328 research outputs found

    Methodology and tools for improving competence of a chemical plant characterized by a complex Supply Chain network

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    Supply chain performance is strongly influenced by its design, chosen architecture, logistic network and types of finished product that made their marketplace. Sometimes environmental reasons like site location due to deals between government administration and companies may cause changes in logical design and hence increase logistic network complexity and become in a strategic Supply Chain constraint. Our case study addresses a geographic place of a chemical manufacturing plant inside its supply chain which the 86% of the domestic raw material suppliers, its unique distribution center and 100% of the plastic and metallic packaging suppliers are placed over 800 kilometers of distance. Starting from this restriction the research work consists in how redesign and rethink the architecture of the existing supply chain and optimize the processes inside the chemical plant trying to minimize the cost disadvantages related directly to the physical location of the factory. This research treats the selection of coordination and collaborative mechanisms between supply chain members, other company departments and outsourcing partners in order to create a collaborative coordinated model for optimization of this complex supply chain network. Besides this environment limitation, the most salient threats were internal at the company and consisted successfully implement coordinated actions to improve the management of processes and to take practical level. Fighting against the cultural change of the sectors involved and achieves the proposed expected results. The thesis consists of five practical cases studies of coordinated process for performance improvement. Each one being part of an integrated system that converges in a Plant performance common goal, which is increase supply chain competence. RQ1 tries to identify the processes which will be possible to apply the SC new model and management system emerged from the theoretical study and practical benchmarking cases. The research design is then presented by the implementation at Plant’s field level of the proposed develop scheme using the coordinated collaborative improvement model. RQ2 asks whether the chosen cases are adequate. Selecting the best alternative proposed for each thread. After that, the obtained results are presented and discussed for each field case. The focus of the research study is on supply chain practice and supply chain theoretical framework also. To conclude with the author experience that remarks supply chain practice has been heavily influenced by supply chain research and vice versa

    Pollen viability and meiotic abnormalities in brome grasses (Bromus L., section Ceratochloa) from Argentina

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    Bromus Section Ceratochloa includes temperate forage species. South American species form a morphologically very variable hexaploid complex (2n = 6x = 42), with a controversial taxonomic classification. Reproductive biology has been studied in several of them, but the number of analyzed plants has seldom been reported. Further investigations might clarify breeding relations and the adequacy of current classifications. Pollen viability and size, which can provide evidence of spontaneous hybridization, were studied in seven accessions (six plants/accession) classified as B. catharticus var. catharticus, var. elata, and var. rupestris; B. parodii; B. bonariensis; B. lithobius; and B. coloratus. Variability was detected among accessions for average pollen viability (54%–82%) and pollen size (15.8%– 26.2% n.). Meiotic analyses were performed in a sample of genotypes from five accessions with <70% pollen viability and/or variability in pollen size. Normal and abnormal meiocytes (11.9%–44.5%) were recorded at various meiotic stages in one randomly taken genotype from each sample. Since these cleistogamous species can produce chasmogamous flowers, the analyzed accessions, conserved as “species”, are apparently of hybrid origin. Segregation in hybrid populations could add to the confusion in taxonomy, affecting both conservation of genetic diversity and efficiency of parental selection in breeding.Fil: Leofanti, Gabriela Agustina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Camadro, Elsa Lucila. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentin

    Potential seed production per plant in species of Bromus (Section Ceratochloa) at southeast of Buenos Aires province

