484 research outputs found

    Ellen Leppa

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    Ellen Leppa, certified with the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences and the School Nutrition Association, served as Education and Training Specialist and Coordinator of On-Site Services at the National Food Service Management Institute on the campus of the University of Mississippi until her retirement in 2008. As coordinator Ellen worked with both State Departments of Education and conference planners of School Nutrition Associations throughout the country to provide trainers for preconference classes, general sessions, educational sessions, workshops and seminars on a large variety of topics. Some of the topics include Developing a Food Safety Program, Emergency Readiness, Biosecurity Guidelines, Personnel Management, Financial Management, MyPyramid, Nutrition 101 and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2005. She was the project coordinator for the Building Human Resource Management Skills training tool for food service managers, the Financial Management Course for School Food Service Directors and the development/publication of Mealtime Memo, a fact sheet for child care providers. Ellen has worked in Child Nutrition Programs for over 40 years both at school district and State levels.https://egrove.olemiss.edu/icn_ohistories/1054/thumbnail.jp


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    У практиці молочного козівництва на сьогодні є три основні способи вирощування молодняку: козенят утримують разом з матками до 3–4-місячного віку, потім віднімають, а маток починають доїти; роздільно-контактний, коли козу доять одразу після окоту, при цьому частину молока не видоюють, а залишають козенятам, яких вирощують під нею; козенят після народження віднімають від матерів і штучно вирощують.Таким чином, наші дослідження спрямовані на встановлення оптимального способу вирощування козенят, які б в конкретних природно-кліматичних умовах відзначались добрими показниками росту і розвитку.Дослідження включали визначення вагового росту молодняку.Оцінка динаміки живої маси піддослідного молодняку показала, що протягом дослідного періоду перевага за показниками живої маси була на боці козенят 3-ої дослідної групи, які вирощувалися методом штучного випоювання. Найменшу інтенсивність росту мали тварини контрольної групи, які вирощувалися на підсосі. Проміжне місце займали козенята 2-ої дослідної групи, які вирощувалися контактно-роздільним способом.У наших дослідженнях ранг розподілу тварин за величиною середньодобових та абсолютних приростів і відносної швидкості росту між досліджуваними групами був аналогічний показникам живої маси.Проведені дослідження показали, що на ріст і розвиток козенят суттєво впливає спосіб їхнього вирощування.В практике молочного козоводства на сегодня существуют три основные способа выращивания молодняка: козлят содержат вместе с матками до 3–4-месячного возраста, затем отнимают, а маток начинают доить; - раздельно-контактный, когда козу доят сразу после окота, при этом часть молока не выдаивают, а оставляют козлятам, которых выращивают под ней; козлят после рождения отнимают от матерей и искусственно выращивают.Таким образом, наши исследования направлены на установление оптимального способа выращивания козлят, которые в конкретных природно-климатических условиях отличались бы хорошими показателями роста и развития.Исследования включали определение весового роста молодняка.Оценка динамики живой массы подопытного молодняка показала, что в течение опыта преимущество по показателям живой массы было на стороне козлят 3-й опытной группы, которые выращивались методом искусственной выпойки. Наименьшую интенсивность роста имели животные контрольной группы, которые выращивались на подсосе. Промежуточное место занимали козлята второй опытной группы, которые выращивались контактно-раздельным способом.В наших исследованиях ранг распределения животных по величине среднесуточных, абсолютных приростов и относительной скорости роста живой массы между исследуемыми группами был аналогичный показателям живой массы.Проведенные исследования показали, что на рост и развитие козлят существенно влияет способ их выращивания.There have been three methods of young animal growing in milky goat husbandry.Kids are kept with dams from 3-4 months age, then they are weaned and dams are milked. Contact-divide method defines dams milking after kidding and the part of milk remains for kids; kids are weaned after birth and are grown artificially.Investigation results tended to optimal method of kids growing would differ in concrete climatic conditions by good growth and development indices which have been presented in the article.Weight growth of young animals has been also included.Assessment of dynamics as for live weight in experimental animals prevailed by indices during tested period over the third group which has been grown with artificial feeding. Animals of controlled group grown in suckling conditions showed the lowest growth intensity. Kids of the second group have been grown in a contact-divided way and occupied the intermediate position.The range of animal division as for the daily, absolute, relative gains and growth rate between experimental groups has been analogical to the live weight indices.Conducted researches showed the influence of growth and development on the way of growing

