153 research outputs found

    Metascience in pre-service primary teacher education: enhancing teachers’ science conceptions

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    Trabalho aprentado na 12th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), 21 a 25 de agosto 2017, Dublin, IrelandaN/

    Modulation of Bmp4 signalling in the epithelial–mesenchymal interactions that take place in early thymus and parathyroid development in avian embryos

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    AbstractEpithelial–mesenchymal interactions are crucial for the development of the endoderm of the pharyngeal pouches into the epithelia of thymus and parathyroid glands. Here we investigated the dynamics of epithelial–mesenchymal interactions that take place at the earliest stages of thymic and parathyroid organogenesis using the quail-chick model together with a co-culture system capable of reproducing these early events in vitro. The presumptive territories of thymus and parathyroid epithelia were identified in three-dimensionally preserved pharyngeal endoderm of embryonic day 4.5 chick embryos on the basis of the expression of Foxn1 and Gcm2, respectively: the thymic rudiment is located in the dorsal domain of the third and fourth pouches, while the parathyroid rudiment occupies a more medial/anterior pouch domain. Using in vitro quail-chick tissue associations combined with in ovo transplantations, we show that the somatopleural but not the limb bud mesenchyme, can mimic the role of neural crest-derived pharyngeal mesenchyme to sustain development of these glands up to terminal differentiation. Furthermore, mesenchymal-derived Bmp4 appears to be essential to promote early stages of endoderm development during a short window of time, irrespective of the mesenchymal source. In vivo studies using the quail-chick system and implantation of growth factor soaked-beads further showed that expression of Bmp4 by the mesenchyme is necessary during a 24h-period of time. After this period however, Bmp4 is no longer required and another signalling factor produced by the mesenchyme, Fgf10, influences later differentiation of the pouch endoderm. These results show that morphological development and cell differentiation of thymus and parathyroid epithelia require a succession of signals emanating from the associated mesenchyme, among which Bmp4 plays a pivotal role for triggering thymic epithelium specification

    Associação da Disfunção Sexual no desenvolvimento de Doença Coronária em pacientes com Diabetes

