23 research outputs found

    Cash transference and food insecurity in Brazil : analysis of national data

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    OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar, na Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de DomicĂ­lios 2004, a hipĂłtese de que a participação em programas governamentais de TransferĂȘncia de Renda estĂĄ associada Ă  situação de segurança alimentar no domicĂ­lio. MÉTODOS: Utilizaram-se dados secundĂĄrios da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de DomicĂ­lios com entrevistas em 112.716 domicĂ­lios. IncluĂ­ram-se neste trabalho os domicĂ­lios particulares permanentes e improvisados, em que as informaçÔes sobre segurança alimentar foram fornecidas por um morador, limitando-se ainda Ă queles com rendimento domiciliar per capita de atĂ© um salĂĄrio-mĂ­nimo, representando isto 51,2% dos domicĂ­lios da amostra. Foram elaborados trĂȘs modelos de estimativas de transferĂȘncia de renda com resultados semelhantes; escolheu-se o Modelo 3 por resultar em menor probabilidade de superestimar efeitos. Para estimar o efeito da transferĂȘncia de renda na prevalĂȘncia de segurança alimentar, foram incluĂ­dos apenas os domicĂ­lios que recebiam transferĂȘncia de renda correspondendo a 14,2% do total de domicĂ­lios entrevistados. A associação entre segurança alimentar e transferĂȘncia de renda, controlando por outras variĂĄveis independentes, foi estimada mediante modelos de regressĂŁo logĂ­stica, mĂ©todo stepwise, para cada uma das trĂȘs faixas de rendimento domiciliar per capita. RESULTADOS: Os programas de transferĂȘncia de renda considerados neste estudo apresentaram um valor mĂ©dio de benefĂ­cios de R81,68pordomicıˊlio.Aregressa~ologıˊsticamuˊltiplamostrouaumentoemtornode8,081,68 por domicĂ­lio. A regressĂŁo logĂ­stica mĂșltipla mostrou aumento em torno de 8,0% na chance de segurança alimentar, para cada 10 reais de acrĂ©scimo nos valores das transferĂȘncias. As condiçÔes de: residĂȘncia em ĂĄrea rural, pessoa de referĂȘncia do sexo masculino e de raça/cor branca tambĂ©m apresentaram associação positiva com segurança alimentar. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados confirmam a hipĂłtese do estudo, indicando associação positiva da transferĂȘncia de renda sobre a segurança alimentar, independentemente do efeito de outras condiçÔes explicativas. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTOBJECTIVE: The 2004 National Household Survey Data was analyzed to test the hypothesis that cash transference from government social programs is associated with household food security. METHODS: Secondary data were used from the National Household Sample Survey which interviewed residents of 112,716 households. The present analysis included permanent and temporary private households, where food security items were informed by a resident of the household, restricting the collection of data to households with per capita monthly income of up to 1 minimum wage, representing 51.2% of the sample. Three models for estimating the amount of cash transference were developed; model 3 was chosen because it was less likely to overestimate effects. To analyze how cash transference affected the prevalence of food security, only households that received cash transference were included in the analysis, representing 14.2% of the interviewed households. The association between food security and cash transference, controlled for other independent variables, was estimated using a logistic regression model with stepwise method for each of the three income strata. RESULTS: The mean per capita cash transference was of R81.68 per family. Multiple logistic regression showed an increased chance of food security of 8% per each R$10.00 contributed by social programs. Rural residence, male head of household, and Caucasian head of household were factors that also presented a higher chance of food security. CONCLUSION: The hypothesis was confirmed, showing a positive association between cash transfer and household food security, regardless of the effects of other explanatory factors

    Edema pulmonar unilateral. La importancia de la exploraciĂłn fĂ­sica y la ecografĂ­a a pie de cama

