49 research outputs found

    Understanding the Dynamics of Ancillary Pelagic Species in the Adriatic Sea

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    The status of fishery resources in the Mediterranean Sea is critical: most of the fish and shellfish stocks are in overexploitation and only half of them are routinely assessed. This manuscript presents the use of Surplus Production Models (SPMs) as a valid option to increase the number of assessed stocks, with specific attention to the Adriatic basin. Particularly, the stock of European sprat (Sprattus sprattus), Mediterranean horse mackerel (Trachurus mediterraneus), and Atlantic horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) living in the Adriatic Sea have been evaluated comparing three SPMs: Catch Maximum Sustainable Yields (CMSY), Stochastic surplus Production model in Continuous Time (SPiCT), and Abundance Maximum Sustainable Yields (AMSY). The different approaches present some variations; however, they generally agree on describing all the stocks close to the reference values for both biomass and fishing mortality in the most recent year. For the European sprat, AMSY results are the most robust model for this species’ survey data allow depicting a clearer picture of the history of this stock. Indeed, for the horse mackerel species, CMSY or SPiCT results are the preferred models, since for these species landings are not negligible. Notwithstanding, age-structured assessments remain the most powerful approach for evaluating the status of resources, but SPMs have proved to be a powerful tool in a data-limited context

    Effects of sampling intensity and biomass levels on the precision of acoustic surveys in the Mediterranean Sea

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    Acoustic surveys represent the standard fishery-independent method worldwide for evaluating the biomass and spatial distribution of small pelagic fish populations. Considering the peculiarities of the spatial behaviour of pelagic fishes, the efficiency of the survey design in determining their biomass and spatial distribution is related to its ability to capture the portion of the patches accounting for larger part of the total biomass. Yet, the spatial structure of the patches could be strongly influenced by ecosystem characteristics as well as by changes in total biomass related to a density-dependent mechanism. This is of particular interest for anchovy and sardine which are known for their wide fluctuations and high sensitivity to the environment. In this study, we analysed the efficiency of acoustic surveys, targeting European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) and European sardine (Sardina pilchardus), in 10 different areas of the Mediterranean Sea across three years of different biomass levels. Using the geostatistical Coefficient of Variation (CVgeo) of the average occurrence probability of high/medium density values, we showed different patterns in terms of survey design efficiency among areas and species. Anchovy usually showed lower CVgeo than sardine, but in the Alboran Sea. In 4 out of 20 cases, CVgeo values showed a consistent decrease with increasing biomass while in the remaining cases the CVgeo did not follow any clear pattern suggesting the presence of important environmental effects. Higher survey design efficiency was found in high productive sectors influenced by river run-off, letting us to hypothesize that higher productivity along with the presence of well-localized enrichment mechanisms could favour a spatially consistent distribution and coherent organization of fish population leading to higher precision estimates with a given transect design. While most surveys displayed CVgeo close to 10% or less even at low biomass, evidencing generally good performances of the survey design, a few areas exhibited higher CVgeo, yielding discussions about a potential need to decrease the inter-transect distance, always keeping in mind that survey should be as synoptic as possible.Versión del edito

    Acoustic correction factor estimate for compensating vertical diel migration of small pelagics

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    Differences in acoustic estimates of small pelagic fish biomass, due to data acquisition during daytime and nighttime surveys, have been recognized for many years as a problem in acoustic surveys. In the absence of a single rule for all species and for all locations, some expert groups identified specific time intervals for acoustic data acquisition in relation to the schooling behavior of the target species. In the Mediterranean Sea, the research groups working in the MEDIAS (Mediterranean International Acoustic Survey) agreed on the importance that acoustic sampling are conducted only during day-time. Only when available time does not permit to complete the survey during daytime, data collection might be extended. In this case, working on data collected during both daytime and nighttime, a bias may occur in the biomass estimates. In order to evaluate and correct such bias, specific experiments were performed in some geographical sub-areas of the Mediterranean Sea. The data analysis allowed the estimation of a mean correction factor for the Strait of Sicily, where five surveys were carried out in different years. The correction factor was estimated also for the Adriatic Sea, Tyrrhenian Sea and Northern Spain; the observed variability among areas highlighted the importance of the spatial and temporal coverage of the survey area in order to obtain reliable estimates of the correction factor. Further studies are necessary to improve the interpretation of the obtained estimates in relation to area-related peculiarities such as zooplankton composition and abundance along with small pelagic fish community structure

    Habitat Suitability Modeling to Identify the Potential Nursery Grounds of the Atlantic Mackerel and Its Relation to Oceanographic Conditions in the Mediterranean Sea

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    Our knowledge for the distribution of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) in the Mediterranean Sea is limited and fragmented. In the current work habitat suitability modeling was applied to summer acoustic surveys data of Atlantic mackerel juveniles derived from the north part of the Mediterranean (i.e., acoustic data from the Gulf of Lions, pelagic trawls held during acoustic surveys in Spanish Mediterranean waters, south Adriatic Sea, Strait of Sicily, and North Aegean Sea) using generalized additive models (GAMs) along with satellite environmental and bathymetry data. Bathymetry along with sea surface temperature and circulation patterns, expressed through sea level anomaly and the zonal component of the absolute geostrophic velocity, were the environmental variables best to describe nursery grounds. The selected model was used to produce maps presenting the potential nursery grounds of Atlantic mackerel throughout the Mediterranean Sea as a measure of habitat adequacy. However, the assessed potential nursery grounds were generally marked as “occasional,” implying that although there are areas presenting high probability to encounter Atlantic mackerel, this picture can largely vary from year to year stressing the high susceptibility of the species to environmental conditions. In a further step and toward a spatial management perspective, we have estimated and visualized the overlap between Atlantic mackerel and anchovy/ sardine juvenile grounds throughout the basin. Results showed that although the degree of overlapping was generally low, not exceeding 15% in general, this varied at a regional level going up to 30%. The potential of the output of this work for management purposes like the implementation of spatially-explicit management tools is discussedVersión del edito

    Density dependence in the spatial behaviour of anchovy and sardine across Mediterranean systems

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    A spatial indicator—the spreading area index—is used to describe anchovy and sardine spatial distribution in relation to biomass variation and to look for ecosystem differences within the Mediterranean basin. Specifically, the variation in the spreading area index in relation to biomass was examined for different areas of the Mediterranean Sea (i.e. Aegean Sea, western Adriatic Sea, Strait of Sicily, Gulf of Lion, and Spanish Mediterranean waters). In order to capture the spatial variability of the population at different levels of fish density, acoustic survey data for the years of highest, lowest, and intermediate abundance were used. In a subsequent step standardized values of spreading area and biomass were estimated to allow comparisons. Results showed pronounced area differences. A significant relationship was revealed in the case of anchovy for areas with extended continental shelf (i.e. Aegean Sea, Adriatic Sea, and Gulf of Lion), indicating an increase in biomass with an increase in the spreading area. No relationship was found for areas dominated by narrow continental shelf and strong currents (i.e. Spanish Mediterranean waters and the Strait of Sicily). With regard to sardine, an increase in biomass was followed by an increase in the spreading area when estimates from the Aegean Sea, the Adriatic Sea, and the Strait of Sicily were considered together. The relationship was even more Abstracts–Theme Session B 9 pronounced when analysis was limited to the Aegean Sea and the Strait of Sicily. No relationship was found for the Spanish Mediterranean waters and the Gulf of Lion. This clearly implies that spatial indicators should be integrated into ecosystem management, taking into account that they can be area‐ or ecosystem‐dependent