403 research outputs found


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    The results of empirical investigations of subjective well-being of multi-age engineering staff at successful innovative enterprise and the enterprise with long-term problems of transition to innovative development format have been presented. Subjective well-being has been сonsidered as emotional regulator of labor activity and staff acceptance of innovations factor. Readiness for innovative changes, self-esteem of fatigue, health status, stress and age state of health has been studied as indicators of well-being. It has been shown that at ordinary enterprise the most unpleasant indicators of subjective well-being are typical for young staff, but at the innovative enterprise the staff regardless of age have a high level of subjective well-being which is manifested in a commitment to innovative values and personal involvement in the labor process


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    Relevance of the work is due to the possibility of a detailed study of Devonian foraminifers with apatite shells and the reconstruction of specific conditions for their formation. Foraminifer shells are morphologically similar to Parathurammina aff. tamarae L. Petrova, 1981, the Eifelian-the Givetian, which were found in thin sections of samples of carboniferous and chiselly aleuropelites of the ore-bearing strata of the Safyanovsky copper-sulphide deposit (Middle Urals) for the first time. Purpose of work. Detailed study of the shells of Devonian foraminifers similar to Parathurammina aff. tamarae L. Petrova, 1981, as well as reconstruction of sedimentation conditions for carboniferous and chiselly rocks of the ore-bearing strata of the Safyanovsky copper-sulphide deposit. Research methodology. Shells were studied in thin sections of carboniferous and chiselly aleuropelite samples. The detailed study of morphology and composition of the shells was carried out using a scanning electron microscope JSM-6390LV (JEOL) with an energy-dispersive spectrometer Inca Energy 450, an electron microscope Tescan and an electron probe microanalyzer Cameca SX100. Results. Size and morphology of the shells were determined; it was also found that the walls of the shells of the studied foraminifers were represented by fluorapatite. It was assumed that initially they were calcareous, and subsequently were replaced by apatite and quartz. However, more detailed studies did not reveal traces of substitution of carbonate rock for apatite. Conclusions. Compared with Parathurammina aff. tamarae L. Petrova, 1981, shells have a reduced size and a smaller number of fauces, which can be explained by unfavorable habitats in a shallow sea basin, where carbonate sedimentation was suppressed by a significant influx of volcanic material. The presence of sulfide minerals in nucleus of shells may indicate to the specific habitat (pH of the environment, salinity of supra-bottom water) of foraminifers. Findings of fossils of green, siphon algae together with studied foraminifers indicate that formation of the original substrate took place in near-surface layers (up to 200 m) of the photic zone of seas

    Features of epigenetic dolomite transformations in the Syukeyevskoye bitumen field

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    Syukeyevskoye bitumen field is one of perspective for development of open pit mining in western part of the Republic of Tatarstan. Basically two predominant stages in the process of epigenetic rock transformations were discriminated on the basis of field and laboratory data. The first stage associates with the fluids penetration in biomicritic dolomites and the hydrocarbon accumulation. The second stage associates with hydrocarbon oxidation. One can resume that leaching processes dominate at the stage of hydrocarbons penetration within dolomite rocks, and metasomatic processes dominate at hydrocarbon oxidation stage. These features can be used as key for understanding rock formation history in other similar cases

    Atherosclerosis is a side effect of cellular senescence

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    Atherosclerosis is a systemic autoimmune disease of the arterial wall characterized by chronic inflammation, high blood pressure, oxidative stress, and progressive loss of cell and organ function with aging. An imbalance of macrophage polarization is associated with many aging diseases, including atherosclerosisHere we review the current knowledge on the impact of age-associated immune cells and red blood cells modifications on atherogenesi

    Automated search for star clusters in large multiband surveys: II. Discovery and investigation of open clusters in the Galactic plane

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    Automated search for star clusters in J,H,K_s data from 2MASS catalog has been performed using the method developed by Koposov et. al (2008). We have found and verified 153 new clusters in the interval of the galactic latitude -24 < b < 24 degrees. Color excesses E(B-V), distance moduli and ages were determined for 130 new and 14 yet-unstudied known clusters. In this paper, we publish a catalog of coordinates, diameters, and main parameters of all the clusters under study. A special web-site available at http://ocl.sai.msu.ru has been developed to facilitate dissemination and scientific usage of the results.Comment: 9 pages, 3 tables, 5 figures, accepted to Astronomy Letter

