1,908 research outputs found

    Information and communication in a networked infosphere: a review of concepts and application in social branding

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    This paper aims at providing a contribution to the comprehensive review of the impact of information and communication, and their supporting technologies, in the current transformation of human life in the infosphere. The paper also offers an ex- ample of the power of new social approaches to the use of information and commu- nication technologies to foster new working models in organizations by presenting the main outcomes of a research project on social branding. A discussion about some trends of the future impact of new information and communication technologies in the infosphere is also included


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    Pada zaman modern, akses ke dunia luas sangat memungkinkan bagi tunanetra, sehingga tidak ada lagi alasan seorang tunanetra untuk tidak ikut berpartisipasi dan merasakan dampak dari kehadiran teknologi modern. Namun, melihat kenyataan di lapangan, masih terdapat siswa yang belum bisa menggunakan email sebagai bagian dari kebutuhan pembelajaran, hal ini disebabkan karena siswa kurang berperan aktif dalam pembelajaran, dan variasi pembelajaran sedikit sehingga pembelajaran terkesan satu arah. Tujuan penelitian yaitu ingin mengetahui pengaruh penerapan metode learning by doing dalam menggunakan email pada siswa tunanetra. Metode pembelajaran learning by doing merupakan metode yang menekankan pada praktek langsung. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode eksperimen dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan menggunakan Preexperimental Design One Group Pretest-Posttest. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes kinerja. Teknik pengolahan data menggunakan statistik deskriptif yaitu dengan membandingkan rata-rata skor pretest dengan skor posttest. Subjek penelitian yaitu enam orang siswa tunanetra. Temuan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode learning by doing dapat memberikan pengaruh dalam menggunakan email pada siswa tunanetra kelas X di SLB Negeri A Kota Bandung. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, diharapkan metode learning by doing dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran di sekolah terutama yang membutuhkan praktek. --- In modern times, access to the vast world it is possible for the visual impaired, so there is no reason for a student with visual impairment not to participate and feel the impact of the presence of modern technology. However, seeing the reality in the field, there are students who can not use email as part of the learning needs, this is caused by students are less active role in learning, and learning a little variation so that the learning impress one direction. The purpose of this study is to know the implementation impact of learning by doing method in using email on visual impairment students. Learning by doing method is a method that emphasizes the practice immadiately. The method applied in this study is an experimental method with quantitative approachand using Pre-Experimental Design One Group Pretest-Posttest. The data was collected by performance test. Data tabullation using descriptive statistics by comparing the average of pretest score with posttest score. Subject of this research are six visual imparment students. The results of the research shows that the learning by doing method can give the impact in using email on visual imparment students of class X in SLB Negeri A Kota Bandung. Based on these results, learning by doing method expected can be used in schools especially in learning that need of practice

    Participation ahead: perceptions of Masters degree students on reciprocal peer learning activities

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    Peer Learning is broadly described as the development of knowledge or skills by individuals from similar statutory conditions who are learning from and with each other in both formal and informal ways. There is a considerable amount of published work on peer learning in the context of schools and undergraduate courses but little work has been developed around postgraduate levels, specifically with Masters courses. The goal of the research presented in this paper was to understand how Masters degree students perceive and engage with a peer learning activity set in a taught module. One specialist subject topic from the curriculum was assigned to each student who, during two sessions in regular teaching times, had to perform both as peer tutor and tutee in a reciprocal peer learning approach. Two questionnaires were applied - one for each role the students had to perform. Results reveal that the majority of students considered the peer tutor role undeniably positive; however, while performing as tutees, students expressed skepticism regarding the effectiveness of the approach. As the credibility of peers was evidenced as an issue (when set against these students’ high expectations), this paper contends that reciprocal peer learning may not be the most suitable peer learning method for master levels