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    En Argentina crecen varias especies de la Sección Ceratochloa del género Bromus, que se destacan por su producción de forraje inverno-primaveral. El valor de estos recursos nativos ha incentivado la colecta de semillas de diferentes poblaciones las que se conservan en Bancos de Germoplasma para su eventual utilización en la obtención de variedades de alta producción de forraje y/o semilla, previa evaluación de sus características. Con el objetivo de determinar la producción potencial de semillas por planta mediante los componentes de rendimiento, se cultivaron en Balcarce 10 poblaciones pertenecientes a B. bonariensis, B. coloratus, B. parodii y B. catharticus (variedades: catharticus, rupestris y elata), y dos cultivares (Gato y Volcán), según un diseño en bloques completos con n=4 y 12 plantas/parcela. Se registraron el número de panojas/planta, de espiguillas/panoja y de flores/espiguilla, y se estimó el número potencial de semillas por panoja y planta, peso de 1000 semillas y rendimiento (g/panoja y g/planta). Se realizó análisis de la varianza y comparación de tratamientos con DMS (p<0,05). Los materiales genéticos no difirieron en el número de semillas/panoja ante la compensación establecida entre los componentes de esa variable, pero sí a nivel planta, debido principalmente a la cantidad diferencial de panojas/planta. Hubo compensación entre peso y número de semillas, pero igualmente los materiales presentaron diferencias en rendimiento (g) Éste fue mayor en los cultivares y en dos poblaciones silvestres pertenecientes a B. bonariensis y a B. catharticus var. catharticus, las que constituyen materiales promisorios para su inclusión en planes de mejoramiento.Several species of the genus Bromus, Section Ceratochloa, grow in Argentina. They have an exceptional winterspring forage production. The value of these native resources has encouraged the collection of seeds from different populations. After assessing their characteristics, these seeds are conserved in germplasm banks for their eventual use to obtain high-yield forage and/or seed varieties. The objective of this study was to determine the potential seed production per plant based on the evaluation of yield components. Ten populations of B. bonariensis, B. coloratus, B. parodii, and B. catharticus (varieties: catharticus, elata, and rupestris), and two cultivars (Gato and Volcan) were grown in Balcarce, applying a randomized complete block design with n = 4 and 12 plants/plot. The number of panicles/plant, spikelets/panicle, and flowers/spikelet were recorded, and the potential number of seeds per panicle and per plant, the weight of 1000 seeds, and the potential yield were estimated. The data were analyzed using ANOVA followed by an LSD test (p<0,05). Genetic materials did not differ in number of seeds/panicle due to the established compensation between the components of that variable. However, there were differences at the plant level, mainly due to the differential amount of panicles/plant. Despite the compensation between weight and number of seeds, the materials presented differences regarding the potential yield of seed/plant (g). The yield was higher for the cultivars and two wild populations belonging to B. bonariensis and B. catharticus var. catharticus, which constitute promising materials to be included in plant breeding programs.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Potential seed production per plant in species of Bromus (Section Ceratochloa) at southeast of Buenos Aires province

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    En Argentina crecen varias especies de la Sección Ceratochloa del género Bromus, que se destacan por su producción de forraje inverno-primaveral. El valor de estos recursos nativos ha incentivado la colecta de semillas de diferentes poblaciones las que se conservan en Bancos de Germoplasma para su eventual utilización en la obtención de variedades de alta producción de forraje y/o semilla, previa evaluación de sus características. Con el objetivo de determinar la producción potencial de semillas por planta mediante los componentes de rendimiento, se cultivaron en Balcarce 10 poblaciones pertenecientes a B. bonariensis, B. coloratus, B. parodii y B. catharticus (variedades: catharticus, rupestris y elata), y dos cultivares (Gato y Volcán), según un diseño en bloques completos con n=4 y 12 plantas/parcela. Se registraron el número de panojas/planta, de espiguillas/panoja y de flores/espiguilla, y se estimó el número potencial de semillas por panoja y planta, peso de 1000 semillas y rendimiento (g/panoja y g/planta). Se realizó análisis de la varianza y comparación de tratamientos con DMS (p<0,05). Los materiales genéticos no difirieron en el número de semillas/panoja ante la compensación establecida entre los componentes de esa variable, pero sí a nivel planta, debido principalmente a la cantidad diferencial de panojas/planta. Hubo compensación entre peso y número de semillas, pero igualmente los materiales presentaron diferencias en rendimiento (g) Éste fue mayor en los cultivares y en dos poblaciones silvestres pertenecientes a B. bonariensis y a B. catharticus var. catharticus, las que constituyen materiales promisorios para su inclusión en planes de mejoramiento.Several species of the genus Bromus, Section Ceratochloa, grow in Argentina. They have an exceptional winterspring forage production. The value of these native resources has encouraged the collection of seeds from different populations. After assessing their characteristics, these seeds are conserved in germplasm banks for their eventual use to obtain high-yield forage and/or seed varieties. The objective of this study was to determine the potential seed production per plant based on the evaluation of yield components. Ten populations of B. bonariensis, B. coloratus, B. parodii, and B. catharticus (varieties: catharticus, elata, and rupestris), and two cultivars (Gato and Volcan) were grown in Balcarce, applying a randomized complete block design with n = 4 and 12 plants/plot. The number of panicles/plant, spikelets/panicle, and flowers/spikelet were recorded, and the potential number of seeds per panicle and per plant, the weight of 1000 seeds, and the potential yield were estimated. The data were analyzed using ANOVA followed by an LSD test (p<0,05). Genetic materials did not differ in number of seeds/panicle due to the established compensation between the components of that variable. However, there were differences at the plant level, mainly due to the differential amount of panicles/plant. Despite the compensation between weight and number of seeds, the materials presented differences regarding the potential yield of seed/plant (g). The yield was higher for the cultivars and two wild populations belonging to B. bonariensis and B. catharticus var. catharticus, which constitute promising materials to be included in plant breeding programs.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Potential seed production per plant in species of Bromus (Section Ceratochloa) at southeast of Buenos Aires province

