174 research outputs found

    αS1-casein, which is essential for efficient ER-to-Golgi casein transport, is also present in a tightly membrane-associated form

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Caseins, the main milk proteins, aggregate in the secretory pathway of mammary epithelial cells into large supramolecular structures, casein micelles. The role of individual caseins in this process and the mesostructure of the casein micelle are poorly known.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, we investigate primary steps of casein micelle formation in rough endoplasmic reticulum-derived vesicles prepared from rat or goat mammary tissues. The majority of both α<sub>S1</sub>- and β-casein which are cysteine-containing casein was dimeric in the endoplasmic reticulum. Saponin permeabilisation of microsomal membranes in physico-chemical conditions believed to conserve casein interactions demonstrated that rat immature β-casein is weakly aggregated in the endoplasmic reticulum. In striking contrast, a large proportion of immature α<sub>S1</sub>-casein was recovered in permeabilised microsomes when incubated in conservative conditions. Furthermore, a substantial amount of α<sub>S1</sub>-casein remained associated with microsomal or post-ER membranes after saponin permeabilisation in non-conservative conditions or carbonate extraction at pH11, all in the presence of DTT. Finally, we show that protein dimerisation via disulfide bond is involved in the interaction of α<sub>S1</sub>-casein with membranes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These experiments reveal for the first time the existence of a membrane-associated form of α<sub>S1</sub>-casein in the endoplasmic reticulum and in more distal compartments of the secretory pathway of mammary epithelial cells. Our data suggest that α<sub>S1</sub>-casein, which is required for efficient export of the other caseins from the endoplasmic reticulum, plays a key role in early steps of casein micelle biogenesis and casein transport in the secretory pathway.</p

    Xarque com assucar/Pelotas com nordeste: contraponto de extremos no paladar cultural brasileiro /

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão.A dissertação busca resgatar as relações culturais entre o Nordeste e Pelotas ao deixar falar a nutrição formadora destas regiões em seus intercâmbios econômicos, o açúcar e o charque, ao considerar o significado da economia simbólica deste ciclo obscurecido nas passagens da economia doméstica à capitalista e da periferia regional ao centro globalizado, sendo referência a obra de Gilberto Freyre, quem primeiro levanta a possibilidade deste contraponto. Levando em conta o método crítico de procedimento de resgate de Walter Benjamin, esta pesquisa ilustra a limitação dos registros históricos ao que ocorre no centro cultural, quando sua própria re-inserção no movimento histórico se compreenderia somente na ocasião que aqui se recobra, que é a do deslocamento para a metrópole industrial urbana e para a política econômica capitalista centralizada: o contraponto açúcar/charque emerge barrocamente do que hoje se tornou padronizada região periférica (Nordeste e Pelotas) remontando ao momento transicional da monarquia escravocrata para a república, quando o Nordeste perde o poder central para o Sudeste e Pelotas a condição de metrópole charqueadora escravista. A singularidade regional e moderna desta conexão irrompe nos modernismos brasileiros, tanto na contra-corrente da urbanização (Nordeste) como a favor dela (Pelotas), mas constantemente ameaçada de submergir à padronização globalizada


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    The percentage of male teachers is at its lowest number in 40 years as fewer males are choosing elementary teaching as a career choice. As a result, many elementary students rarely see a male teacher particularly for their role models during their formative years as they spend over half or most of their day time at school five days a week. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to find out the challenges experienced by five male elementary teachers in three different Adventist schools in Region IV-A (CALABARZON),&nbsp; mainly in the province of Cavite, Laguna, and Batangas. Data were collected, analyzed, and coded for categories and themes. The findings showed that male elementary teachers have faced great challenges in their teaching categorized into four themes: (1) sense of isolation, (2) general stereotype, (3) student’s behavior, and (4) physical contact. Despite these challenges the participants of this study have faced, they remain in their choice of profession because they wanted to make a difference in the lives of young&nbsp; children as they perform important roles as positive role models, mentors, and providers of diverse basic education learning experience for young learners particularly for children who do not have males at home during their crucial developmental years. This study addresses positive social change by providing voice for the male elementary teachers, a diminishing but important teaching population

    Tuning the optical properties of luminescent down shifting layers based on organic dyes to increase the efficiency and lifetime of P3HT: PCBM photovoltaic devices

