1,174 research outputs found

    An efficient numerical method for shakedown analysis

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    The algorithm proposed in [9] for incremental elastoplasticity is extended and applied to shakedown analysis. Using the three field mixed finite element proposed in [22] a series of mathematical programming problems or steps, obtained from the application of the proximal point algorithm to the static shakedown theorem, are obtained. Each step is solved by an Equality Constrained Sequential Quadratic Programming (EC-SQP) tech- nique that allows a consistent linearization of the equations improving the computational efficiency

    An efficient mixed variational reduced order model formulation for non-linear analyses of elastic shells

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    The Koiter-Newton method had recently demonstrated a superior performance for non-linear analyses of structures, compared to traditional path-following strategies. The method follows a predictor-corrector scheme to trace the entire equilibrium path. During a predictor step a reduced order model is constructed based on Koiter's asymptotic post-buckling theory which is followed by a Newton iteration in the corrector phase to regain the equilibrium of forces. In this manuscript, we introduce a robust mixed solid-shell formulation to further enhance the efficiency of stability analyses in various aspects. We show that a Hellinger-Reissner variational formulation facilitates the reduced order model construction omitting an expensive evaluation of the inherent fourth order derivatives of the strain energy. We demonstrate that extremely large step sizes with a reasonable out-of-balance residual can be obtained with substantial impact on the total number of steps needed to trace the complete equilibrium path. More importantly, the numerical effort of the corrector phase involving a Newton iteration of the full order model is drastically reduced thus revealing the true strength of the proposed formulation. We study a number of problems from engineering and compare the results to the conventional approach in order to highlight the gain in numerical efficiency for stability problems

    A quasi-static nonlinear analysis for assessing the fire resistance of 3d frames exploiting time-dependent yield surface

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    In this work an automatic procedure for evaluating the axial force-biaxial bending yield surface of reinforced concrete sections in fire is proposed. It provides an accurate time-dependent expression of the yield condition by a section analysis carried out once and for all, accounting for the strength reduction of the materials, which is a function of the fire duration. The equilibrium state of 3D frames with such yield conditions, once discretized using beam finite elements, is formulated as a nonlinear vectorial equation defining a curve in the hyperspace of the discrete variables and the fire duration. A generalized path-following strategy is proposed for tracing this curve and evaluating, if it exists, the limit fire duration, that is the time of exposure which leads to structural collapse. Compared to the previous proposals on the topic, which are limited to local sectional checks, this work is the first to present a global analysis for assessing the fire resistance of 3D frames, providing a time history of the fire event and taking account of the stress redistribution. Numerical examples are given to illustrate and validate the proposal

    A mixed algorithm for incremental elastoplastic analysis

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    A new method for the incremental analysis of elastoplastic associated materials is presented. The method fully retains all the equations and variables of the problems at the same level and uses a sequential quadratic programming with equality constraints to solve in an efficient and robust fashion the elastoplastic step equations derived by means of a suitable mathematical programming formulation of the problem. The new proposal is compared with standard strain driven formulations which use a return mapping by closest point projection schemes. The numerical tests performed show a good performance and a great robustness of the proposed formulation also in the case of multi–surface elastoplasticity

    Local boundedness for solutions of a class of nonlinear elliptic systems

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    In this paper we are concerned with the regularity of solutions to a nonlinear elliptic system of m equations in divergence form, satisfying p growth from below and q growth from above, with p <= q; this case is known as p, q-growth conditions. Well known counterexamples, even in the simpler case p = q, show that solutions to systems may be singular; so, it is necessary to add suitable structure conditions on the system that force solutions to be regular. Here we obtain local boundedness of solutions under a componentwise coercivity condition. Our result is obtained by proving that each component u(alpha) of the solution u = (u(1),..., u(m)) satisfies an improved Caccioppoli's inequality and we get the boundedness of u(alpha) by applying De Giorgi's iteration method, provided the two exponents p and q are not too far apart. Let us remark that, in dimension n = 3 and when p = q, our result works for 3/2 < p <= 3, thus it complements the one of Bjorn whose technique allowed her to deal with p <= 2 only. In the final section, we provide applications of our result

    Attention and cognitive load modulate motor resonance during action observation

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    Observation of others\u2019 actions evokes a motor resonant (MR) response, in the parieto-frontal Action Observation Network (AON, comprising BA40, BA6, BA4). In order to investigate the effect of cognitive processes on the AON we manipulated attention and cognitive load during central and peripheral observation of hand grasping actions with three experiments. Motor Evoked Potentials (MEPs) were elicited in the opponent of the thumb (OP) and abductor of the little finger (ADM) by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) of the primary motor cortex. First, we investigated the role of selective attention by asking subjects to focus their attention on the thumb of the moving hand in central vision. A selective facilitation of OP MEPs was recorded, without the expected ADM MEPs modulation. Second, a \u201ccovert attention\u201d paradigm was used to investigate the role of attention in peripheral vision. Surprisingly, MEP modulation was virtually abolished. In the third experiment we tested the hypothesis that the higher cognitive load introduced by the covert attention instruction had interfered with MR. We allowed subjects to view the action before its peripheral presentation with covert attention, thereby decreasing the cognitive effort necessary to decode the grasping action. The accuracy of motor resonant response was restored

    On the H\uf6lder continuity for a class of vectorial problems

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    In this paper we prove local H\uf6lder continuity of vectorial local minimizers of special classes of integral functionals with rank-one and polyconvex integrands. The energy densities satisfy suitable structure assumptions and may have neither radial nor quasi-diagonal structure. The regularity of minimizers is obtained by proving that each component stays in a suitable De Giorgi class and, from this, we conclude about the H\uf6lder continuity. In the final section, we provide some non-trivial applications of our results

    Condensation in disordered lasers: theory, 3D+1 simulations and experiments

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    The complex processes underlying the generation of a coherent-like emission from the multiple-scattering of photons and wave-localization in the presence of structural disorder are still mostly un-explored. Here we show that a single nonlinear Schroedinger equation, playing the role of the Schawlow-Townes law for standard lasers, quantitatively reproduces experimental results and three-dimensional time-domain parallel simulations of a colloidal laser system.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure