26 research outputs found
Pehmeikköjen geofysikaaliset in situ -mittaukset stratigrafisen tulkinnan apuna
The soft soil sediments in Southern Finland were originally deposited during different stages of the Baltic Sea. There are many problems concerning construction on these soft soils. These include, among others, sinking and stability problems. Demands for construction work on soft soil areas are growing all the time and it is therefore important to study the geological and geophysical properties of the soil.
This thesis examines the possibility of drawing conclusions on soft soil stratigraphy with the help of in situ measurements. In situ measurements are performed on-site and they speed up working because separate sampling and laboratory analysis are not required. Measurements were carried out in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. Sediment depositions' apparent resistivity, temperature and magnetic susceptibility were measured with probes installed on the tip of bog drills. The results were compared to an existing stratigraphic data and other information. Research also included method testing with susceptibility measuring instrument purchased by Geological Survey of Finland.
In situ measurements of apparent resistivity provides reliable information on soft soil stratigraphy. Resistivity profiles can be used to distinguish topsoil and different clays. In addition, sandy intermediate layers are well distinguished in these high resolution measurements. The apparent resistivity varies similarly in every research area.
In situ measurements of magnetic susceptibility can be used to estimate the incidence of sulphide clays. In this work no conclusions could be drawn regarding the variability of susceptibility due to the weaknesses of the apparatus. Use of the apparatus revealed several problems. The most notable is the lack of a temperature sensor.Etelä-Suomen pehmeikköjen sedimentit ovat alunperin kerrostuneet Itämeren eri allasvaiheiden aikana. Pehmeiköt ovat rakennusmaina vaativia useiden niihin liittyvien ongelmien vuoksi. Näitä ovat muun muassa painumis- ja stabiilisuusongelmat. Paineet pehmeiköille rakentamiseen kasvavat koko ajan, ja siksi onkin tärkeää tutkia niiden geologisia ja geofysikaalisia ominaisuuksia.
Tässä työssä tutkitaan mahdollisuutta tehdä johtopäätöksiä pehmeikköjen stratigrafiasta geofysikaalisten in situ –mittausten avulla. Paikan päällä tehtävät in situ –mittaukset nopeuttavat työskentelyä, sillä erillistä näytteenottoa ja laboratorioanalyyseja ei tarvita. Pääkaupunkiseudun savikoilla suoritetuissa mittauksissa mitattiin sedimenttikerrostumien näennäistä ominaisvastusta, lämpötilaa sekä magneettista suskeptibiliteettia kairojen kärkiin asennetuilla antureilla. Tuloksia verrattiin jo olemassa olevaan stratigrafiatietoon sekä muiden menetelmien avulla saatuihin mittaustuloksiin. Samalla tehtiin menetelmätestausta Geologian tutkimuskeskuksen hankkimalla suskeptibiliteettia mittaavalla laitteistolla.
Ominaisvastuksen in situ –mittauksilla saadaan luotettavaa tietoa pehmeikköjen sedimenttien stratigrafiasta. Profiilien avulla voidaan erottaa pintamaa sekä savia toisistaan. Lisäksi hiekkaiset välikerrokset näkyvät tarkalla resoluutiolla tehdyissä mittauksissa hyvin. Stratigrafisten yksiköiden ominaisvastukset vaihtelevat samankaltaisesti kaikilla tutkimusalueilla.
Magneettisen suskeptibiliteetin in situ –mittauksilla voidaan yleisesti arvioida sulfidisavien esiintyvyyttä. Tässä työssä suskeptibiliteetin vaihteluista ei voida vetää pidemmälle vietyjä johtopäätöksiä testattavan laitteiston heikkouksista johtuen. Laitteiston käytössä tuli ilmi useita ongelmia, joista merkittävin on kyseisen laitteen lämpötila-anturin puute
Opportunity recognition in a hub-governed network – insights from garage services
This paper examines opportunity recognition activities in a hub-governed service network. More precisely, the research questions are: How do opportunities emerge in a hub network context? and What are the activities of different network actors concerning opportunity recognition? We conducted a case study of a network of service entrepreneurs orchestrated by a hub firm, with the data consisting of 35 interviews. In this study we have explored the opportunity recognition from the perspective of both he hub firm and entrepreneurs. Firstly our analysis shows that there is a great deal of innovation potential in the grass roots of our case network. The challenge is that local improvements mostly stay local. Improving interaction might also help to identify and implement local adaptations and improvements so as to benefit the entire chain. We posit that the hub firm and network would benefit from empowering small firms’ initiatives for renewal. Secondly, in terms of the effectuation literature we have extended the analysis into the context of small firms operating in a hub network context, where elements of both causation and effectuation are evident. Firms are experiencing opportunity recognition through the causation processes observed in the hub network, while also simultaneously engaging in opportunity development through effectuation processes. </p
Digitalisaation edistämisen ohjelman loppuraportti
Digitalisaation edistämisen ohjelma 2020-2023 oli yksi pääministeri Marinin hallitusohjelman digitalisaatiohankkeista. Ohjelman roolina on ollut erilaisten yhteistoimenpiteiden kautta ohjata, tukea ja kannustaa viranomaisia viemään kansalaisille ja yrityksille suunnattu palvelutarjontansa digitaaliseen palvelukanavaan. Ohjelmaan sisältyi hallitusohjelmasta myös digitaalisten julkisten palveluiden saavutettavuus ja riittävien palveluiden käytön tukipalveluiden turvaaminen kansalaisten yhdenvertaisuuden varmistamiseksi.