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    Introdução: A Diabetes Mellitus é uma doença metabólica caracterizada por hiperglicemia inapropriada, sendo a doença metabólica mais conhecida.1,3 A ela associada, advêm complicações que se dividem em macrovasculares (das quais fazem parta a doença arterial coronária e cérebro-vascular) e as microvasculares (como a disfunção sexual, retinopatia, neuropatia e nefropatia).7 A prevalência da disfunção sexual está aumentada em pacientes com DM associada a outros fatores de risco tais como, hipertensão, dislipidémia, doença arterial coronária, idade avançada e um IMC elevado. Além disso, também o mau controlo glicémico e outras alterações microvasculares contribuem para o elevado risco desta complicação.6 Objetivo: Investigar se a disfunção sexual está associada a doença arterial coronária e avaliar qual o padrão característico que leva os doentes da consulta de diabetologia do Hospital Sousa Martins a terem ou não a dita disfunção. Métodos e Materiais: Dos 1205 pacientes inscritos na consulta de diabetologia no ano de 2016 do HSM, foram selecionas os que tinham antecedentes de DAC tendo em conta os critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Ficou-se com uma amostra de 148 doentes. Destes, 2 entraram diretamente para o estudo por terem relatos de disfunção sexual nos dados do processo. Dos restantes, 42 aceitaram responder ao questionário IIEF ou FSFI para avaliar a disfunção sexual. Foram recolhidos dados relevantes do processo como idade, IMC, HbA1c, presença de comorbilidades e alterações microvasculares, terapêutica antidiabética e o uso de fármacos que tenham como efeito adverso a disfunção sexual. Foi usado o software estatístico SPSS versão 23 para o tratamento estatístico. Resultados: Dentro da amostra de 44 doentes, 16 mulheres e 28 homens, 22,7% revelou ter disfunção sexual, 34,1% não apresenta esta complicação e 43,7% não têm atividade sexual. A maioria dos utentes pertencia ao escalão etário dos 60-69 anos. De todas as possíveis caraterísticas analisadas que poderiam ter associação com a disfunção sexual, apenas o sexo feminino, teve significância estatística (p-value 0,007). Conclusões: Assim, pode concluir-se que 22,7% de pacientes da amostra apresentam-se com disfunção sexual. Quanto às caraterísticas e após análise detalhada, apenas se conseguiu constatar que as mulheres sofrem mais desta complicação. Obviamente, e dada a reduzida dimensão da amostra, estas conclusões são apenas válidas para os doentes estudados e não podem ser extrapolados para a população em geral.Introduction: Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disease characterized by inappropriate hyperglycemia, and it is the most well-known metabolic disease.1,3 Linked to it are complications that divide into macrovascular (such as coronary artery disease and cerebro-vascular disease) and microvascular (such as sexual dysfunction, retinopathy, neuropathy and nephropathy).7 The prevalence of sexual dysfunction is increased in patients with DM associated with other risk factors such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, coronary artery disease, advanced age and a high BMI. In addition, poor glycemic control and other microvascular changes also contribute to the increased risk of this complication.6 Objective: To investigate whether sexual dysfunction is associated with coronary artery disease and to assess the characteristic pattern that leads diabetic patients from the Sousa Martins Hospital to have or not the dysfunction. Methods and Materials: Of the 1205 patients enrolled in the diabetes clinic consultation of the SMH in 2016, those with a history of CAD were selected, taking into account the inclusion and exclusion criteria. A sample of 148 patients was taken. Of these, 2 entered directly into the study because they had reports of sexual dysfunction in the process data. Of the remainder, 42 accepted to respond to the IIEF or FSFI questionnaire to assess sexual dysfunction. Relevant data were collected, such as age, BMI, HbA1c, presence of comorbidities and microvascular changes, antidiabetic therapy and the use of drugs that have the adverse effect of sexual dysfunction. Statistical software SPSS version 23 was used for statistical treatment. Results: Within the sample of 44 patients, 16 women and 28 men, 22.7% had sexual dysfunction, 34.1% did not have this complication and 43.7% had no sexual activity. Most of the users belonged to the age group of 60-69 years. Of all the possible analyzed characteristics that could have association with the sexual dysfunction, only the female sex, had statistical significance (p-value 0.007). Conclusions: Thus, it can be concluded that 22.7% of patients in the sample present with sexual dysfunction. Regarding the characteristics and after detailed analysis, it was only found that women suffer more from this complication. Obviously, given the small sample size, these findings are only valid for the patients studied and can not be extrapolated to the general population

    Manifestações otorrinolaringológicas da infeção pelo Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana : uma revisão da literatura