    Molecular-cytogenetic analysis of triticale and wheat lines with introgressions of the tribe Triticeae species genetic material

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    There are a number of problems in selection of cultivated cereals associated with the requirements to create forms with resistance to diseases, pests and unfavorable environmental conditions. The genetic diversity of genes for resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses can be increased by means of the gene pool of wild and cultivated wheat relatives. To improve agronomic traits in cereals, we have developed common wheat hybrid lines T. aestivum/ T. durum, T. aestivum/ T. dicoccoides and triticale lines by crossing hexaploid triticale with common wheat forms with the substitution of genome D for the geno­me of diploid Aegilops species. The aim of the study was to identify the lines of common wheat and hexaploid triticale with alien introgression using cytological and molecular-genetic analyses and evaluation of their cytological stability. Comparative analysis of the structure of chromosomes by GISH and FISH methods, microsatellite- and chromosome-specific markers revealed that hybridization of triticale with genome-substitution forms of wheat leads to the reorganization of the genome, including both the introgression of foreign material and wheat chromosome rearrangements, which lead to new combinations of genetic loci. The efficiency of wheat microsatellite markers to characterize of the T. aestivum/ T. durum, T. aestivum/ T. dicoccum interspecific hybrid lines was shown. From 4 to 12 translocations of different lengths from T. durum and T. dicoccum were identified in the chromosomes of A and В genomes in the hybrid lines. Meiotic stability of wheat and triticale hybrids was found. It creates prerequisites for preservation of alien genetic material in subsequent generations

    The managerial mechanism of future competitive technical specialists vocational training: The Russian experience

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The relevance of the paper is reasoned by the search for adequate mechanisms to manage vocational training of future competitive technical specialists. Modern economies demand the training of technical specialists’ new generation ready to project and engineering, production and technological, organizational and management, science and research, service and operational professional activities, as well as the fulfillment of skilled work using modern equipment for the developed technological process. One of the variants of the organization of vocational training of future competitive technical specialists is based on the integration of educational curricula of different levels (primary, secondary and high). The purpose of the paper is to develop a managerial mechanism for future competitive technical specialists’ training based on the integration of educational curricula at different levels (primary, secondary and high). The leading method is the method of action research, allowing obtain new knowledge on the managerial mechanism for vocational training of specialists, capable of a certain type of practical activities, self-organization and competitiveness on the labor market through the integration of primary, secondary and high levels of educational curricula. The article defines the essence of integrated educational curricula of primary, secondary and high levels of vocational training; it justifies the organization of control and assessment procedures of students’ vocational training through the integration of educational curricula at different levels; proposes an algorithm of students’ selection to study on integrated educational curricula. Paper Submissions can be useful for research and teaching staff of technical specialists’ vocational training system, experts of training and retraining centers in the training content’s selection and structuring of research universities’ scientific and pedagogical staff development

    DNA-binding studies of a series of novel water-soluble derivatives of 1,4-dihydropyridine