Arvioinnin mukaan ohjelma on tuottanut hyödyllisiä tuotoksia, kuten työkaluja ja toimintamalleja, sekä vahvistanut kokonaiskuvaa julkishallinnon digikehittämisen kokonaisuudesta. Digikehittämisen tarpeiden ja pullonkaulojen täsmentyminen on tärkeää jatkokehittämisen kannalta. Ohjelman tuotosten vaikuttavuus on kuitenkin toistaiseksi ollut pistemäistä. Arviointi suosittelee, että ohjelmassa valmistuneiden tuotosten ja tulosten käyttöönottoa ja viemistä osaksi muuta kehitystyötä, kuten Digikompassia, jatketaan ohjelman päätyttyä
Overexpression of chloroplast NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductase in Arabidopsis enhances leaf growth and elucidates in vivo function of reductase and thioredoxin domains
Plant chloroplasts have versatile thioredoxin systems including two thioredoxin reductases and multiple types of thioredoxins. Plastid-localized NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductase (NTRC) contains both reductase (NTRd) and thioredoxin (TRXd) domains in a single polypeptide and forms homodimers. To study the action of NTRC and NTRC domains in vivo, we have complemented the ntrc knockout line of Arabidopsis with the wild type and full-length NTRC genes, in which 2-Cys motifs either in NTRd, or in TRXd were inactivated. The ntrc line was also transformed either with the truncated NTRd or TRXd alone. Overexpression of wild-type NTRC promoted plant growth by increasing leaf size and biomass yield of the rosettes. Complementation of the ntrc line with the full-length NTRC gene containing an active reductase but an inactive thioredoxin domain, or vice versa, recovered wild-type chloroplast phenotype and, partly, rosette biomass production, indicating that the NTRC domains are capable of interacting with other chloroplast thioredoxin systems. Overexpression of truncated NTRd or TRXd in ntrc background did not restore wild-type phenotype. Modelling of the 3-dimensional structure of the NTRC dimer indicates extensive interactions between the NTR domains and the TRX domains further stabilize the dimeric structure. The long linker region between the NTRd and TRXd, however, allows flexibility for the position of the TRXd in the dimer. Supplementation of the TRXd in the NTRC homodimer model by free chloroplast thioredoxins indicated that TRXf is the most likely partner to interact with NTRC. We propose that overexpression of NTRC promotes plant biomass yield both directly by stimulation of chloroplast biosynthetic and protected pathways controlled by NTRC and indirectly via free chloroplast thioredoxins. Our data indicate that overexpression of chloroplast thiol redox-regulator has a potential to increase biofuel yield in plant and algal species suitable for sustainable bioene
Adult-Onset Anti-Citrullinated Peptide Antibody-Negative Destructive Rheumatoid Arthritis Is Characterized by a Disease-Specific CD8+T Lymphocyte Signature
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a complex autoimmune disease targeting synovial joints. Traditionally, RA is divided into seropositive (SP) and seronegative (SN) disease forms, the latter consisting of an array of unrelated diseases with joint involvement. Recently, we described a severe form of SN-RA that associates with characteristic joint destruction. Here, we sought biological characteristics to differentiate this rare but aggressive anti-citrullinated peptide antibody-negative destructive RA (CND-RA) from early seropositive (SP-RA) and seronegative rheumatoid arthritis (SN-RA). We also aimed to study cytotoxic CD8+ lymphocytes in autoimmune arthritis. CND-RA, SP-RA and SN-RA were compared to healthy controls to reveal differences in T-cell receptor beta (TCR beta) repertoire, cytokine levels and autoantibody repertoires. Whole-exome sequencing (WES) followed by single-cell RNA-sequencing (sc-RNA-seq) was performed to study somatic mutations in a clonally expanded CD8+ lymphocyte population in an index patient. A unique TCR beta signature was detected in CND-RA patients. In addition, CND-RA patients expressed higher levels of the bone destruction-associated TNFSF14 cytokine. Blood IgG repertoire from CND-RA patients recognized fewer endogenous proteins than SP-RA patients' repertoires. Using WES, we detected a stable mutation profile in the clonally expanded CD8+ T-cell population characterized by cytotoxic gene expression signature discovered by sc-RNA-sequencing. Our results identify CND-RA as an independent RA subset and reveal a CND-RA specific TCR signature in the CD8+ lymphocytes. Improved classification of seronegative RA patients underlines the heterogeneity of RA and also, facilitates development of improved therapeutic options for the treatment resistant patients