    Educação ambiental e etnobotânica : conhecimento e sensibilização sobre as plantas do cerrado por meio de recurso audiovisual

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação) — Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Núcleo de Educação Científica - NECBio, 2021.Devido às grandes riquezas da fauna e flora do Cerrado, somados a forte relação que povos tradicionais estabelecem com este bioma, as diferentes comunidades da Chapada dos Veadeiros (GO) expressam profundos conhecimentos sobre as plantas nativas da região e seus diversos usos. Quando inseridos em práticas de Educação Ambiental (EA), os saberes tradicionais possibilitam espaços de diálogo e reflexão sobre a interação do ser humano com a natureza, considerando a valorização da cultura tradicional no ambiente escolar como uma das formas de tecer caminhos para a conservação do Cerrado. Esta pesquisa buscou investigar quais contribuições de dois recursos didáticos para a prática de docentes de diferentes componentes curriculares da educação básica, que atuam no campo da EA na região da Chapada dos Veadeiros (GO), visando a sensibilização e valorização do bioma, saberes e cultura local dentro do ambiente escolar. Os recursos didáticos desenvolvidos nesta pesquisa foram um documentário e um roteiro com sugestões de atividades, os quais contaram com o protagonismo e com os conhecimentos do raizeiro Delmi Luiz Sol, guardião dos saberes da tradição do Cerrado do município de Colinas do Sul (GO). Estes recursos foram validados, por meio de um questionário, por educadores vinculados ao Instituto de Pesquisa, Ensino e Extensão em Arte Educação e Tecnologias Sustentáveis (IPEARTES), coletivo educador composto por profissionais vinculados à Secretaria de Educação de Goiás, que atua na região de estudo nos campos da Educação Ambiental e Arte Educação. A partir dos dados obtidos foi possível observar que os recursos didáticos apresentam potenciais sensibilizadores para a valorização dos saberes tradicionais e para promover o diálogo de saberes. Logo, a utilização dos saberes tradicionais como subsídios para ações pedagógicas da EA pode auxiliar no desenvolvimento de um ensino mais contextualizado, sensibilizador e multidimensional. Assim, os recursos didáticos elaborados contribuem para o diálogo entre os saberes tradicionais e os diversos conteúdos curriculares previstos para o ensino da Educação Básica no Estado de Goiás, possibilitando a valorização da cultura tradicional no ambiente escolar.Due to the great richness of the fauna and flora of the Cerrado in addition to the strong relationship that traditional peoples establish with this biome, the different communities of Chapada dos Veadeiros (Goiás) each express deep knowledge about the region's native plants and their various uses. When traditional knowledge is applied to the field of Environmental Education (EE), it provides space for dialogue and reflection on the interaction of human beings with nature, considering the valorization of traditional culture in the school environment as one of the ways to weave paths for the conservation of the Cerrado. This research sought to investigate the contributions of two didactic resources for the practice of teachers from different curricular components of basic education, who work in the field of EE in the Chapada dos Veadeiros (Goiás) region, aimed at raising awareness and valorizing the local biome and knowledge and culture within the educational system. A documentary and a script outlining suggestions of activities for educators to use in the classroom were developed as didactic resources, which counted on the guidance and knowledge of the raizeiro (herbalist) Delmi Luiz Sol, guardian of traditional knowledge of the Cerrado in the city of Colinas do Sul, Goiás. These resources were validated through a questionnaire submitted to educators linked to the Institute for Research, Teaching and Extension in Art Education and Sustainable Technologies (IPEARTES), a collective of educators composed of professionals connected to the Goiás State Department of Education, which operates in the region of study in the fields of Environmental Education and Art Education. From the data obtained, it was possible to observe that the didactic resources present potential to sensitize people to values of traditional knowledge and to promote a dialogue between traditional and scientific knowledge. Therefore, the use of traditional knowledge as subsidies for EE pedagogical actions can help in the development of a more contextualized, sensitizing and multidimensional teaching. Thus, the didactic resources developed contribute to the dialogue between traditional knowledge and the various curricular contents provided for teaching Basic Education in the State of Goiás, enabling the appreciation of traditional culture in the educational environment