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    Mixtures of luminescence downshifting (LDS) materials has been used to increase the efficiency of poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl):phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (P3HT:PC61BM) bulk heterojunction solar cell. This layers convert more energetic photons to lower energies that are better matched with wavelength peak of the external quantum efficiency (EQE) of a P3HT:PC61BM solar cell. Experimental studies were used to optimise the optical properties of LDS layers including the maximum of absorbance and the photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY). To provide the significant improvements, combinations of LDS mixtures were prepared to provide the greatest absorption and PLQY. The approach is shown to simultaneously improve the photocurrent and increase the lifetime of the device by absorbing UV light. By optimising the optical properties of the LDS mixture, a relative increase of about 20% in the photocurrent density produced by the P3HT:PCBM cell could be achieved, which to our knowledge is one of the most significant reported for OPVs

    Composition of raw cow milk and artisanal yoghurt collected in Maroua (Cameroon)

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    The composition of milk is of most importance to the dairy industry and human health. This study was conducted to provide data on the composition of raw cow milk and artisanal yoghurt collected in Maroua (Cameroon). Milk and yoghurt samples were collected from 11 breeding sites and 12 producers in the city of Maroua, respectively. The following parameters were determined: pH, dry matter, ash, fat, lactose, total protein, non-casein nitrogen (NCN), non-protein nitrogen (NPN), true protein, whey protein, casein, amino acid composition, α-lactalbumin, β-lactoglobulin, αS1-casein, αS2-casein, β- casein, κ-casein and mineral composition. The results showed that, the composition of the milk and yoghurt varied from one sample to another. The chemical composition of some of the milk and yoghurt studied differed from the corresponding samples in previous studies. For example the mean pH of the raw cow milk (6.25) and artisanal yoghurt (3.84) were lower. The mean NPN levels of the cow milk and yoghurt (0.21g/100g) were higher. The mean fat content of milk (4.48 g/100 g) was higher. The protein fraction was lower in yoghurt while Fe, Cu and Mn levels were lower in both cow milk and yoghurt. The data reported in this paper would be helpful in dairy technology and public health.Key words: Composition, cow milk, artisanal yoghurt, Maroua, Cameroon

    Development of multidye UV filters for OPVs using luminescent materials

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    Luminescence down-shifting (LDS) is used in several photovoltaic technologies aiming to improve the photon conversion efficiency (PCE) of the devices through the increase of the light harvesting in the regions of the electromagnetic spectrum where the EQE of the solar cells is poor. The aim of this work was to produce films of mixtures (blends) of two luminescent materials, dispersed in a poly-methyl methacrylate (PMMA) matrix, hoping to improve their properties both as LDS layer and as UV filter when applied on the clear, external surface of P3HT:PC61BM photovoltaic devices. The best results led to an increment of 7.4% in the PCE of the devices, and a six fold enhancement in their half-life (T50%). This study indicates that multidye LDS layers with optimized optical properties can lead to an effective improvement in the performance and operational stability of OPVs

    Type II Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndrome, about a case

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    Introduction: autoimmune Polyglandular Syndrome is characterized by the presence in the same patient of endocrine glandular insufficiencies, among which are: insulin-dependent diabetes, thyroid disease and mainly non-thyroid autoimmune disease. Of all its variants, autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type II is the most common. Presentation of the case: a 33-year-old female patient who has presented type 1 Diabetes Mellitus since she was 16 years old and generalized asthenia for 2 years. He went to the health service for presenting symptoms that corresponded to a urinary tract infection, he was admitted to the Internal Medicine service room for treatment, where the symptoms of marked decay, diarrhea, weight loss, hypotension and hypoglycemia, vitiligo and areas of melanoderma, as well as intestinal malabsorption symptoms. The clinical and analytical studies carried out in the service confirmed the presence of Addison's disease and celiac disease, which are associated with type II autoimmune polyglandular syndrome. Conclusions: the presentation of the clinical case allows us to understand the long-term follow-up of patients with autoimmune polyglandular syndrome, which guarantees early diagnosis and timely replacement treatment of other diseases that arise in the evolution of said syndrome, and which involves clinical specialties such as : internal medicine, endocrinology, immunology and genetics, which decreases the morbidity and mortality of the patient

    Impureza isoeletrônica de nitrogênio em materiais e heteroestruturas de materiais semicondutores