Executing circular economy strategies in practice in Finland. Results and experiences from Circwaste project
A Europe-wide circular economy policy was launched in 2014 when the European Commission published the first strategic policy programme for circular economy. It was compiled to provide very comprehensive impacts and dimensions of sustainable development: sustainable growth and a climate neutral, resource efficient and competitive economy. The targets of a circular economy are that the value of products, materials and resources is maintained in the economy for as long as possible, economic growth is decoupled from resource use, generation of waste and environmental loads are minimised, and pressure on the Earth’s resources and biodiversity is minimised.
The European Union is supporting the sustainability transition with research and development funding. In Finland, Circwaste – Towards Circular Economy is one of the biggest development projects accelerating the transition to a circular economy. During the period 2016–2020, the project has produced monitoring data on the development of circular economy and the sustainability of waste management, highlighted the circular economy concept, promoted stakeholder collaboration, supported strategic national processes, strengthened know-how and mainstreamed and concretised circular economy thinking. This interim report presents all the relevant results so far.
It is crucial that data is produced from different angles on implementing the circular economy. More information is needed both to support decision making and on connections between and reflections on different factors. The key figures for Finland show quite clear coupling of the use of natural resources, waste amounts and economic growth. The circular material use rate is ca. 7%, which can be considered quite modest. Quantitative national targets for decreasing the use of natural resources are needed. Instead of country comparisons, the focus should be on trends in order to learn from the past and to identify the policy instruments needed to achieve the level aspired to.
One of the key findings is the need for regional indicators and data for decisionmaking. The work done within Circwaste is the first effort towards a systematic monitoring scheme for monitoring circular economy regionally. The study showed that the production of regional waste data is challenging, that the estimated recycling rates have not increased adequately to reach the EU targets and that there could therefore be a need for municipallevel recycling targets.
The transition to a circular economy also causes fundamental social changes in society. In the project, new indicators were developed for measuring social impacts: circular economy employment, education and employment for vulnerable groups, publicly shared resources, accessibility of recycling services and sustainable vehicle fuels. The first baseline data show advances towards the circular economy: the accessibility of waste management services has improved, the Finnish educational system has been able to respond quickly to the need for circular economy education, circular economy activities have potential for the employment of vulnerable groups and economic activities related to recycling, repair and reuse have grown. The regions and municipalities emerge as key actors in facilitating a socially just transition towards a circular economy.
The study on innovative material processing technologies gathered data on technologies for elemental recycling, especially for plastic waste but also for making new fibres from textiles waste. Financial issues are key to the survival of these technologies and there is a need for governmental financial support.
Public procurers can be considered key players in the circular economy, creating demand for more sustainable products and services. Implementing circular economy in municipalities requires commitment, financial planning, interaction with regional actors and inclusion of circular economy in financial rules. The construction sector is a major consumer of natural resources, but the municipalities can make construction more sustainable through public procurements and planning. As buyers, they can require the use of recycled raw materials and soils in construction projects. Obligations for ecological compensation and goals of no net loss of biodiversity would decrease the pressure on natural resources. To support municipalities in their work, a national organisation for providing municipal auditing, development, education and business support services could be established. Employing circular economy experts in each municipality to work as crossadministrative coordinators could enhance the transition.