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    En Argentina crecen varias especies de la Sección Ceratochloa del género Bromus, que se destacan por su producción de forraje inverno-primaveral. El valor de estos recursos nativos ha incentivado la colecta de semillas de diferentes poblaciones las que se conservan en Bancos de Germoplasma para su eventual utilización en la obtención de variedades de alta producción de forraje y/o semilla, previa evaluación de sus características. Con el objetivo de determinar la producción potencial de semillas por planta mediante los componentes de rendimiento, se cultivaron en Balcarce 10 poblaciones pertenecientes a B. bonariensis, B. coloratus, B. parodii y B. catharticus (variedades: catharticus, rupestris y elata), y dos cultivares (Gato y Volcán), según un diseño en bloques completos con n=4 y 12 plantas/parcela. Se registraron el número de panojas/planta, de espiguillas/panoja y de flores/espiguilla, y se estimó el número potencial de semillas por panoja y planta, peso de 1000 semillas y rendimiento (g/panoja y g/planta). Se realizó análisis de la varianza y comparación de tratamientos con DMS (p<0,05). Los materiales genéticos no difirieron en el número de semillas/panoja ante la compensación establecida entre los componentes de esa variable, pero sí a nivel planta, debido principalmente a la cantidad diferencial de panojas/planta. Hubo compensación entre peso y número de semillas, pero igualmente los materiales presentaron diferencias en rendimiento (g) Éste fue mayor en los cultivares y en dos poblaciones silvestres pertenecientes a B. bonariensis y a B. catharticus var. catharticus, las que constituyen materiales promisorios para su inclusión en planes de mejoramiento.Several species of the genus Bromus, Section Ceratochloa, grow in Argentina. They have an exceptional winterspring forage production. The value of these native resources has encouraged the collection of seeds from different populations. After assessing their characteristics, these seeds are conserved in germplasm banks for their eventual use to obtain high-yield forage and/or seed varieties. The objective of this study was to determine the potential seed production per plant based on the evaluation of yield components. Ten populations of B. bonariensis, B. coloratus, B. parodii, and B. catharticus (varieties: catharticus, elata, and rupestris), and two cultivars (Gato and Volcan) were grown in Balcarce, applying a randomized complete block design with n = 4 and 12 plants/plot. The number of panicles/plant, spikelets/panicle, and flowers/spikelet were recorded, and the potential number of seeds per panicle and per plant, the weight of 1000 seeds, and the potential yield were estimated. The data were analyzed using ANOVA followed by an LSD test (p<0,05). Genetic materials did not differ in number of seeds/panicle due to the established compensation between the components of that variable. However, there were differences at the plant level, mainly due to the differential amount of panicles/plant. Despite the compensation between weight and number of seeds, the materials presented differences regarding the potential yield of seed/plant (g). The yield was higher for the cultivars and two wild populations belonging to B. bonariensis and B. catharticus var. catharticus, which constitute promising materials to be included in plant breeding programs.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Producción potencial de semillas por planta en especies de Bromus (Sección Ceratochloa), en el sudeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires