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    Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2019A infeção pelo Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (VIH) é considerada, atualmente, um grave problema de saúde pública, comum a todos os continentes e com repercussão global no desenvolvimento económico e demográfico dos países. Por esta razão, foi-lhe atribuída a classificação de “pandemia” pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), em 2010. A sua importante correlação com a especialidade de Otorrinolaringologia prende-se com o facto das manifestações otorrinolaringológicas da infeção pelo VIH serem as mais prevalentes, estando presentes na maioria dos doentes infetados. Estas podem surgir em qualquer fase da infeção, seja como manifestações inaugurais resultantes da ação imediata do VIH, mas também como processos inflamatórios, infecciosos e/ou neoplásicos que se instalam tardiamente, com o agravamento a imunossupressão. A presente revisão sistemática da literatura científica disponível tem, como objetivo principal, identificar as manifestações otorrinolaringológicas mais frequentes na infeção pelo VIH, os mecanismos fisiopatológicos que lhes são subjacentes e a sua tradução clínica, fazendo, ainda, referência às abordagens diagnósticas e terapêuticas recomendadas. Embora uma manifestação otorrinolaringológica possa ser comum a várias regiões da cabeça e do pescoço, verifica-se que, quando agrupadas de acordo com a região anatómica afetada, são mais prevalentes as manifestações da cavidade oral, seguindo-se as cervicais, nasosinusais e, por fim, as otológicas. A deteção destas patologias, integradas no contexto pessoal e social dos doentes, permite equacionar a sua correlação com o VIH, fazendo-se, assim, o diagnóstico precoce da infeção. Feito o diagnóstico, o início atempado de terapia antirretroviral (assim como o ajuste da mesma nos casos em que já é conhecida a infeção, já que as manifestações ORL constituem um importante alerta para incumprimento e/ou falência terapêutica), assegura uma redução considerável na morbilidade e mortalidade, com consequente melhoria da qualidade de vida dos indivíduos.Nowadays, the subject of infection by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is considered a serious public health issue among all continents, with a global repercussion on both its countries’ economic and demographic development. For that reason, in 2010, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified it as a disease with pandemic proportions. Its important association with the Otolaryngology specialty lies with the fact that the ear, nose and throat (ENT) manifestations are the most prevalent ones among patients infected by HIV. These may occur at any given stage of the disease, either as inaugural manifestations resulting from the immediate action of HIV, but also as inflammatory, infectious and/or neoplastic processes that arise with the worsening of immunosuppression, during the late stages of the infection. The main objective of this systematic review, regarding the available scientific literature, is to identify the most frequent ENT manifestations in HIV infection, their underlying pathophysiological mechanisms and clinical translation, as well as the recommended diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. Although a single pathology may be common to several regions of the head and neck, when grouped according to the anatomical region affected, it is clear that the manifestations of the oral cavity are the most prevalent, followed by the cervical, the nasosinusal and, finally, the otologic ones. The detection of these ENT manifestations, framed into the patients’ personal and social context, facilitates the establishment of their correlation with HIV, thus allowing an early diagnosis of the infection. Once the diagnosis is made, the timely initiation of antiretroviral therapy (as well as its adjustment in cases where the infection is already known, since ENT manifestations are an important warning for noncompliance and/or treatment failure), ensures a considerable reduction in morbidity and mortality, with a resulting improvement in the patients’ quality of life

    Análise de revestimentos tradicionais da Madeira

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    Mestrado em Engenharia CivilEsta dissertação tem como principal objectivo a análise química e mineralógica de materiais de enchimento e de revestimento utilizados na construção tradicional nas ilhas da Madeira e do Porto Santo permitindo-nos ter conhecimento dos componentes, estilos e das técnicas construtivas, dos agentes de degradação, e de acções de conservação e restauro.This work has as main objective the analysis of fillers and coatings used in traditional construction in Madeira and Porto Santo allowing us to also have knowledge of construction materials, proportions, styles, techniques, agents of degradation, and actions for conservation and restoration

    Conceções sobre ciência de futuros professores: uma proposta metodologica

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    XV Encontro Nacional de Educação em Ciência

    Associations between vocal emotion recognition and socio-emotional adjustment in children

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    The human voice is a primary channel for emotional communication. It is often presumed that being able to recognize vocal emotions is important for everyday socio-emotional functioning, but evidence for this assumption remains scarce. Here, we examined relationships between vocal emotion recognition and socio-emotional adjustment in children. The sample included 141 6- to 8-year-old children, and the emotion tasks required them to categorize five emotions (anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, plus neutrality), as conveyed by two types of vocal emotional cues: speech prosody and non-verbal vocalizations such as laughter. Socio-emotional adjustment was evaluated by the children's teachers using a multidimensional questionnaire of self-regulation and social behaviour. Based on frequentist and Bayesian analyses, we found that, for speech prosody, higher emotion recognition related to better general socio-emotional adjustment. This association remained significant even when the children's cognitive ability, age, sex and parental education were held constant. Follow-up analyses indicated that higher emotional prosody recognition was more robustly related to the socio-emotional dimensions of prosocial behaviour and cognitive and behavioural self-regulation. For emotion recognition in non-verbal vocalizations, no associations with socio-emotional adjustment were found. A similar null result was obtained for an additional task focused on facial emotion recognition. Overall, these results support the close link between children's emotional prosody recognition skills and their everyday social behaviour

