23 research outputs found

    ATM-deficient neural precursors develop senescence phenotype with disturbances in autophagy.

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    ATM is a kinase involved in DNA damage response (DDR), regulation of response to oxidative stress, autophagy and mitophagy. Mutations in the ATM gene in humans result in ataxi A-Telangiectasia disease (A-T) characterized by a variety of symptoms with neurodegeneration and premature ageing among them. Since brain is one of the most affected organs in A-T, we have focused on senescence of neural progenitor cells (NPCs) derived from A-T reprogrammed fibroblasts. Accordingly, A-T NPCs obtained through neural differentiation of iPSCs in 5% oxygen possessed some features of senescence including increased activity of SA-β-gal and secretion of IL6 and IL8 in comparison to control NPCs. This phenotype of A-T NPC was accompanied by elevated oxidative stress. A-T NPCs exhibited symptoms of impaired autophagy and mitophagy with lack of response to chloroquine treatment. Additional sources of oxidative stress like increased oxygen concentration (20 %) and H2O2 respectively aggravated the phenotype of senescence and additionally disturbed the process of mitophagy. In both cases only A-T NPCs reacted to the treatment. We conclude that oxidative stress may be responsible for the phenotype of senescence and impairment of autophagy in A-T NPCs. Our results point to senescent A-T cells as a potential therapeutic target in this disease

    Diurnal variation in the selected indicators of water contamination in the Białka river affected by a sewage treatment plant discharge

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    This study was aimed to assess the diurnal variability in the number of microbial indicators of water quality and the content of the selected main ions at 3 sites located on Białka river, Podhale. The examined sites included the stream being a receiver of sewage from the treatment plant, before the treatment plant and few kilometers downstream of the sewage discharge - at the water intake for artificial snowing of the largest ski station in the region. Twelve series of samples were collected over 36 hours period. Temperature, pH, electrical conductivity and dissolved oxygen were measured onsite, microbiological analyses included the numbers of mesophilic bacteria, fecal Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecalis, chemical analyses determined the concentration of main ions. E. faecalis was not detected in this study, while the concentration of mesophilic bacteria and E. coli varied largely between sites and hours of sampling. The smallest content of microorganisms was observed before the treatment plant and significantly increased at the sewage discharge. It was found that the cycle of the sewage treatment plant operation affects microbial contamination of water both in the stream which receives effluent from the treatment plant and in the downstream part of the river

    Folia Oeconomica Cracoviensia, Vol. LVI

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    Increased activity of the sterol branch of the mevalonate pathway elevates glycosylation of secretory proteins and improves antifungal properties of Trichoderma atroviride.

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    Some Trichoderma spp. have an ability to inhibit proliferation of fungal plant pathogens in the soil. Numerous compounds with a proven antifungal activity are synthesized via the terpene pathway. Here, we stimulated the activity of the mevalonate pathway in T. atroviride P1 by expressing the Saccharomyces cerevisiae ERG20 gene coding for farnesyl pyrophosphate (FPP) synthase, a key enzyme of this pathway. ERG20-expressing Trichoderma strains showed higher activities of FPP synthase and squalene synthase, the principal recipient of FPP in the mevalonate pathway. We also observed activation of dolichyl phosphate mannose (DPM) synthase, an enzyme in protein glycosylation, and significantly increased O- and N-glycosylation of secreted proteins. The hyper-glycosylation of secretory hydrolases could explain their increased activity observed in the ERG20 transformants. Analysis of the antifungal properties of the new strains revealed that the hydrolases secreted by the transformants inhibited growth of a plant pathogen, Pythium ultimum more efficiently compared to the control strain. Consequently, the biocontrol activity of the transgenic strains, determined as their ability to protect bean seeds and seedlings against harmful action of P. ultimum, was also improved substantially

    The war continues not only on the front: a broader look at PTSD in the context of the Russian invasion and its impact on Ukrainian citizens – systematic rewiev

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    Russia's aggression against Ukraine is undoubtedly a tragic event that will bring various, often difficult to predict, consequences at many levels of functioning. Certainly, the mental health of war victims faces many challenges. The mental health crisis that occurs during war is a public health problem.28 One of the main disorders that appear in people directly or indirectly related to war is PTSD. It arises as a result of experiencing extremely dangerous, terrifying events that go beyond one's ability to cope and is manifested by symptoms such as: obsessive, persistent re-experiencing of traumatic events, avoidance of factors causing a "return" to traumatic memories, excessive arousal and a sense of constant threats.8, 10 Many factors influence the occurrence of PTSD. It is extremely important to look at the reasons that make it difficult to obtain support. mental health and improving the support system. Ukrainian children and youth deserve special attention here. A developing young society must face particularly great challenges, and it is their mental well-being that guarantees better development of the entire nation. Every effort must be made to ensure that citizens of a country at war receive adequate support. We have many methods of help, from basic emergency support, through a wide range of psychotherapy, to medications in the most severe cases. Additionally, the knowledge of the existence of a phenomenon such as post-traumatic growth may give hope and motivation to act to people in mental crisis struggling with symptoms of PTSD. However, the war continues and there will be more and more victims struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental health disorders. We cannot determine at this point how much damage this conflict will cause. However, it is worth acting now to prevent and limit the tragic consequences of the situation in which Ukraine finds itself. &nbsp

    The war continues not only on the front: a broader look at PTSD in the context of the Russian invasion and its impact on Ukrainian citizens – systematic rewiev