The project has created a lot of political, theoretical and practical content on the concept and field of circular economy. The next steps are to further develop and widen, as well as deepen, the results and to provide national support in searching for answers and solutions for decreasing the use of natural resources, achieving the MSW recycling targets and creating a more sustainable society
EKOLOGISIA ELÄMYKSIÄ MERENKURKUN SAARISTOSSA : Matkapakettien luominen Pro Björköby ry:lle
Tämän työn toimeksiantajana oli maakunnallinen matkailuorganisaatio Pohjanmaan Matkailu ry, mutta tapausyrityksenä siihen kuuluva Pro Björköby ry. Pro Björköby ry on matkailuyritysten muodostama yhteistyöhanke, joka pyrkii edistämään matkailutoimintaa Merenkurkun saaristossa. Työ toteutettiin toiminnallisena opinnäytetyönä ja sen produktina muodostui kaksi ekologista matkapakettia: ulkomaalaisille yritysvieraille suunnattu elämyspaketti sekä erähenkinen ruoanlaittopaketti. Pakettien suunnittelussa huomioitiin yritysten tarpeet, nykyiset palvelut, räätälöitävyys, asiakaskohderyhmät ja muut tekijät. Paketeissa hyödynnettiin jo olemassa olevia palveluita ja kehitettiin myös uusia.
Yritysten oma-aloitteinen ekologinen toiminta haluttiin tuoda paremmin esille matkapaketeilla. Tavoitteena oli suunnitella paketit niin, että ne voitaisiin ottaa suoraan osaksi yritysten tarjontaa. Muita tavoitteita oli laajentaa yritysten tarjontaa huippukauden ulkopuolella ja houkutella uusia asiakasryhmiä ideoitujen ekologisten tuotteiden avulla. Laajempana tavoitteena työssä oli Merenkurkun alueen ekologisen matkailun kehittäminen.
Paketit luotiin yhteyshenkilöiden konsultoinnin ja teoreettisen tietoperustan pohjalta. Konsultoinnit tapahtuivat tapaamisten ja sähköpostinvaihdon kautta. Matkapaketteihin liittyvänä teoriana työssä käsiteltiin ekomatkailua, kohdeyrityksiä ja niiden toiminta-aluetta sekä tuotteistamista. Tuotteistamisprosessi käsitti työssä vain ideointi- sekä suunnitteluvaiheen. Muuna teoriana työssä käytiin läpi toiminnallisen opinnäytetyön tekeminen sekä prosessikuvaus.
Pro Björköby ry:n yritysten toiminta on ekologista ja heillä on hyvät edellytykset kehittää toimintaansa edelleen ekologisempaan suuntaan. Suunnitellut matkapaketit olisivat hyvä lisä edellä mainitun seikan huomioiden ja saamiemme tietojen mukaan ne voidaan ottaa myös pienillä muutoksilla käyttöön.The client of this thesis was a regional tourism agency Botnia Tourist. The commission was to create travel services for Pro Björköby ry, a member of Botnia Tourist. Pro Björköby ry is a tourism organisation aiming at improving tourism business in the Kvarken Archipelago. The empirical part of this thesis was to create two ecological package holidays for Pro Björköby ry. The packages were formed into an experience package for foreign business people and a cooking package realized in nature. The requirements of Pro Björköby’s companies, their present travel service, tailoring, customer groups and other substantive factors were taken into consideration during the planning process. The planned package holidays are a combination of both brand-new and existent service.
The aim of the packages was to highlight the ecological activity of the companies in Pro Björköby ry and at the same time improve ecotourism in the Kvarken Archipelago. The packages were planned to become part of the companies’ service selection. Pro Björköby ry could expand its business and attract new customers with the packages.
The packages were planned with the help of contact persons’ consultancy and gathered theory. Consultancy was carried out through e-mails and meetings. Theory related to the travel packages included information about ecotourism, Pro Björköby ry and its area of operation, productization. The productization process related to the packages only covered generating ideas and general planning.
The business of Pro Björköby ry’s companies is ecological and they have good prerequisites to develop the ecological side further. The planned holiday packages could be a part of this development with only minor changes before actualizing with customers
Ravitsemuksen ja unen merkitys nuorelle urheilijalle
Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli herättää nuoria urheilijoita tiedostamaan unen ja ravitsemuksen merkitystä omalle hyvinvoinnille, sekä edistää heidän tietouttaan siitä, kuinka ravitsemuksen ja unen merkitys korostuu urheilijalla, jotta kehittyminen ja palautuminen toteutuisi optimaalisesti. Tämän toiminnallisen opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli aktivoida Hyvinkääläisen koripalloseuran nuoret urheilijat tarkastelemaan missä määrin heillä toteutuu suositusten mukaisesti ravitsemussuositukset ja riittävä vuorokautinen unen määrä. Terveellisellä, monipuolisella ja säännöllisellä ruokavaliolla sekä riittävällä levolla voidaan ehkäistä rasitusvammoja sekä loukkaantumisia ja taataan riittävä energiansaanti jolloin palautuminen ja kehittyminen ovat mahdollisia.
