244 research outputs found

    Host jumps shaped the diversity of extant rust fungi (Pucciniales)

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    * The aim of this study was to determine the evolutionary time line for rust fungi and date key speciation events using a molecular clock. Evidence is provided that supports a contemporary view for a recent origin of rust fungi, with a common ancestor on a flowering plant. * Divergence times for > 20 genera of rust fungi were studied with Bayesian evolutionary analyses. A relaxed molecular clock was applied to ribosomal and mitochondrial genes, calibrated against estimated divergence times for the hosts of rust fungi, such as Acacia (Fabaceae), angiosperms and the cupressophytes. * Results showed that rust fungi shared a most recent common ancestor with a mean age between 113 and 115 million yr. This dates rust fungi to the Cretaceous period, which is much younger than previous estimations. Host jumps, whether taxonomically large or between host genera in the same family, most probably shaped the diversity of rust genera. Likewise, species diversified by host shifts (through coevolution) or via subsequent host jumps. This is in contrast to strict coevolution with their hosts. * Puccinia psidii was recovered in Sphaerophragmiaceae, a family distinct from Raveneliaceae, which were regarded as confamilial in previous studies

    Factors predicting cessation of status epilepticus in clinical practice: Data from a prospective observational registry (SENSE).

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    To investigate the initial termination rate of status epilepticus (SE) in a large observational study and explore associated variables. Data of adults treated for SE were collected prospectively in centers in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, during 4.5 years. Incident episodes of 1,049 patients were analyzed using uni- and multivariate statistics to determine factors predicting cessation of SE within 1 hour (for generalized convulsive SE [GCSE]) and 12 hours (for non-GCSE) of initiating treatment. Median age at SE onset was 70 years; most frequent etiologies were remote (32%) and acute (31%). GCSE was documented in 43%. Median latency between SE onset and first treatment was 30 minutes in GCSE and 150 minutes in non-GCSE. The first intravenous compound was a benzodiazepine in 86% in GCSE and 73% in non-GCSE. Bolus doses of the first treatment step were lower than recommended by current guidelines in 76% of GCSE patients and 78% of non-GCSE patients. In 319 GCSE patients (70%), SE was ongoing 1 hour after initiating treatment and in 342 non-GCSE patients (58%) 12 hours after initiating treatment. Multivariate Cox regression demonstrated that use of benzodiazepines as first treatment step and a higher cumulative dose of anticonvulsants within the first period of treatment were associated with shorter time to cessation of SE for both groups. In clinical practice, treatment guidelines were not followed in a substantial proportion of patients. This underdosing correlated with lack of cessation of SE. Our data suggest that sufficiently dosed benzodiazepines should be used as a first treatment step. ANN NEUROL 2019;85:421-432

    International Veterinary Epilepsy Task Force consensus proposal: Medical treatment of canine epilepsy in Europe

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    In Europe, the number of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) licensed for dogs has grown considerably over the last years. Nevertheless, the same questions remain, which include, 1) when to start treatment, 2) which drug is best used initially, 3) which adjunctive AED can be advised if treatment with the initial drug is unsatisfactory, and 4) when treatment changes should be considered. In this consensus proposal, an overview is given on the aim of AED treatment, when to start long-term treatment in canine epilepsy and which veterinary AEDs are currently in use for dogs. The consensus proposal for drug treatment protocols, 1) is based on current published evidence-based literature, 2) considers the current legal framework of the cascade regulation for the prescription of veterinary drugs in Europe, and 3) reflects the authors’ experience. With this paper it is aimed to provide a consensus for the management of canine idiopathic epilepsy. Furthermore, for the management of structural epilepsy AEDs are inevitable in addition to treating the underlying cause, if possible

    New Non-Intravenous Routes for Benzodiazepines in Epilepsy: A Clinician Perspective.

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    Benzodiazepines represent the first-line treatment for the acute management of epileptic seizures and status epilepticus. The emergency use of benzodiazepines must be timely, and because most seizures occur outside of the hospital environment, there is a significant need for delivery methods that are easy for nonclinical caregivers to use and administer quickly and safely. In addition, the ideal route of administration should be reliable in terms of absorption. Rectal diazepam is the only licensed formulation in the USA, whereas rectal diazepam and buccal midazolam are currently licensed in the EU. However, the sometimes unpredictable absorption with rectal and buccal administration means they are not ideal routes. Several alternative routes are currently being explored. This is a narrative review of data about delivery methods for benzodiazepines alternative to the intravenous and oral routes for the acute treatment of seizures. Unconventional delivery options such as direct delivery to the central nervous system or inhalers are reported. Data show that intranasal diazepam or midazolam and the intramuscular auto-injector for midazolam are as effective as rectal or intravenous diazepam. Head-to-head comparisons with buccal midazolam are urgently needed. In addition, the majority of trials focused on children and adolescents, and further trials in adults are warranted

    Uneven focal shoe deterioration in Tourette syndrome.

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    A 31-year-old single man (AB) sought neuropsychiatric consultation for treatment-resistant motor and vocal tics. He described himself expressing a total of 24 different tics, mainly facial twitches (eye blinking, raising eyebrows, mouth opening, lips licking, stereotyped grimacing) and inappropriate utterances (grunting, throat clearing, sniffing), since the age of 7. There appeared to be no family history of tic disorder. He reported occasional utterance of swear words in contextually inappropriate situations (coprolalia), and the urge to copy other people’s movements (echopraxia). Other tic-associated symptoms included self-injurious behaviours and forced touching of objects. A.B. met both DSM-IV-tr and ICD-10 criteria for Tourette syndrome, and also DSM-IV-tr criteria for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (combined type) in childhood

    An analysis of interspecific hybrids and phylogenetic implications in Cucumis (Cucurbitaceae)

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    Investigations on interspecific crossability in 8Cucumis species (2n = 24) and chromosome pairing and pollen fertility of their hybrids from 15 combinations have been utilized for tracing the phylogenetic relationships among these taxa and factors responsible for their differentiation. A collective evaluation of data suggests that there are three broad groups of species, one of the spiny fruited interfertile species, whose hybrids show varying degree of chromosome associations and low to high pollen fertility; the second of species with non-spiny fruits, which are completely incompatible with the former but weakly compatible with the cultivated species,C. melo L. to produce partly developed seeds, and the third group ofC. metuliferusE. Mey. exSchrad. andC. melo and its different botanical varieties. The species with spiny fruits can be further divided based on karyomorphological similarities and/or on relative genomic affinity, indicated by chromosome pairing and hybrid pollen fertility

    Epstein-Barr Virus Stimulates Torque Teno Virus Replication: A Possible Relationship to Multiple Sclerosis

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    Viral infections have been implicated in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) has frequently been investigated as a possible candidate and torque teno virus (TTV) has also been discussed in this context. Nevertheless, mechanistic aspects remain unresolved. We report viral replication, as measured by genome amplification, as well as quantitative PCR of two TTV-HD14 isolates isolated from multiple sclerosis brain in a series of EBV-positive and -negative lymphoblastoid and Burkitt's lymphoma cell lines. Our results demonstrate the replication of both transfected TTV genomes up to day 21 post transfection in all the evaluated cell lines. Quantitative amplification indicates statistically significant enhanced TTV replication in the EBV-positive cell lines, including the EBV-converted BJAB line, in comparison to the EBV-negative Burkitt's lymphoma cell line BJAB. This suggests a helper effect of EBV infections in the replication of TTV. The present study provides information on a possible interaction of EBV and TTV in the etiology and progression of multiple sclerosis