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    Russia's aggression against Ukraine is undoubtedly a tragic event that will bring various, often difficult to predict, consequences at many levels of functioning. Certainly, the mental health of war victims faces many challenges. The mental health crisis that occurs during war is a public health problem.28 One of the main disorders that appear in people directly or indirectly related to war is PTSD. It arises as a result of experiencing extremely dangerous, terrifying events that go beyond one's ability to cope and is manifested by symptoms such as: obsessive, persistent re-experiencing of traumatic events, avoidance of factors causing a "return" to traumatic memories, excessive arousal and a sense of constant threats.8, 10 Many factors influence the occurrence of PTSD. It is extremely important to look at the reasons that make it difficult to obtain support. mental health and improving the support system. Ukrainian children and youth deserve special attention here. A developing young society must face particularly great challenges, and it is their mental well-being that guarantees better development of the entire nation. Every effort must be made to ensure that citizens of a country at war receive adequate support. We have many methods of help, from basic emergency support, through a wide range of psychotherapy, to medications in the most severe cases. Additionally, the knowledge of the existence of a phenomenon such as post-traumatic growth may give hope and motivation to act to people in mental crisis struggling with symptoms of PTSD. However, the war continues and there will be more and more victims struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental health disorders. We cannot determine at this point how much damage this conflict will cause. However, it is worth acting now to prevent and limit the tragic consequences of the situation in which Ukraine finds itself.

    Synthesis of Dolichols in Candida albicans is Co-Regulated With Elongation of Fatty Acids

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    Abstract: Protein glycosylation requires dolichyl phosphate as a carbohydrate carrier. Dolichols are α-saturated polyprenols, and their saturation in S. cerevisiae is catalyzed by polyprenyl re-ductase Dfg10 together with some other unknown enzymes. The aim of this study was to identi-fy such enzymes in Candida. The Dfg10 polyprenyl reductase from S. cerevisiae comprises a C-terminal 3-oxo-5-alpha-steroid 4-dehydrogenase domain. Alignment analysis revealed such a domain in two ORFs (orf19.209 and orf19.3293) from C. albicans, which were similar, respective-ly, to Dfg10 polyprenyl reductase and Tsc13 enoyl-transferase from S. cerevisiae. Deletion of orf19.209 in Candida impaired saturation of polyprenols. The Tsc13 homologue turned out not to be capable of saturating polyprenols, but limiting its expression reduce the cellular level of dol-ichols and polyprenols. This reduction was not due to a decreased expression of genes encoding cis-prenyltransferases from the dolichol branch but to a lower expression of genes encoding en-zymes of the early stages of the mevalonate pathway. Despite the resulting lower consumption of acetyl-CoA, the sole precursor of the mevalonate pathway, it was not redirected towards fatty acid synthesis or elongation. Lowering the expression of TSC13 decreased the expression of the ACC1 gene encoding acetyl-CoA carboxylase, the key regulatory enzyme of fatty acid synthesis and elongation

    Job satisfaction and a sense of purpose at work among prisoners

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    Praca to jeden z najważniejszych czynników resocjalizacji. Rozwija i kształtuje właściwe prospołeczne postawy więźniów. Stanowi narzędzie reedukacji i działań na rzecz zapobiegania powrotności do przestępstwa. Wysoki poziom poczucia sensu pracy prowadzi do zwiększenia satysfakcji i zaangażowania więźniów. Pomaga również w odnalezieniu się na rynku pracy po zakończeniu odbywania kary pozbawienia wolności. W badaniach uczestniczyło 198 pracujących osadzonych przebywających w Areszcie Śledczym w Lublinie.  zastosowano kwestionariusz WAMI M. Steger’a, Skalę Satysfakcji z Pracy A. Zalewskiej oraz kwestionariusz autorski. Zbadano, czy istnieje związek między satysfakcją z pracy a poczuciem sensu pracy, a także jakie są deklaracje dotyczące zamiaru podjęcia pracy po odbyciu kary pozbawienia wolności. Więźniowie z wyższym osobistym poczuciem sensu pracy odczuwają większą satysfakcję z pracy, a także częściej chcą działać dla dobra społecznego, budują bardziej realistyczne plany wolnościowe, odczuwają mniejsze obawy przed odnalezieniem się na rynku pracy po zakończeniu odbywania kary. Odpłatność za pracę więźniów wpływa na poziom odczuwanej z niej satysfakcji. Wysokie poczucie sensu pracy i zadowolenia z możliwości jej wykonywania wśród pracujących więźniów są istotnym elementem warunkującym zaangażowanie osadzonych w proces resocjalizacji.Work is one of the most important factors of rehabilitation. It instils in prisoners the spirit of prosocial behavior, and is conducive to developing attitudes generally viewed as socially desirable. It is the instrument for achieving re-education as well as preventing recidivism. The high level of sense of work leads to greater satisfaction and involvement of prisoners. It helps one to find him/herself in the labor market after being released from prison. The present research involves 198 hired convicts from Lublin Remand Centre and it has been carried out by applying M. Steger’s WAMI questionnaire, A. Zalewska’s Satisfaction With Job Scale and the authors’ survey. This research gives an answer to the question: is there a correlation between job satisfaction and the sense of purpose of work, and are the respondents planning to find a job after their sentence? Prisoners with a higher degree of personal sense of work are more likely to: feel greater satisfaction from their work, act for the benefit of the general public, make more realistic plans involving their release, and better prepared for finding themselves on the labor market after expiration of a sentence. Job satisfaction among working prisoners depends on payment. The high degree of prisoners sense of purpose of work and satisfaction with it are significant factors of the involvement in the reintegration process