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    According to data from the RECALMIN 2017 report, heart failure is the most frequent discharge diagnosis in Internal Medicine Units. Its natural history is characterized by episodes of decompensation, which increase morbidity and mortality, with the signs and symptoms of congestion being the main reasons why they go to the emergency room. We present a case of a patient without known structural heart disease. The objective is to demonstrate the importance of the initial physical examination and point of care ultrasound that allows a good approach to the patient and initiation of adequate treatment.SegĂșn datos del informe RECALMIN 2017, el diagnĂłstico principal al alta mĂĄs frecuente en las unidades de Medicina Interna es el de insuficiencia cardĂ­aca. Su historia natural se caracteriza por episodios de descompensaciĂłn, que aumentan la morbilidad y la mortalidad, siendo los signos y sĂ­ntomas de congestiĂłn las principales razones por las que acuden a Urgencias. Presentamos el caso de un paciente sin cardiopatĂ­a estructural conocida que ingresĂł por un episodio de disnea. El objetivo es mostrar la importancia de la exploraciĂłn fĂ­sica y la ayuda de la ecografĂ­a a pie de cama para alcanzar un buen enfoque clĂ­nico del paciente e iniciar el tratamiento adecuado.  

    Estudio para la implantación de Programas en Inglés en los títulos de grado de la ETSI Agrónomos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

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    Universities are offering more and more courses and programmes in an additional language. At HEPCLIL, therefore, we would like to debate the methodological im - plications of these changes, giving voice to practical classroom experiences and initiatives. We would also like to act as a platform for cutting-edge research on CLIL in higher education. What impact does teaching in an additional language have on content or language learning? What are the effects on teachers and stu - dents in higher education

    El Castru (Vigaña, Balmonte de Miranda, Asturias): un pequeño poblado fortificado de las montañas occidentales cantåbricas durante la Edad del Hierro

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    p. 211-237Este artículo presenta los datos arqueológicos recuperados en las excavaciones del poblado castreño de El Castru, en Vigaña (Balmonte de Miranda, Asturias) realizadas en 2012 y 2013. Dicho yacimiento constituye un buen ejemplo de los pequeños castros de la Edad del Hierro en las montañas del årea occidental cantåbrica. Por ello, el anålisis de las informaciones obtenidas y su contextualización a escala regional ofrecen interesantes aportaciones al debate sobre las formas de poblamiento y subsistencia adoptadas por las comunidades del I milenio a.C. en el Noroeste ibérico.S

    Assessment for English language education on the programs at the Agricultural Engineering School of Madrid

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    The convergence process among European academic degrees pursues the exchange of graduate students and the adaptation of university programs to social demand. Within the framework of the European Higher Education, European universities will need to be more competitive not only by increasing or maintaining the student enrolment, but also in their academic performance. Thus, the reinforcing of English language education within the University Programs might play an important role to reach these objectives. In this sense, a complete survey was accomplished at the Agricultural Egineering School of Madrid (ETSIA ) addressing issues such as: identification the needs for bilingual instruction at ETSIA, identification resources needed and interest and background in English language of students and professors (San José et al., 2013). The conclusions and recommendations to promote the bilingual instruction in the ETSIA, taking into account the approaches followed by other Spanish universities, are presented in this work

    Estudio para la implantación de Programas en Inglés en los títulos de grado de la ETSI Agrónomos