Opinnäytetyön aihe valikoitui oman kiinnostuksen ja yhteistyökumppanin tarpeen mukaan. Toiminnallinen opinnäytetyö sisältää kirjallisen raportin lisäksi toiminnallisen osuuden, johon sisältyy tässä opinnäytetyössä neljä luentoa ravitsemuksesta ja unesta nuorille koripalloilijoille. Luennot järjestettiin toukokuussa 2018 ja osallistujia luennoilla oli vaihdellen 11-22 henkeä. Luennot pohjautuivat teoreettiseen viitekehykseen. Teoreettinen viitekehys käsitteli nuoren urheilijan ravitsemussuosituksia, ateriarytmiä, energiantarvetta sekä unen vaiheita, tehtäviä ja merkitystä kasvussa ja kehityksessä. Tiedonhaussa käytettiin Julkari- julkaisuarkistoa sekä Laurea Finna- hakupalvelua. Teoreettinen viitekehys perustuu kirjallisuuteen sekä UKK-instituutin, terve koululainen, terve urheilija ja kouluterveyskysely 2017 aineistoon.
Keräsimme osallistujilta nimettömän palautteen palautelomakkeen avulla ja saimme 11 osallistujalta palautteen. Palautelomakkeet käsittelimme luottamuksellisesti keräten vastaukset ylös. Palautteen mukaan nuorilla oli ennestään hyvin tietoa ravintoon ja uneen liittyvistä asioista kuten ruokaympyrästä, ruoka-aineista, ateriarytmistä sekä riittävästä unen määrästä, mutta luentosarjan avulla he saivat uutta tietoa erityisesti urheilijaa ja omaa urheilulajiaan koskevista unen ja ravitsemuksen erityispiirteistä. Uusina asioina tuli mm. unen merkitys kehittymiseen, energiantarve sekä ravintoaineiden imeytyminen. Kuitenkin vain kolmannes oli valmis muuttamaan omia ravitsemus ja uni tottumuksiaan. Aiheet koettiin tärkeiksi ja ajankohtaisiksi kohderyhmälle.
Opinnäytetyön kehittämisehdotukseksi nousi järjestää saman tyylinen opinnäytetyö jatkossa myös muille urheiluseuroille, joissa voitaisiin paneutua tärkeisiin ravitsemukseen ja uneen liittyviin asioihin syvällisemmin lajin vaatimuksiin nähden. Lisäksi keinoja siihen, kuinka terveelliset suositusten mukaiset ravitsemussuositukset ja riittävä vuorokautisen unen määrä saataisiin tuotua teorian lisäksi käytäntöön.The purpose of this thesis is to map knowledge of young athletes regarding nutrition and sleep, and further their knowledge of how nutrition and sleep are highlighted among athletes, so their development and recovery can be optimized. This functional thesis aims to activate the young athletes of the basketball club of Hyvinkää to examine to what extent they follow the nutritional recommendations and get adequate daily sleep. With a healthy, versatile and regular diet and sufficient rest, repetitive strain injury and other injuries can be prevented, and that ensures a sufficient supply of energy which makes recovery and development possible.
The subject of the thesis was selected due to personal interest and the need of the cooperation partner. This functional thesis includes a written report and a functional part, which includes four lectures on nutrition and sufficient rest among young basketball players. The lectures were organized in May of, 2018 and participants per lecture alternated between 11 and 22. The Lectures were based on the theoretical framework which is presented in this thesis. The theoretical framework consists of recommendations for young athletes, eating rhythm, energy need and different stages, functions and significance of sleep in growth and development. The information was acquired with public archives called Julkari and public archives called Laurea Finna -search engine. The theoretical framework is based on literature and materials from UKK-institute called ‘Terve koululainen’, ‘Terve urheilija’ and ‘Kouluterveyskysely 2017’.
We collected anonymous feedback with a feedback form and received it from 11 participants. Feedback forms were collected up and handled confidentially. According to the feedback, the participants had previous useful knowledge of nutritional and sleep related facts, such as food circle, ingredients, meal schedules and sufficient sleep, however the lectures gave them new information related especially to athletes and to the sleep and nutrition recommendations of their own discipline. The effect of sleep in development, the need of energy, and absorption of nutrients were new information. However only a third were willing to change their personal nutrition and sleep customs. The topic was considered important and current to the subject group.
As a suggestion regarding future research came up the idea to implement a similar thesis project into other athletic clubs, in which important subjects of nutrition and sleep could be delved into more thoroughly and in relation to the specific sport discipline. Additionally, more ways should be investigated ways in which healthy and recommended nutrition and sufficient daily sleep could be implemented from theory to practice