    Clinical findings in 25 patients with sinonasal or nasopharyngeal extramedullary plasmacytoma in a four-decade single-centre series

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    Objectives: Extramedullary plasmacytoma in the sinonasal tract or nasopharynx is rare. The aim of the study was to review data on symptoms, clinical findings, treatment and follow-up of plasmacytomas in the sinonasal and nasopharyngeal regions in order to delineate the main clinical characteristics and the optimal management. Method: Twenty-five patients with sinonasal or nasopharyngeal plasmacytoma, diagnosed and treated at the Helsinki University Hospital during a 39-year period from 1975 to 2013 were retrospectively reviewed. Results: There were 18 males and 7 females with a median age of 66 years (range, 36-80). Sixty-eight percent received only radiotherapy or (chemo)radiotherapy. Forty-seven percent of them had a complete response to primary radiotherapy and one patient had a complete response after receiving additional brachytherapy. Four patients were treated primarily with surgery only. Two of them had a local recurrence, but were then successfully treated with radiotherapy. Altogether, four patients received a combination of surgery and (chemo)radiotherapy. Forty-four percent were alive with no evidence of disease after a median follow-up time of 78 months. Forty percent died of their disease and 16% died of other causes. Conclusions: Our study supports radiotherapy as a treatment of choice, but for small tumours surgery alone or in combination with radiotherapy may also be considered. Chinese abstractPeer reviewe

    Feasibility of Combining the Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Inhibitor Copanlisib With Rituximab-Based Immunochemotherapy in Patients With Relapsed Indolent B-cell Lymphoma

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    Background: When treating indolent B-cell lymphoma, combining continuously administered oral phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitors with immunochemotherapy has been associated with toxicity. CHRONOS-4 (Phase III; NCT02626455) investigates the intravenous, intermittently administered pan-class I PI3K inhibitor copanlisib in combination with rituximab plus bendamustine (R-B) or rituximab plus cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone (R-CHOP) in patients with relapsed indolent B-cell lymphoma. We report safety run-in results. Patients and Methods: Patients aged ≥18 years with relapsed CD20-positive indolent B-cell lymphoma received copanlisib (45 mg, increasing to 60 mg if no dose-limiting toxicities) weekly on an intermittent schedule with R-B or R-CHOP. Primary objective was to identify a recommended Phase III dose (RP3D). We also assessed objective response, safety, and tolerability. Results: Ten patients received copanlisib plus R-B and 11 received copanlisib plus R-CHOP. No dose-limiting toxicities were reported; RP3D was 60 mg. All patients had ≥1 treatment-emergent adverse event (TEAE), most commonly (all grade/grade 3/4) for copanlisib plus R-B: decreased neutrophil count (80%/50%), nausea (70%/0%), decreased platelet count (60%/10%), hyperglycemia (60%/50%); for copanlisib plus R-CHOP: hyperglycemia (82%/64%), hypertension (73%/64%), decreased neutrophil count (64%/64%). Two and 8 patients had serious TEAEs with copanlisib plus R-B and R-CHOP, respectively. Among evaluable patients, objective response rates were 90% (5 complete, 4 partial) and 100% (3 complete, 7 partial) with copanlisib plus R-B and R-CHOP, respectively. Conclusion: Copanlisib is the first PI3K inhibitor to demonstrate safe, tolerable, and effective combinability with immunochemotherapy in patients with relapsed indolent B-cell lymphoma at full dose (60 mg). Further evaluation is ongoing

    Alternative splicing discriminates molecular subtypes and has prognostic impact in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

