1,780 research outputs found

    Metamodeling and metaquerying in OWL 2 QL

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    OWL 2 QL is a standard profile of the OWL 2 ontology language, specifically tailored to Ontology-Based Data Management. Inspired by recent work on higher-order Description Logics, in this paper we present a new semantics for OWL 2 QL ontologies, called Metamodeling Semantics (MS), and show that, in contrast to the official Direct Semantics (DS) for OWL 2, it allows exploiting the metamodeling capabilities natively offered by the OWL 2 punning. We then extend unions of conjunctive queries with both metavariables, and the possibility of using TBox atoms, with the purpose of expressing meaningful metalevel queries. We first show that under MS both satisfiability checking and answering queries including only ABox atoms, have the same complexity as under DS. Second, we investigate the problem of answering general metaqueries, and single out a new source of complexity coming from the combined presence of a specific type of incompleteness in the ontology, and of TBox axioms among the query atoms. Then we focus on a specific class of ontologies, called TBox-complete, where there is no incompleteness in the TBox axioms, and show that general metaquery answering in this case has again the same complexity as under DS. Finally, we move to general ontologies and show that answering general metaqueries is coNP-complete with respect to ontology complexity, Π2p-complete with respect to combined complexity, and remains AC0 with respect to ABox complexity

    A Formal Model of Algorand Smart Contracts

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    We develop a formal model of Algorand stateless smart contracts (stateless ASC1). We exploit our model to prove fundamental properties of the Algorand blockchain, and to establish the security of some archetypal smart contracts. While doing this, we highlight various design patterns supported by Algorand. We perform experiments to validate the coherence of our formal model w.r.t. the actual implementation

    Corporate governance and sustainability in water utilities. The effects of decorporatisation in the city of Naples, Italy

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    The recent economic literature has largely investigated sustainability in the provision of public utilities, highlighting the role of governance models in the determination of economic results. Little attention however has been devoted to the social and environmental dimensions of sustainability. In Italy, a long‐lasting debate on governance structures in the water sector has been fuelled by scholars and policymakers for more than 30 years, whereas the first (and unique) experiment involving the return of full public management in water provision is taking place in the city of Naples. The present work analyses this peculiar case study, aiming to assess the effects of a major governance shift that occurred in the early 2010s—that is, decorporatisation—in terms of economic, social and environmental sustainability. We resort to a bundle of qualitative and quantitative techniques to address the research question and our exploratory results suggest that decorporatisation was overall beneficial: Although little changed in terms of economic sustainability, the social and environmental dimensions benefitted from the shift in governance

    Sperm ultra-structure and spermiogenesis in <i>Syllis krohni</i> (Polychaeta: Syllidae), with some observations on its reproductive biology

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    yllidae show a wide spectrum of both reproductive strategies and sperm types. Analysis of their reproductive patterns could drastically change the presently accepted taxonomic hierarchy of the group. To further contribute to the knowledge of Syllidae we have described the sperm ultra-structure and the spermiogenesis of Syllis krohni (Ehlers, 1864). Mature sperm has a cone-shaped acrosome whose distal end is notched by a trough that transversely encircles its anterior portion. During spermiogenesis, the acrosomal vesicle undergoes modifications leading to its final shape with a posterior opening. The nucleus appears flattened anteriorly and forms a cleft that surrounds the proximal centriole in its distal region. A 9+2 flagellar axoneme is observed. Up to five mitochondria surround the distal centriole. The spermatozoon of S. krohni can be ascribed to the ect-aquasperm type that is typical in species having external fertilisation and appears to be very similar in appearance to that of the congeneric species thus far investigated. The main difference is in the shape of the acrosome, which is more elongated and as long as the nucleus. Reproduction of syllids seems to be conservative within sub-families, and the sperm morphology can probably help in phylogenetic reconstruction. External fertilisation is a widespread strategy within the genus Syllis, probably leading to a substantial similarity in sperm morphology being maintained. It is hypothesised, however, that within the same sperm type linked to a particularly reproductive strategy, the acrosome ultra-structure can be indicative of phylogeny

    Radon concentration in self-bottled mineral spring waters as a possible public health issue

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    Since 2013, the Council Directive 2013/51/Euratom has been regulating the content of radioactive substances in water intended for human consumption. However, mineral waters are exempted from this regulation, including self-bottled springs waters, where higher radon concentration are expected. Therefore, a systematic survey has been conducted on all the 33 mineral spring waters of Lazio (a region of Central Italy) in order to assess if such waters, when self-bottled, may be of concern for public health. Waters have been sampled in two different ways to evaluate the impact of bottling on radon concentration. Water sampling was possible for 20 different spring waters, with 6 samples for each one. The results show that 2 (10%) of measured mineral spring waters returned radon concentrations higher than 100 Bq L−1, i.e., the parametric value established by the Council Directive. These results, if confirmed by other surveys involving a higher number of mineral spring waters, would suggest regulating also these waters, especially in countries like Italy for which: (i) mineral water consumption is significant; (ii) mineral concession owners generally allow the consumers to fill bottles and containers, intended for transport and subsequent consumption, directly from public fountains or from fountains within the plant; (iii) the consumers’ habit of drinking self-bottled mineral water is widespread

    Aromatase immunoreactivity in fetal ovine neuronal cell cultures exposed to oxidative injury