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    En Argentina crecen varias especies de la Sección Ceratochloa del género Bromus,que se destacan por su producción de forraje inverno-primaveral. El valor de estos recursos nativos ha incentivado la colecta de semillasde diferentes poblaciones las que se conservan en Bancos de Germoplasma para su eventual utilización en la obtención devariedades de alta producción de forraje y/o semilla, previaevaluación de sus características. Con el objetivo de determinar la producción potencial de semillas por planta mediante los componentes de rendimiento, se cultivaron en Balcarce 10 poblaciones pertenecientes a B.bonariensis, B.coloratus, B.parodii y B.catharticus (variedades: catharticus,rupestrisy elata), y dos cultivares (Gato y Volcán), según un diseño en bloques completos con n=4 y 12 plantas/parcela. Se registró el número de panojas/planta,de espiguillas/panoja y de flores/espiguilla, y se estimó el número potencial de semillas por panoja y planta, peso de 1000 semillas yrendimiento (g/panoja y g/planta). Se realizó análisis de la varianza y comparación de tratamientos con DMS (p<0,05). Se detectó variabilidad significativa para varios atributos. Los materiales genéticos no difirieron en el número de semillas/panoja ante la compensación establecida entre sus componentes, pero sí a nivel planta, debido principalmente a la cantidad diferencial de panojas/planta. Hubo compensación entre peso y número de semillas, pero igualmente los materiales presentaron diferencias en rendimiento de semillas por planta. Éste fue mayor en los cultivares y en dos poblaciones silvestres pertenecientes a B.bonariensis y a B. catharticus var.catharticus, las que podrían considerarse materiales promisorios para su inclusión en planes de mejoramiento.Several species of the genus Bromus, Section Ceratochloa, grow in Argentina. They have an exceptional winterspring forage production. The value of these native resources has encouraged the collection of seeds from different populations. After assessing their characteristics, these seeds are conserved in germplasm banks for their eventual use to obtain high-yield forage and/or seed varieties. The objective of this study was to determine the potential seed production per plant based on the evaluation of yield components. Ten populations of B. bonariensis, B. coloratus, B. parodii, and B. catharticus (varieties: catharticus, elata, and rupestris), and two cultivars (Gato and Volcan) were grown in Balcarce, applying a randomized complete block design with n = 4 and 12 plants/plot. The number of panicles/plant, spikelets/panicle, and flowers/spikelet were recorded, and the potential number of seeds per panicle and per plant, the weight of 1000 seeds, and the potential yield were estimated. The data were analyzed using ANOVA followed by an LSD test (p<0,05). Genetic materials did not differ in number of seeds/panicle due to the established compensation between the components of that variable. However, there were differences at the plant level, mainly due to the differential amount of panicles/plant. Despite the compensation between weight and number of seeds, the materials presented differences regarding the potential yield of seed/plant (g). The yield was higher for the cultivars and two wild populations belonging to B. bonariensis and B. catharticus var. catharticus, which constitute promising materials to be included in plant breeding programs.Fil: Alonso, Sara Isabel. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Echeverria, María de Las Mercedes. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Leofanti, Gabriela Agustina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata; ArgentinaFil: Castaño, Jorge Alberto. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires Sur. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce; Argentin

    Magnesium oxide as a catalyst support: The influence of chlorine

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    The properties of MgO when used as a support material for Ru-Au catalysts have been investigated by thermal analysis, chemical analysis, surface area measurements and X-ray diffraction. During impregnation the support undergoes a bulk hydration but heating to 673 K restores the oxide. In a sample impregnated by water only, the dehydration occurs at 651 K and the surface area increases from 15 to&gt; 300 m2 g-1, due to the formation of small pores. Great changes in the DTA peak temperature and in the surface area after dehydration are found in the catalysts and in MgO impregnated with HCl solutions. It is shown that these changes are accurately correlated to the amount of chlorine which remains in the solid (deriving from the metal precursor compounds or HCl). The formation of basic magnesium chlorides, shown by X-ray diffraction, seems to favour an easier release of water (i.e., lower DTA peak temperatures and lower apparent activation energies) and to reduce the formation of small pores.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/23933/1/0000179.pd