26 research outputs found

    Low-|t| structures in elastic scattering at the LHC

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    Possible low-t|t| structures in the differential cross section of pppp elastic scattering at the LHC are predicted. It is argued that the change of the slope of the elastic cross section near t=0.1t=-0.1 GeV2^2 has the same origin as that observed in 1972 at the ISR, both related to the 4mπ24m_{\pi}^2 branch point in the t|t|-channel of the scattering amplitude. Apart from that structure, tiny oscillations at small t|t| may be present on the cone at low t|t|.Comment: 13 pages, 4 Tables; to be published in Acta Physica Polonica

    Promjene u aktivnosti središnjeg živčanog sustava štakora tretiranih tijekom faza ontogeneze dimetoatom, organofosfornim insekticidom u kombinaciji s drugim toksikantima

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    Organophosphates are usually found in the environment with other pesticides and with pollutants of industrial origin can cause combined exposure involving unknown interactions between the agents. In this study, female Wistar rats were given 1/25 LD50 of dimethoate by gavage, combined with the same LD50 fractions of propoxur and cypermethrin or with arsenic (6.66 mg kg-1). The doses were given from day 5 to 15 of pregnancy, or that plus for the 4 weeks of lactation, or that plus 8 weeks for the male offspring after weaning. Control rats received distilled water. Electrophysiological recording was done when the male offspring reached 12 weeks of age. Spontaneous activity and evoked potentials from the somatosensory, visual and auditory cortex; and conduction velocity and absolute and relative refractory periods of the tail nerve were measured. The general trend was a shift of the spontaneous cortical activity to higher frequencies and increase in the evoked potential latency. The results showed that combined exposure to several environmental toxicants could be more harmful than the effects of each substance alone, indicating the importance of combination toxicology in modelling human effects. Furthermore, these results emphasize the importance of avoiding toxic exposures in pregnant and nursing women.Organofosfati su u okolišu obično prisutni zajedno s drugim pesticidima i mogu uzrokovati uz onečišćivače industrijskog podrijetla, kombiniranu izloženost koja uzrokuje interakcije među spojevima. U radu su ženke štakora soja Wistar tretirane oralnom intubacijom s 1/25 LD50 dimetoata kombiniranog s 1/25 LD50 propoksura i cipermetrina ili s arsenom (6,66 mg kg-1). Tretmani su bili: od 5. do 15. dana trudnoće; ili od 5. do 15. dana trudnoće i 4 tjedna za vrijeme laktacije; ili od 5. do 15. dana trudnoće, 4 tjedna za vrijeme laktacije i 8 tjedana potomcima mužjacima nakon polijeganja. Kontrolna skupina štakora tretirana je samo destiliranom vodom. Na potomcima mužjacima je nakon 12 tjedana provedeno elektrofiziološko snimanje. Mjerena su spontana i podražajno izazvana aktivnost iz somatosenzorskih, vizualnih i auditivnih kortikalnih područja, brzina provođenja i apsolutni i relativni periodi otpora repnog živca. Opće promjene bile su pomak u spontanoj kortikalnoj aktivnosti na više frekvencije te povećanje latentnog perioda kod podražajno izazvanog potencijala. Rezultati su pokazali da izlaganje kombinacijama toksikanata iz okoliša može biti štetnije od učinaka svakog od toksikanata zasebno, upućujući na važnost ispitivanja učinaka kombinacija različitih toksikanata na ljudsko zdravlje. Rezultati osobito upućuju na važnost izbjegavanja izlaganja trudnica i dojilja toksikantima

    Kombinirani učinci supkronične izloženosti olovu, živi i alkoholu na spontanu i podražajno izazvanu kortikalnu aktivnost kod štakora

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a combination of well-known neurotoxic heavy metals, lead and mercury, with ethanol. For 12 weeks, young adult male Wistar rats were given plain tap water or water containing 5 % (v/v) ethanol to drink, and were treated with two doses of lead acetate or mercuric chloride by gavage. Accordingly, there was a water-drinking and an alcohol-drinking control group. After the treatment period, spontaneous and stimulus-evoked activity from the somatosensory, visual and auditory cortical areas was recorded. The frequency spectrum of the spontaneous activity, as well as latency and duration of the evoked potential were analysed. A shift in frequency was observed in the electrocorticogram, and lengthened latency and duration times in the evoked potentials. Alcohol seemed to influence the effect of the metals. Combined exposure to heavy metals and regular alcohol consumption may result in more severe central and/or peripheral neurotoxic outcomes.Cilj rada bio je istražiti učinke kombinacije poznatih neurotoksičnih teških metala, olova i žive, u kombinaciji s etanolom. Mužjacima štakora soja Wistar (starim 12 tjedana) tijekom 12 tjedana bila je dostupna obična voda ili voda koja je sadržavala 5 % (v/v) etanola te su tretirani oralnom intubacijom s dvije doze olovova acetata ili živina klorida. Kontrolne skupine štakora tretirane su ili samo vodom ili pak vodom s alkoholom. Tijekom tretmana spontana i podražajno izazvana aktivnost iz somatosenzorskih, vizualnih i auditivnih kortikalnih područja bila je snimana. Raspon frekvencija spontane aktivnosti, kao i latentni period te trajanje izazvanih potencijala su analizirani. Na elektrokortikogramu primijećen je pomak frekvencije, a kod izazvanih potencijala produženi latentni period i trajanje. Čini se da alkohol utječe na učinak metala. Kombinacija izloženosti teškim metalima i redovite konzumacije alkohola može rezultirati težim središnjim i/ili perifernim neurotoksičnim učinkom