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    A lot of evidence testifies that aromatase is expressed in the central nervous system where it has been detected not only in hypothalamic and limbic regions but also in the cerebral cortex and spinal cord. In physiological conditions, aromatase is expressed exclusively by neurons, where it has been mainly found in cell bodies, processes and synaptic terminals. Moreover, primary cultured cortical astrocytes from female rats are more resistant to oxidant cell death than those from males, suggesting a protective role of estradiol. The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in aromatase expression in response to 3-nitro-L-tyrosine, a marker of oxidative stress, in primary neuronal cell cultures from brains of 60-day old sheep fetuses. Cells were identified as neurons by using class III ÎČ-tubulin, a marker of neuronal cells. Two morphological types were consistently recognizable: i) bipolar cells with an oval cell body; ii) multipolar cells whose processes formed a wide net with those of adjacent cells. In situ hybridization technique performed on 60-day old fetal neurons revealed that in baseline conditions aromatase gene expression occurs. Importantly, cells exposed to 360 ”M 3-nitro-L-tyrosine were fewer and showed more globular shape and shorter cytoplasmic processes in comparison to control cells. The immunocytochemical study with anti-aromatase antibody revealed that cells exposed to 360 ”M 3-nitro-L-tyrosine were significantly more immunoreactive than control cells. Thus, it can be postulated that the oxidant effects of the amino acid analogue 3-nitro-L-tyrosine could be counterbalanced by an increase in aromatase expression that in turn can lead to the formation of neuroprotective estradiol via aromatization of testosterone

    Evidence of the Most Stretchable Egg Sac Silk Stalk, of the European Spider of the Year Meta menardi

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    Spider silks display generally strong mechanical properties, even if differences between species and within the same species can be observed. While many different types of silks have been tested, the mechanical properties of stalks of silk taken from the egg sac of the cave spider Meta menardi have not yet been analyzed. Meta menardi has recently been chosen as the “European spider of the year 2012”, from the European Society of Arachnology. Here we report a study where silk stalks were collected directly from several caves in the north-west of Italy. Field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) images showed that stalks are made up of a large number of threads, each of them with diameter of 6.03±0.58 ”m. The stalks were strained at the constant rate of 2 mm/min, using a tensile testing machine. The observed maximum stress, strain and toughness modulus, defined as the area under the stress-strain curve, are 0.64 GPa, 751% and 130.7 MJ/m(3), respectively. To the best of our knowledge, such an observed huge elongation has never been reported for egg sac silk stalks and suggests a huge unrolling microscopic mechanism of the macroscopic stalk that, as a continuation of the protective egg sac, is expected to be composed by fibres very densely and randomly packed. The Weibull statistics was used to analyze the results from mechanical testing, and an average value of Weibull modulus (m) is deduced to be in the range of 1.5–1.8 with a Weibull scale parameter (σ (0)) in the range of 0.33–0.41 GPa, showing a high coefficient of correlation (R(2) = 0.97)

    Sperm ultrastructure and spermiogenesis in two Exogone species (Polychaeta, Syllidae, Exogoninae)

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    The spermatozoa of Exogone naidina and E. dispar are characterized by a prominent bell-shaped acrosome, a spheroidal nucleus, and a conventional flagellum. During spermiogenesis, the acrosomal vesicle undergoes conspicuous modifications leading to its final bell shape with a posterior opening. The subacrosomal material initially shows radiating filaments but in mature sperms it appears as a meshwork of electron-opaque material. The acrosomal axis is oblique with respect to the main longitudinal sperm axis. The chromatin is arranged in electronopaque strands in the early spermatids, then becomes amorphous, and is finally organized in filaments in mature sperms. Centrioles are orthogonally arranged beneath the nucleus and fibers radiate from the distal centriole to contact the plasma membrane and the single mitochondrion. The latter is located eccentrically on the side of the nucleus opposite the acrosome. A disk-shaped structure is evident beneath the distal centriole. The flagellar axoneme has a 9+2 microtubule pattern. A conspicuous glycocalyx surrounds the flagellar plasma membrane, and an electron-lucent space is present between these two structures at the distal tip of the flagellum. We compare the sperm morphology of these two species of Exogone with that described in other members of the subfamily Exogoninae. The fine structure of these two species supports the occurrence of an ent-aquasperm type within Exogoninae, in accordance with the brood strategy present within this subfamily. The mode of reproduction is of taxonomic importance for defining subfamilies within Syllidae, and is likely also of phylogenetic significance. Because epitoky is probably plesiomorphic, the ent-aquasperm type found in Exogoninae can be considered a derived feature within Syllidae

    From test data to FE code: a straightforward strategy for modelling the structural bonding interface

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    A straightforward methodology for modelling the cohesive zone (CZM) of an adhesively bonded joint is developed, by using a commercial finite element code and experimental outcomes from standard fracture tests, without defining a damage law explicitly. The in-house developed algorithm implements a linear interpolated cohesive relationship, obtained from literature data, and calculates the damage at each step increment. The algorithm is applicable both to dominant mode I or dominant mode II debonding simulations. The hypothesis of unloading stages occurrence is also considered employing an irreversible behaviour with elastic damaged reloading. A case study for validation is presented, implementing the algorithm in the commercial finite element method (FEM) software AbaqusÂź. Numerical simulation of dominant mode I fracture loading provides with satisfactory results