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    Aim. to determine DNA interaction modes for a series of 1,4-dihydropyridines with different biological activities synthesized in the Latvian Institute of Or-ganic Synthesis. Methods. Affinity of the compounds to DNA was detected by UV/VIS spec-trometry and re-proofed by means of spectrofluorimetry, EBr extrusion assay, cyclic voltammetry and DNA melting. Radical scavenging was tested by electron paramagnetic resonance spectros-copy, peroxynitrite binding was monitored spectrophotometrically, protection of DNA against hydroxyl radical was determined by gel electrophoresis. Results. In a series of water-soluble monocyclic derivatives of 1,4-dihydropyridine with carboxylate groups in position-4 the different affinity to DNA was determined mainly by substituents in positions 3 and 5. 1,4-DHP with eth-oxycarbonyl groups in positions 3 and 5 (AV-153) manifested high affinity to DNA. Strong ef-fects were observed in the spectra of tricyclic fused derivatives (PP-150-Na and PP-544-NH4). Unlike AV-153, J-4-96 did not extrude EtBr from the complex with DNA, this indicates binding to minor groove. Ability of PP-544-NH4 to intercalate DNA molecule was proved electrochemi-cally and by DNA melting. No correlation between affinity of a 1,4‑DHP to DNA and capabili-ties of the compound to bind peroxynitrite, to scavenge hydroxyl radical or to protect DNA against the above radical were observed. Discussion. DNA-binding activities of 1,4-DHP are evi-dently determined by groups in positions 3 and 5. Tricyclic fused 1,4-DHP derivatives are also good DNA binders. Ability to interact with DNA does not correlate with other effects produced by the compounds.Мета. Дослідження способу взаємодії з ДНК серії синтезованих в Латвійському університеті органічного синтезу 1,4-ДГП з різною біологічною активністю. Meтоди. Спорідненість речовин до ДНК визначалося спектрофотометрично і було перевірені ще спектрофлуоріметрічно за виштовхуванням бромистого етидія, циклічної вольтамметріі і за плавленням ДНК. Здатність речовин зв'язувати пероксинітрит визначали спектрофотометрично, здатність пов'язувати гідроксильних радикалів - методом електронного парамагнітного резонансу, здатність захищати ДНК від ушкодження цим радикалом - методом електрофорезу. Результати. У серії водорозчинних моноциклических 1,4-ДГП з карбоксилатного групою у позиції 4, різна спорідненість до ДНК визначалося в основному замысниками у позиціях 3 і 5. 1,4-ДГП з етоксікарбонільним групами у позиціях 3 і 5 (AV-153) ефективно зв'язувався з ДНК. Сильні ефекти спостерігали в спектрах з'єднаних трициклічних похідних 1,4-ДГП (PP-150-Na і PP-544-NH4). На відміну від AV-153, J-4-96 витісняють бромистий етидій з комплексу з ДНК, що вказує на зв'язування цього з'єднання з малої борозенкою ДНК. За даними електрохімічних досліджень і кривих плавлення ДНК PP-544-NH4 повинен інтеркалювати в ДНК. Нам не вдалося зв'язати спорідненість до ДНК зі здатністю речовин зв'язувати пероксинітрит, гідроксильний радикал або захищати ДНК від ушкодження цим радикалом. Висновки. Спорідненість 1,4-ДГП до ДНК визначаються замісниками у позиції 3 і 5. Добре зв'язуються з ДНК також трициклічні 1,4-ДГП. Спорідненість 1,4-ДГП до ДНК не корелює з іншими активностями з'єднанняЦель. Исследование образа взаимодействия с ДНК серии синтезированных в Латвийском институте органического синтеза 1,4-ДГП с различной биологической активностью. Meтоды. Сродство веществ к ДНК опредедялось спектрофотометрически и было перепроверено спектрофлуори-метрически, по выталкиванию бромистого этидия, циклической вольтамметрии и по плавлению ДНК. Способ-ность веществ связывать пероксинитрит определяли спектрофотометрически, способность связывать гидроксиль-ный радикалил – методом электронного парамагнитного резонанса, способность защищать ДНК от повреждения этим радикалом – методом электрофореза. Результаты. В серии водорастворимых моноциклических 1,4‑ДГП с карбоксилатной группой в позиции 4, различное сродство к ДНК определялось в основном заместителями в пози-циях 3 и 5. 1,4-ДГП с этоксикарбонильным группами в позициях 3 и 5 (AV-153) эффективно связывался с ДНК. Сильные эффекты наблюдали в спектрах соединенных трициклических производных 1,4-ДГП (PP-150-Na и PP-544-NH4). В отличие от AV-153, J-4-96 не вытеснял бромистый этидий из комплекса с ДНК, что указывает на свя-зывание этого соединения с малой бороздкой ДНК. По данным электрохимических исследований и кривых плав-ления ДНК PP-544-NH4 должен интеркалировать в ДНК. Нам не удалось связать сродство к ДНК со способностью веществ связывать пероксинитрит. гидроксильный радикал или защищать ДНК от повреждения этим радикалом. Обсуждение. Сродство 1,4-ДГП к ДНК определяются заместителями в позицих 3 и 5. Хорошо связываются с ДНК также трициклические 1,4-ДГП. Сродство 1,4-ДГП к ДНК не коррелирует с другими активностями соединения

    Молекулярно-генетическая характеристика патогенности вируса клещевого энцефалита дальневосточного субтипа

