46 research outputs found

    Next-generation insights into regulatory T cells: expression profiling and FoxP3 occupancy in Human

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    Regulatory T-cells (Treg) play an essential role in the negative regulation of immune answers by developing an attenuated cytokine response that allows suppressing proliferation and effector function of T-cells (CD4+ Th). The transcription factor FoxP3 is responsible for the regulation of many genes involved in the Treg gene signature. Its ablation leads to severe immune deficiencies in human and mice. Recent developments in sequencing technologies have revolutionized the possibilities to gain insights into transcription factor binding by ChiP-seq and into transcriptome analysis by mRNA-seq. We combine FoxP3 ChiP-seq and mRNA-seq in order to understand the transcriptional differences between primary human CD4+ T helper and regulatory T-cells, as well as to study the role of FoxP3 in generating those differences. We show, that mRNA-seq allows analyzing the transcriptomal landscape of T-cells including the expression of specific splice variants at much greater depth than previous approaches, whereas 50% of transcriptional regulation events have not been described before by using diverse array technologies. We discovered splicing patterns like the expression of a kinase-dead isoform of IRAK1 upon T-cell activation. The immunoproteasome is up-regulated in both Treg and CD4+ Th cells upon activation, whereas the ‘standard’ proteasome is up-regulated in Tregs only upon activation

    Next-generation insights into regulatory T cells: expression profiling and FoxP3 occupancy in Human

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    Regulatory T-cells (Treg) play an essential role in the negative regulation of immune answers by developing an attenuated cytokine response that allows suppressing proliferation and effector function of T-cells (CD4+ Th). The transcription factor FoxP3 is responsible for the regulation of many genes involved in the Treg gene signature. Its ablation leads to severe immune deficiencies in human and mice. Recent developments in sequencing technologies have revolutionized the possibilities to gain insights into transcription factor binding by ChiP-seq and into transcriptome analysis by mRNA-seq. We combine FoxP3 ChiP-seq and mRNA-seq in order to understand the transcriptional differences between primary human CD4+ T helper and regulatory T-cells, as well as to study the role of FoxP3 in generating those differences. We show, that mRNA-seq allows analyzing the transcriptomal landscape of T-cells including the expression of specific splice variants at much greater depth than previous approaches, whereas 50% of transcriptional regulation events have not been described before by using diverse array technologies. We discovered splicing patterns like the expression of a kinase-dead isoform of IRAK1 upon T-cell activation. The immunoproteasome is up-regulated in both Treg and CD4+ Th cells upon activation, whereas the ‘standard’ proteasome is up-regulated in Tregs only upon activation

    The solute carrier SLC7A1 may act as a protein transporter at the blood-brain barrier

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    Despite extensive research, targeted delivery of substances to the brain still poses a great challenge due to the selectivity of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Most molecules require either carrier- or receptor-mediated transport systems to reach the central nervous system (CNS). These transport systems form attractive routes for the delivery of therapeutics into the CNS, yet the number of known brain endothelium-enriched receptors allowing the transport of large molecules into the brain is scarce. Therefore, to identify novel BBB targets, we combined transcriptomic analysis of human and murine brain endothelium and performed a complex screening of BBB-enriched genes according to established selection criteria. As a result, we propose the high-affinity cationic amino acid transporter 1 (SLC7A1) as a novel candidate for transport of large molecules across the BBB. Using RNA sequencing and in situ hybridization assays, we demonstrated elevated SLC7A1 gene expression in both human and mouse brain endothelium. Moreover, we confirmed SLC7A1 protein expression in brain vasculature of both young and aged mice. To assess the potential of SLC7A1 as a transporter for larger proteins, we performed internalization and transcytosis studies using a radiolabelled or fluorophore-labelled anti-SLC7A1 antibody. Our results showed that SLC7A1 internalised a SLC7A1-specific antibody in human colorectal carcinoma (HCT116) cells. Moreover, transcytosis studies in both immortalised human brain endothelial (hCMEC/D3) cells and primary mouse brain endothelial cells clearly demonstrated that SLC7A1 effectively transported the SLC7A1-specific antibody from luminal to abluminal side. Therefore, here in this study, we present for the first time the SLC7A1 as a novel candidate for transport of larger molecules across the BBB

    miR-155 inhibition sensitizes CD4+ Th cells for TREG mediated suppression.

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    BackgroundIn humans and mice naturally occurring CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells (nTregs) are a thymus-derived subset of T cells, crucial for the maintenance of peripheral tolerance by controlling not only potentially autoreactive T cells but virtually all cells of the adaptive and innate immune system. Recent work using Dicer-deficient mice irrevocably demonstrated the importance of miRNAs for nTreg cell-mediated tolerance.Principal findingsDNA-Microarray analyses of human as well as murine conventional CD4(+) Th cells and nTregs revealed a strong up-regulation of mature miR-155 (microRNA-155) upon activation in both populations. Studying miR-155 expression in FoxP3-deficient scurfy mice and performing FoxP3 ChIP-Seq experiments using activated human T lymphocytes, we show that the expression and maturation of miR-155 seem to be not necessarily regulated by FoxP3. In order to address the functional relevance of elevated miR-155 levels, we transfected miR-155 inhibitors or mature miR-155 RNAs into freshly-isolated human and mouse primary CD4(+) Th cells and nTregs and investigated the resulting phenotype in nTreg suppression assays. Whereas miR-155 inhibition in conventional CD4(+) Th cells strengthened nTreg cell-mediated suppression, overexpression of mature miR-155 rendered these cells unresponsive to nTreg cell-mediated suppression.ConclusionInvestigation of FoxP3 downstream targets, certainly of bound and regulated miRNAs revealed the associated function between the master regulator FoxP3 and miRNAs as regulators itself. miR-155 is shown to be crucially involved in nTreg cell mediated tolerance by regulating the susceptibility of conventional human as well as murine CD4(+) Th cells to nTreg cell-mediated suppression