried out three-dimensional (3D) simulations with the EMC3-EIRENE code in JET-ILW including a realistic description of the vessel geometry and the gas injection modules (GIMs) configuration. Various gas puffing methods have been investigated, in which the location of gas fueling is the only variable parameter. The simulation results are in quantitative agreement with the experimental measurements. They confirm that compared to divertor gas fueling, mid-plane gas puffing increases the SOL density most significantly but locally, while top gas puffing increases it uniformly in toroidal direction but to a lower degree. Moreover, the present analysis corroborates the experimental findings that combined gas puff scenarios—based on distributed main chamber gas puffing—can be effective in increasing the RF coupling for multiple antennas simultaneously. The results indicate that the spreading of the gas, the local ionization and the transport of the ionized gas along the magnetic field lines connecting the local gas cloud in front of the GIMs to the antennas are responsible for the enhanced SOL density and thus the larger RF coupling.EURATOM 63305

    3D simulations of gas puff effects on edge plasma and ICRF coupling in JET

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    Recent JET (ITER-Like Wall) experiments have shown that the fueling gas puffed from different locations of the vessel can result in different scrape-off layer (SOL) density profiles and therefore different radio frequency (RF) coupling. To reproduce the experimental observations, to understand the associated physics and to optimize the gas puff methods, we have carried out three-dimensional (3D) simulations with the EMC3-EIRENE code in JET-ILW including a realistic description of the vessel geometry and the gas injection modules (GIMs) configuration. Various gas puffing methods have been investigated, in which the location of gas fueling is the only variable parameter. The simulation results are in quantitative agreement with the experimental measurements. They confirm that compared to divertor gas fueling, mid-plane gas puffing increases the SOL density most significantly but locally, while top gas puffing increases it uniformly in toroidal direction but to a lower degree. Moreover, the present analysis corroborates the experimental findings that combined gas puff scenarios-based on distributed main chamber gas puffing-can be effective in increasing the RF coupling for multiple antennas simultaneously. The results indicate that the spreading of the gas, the local ionization and the transport of the ionized gas along the magnetic field lines connecting the local gas cloud in front of the GIMs to the antennas are responsible for the enhanced SOL density and thus the larger RF coupling

    Bosonic Field Propagators on Algebraic Curves

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    In this paper we investigate massless scalar field theory on non-degenerate algebraic curves. The propagator is written in terms of the parameters appearing in the polynomial defining the curve. This provides an alternative to the language of theta functions. The main result is a derivation of the third kind differential normalized in such a way that its periods around the homology cycles are purely imaginary. All the physical correlation functions of the scalar fields can be expressed in terms of this object. This paper contains a detailed analysis of the techniques necessary to study field theories on algebraic curves. A simple expression of the scalar field propagator is found in a particular case in which the algebraic curves have ZnZ_n internal symmetry and one of the fields is located at a branch point.Comment: 26 pages, TeX + harvma