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    El proceso actual de convergencia entre instituciones universitarias europeas ha promovido los Programas AcadĂ©micos en InglĂ©s como un marco fructĂ­fero para su internacionalizaciĂłn con el fin de desarrollar la movilidad de estudiantes y la cooperaciĂłn institucional dentro y fuera del EEES. El objetivo es alcanzar la InternacionalizaciĂłn de la Universidad a travĂ©s de dos ejes de actuaciĂłn: la mejora del nivel de inglĂ©s de los alumnos egresados y la captaciĂłn de alumnos extranjeros. En España, la prĂĄctica totalidad de las Universidades PĂșblicas ofrecen algĂșn tipo de Programa en InglĂ©s, existiendo una variada tipologĂ­a de propuestas. En este contexto, se realizĂł un estudio para la implantaciĂłn de Programas en InglĂ©s en los tĂ­tulos de grado de la ETSI AgrĂłnomos de la Universidad PolitĂ©cnica de Madrid. Para ello se analizaron las diferentes experiencias existentes en Programas en InglĂ©s en las Universidades Españolas, haciendo especial hincapiĂ© en los estudios del ĂĄmbito agrario. Se evaluĂł la opiniĂłn de alumnos y profesores de la ETSI AgrĂłnomos sobre tres cuestiones: interĂ©s en participar en un Programa en InglĂ©s, tipo de programa en el que estarĂ­a dispuesto a participar y autoevaluaciĂłn del nivel de inglĂ©s. TambiĂ©n se examinĂł el interĂ©s de los alumnos de bachillerato y del mundo laboral, empresas e instituciones del ĂĄmbito agroalimentario, en los Programas en InglĂ©s. Por Ășltimo, se exploraron las implicaciones administrativas y necesidades de recursos que conlleva la implantaciĂłn de un Programa AcadĂ©mico Universitario en InglĂ©s. Las conclusiones del trabajo destacan la dispar oferta nacional en programas en inglĂ©s y en requerimientos lingĂŒĂ­sticos a profesores y alumnos. Existe un gran interĂ©s tanto por parte de profesores y alumnos de la ETSI AgrĂłnomos como de alumnos de Bachillerato por participar en este tipo de programas

    Miradas y voces de la investigaciĂłn educativa I

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    Fil: Ferreyra, Horacio Ademar. Universidad CatĂłlica de CĂłrdoba. Facultad de EducaciĂłn; ArgentinaFil: Calneggia, MarĂ­a Isabel. Universidad CatĂłlica de CĂłrdoba. Facultad de EducaciĂłn; ArgentinaFil: Di Francesco, Adriana Carlota. Universidad CatĂłlica de CĂłrdoba. Facultad de EducaciĂłn; Argentin

    Outcomes from elective colorectal cancer surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    This study aimed to describe the change in surgical practice and the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on mortality after surgical resection of colorectal cancer during the initial phases of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

    GestiĂłn del conocimiento. Perspectiva multidisciplinaria. Volumen 17

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    El libro “GestiĂłn del Conocimiento. Perspectiva Multidisciplinaria”, Volumen 17 de la ColecciĂłn UniĂłn Global, es resultado de investigaciones. Los capĂ­tulos del libro, son resultados de investigaciones desarrolladas por sus autores. El libro es una publicaciĂłn internacional, seriada, continua, arbitrada, de acceso abierto a todas las ĂĄreas del conocimiento, orientada a contribuir con procesos de gestiĂłn del conocimiento cientĂ­fico, tecnolĂłgico y humanĂ­stico. Con esta colecciĂłn, se aspira contribuir con el cultivo, la comprensiĂłn, la recopilaciĂłn y la apropiaciĂłn social del conocimiento en cuanto a patrimonio intangible de la humanidad, con el propĂłsito de hacer aportes con la transformaciĂłn de las relaciones socioculturales que sustentan la construcciĂłn social de los saberes y su reconocimiento como bien pĂșblico

    The marine algae Sargassum spp. (Sargassaceae) as feed for sheep in tropical and subtropical regions

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate Sargassum meal as feed for sheep through the measures of in vivo digestibility, dry matter degradability, pH, ammonia and volatile fatty acids in rumen. The Sargassum algae used in this experiment were collected at the end of spring, when they are more abundant, bigger, and have completed their reproductive cycle. Four tons (wet weigth) were collected manually from the intertidal zone of La Paz bay, Baja California Sur, Mexico. These algae were sun-dried and ground in a hammer mill to obtain the Sargassum meal. Four fistulated Pelibuey sheep, were fed daily with diets containing the marine algae (MA) at different levels (0, 10, 20 and 30 %), using a 4 x 4 Latin-square design experiment. Feed intake was not affected (p > 0.05). Water consumption and urine excretion increased with MA (p 0.05) by MA. Ruminal volatile fatty acids decreased in all MA groups (p < 0.05). The marine algae Sargassum spp. can be used as a feed supplement for sheep, especially in tropical and subtropical regions where these marine algae are available