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    The aim of the work: Using the data of genome-wide sequencing of tick-borne encephalitis virus strains of the Far Eastern population, reveal the peculiarities of the moleculargenetic characteristics and their relationship with the pathogenicity of the agent. Materials and methods. A full-genomic characteristic of 63 TBEV strains isolated in the Far East and registered in GeneBank wos given. A pathohistological study of the central nervous system of monkeys infected with the highly virulent strains Sofjin and Khabarovsk-17 TBEV was conducted. Results. All strains are assigned to the Far Eastern subtype of TBEV and are located in three clusters, the territorial attachment of individual strains groups is noted. In the cluster of Sofjin-like strains, independent groups were identified, isolated in the territories of Primorsky Krai only, and separate groups – only in northern focal territories (Khabarovsk Krai). The cluster Senzhang-like strains are represented by strains of different clusters, isolated in China and throughout the Far East. The Oshima-like cluster of strains, except for strains from Japan, consists of strains isolated only in the south of the Far East (in Primorsky Krai). The incubation period of the disease in experimental animals was shorter when infected with the Sofjin strain (3–5 days) than when infected with the Khabarovsk-17 strain (7 days or more). The strain-specific differences in the severity of morphological changes in the central nervous system were revealed. For primorsky TBEV strains, a higher degree of neuroinvasiveness was characteristed with a more rapid development of severe manifestations of neuroinfection, compared to khabarovsky strains.Findings: 1) based on full-genome sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of 63 TBEV strains, three main clusters were distinguished: Sofjin-, Senzhang- and Oshima-like; 2) in these clusters, territorial attachment of TBEV strains groups with a certain molecular genetic characteristic was established; 3) in primorsky TBEV strains, genetically determined advantages in the degree of neuroinvasiveness have been revealed, which provide them with the ability to more quickly overcome the blood-brain barrier compared to khabarovsky strains.Цель работы: используя данные полногеномного секвенирования штаммов дальневосточной популяции вируса клещевого энцефалита, выявить особенности молекулярно-генетической характеристики и их связь с патогенностью возбудителя. Материалы и методы. Дана полногеномная характеристика 63 штаммов вирусного клещевого энцефалита, выделенных на территории Дальнего Востока и зарегистрированных в GeneBank. Проведено патоморфологическое исследование центральной нервной системы обезьян, зараженных высоковирулентными штаммами Sofjin и Хабаровский-17 вирусного клещевого энцефалита. Результаты. Все штаммы отнесены к дальневосточному субтипу вирусного клещевого энцефалита и расположились в 3 кластерах, отмечена территориальная привязанность отдельных групп штаммов. В кластере Sofjin-подобных штаммов определились самостоятельные группы, изолированные на территориях только Приморского края, и отдельные группы – только на северных очаговых территориях (Хабаровский край). Кластер Senzhang-подобных штаммов представлен штаммами разных кластеров, изолированными в Китае и на всей территории Дальнего Востока. Кластер Oshimaподобных изолятов, кроме штаммов из Японии, состоит из штаммов, изолированных только на юге Дальнего Востока (в Приморском крае). Инкубационный период заболевания у экспериментальных животных был короче при заражении штаммом Sofjin (3–5 дней), чем при заражении штаммом Хабаровский-17 (7 и более дней). Выявлены штаммоспецифические различия по степени выраженности морфологических изменений в центральной нервной системе. Для приморских штаммов вирусного клещевого энцефалита характерна более высокая степень нейроинвазивности с более быстрым развитием тяжелых проявлений нейроинфекции, по сравнению с хабаровскими штаммами. Выводы: 1) на основе полногеномного секвенирования и филогенетического анализа 63 штаммов вирусного клещевого энцефалита выделены три основные кластера: Sofjin-, Senzhang- и Oshima-подобный; 2) в этих кластерах установлена территориальная привязанность групп штаммов вирусного клещевого энцефалита, имеющих определенную молекулярно-генетическую характеристику; 3) у приморских штаммов вирусного клещевого энцефалита выявлены генетически детерминированные преимущества в степени нейроинвазивности, обеспечивающие им способность более быстрого преодоления гематоэнцефалического барьера по сравнению с хабаровскими штаммами

    Characterisation of the muon beams for the Muon Ionisation Cooling Experiment

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    A novel single-particle technique to measure emittance has been developed and used to characterise seventeen different muon beams for the Muon Ionisation Cooling Experiment (MICE). The muon beams, whose mean momenta vary from 171 to 281 MeV/c, have emittances of approximately 1.2–2.3 π mm-rad horizontally and 0.6–1.0 π mm-rad vertically, a horizontal dispersion of 90–190 mm and momentum spreads of about 25 MeV/c. There is reasonable agreement between the measured parameters of the beams and the results of simulations. The beams are found to meet the requirements of MICE