    O conto e o imaginário infantil: um processo de desenvolvimento da compreensão leitora

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    presente trabalho pretende retratar um conto, como um todo, desde a sua concepção, ao seu desenvolvimento, nascimento e crescimento. Para que ocorresse um nascimento saudável, achámos por bem fundamentá-lo, com uma análise teórica, que engloba temas que julgámos de vital importância: o estudo da Narrativa, do Fantástico, do Maravilhoso, do Imaginário, da Imaginação, do Lúdico, das Fadas e do Imaginário Infantil. Assim foi-se desenvolvendo, pretendendo abarcar todas as áreas curriculares do 1º ciclo, de forma a poder ser explorado, não só de forma pedagógica, como lúdica e impulsionadora da imaginação. O conto” Criar Laços” pretende dar “respostas leitoras” a alunos dos terceiros e quartos anos de escolaridade. Foi um nascimento moroso, pois quem escreve adequa, risca, rabisca, altera e acrescenta ideias, estando em constante meditação imaginária e científica. Quanto ao crescimento de “Criar Laços”, elaborámos algumas formas de análise que são apenas propostas e, por conseguinte, podem ser aplicadas na exploração desta ou de outra narrativa porque, em nosso entender, ao longo do processo ensino/aprendizagem, mergulhar num conto pode tornar-se numa aventura maravilhosa.Ce travail essaie de nous montrer tous les démarches d’un conte dès le debut jusqu’à la fin. Pour qu’il s’agit d’une bonne naissance on croit qu’il doit avoir une analyse théorique melangée par des thèmes comme: l’étude du texte narrative, le fantastique, le merveilleux, l’imaginaire, l’imagination, le ludique, les fées et l’univers infantil. En effect, on le dévelloppe ayant par compte tous les champs disciplinaires du 1er cycle, pour qu’il puisse étre exploité de façon pedagogique, ludique et au niveau de l’imagination. Le conte Criar Laços” veut déclancher des reponses lectrices aux étudiants du troisiéme et du quatriéme année de scolarité. Il a été une naissance lente, puisque qui écrit efface, écrit de nouveau, change, ajoute des idées…en passant toujours par une réflection soit imaginaire, soit scientifique. En ce qui concerne le grandissement de “Criar Laços”, on a elaboré des stratégies qui ne passent d’un project appliqué ici, mais lequel peut étre mené ou pas dans une autre situation. Plonger dans un conte est toujours une merveilleuse aventure

    A experiência estética como abertura religada

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    Emmanuel Levinas’ premise of ethics as transcendence of intentionality lays the foundation for a philosophical hypothesis, which we present in this paper, about the ethical and transcendent nature of the aesthetic experience of art. We begin by examining the central features of E. Levinas’ ethics and aesthetics, focusing on the philosopher’s seemingly ambiguous reasoning regarding the value and status of poetry, to which we propose a new reading and understanding through the notion of the poem as dialogue. We then proceed to a formal analysis of the aesthetic experience. This analysis, consisting of the identification and characterization of the object of the aesthetic experience, as well as its form, and of the various moments it entails – sensibility, fruition and restlessness –, is conducted through an active dialogue between authors such as Xavier Zubiri, Michel Henry, Maurice Blondel and Emmanuel Levinas, in whom we find a common disquiet which we also share: the dehumanism of the contemporary man, based on the radical desacralization of its life. In attempting to find a possible answer to this problem, we have elaborated an original thesis – a experiência estética como abertura religada –, based on the concepts of silence, sacrifice and significance, whereby we sustain that art constitutes one of the central elements of the restauration of the sacred. Consequently, we argue that the aesthetic experience is a form of actualization of the religated essence of man, based on significance, which lays a renewed path for the sacred, and therefore to the consecration of his condition as Son, from which derives the full constitution of his subjectivit
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