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    Effect of alternative splicing (AS) on diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) pathogenesis and survival has not been systematically addressed. Here, we compared differentially expressed genes and exons in association with survival after chemoimmunotherapy, and between germinal center B-cell like (GCB) and activated B-cell like (ABC) DLBCLs. Genome-wide exon array-based screen was performed from samples of 38 clinically high-risk patients who were treated in a Nordic phase II study with dose-dense chemoimmunotherapy and central nervous system prophylaxis. The exon expression profile separated the patients according to molecular subgroups and survival better than the gene expression profile. Pathway analyses revealed enrichment of AS genes in inflammation and adhesion-related processes, and in signal transduction, such as phosphatidylinositol signaling system and adenosine triphosphate binding cassette transporters. Altogether, 49% of AS-related exons were protein coding, and domain prediction showed 28% of such exons to include a functional domain, such as transmembrane helix domain or phosphorylation sites. Validation in an independent cohort of 92 DLBCL samples subjected to RNA-sequencing confirmed differential exon usage of selected genes and association of AS with molecular subtypes and survival. The results indicate that AS events are able to discriminate GCB and ABC DLBCLs and have prognostic impact in DLBCL.Peer reviewe

    Estimating intra-seasonal photosynthetic discrimination and water use efficiency using delta C-13 of leaf sucrose in Scots pine

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    Comparison of assimilate delta C-13 values estimated from different leaf carbon pools, Picarro measurements, and modelled data demonstrates the potential for misinterpretation arising from bulk organic matter delta C-13 analysis.Sucrose has a unique role in recording environmental and physiological signals during photosynthesis in its carbon isotope composition (delta C-13) and transport of the signal to tree rings. Yet, instead of sucrose, total organic matter (TOM) or water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC) are typically analysed in studies that follow delta C-13 signals within trees. To study how the choice of organic material may bias the interpretation of delta C-13 records, we used mature field-grown Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) to compare for the first time delta C-13 of different leaf carbon pools with delta C-13 of assimilates estimated by a chamber-Picarro system (delta C-13(A_Picarro)), and a photosynthetic discrimination model (delta C-13(A_model)). Compared with sucrose, the other tested carbon pools, such as TOM and WSC, poorly recorded the seasonal trends or absolute values of delta C-13(A_Picarro) and delta C-13(A_model). Consequently, in comparison with the other carbon pools, sucrose delta C-13 was superior for reconstructing changes in intrinsic water use efficiency (iWUE), agreeing in both absolute values and intra-seasonal variations with iWUE estimated from gas exchange. Thus, deriving iWUE and environmental signals from delta C-13 of bulk organic matter can lead to misinterpretation. Our findings underscore the advantage of using sucrose delta C-13 to understand plant physiological responses in depth.Peer reviewe

    Transformation and outcome of nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma: a Finnish Nationwide population-based study

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    Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma (NLPHL) is a rare B-cell malignancy associated with excellent survival. However, some patients experience histological transformation into aggressive large B-cell lymphoma. Population-based data on transformation in patients with NLPHL is limited. We conducted a nationwide population-based study to estimate the risk of transformation and relative survival in patients diagnosed with NLPHL in Finland between 1995 and 2018. We identified a total of 453 patients (median age, 48 years; 76% males) with the incident NLPHL from the Finnish Cancer Registry. The cumulative incidence of transformation was 6.3% (95% CI, 4.2-9.6) at 10 years. After adjusting for sex, age and year of diagnosis, transformation was associated with a substantially increased risk of death (HR 8.55, 95% CI 4.49-16.3). Ten-year relative survival was 94% (95% CI, 89%-100%). The patients diagnosed at a later calendar year had lower excess risk of death (HR, 0.38 per 10-year increase; 95% CI, 0.15-0.98). We conclude that while the 10-year relative survival for the patients with NLPHL was excellent in this large population-based cohort for the entire study period, transformation resulted in a substantially increased mortality compared with the patients without transformation. Our results also suggest a reduction in excess mortality over time