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    Neste trabalho, apresentamos uma revisão dos efeitos da impureza isoeletrônica de nitrogênio nas propriedades ópticas e elétricas de materiais semicondutores III-V e alguns resultados experimentais de fotoluminescência em poços quânticos de GaAs/GaAsSbN crescidos pela técnica de Epitaxia por Feixe Molecular. Impurezas isoeletrônicas de nitrogênio causam profundas modifi cações nas propriedades ópticas e elétricas de materiais semicondutores, principalmente devido à sua grande eletronegatividade. As principais alterações no material hospedeiro, devido à inserção do N, são: grande redução do “gap” de energia (150 meV por % de N), aumento no valor da massa efetiva e alta densidade de estados profundos no “gap” do material. No sistema GaAs/GaAsSbN, por exemplo, observamos uma redução de 132,0 meV para uma variação de 1,3 % na concentração de N. A forte redução no valor do “gap” de energia tem permitido o desenvolvimento de lasers semicondutores, crescidos sobre o substrato de GaAs, com emissão na região espectral de transmissão de dados em fi bras ópticas de sílica (1,3 – 1,55 μm). Do ponto de vista teórico, as modifi cações nas propriedades ópticas e elétricas do material hospedeiro, induzidas pelos átomos de N, são descritas por um modelo relativamente simples baseado na repulsão entre o estado localizado de N e os estados estendidos da banda de condução do semicondutor, modelo “band-anticrossing”

    Diagnóstico operativo de la Universidad Nacional de Huancavelica

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    Esta tesis consiste en un diagnóstico operativo de la Universidad Nacional de Huancavelica, institución de educación superior pública con más de 6,000 estudiantes, que se distribuyen entre una sede principal y tres filiales. Asimismo, la organización cuenta con docentes a tiempo completo y a tiempo parcial, y con personal administrativo, que se complementa con personal que es contratado por servicios, para cubrir todos los cargos disponibles, cuyas tareas no están directamente relacionadas con los procesos productivos. Se trata de una institución dedicada a brindar servicios educativos, por lo que el insumo de entrada son las personas, tanto estudiantes como docentes; mientras que el producto final son los egresados, ya sean de pre o de posgrado. El análisis realizado indica falta de engranaje entre los procesos y el diseño de los puestos de trabajo, así como la ausencia del diseño de los servicios que se brindan, al no involucrar a los consumidores que sería la comunidad empresarial y de organismos públicos que hacen vida en la región Huancavelica. Es por ello que se requiere iniciar la implementación de un conjunto de mejoras que se han detallado en este documento, con un costo total de S/ 11’190,900. Esto incluye, entre otras cosas, la adquisición de un sistema de costeo basado en actividades y el desarrollo de sistemas para el manejo de información y la integración de las distintas áreas, así como la compra de equipo de cómputo, para que todo el personal tenga acceso a las herramientas tecnológicas, con eficiencia. También se ha propuesto la creación de una incubadora para fomentar la innovación y el desarrollo empresarial, cumpliendo con la función que tiene la universidad de promover la investigación y la generación de conocimientos. Además de gran cantidad de beneficios sociales, las mejoras propuestas redundarán en un beneficio económico de S/ 14’891,614.This thesis consists of an operational diagnosis of the National University of Huancavelica, a public higher education institution with more than 6,000 students, which is distributed between a main office and three branch offices. Likewise, the organization has full-time and part-time teachers, and administrative staff, which is supplemented by personnel hired for services, to cover all available positions, whose tasks are not directly related to production processes. It is an institution dedicated to providing educational services, so the input is the people, both students and teachers; while the final product is graduates, whether bachelor or graduate studies. The analysis carried out indicates a lack of coordination between the processes and the design of the jobs, as well as the absence of the design of the services that are offered, by not involving the consumers that would be the business community and public organisms that make life in the Huancavelica region. That is why it is necessary to start the implementation of a set of improvements that have been detailed in this document, with a total cost of S / 11'190,900. This includes, among other things, the acquisition of a costing system based on activities and the development of systems for the handling of information and the integration of the different areas, as well as the purchase of computer equipment, so that all personnel have access to technological tools, with efficiency. It has also been proposed the creation of an incubator to promote innovation and business development, fulfilling the function that the university has to promote research and the generation of knowledge. In addition to a large number of social benefits, the proposed improvements will result in an economic benefit of S / 14'891,614. Invoking a panel of experts to review the curriculum and redesign the content of each course. As a result, the competitiveness of the graduates will increase, which will benefit the companies of the region, in all the economic sectors where the graduates are insertedTesi