    MPM 2010 Preface

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    Realizing QVT with Graph Rewriting-Based Model Transformation

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    Model-based development is an increasingly applied method in producing software artifacts that is driven by model transformation. For instance, OMG's Model-Driven Architecture as a model-based approach to software development facilitates the synthesis of application programs from models created using customized, domain-specific model processors. Meta Object Facility 2.0 Query/ Views/ Transformation (QVT) is the OMG's standard for specifying model queries, views, and transformations. Extensive research of graph transformation provides a strong formal background for model transformation. The main contribution of this paper is to show how high-level constraint constructs facilitate to realize transformations specified in QVT with metamodel-based model transformation. As a result we can reuse the graph transformation constructs, and its formal background, which facilitates to make QVT transformations validated

    Survey of Platforms for Massive IoT

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    Internet of things (IoT) becomes a prominent technology in our world. It is enabling the connection between the objects (the “things”) and the backend systems via the Internet. Everyday objects can become connected and smart. It has been adopted in different areas and applications such as smart cities, smart agriculture, smart healthcare, smart manufacturing, and others. Moreover, IoT platforms are currently growing up into the market. Each platform provides valuable and specific services and features. This paper presents a survey on IoT platforms, discussing their architectures and fundamentals of IoT building elements and communication protocols between them. The aim of this paper is to help the reader choose a suitable and adequate IoT platform for own demands in the huge number and variety of platforms available. This survey provides a comprehensive view of the components and features of the state-of-the-art IoT platforms

    Model transformation by graph transformation: A comparative study

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    This is an electronic version of the paper presented at the Model Transformation in Practice, held in Montego Bay on 2005Graph transformation has been widely used for expressing model transformations. Especially transformations of visual models can be naturally formulated by graph transformations, since graphs are well suited to describe the underlying structures of models. Based on a common sample model transformation, four different model transformation approaches are presented which all perform graph transformations. At first, a basic solution is presented and crucial points of model transformations are indicated. Subsequent solutions focus mainly on the indicated problems. Finally, a first comparison of the chosen approaches to model transformation is presented where the main ingredients of each approach are summarized

    Does increased 18FDG uptake reflect malignant transformation of a low-grade glioma? a diagnostic dilemma

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    Benign gliomas of the brain show decreased uptake of 18F fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) on positron emission tomography (PET). Malignant transformation is usually manifested by an increase of 18FDG uptake. A 45-year-old female has been followed up since 1987 by means of 18FDG-PET for a right hemispheric World Health Organization Grade II oligoastrocytoma. In 1996, increased epileptic activity was accompanied by increased 18FDG uptake within the temporal part of the tumor. After surgery, the epileptic seizures diminished. Histological examination of the resected tumor showed no change in the pathology when compared with the first biopsy. Localized temporal increase of 18FDG uptake was not associated with malignant progression. The decrease of seizure frequency might shed light on a putative connection of hyperglycolysis and epileptic discharges

    Recent Advances in Multi-paradigm Modeling

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    Model-Based Design of complex software systems is an activity that requires the use of different modeling formalisms, with different perspectives of the system, to cover all relevant aspects of the system, to avoid over-design, to employ manageable models and to support system integration. The comprehensive use of models in design has created a set of challenges beyond those of supporting one isolated design task. In particular, the need to combine, couple, and integrate models at different levels of abstraction and in different formalisms is posing a set of specific problems that must be tackled. Multi-Paradigm Modeling is precisely the research field to focus on developing an appropriate set of concepts and tools to address the challenge of integrating models of different aspects of a software system specified using different formalisms and eventually at different levels of abstraction. This paper summarizes the results of the 3rd Workshop on Multi-Paradigm Modeling: Concepts and Tools. Fulltext Previe