82 research outputs found

    Scrambling and reference in german

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    Although the linear order of arguments (and adverbials) in German is relatively free, it underlies certain restrictions; these don’t apply to the so-called unmarked order for arguments (Lenerz 1977) and adverbials (Frey/Pittner 1998). It is a common assumption to take the unmarked order as basic and derive all other orders from it by scrambling, whatever its specific characteristics may be (cf., amongst others, Haider/Rosengren 1998). The observable restrictions obtaining for some linear ordering may then be considered as constraints on a movement operation (scrambling). [...] In the following, I will try to present the outlines of a possible explanation for the restriction, based on a proposal governing the proper referential interpretation of indefinite NPs

    „Wie soll ich das verstehen?“

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    Der Beitrag ist eine leicht ĂŒberarbeitete Version der Abschiedsvorlesung, die Prof. Dr. JĂŒrgen Lenerz am 02.02.2011 gehalten hat. Die eingebundenen Audiobeispiele können einzeln angehört werden und stehen alternativ in einem komprimierten Archiv als Download zur VerfĂŒgung. Siehe: urn:nbn:hbz:38:7530

    Ackerwildkrautschutz in Luxemburg durch SchutzĂ€cker, Feldflorareservate und Ökologische Landwirtschaft

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    Arable plants are becoming increasingly rare in today's cultural landscape and belong to the most endangered plant species in Luxemburg. Their main threat is the intensification of agriculture, where high usage of pesticides and fertilizer, better seed cleaning methods and the abandonment of marginal yield sites all negatively affect arable plant communities. Another factor is the loss of (potential) habitat due to the expansion of settlements and subsequent loss of agricultural lands. The dire situation calls for urgent action. Within the framework of the bachelor thesis of the first author, a concept for the protection of arable plants in Luxembourg was developed. The following article describes and discusses the four most promising applied approaches to arable plant conservation identified in the course of this work, namely organic farming, two types of “conservation fields” (“Schutzacker” and “Feldflorareservat”) and pesticide-free field margins

    Naturschutzleistungen des Ökologischen Landbaus: Wiederansiedlung seltener und gefĂ€hrdeter Ackerwildpflanzen naturrĂ€umlicher HerkĂŒnfte auf Ökobetrieben

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    Die Intensivierung der Landwirtschaft hat zum RĂŒckgang vieler Ackerwildpflanzen gefĂŒhrt. Der Ökologische Landbau bietet gĂŒnstige Voraussetzungen fĂŒr ihren Schutz. Wie entsprechende Populationen etabliert werden können, untersuchte ein Verbundprojekt der Bayerischen Landesanstalt fĂŒr Landwirtschaft, der Technischen UniversitĂ€t MĂŒnchen und der UniversitĂ€t Kassel. Die AG Freising untersuchte drei seltene winterannuelle Arten (Consolida regalis, Legousia speculumveneris, Lithospermum arvense) in mehrfaktoriellen Feldversuchen, in Praxisaus-saaten auf Bio-Betrieben sowie in GewĂ€chshausexperimenten. MessgrĂ¶ĂŸen waren Individuendichte, Samenproduktion und Bodensamenvorrat der Zielarten, zudem wurde der Ertrag der FeldfrĂŒchte bestimmt. FrĂŒhe Herbstsaaten und geringe Konkurrenz durch Kulturen brachten beste Erfolge. Zur erfolgreichen Ansiedlung der AckerwildkrĂ€uter wird eine Aussaat in Blanksaat oder in reduziert gesĂ€ten Winterungen, wie Dinkel oder Roggen, bis spĂ€testens Mitte Oktober empfohlen. Klee-Gras und Sommerungen wie Erbsen ermöglichten kaum bzw. kein Auflaufen der Zielarten, die jedoch teils im Bodensamenvorrat ĂŒberdauern. Die AG Witzenhausen untersuchte die Wiederansiedlung von AckerwildkrĂ€utern auf Praxis-betrieben. Dazu wurden artenreiche SpenderflĂ€chen identifiziert und autochthones Saatgut gefĂ€hrdeter Arten entnommen. Samenmischungen wurden in BlĂŒhfenster und den benachbarten Getreidebestand ausgebracht. Zudem wurde die Übertragung von Oberboden arten-reicher FlĂ€chen getestet. Im Anlagejahr konnte sich bei beiden Verfahren ein Teil der eingebrachten Arten reproduzieren. Dies gelang bei Konkurrenz mit Getreide tendenziell schlechter. In den Folgejahren konnten bei Anbau von Getreide wiederum einige Arten nachgewiesen werden; die meisten Samen gelangten bei Bodenbearbeitung in tiefere Bodenschichten und reicherten die Samenbank an. Praxisempfehlungen zur Wiederansiedlung von AckerwildkrĂ€utern auf ökologisch bewirtschafteten Äckern wurden als BroschĂŒre veröffentlicht

    (Morpho)syntactic variation in agreement:Specificational copular clauses across Germanic

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    Hartmann J, Heycock C. (Morpho)syntactic Variation in Agreement: Specificational Copular Clauses Across Germanic. Frontiers in psychology. 2020;10: 2994.In this paper we bring together the results of our research into agreement in copular clauses in four different Germanic languages-Dutch, German, Faroese, and Icelandic-in order to provide an overview of the results. These cases present a particularly interesting window into how verbal agreement operates, since there are two potential controllers of agreement, which may disagree in person and/or number (The source of the rumor BE the neighbors/you-sg/you-pl). We will show that there is variation at all levels in which nominal controls agreement: cross-linguistic, inter-speaker within a single language, and intra-speaker. We argue that our data support the following claims: (1) "Downward" agreement for person, as well as number, with a nominal that is not in the canonical subject position is possible and in some cases preferred; (2) The agreement patterns observed in Icelandic and Faroese support the hypothesis that in these languages there are distinct Number and Person heads; (3) "Downward" agreement from a high position in the left-periphery is a grammatically distinct phenomenon from agreement when the verb remains in a lower position in the clause; (4) In some languages and some configurations, speakers show a significant degree of indeterminacy in their judgments and production, suggesting that speakers use more than one grammar. We relate our findings to current discussions in the generative literature on subject agreement and in particular differences between number and person agreement, and possible connections to restrictions on object clitics; we also discuss questions that remain open, and invite new, cross-disciplinary research. Copyright © 2020 Hartmann and Heycock

    In need of mediation: The relation between syntax and information structure

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    This paper defends the view that syntax does not directly interact with information structure. Rather, information structure affects prosody, and only the latter has an interface with syntax. We illustrate this point by discussing scrambling, focus preposing, and topicalization. The position entertained here implies that syntax is not very informative when one wants to narrow down the interpretation of terms such as “focus”, “topic”, etc

    The fundamental left-right asymmetry in the Germanic verb cluster

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    Cinque (2005, 2009, 2014a) observes that there is an asymmetry in the possible ordering of dependents of a lexical head before versus after the head. A reflection on some of the concepts needed to develop Cinque’s ideas into a theory of neutral word order reveals that dependents need to be treated separately by class. The resulting system is applied to the problem of word order in the Germanic verb cluster. It is shown that there is an extremely close match between theoretically derived expectations for clusters made up of auxiliaries, modals, causative ‘let’, a main verb, and verbal particles. The facts point to the action of Cinque’s fundamental left-right asymmetry in language in the realm of the verb cluster. At the same time, not all verb clusters fall under Cinque’s generalization, which, therefore, argues against treating all cases of restructuring uniformly
