35 research outputs found

    Almost-periodic solutions in various metrics of higher-order differential equations with a nonlinear restoring term

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    summary:Almost-periodic solutions in various metrics (Stepanov, Weyl, Besicovitch) of higher-order differential equations with a nonlinear Lipschitz-continuous restoring term are investigated. The main emphasis is focused on a Lipschitz constant which is the same as for uniformly almost-periodic solutions treated in [A1] and much better than those from our investigations for differential systems in [A2], [A3], [AB], [ABL], [AK]. The upper estimates of ε\varepsilon for ε\varepsilon -almost-periods of solutions and their derivatives are also deduced under various restrictions imposed on the constant coefficients of the linear differential operator on the left-hand side of the given equation. Besides the existence, uniqueness and localization of almost-periodic solutions and their derivatives are established

    The backpacking phenomenon: a contribution to the anthropology of tourism

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    Institute of EthnologyÚstav etnologieFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Global problems of the current world according to National Geographic magazine

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    The objective of the Master's Thesis Global problems of the current world according to National Geographic magazine is an analysis of the National Geographic magazine approach to informing about contemporary environmental problems. Using a qualitative content analysis the author aims to find out whether there are some specific routines or phenomenons appearing in the articles when covering the environmental topics in media. The theoretical part focuses on general description of the environmental problems media coverage, on explanation of the term globalisation and on contemporary global problems definitions. It also summarizes the 125-year history and the most important milestones of the National Geographic magazine. The practical part consists of research on media reflection of global environmental problems in reportages and their thematic anchoring. It is based both on local and international studies on similar topic. The summary presents and interprets the results of the analysis

    Spontánní regrese rakoviny

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    The main goal of this thesis is to find and gather documented cases of spontaneous cancer regression without targeted therapy. Based on the case studies, this thesis aims to categorize individual cases and explain spontaneous regression at the immunological level. According to the findings, we will attempt to evaluate whether the observed cases of cancer regression would find experimental or clinical use

    Teaching aids for teaching vocational subjects

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    The bachelor thesis entitled The teaching aids for teaching of vocational subjects is focused on attributes of the teaching aids used for teaching of vocational subjects at secondary schools. In the theoretical part there are classified the aids according to various authors and there is described their didactical function. The brief summary of the teaching aids that are applicable for teaching of the main subjects oriented on the gardening courses is embodied in. The practical part is focused on the survey of some teachers of the vocational subjects and the practical training. By means of interview were inquired the informations about possibilities and rate of the used aids in teaching with orientation to the herbal. It was discovered that the more practiced teachers prefer the use of more classical teaching aids than the teachers with shorter professional experience. All the teachers are coincident with regular put of the teaching aids on education. The herbal is an integral to the lessons with focus on gardening

    The Possibilities of using the Piano in Kindergarten

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na zmapování výskytu využití klavíru v literatuře zaměřené na hudebněvýchovnou práci v MŠ. V první části jsou rozbory vybrané literatury zaměřující se na hudební činnosti v MŠ. V druhé části je toto téma rozebíráno více do hloubky v rámci jednotlivých činností. Práce jako celek poskytuje souhrnný přehled výskytu klavíru v kontextu s hudebními činnostmi v literatuře, která je zaměřena na výuku HV v MŠ, kde se v literatuře vyskytuje klavír.ObhájenoThis bachelor thesis is about mapping and analysis of using piano in literature related to music educational work in a kindergarten. In the first part are analyzed selected literature focusing on music activities in the kindergarten. In the second part, this topic is dealt with more in-depth within each activity. The thesis as a whole provides a summary overview of the piano occurrence in the context of musical activities in the literature, focused on the teaching of music education in kindergarten where the piano appears in the literature

    Theorems of Bohr-Neugebauer-type for almost-periodic differential equations

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    Differential and integral calculus in economic problems

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    The thesis deals with the theory of differential and integral calculus and its application to economic problems. The main aim of the thesis is to create a comprehensive set of examples and to show the wide range of applications of differential and integral equations in economics. The theoretical part focuses on and presents practical applications of differential and integral calculus in economic problems and models. This part includes relevant economic theories and provides the theoretical basis for the practical part. The theoretical knowledge is further applied to economic problems that can be solved using derivatives and integrals, including an analysis of how and why these mathematical procedures are applied to a given type of problem. This subsection contains a brief description of the relevant theories, the corresponding methods, the characteristics of the models applied, etc. The practical part aims to use Maple software to visualise economic models into graphs based on real data. Maple can be used to simulate different economic situations to see how changes in input conditions affect output. The thesis includes solved examples, a study of mathematical and economic problems resulting in their solution, a comparison of results in an economic context, a discussion, and the formulation of conclusions

    Work of the coordinator of school education programme

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    The thesis offers a comprehensive look at the work of the Coordinator of the school educational programme, his professional and personal prerequisites for the performance of specialized function. In the theoretical part of the work is defined the role of the Coordinator, described the content of his activity and characterized his managerial skills needed to management of creating of the school educational programmes. One part of the work is a description of the activities of the Coordinator in the preparation, formation and implementation of the school educational programme. The empirical part of the thesis includes an analysis of the educational programme entitled: The Coordinator of the school educational programme. By means of interviews with the coordinators of school educational programmes, they were inquired about their experience with the authors of educational programmes and the utilization of knowledge from a preparatory course in real activity. Questionnaire survey was the basis for finding out opinions of the educational programmes creators themselves on the activity of the coordinators. Area of research was focused on the schools in the Pilsen region. Keywords: The Coordinator of the school educational programme, the school educational programme, curricular reform, activity of the..