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis struktur komunitas makrozoobenthos dan kondisi substrat pada ekosistem mangrove rehabilitasi dan non rehabilitasi di Kabupaten Simeulue. Pengukuran ekosistem mangrove menggunakan transek kuadrat 10 m x 10 m. Kelimpahan dan kepadatan Makrozoobenthos menggunakan transek kuadrat berukuran 1 m x 1 m. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ditemukan 18 spesies makrozoobentos yang terdiri dari 9 spesies dari kelas Gastropoda dan 9 spesies dari kelas Bivalvia. Pada lokasi Rehabilitasi komposisi Makrozoobentos di dominasi oleh Bivalvia yaitu 60 % sedangkan Gastropoda 40 %. Berbeda halnya pada lokasi Non Rehabilitasi makrozoobentos didominasi oleh kelas Gastropoda yaitu 69,2 % sedangkan Bivalvia 30,8 %. Kelimpahan makrozoobentos pada lokasi rehabilitasi lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan lokasi Non rehabilitasi. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa kelimpahan tertinggi terdapat pada stasiun 1 (rehabilitasi) yaitu 24,7 ind/m2. Struktur komunitas Makrozoobentos di lokasi mangrove rehabilitasi dan Non rehabilitasi tidak berbeda nyata. Indek keanekaragaman rata-rata disetiap stasiun berkisar 1,094-2,273 ; indeks keseragaman berkisar 0,641-0,970 ; indeks dominansi berkisar 0,201-0,586. Hasil menunjukan setiap stasiun masih dalam katagori moderat (stabil).Kata kunci : Simeulue, Mangrove Rehabilitasi, Mangrove Non rehabilitasi, Makrozoobentos

    It’s Milestone, not Limescale! Milestoned group supervision as an approach to descale postgraduate projects

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    Postgraduate students often face the constraints of overlapping non-academic duties, for which the timely completion of their degree can become a challenging commitment. Collective supervision grounded in milestones and shareable deliverables can help in providing them with a sense of progression whilst developing confidence in their own work

    In Search of Lost Latin-American Colours: an Analysis of the Constitutional Protection of LGBTI Rights in Latin America

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    This study investigates the constitutional protection of LGBTI rights in South America and Mexico. Under the theoretical framework of Nancy Fraser’s postwestphalian democratic justice, it questions whether the constitutional protection of these rights in such countries is satisfactory in order to move forward towards the accomplishment of justice to LGBTI persons. The research conducts an empirical study and undertakes a qualitative analysis using the techniques of literature review, documental analysis, and survey. Among the results, it was determined that only two of the analysed constitutions expressly prohibits both sexual orientation – and gender identity-based discrimination. Only one of them uses gender-neutral language in the provision regarding civil union and, therefore, enables the union between two people of the same gender. Under another perspective, the answers of the majority of the Latin-American organizations in the survey indicated that the constitutional protection of LGBTI rights is unsatisfactory in their countries. Therefore, after the analysis of all the data obtained in the research, it was possible to conclude that the constitutional protection is precarious and does not guarantee the most basic rights to LGBTI population

    Cause and Effect of Threshold-Voltage Instability on the Reliability of Silicon-Carbide MOSFETs

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    A significant instability of the threshold voltage (VT) in silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFETs in response to gate-bias and ON-state current stressing was discovered and examined as a function of bias, temperature, and time. It was determined that the likely mechanism causing this effect is the charging and discharging of gate-oxide traps, located close to the interface of the SiC conducting channel, via a direct tunneling mechanism. High-temperature reverse-bias induced leakage current in the OFF-state was identified as a potential failure mode. A simultaneous two-way tunneling model was developed, based on an existing one-way tunneling model, to simulate the time-dependent and field-dependent charging and discharging of the near-interfacial oxide traps in response to an applied gate-bias stress. The simulations successfully matched experimental results, both with respect to measurement time and to bias-stress time as a function of gate bias. Experimental results were presented, showing that the VT instability increases with both increasing gate-bias-stress time and bias-stress magnitude. The measurement conditions, including gate-ramp speed and direction, were shown to have a significant influence on the measured result, with a 20-μs measurement revealing instabilities three times greater than those at standard 1-s measurement speeds, whereas 1-ks measurements showed shifts only half as large. High-temperature bias stressing was found to cause even more significant increases in the VT instability. ON-state current stressing was found to also increase the VT instability, due to self-heating effects. VT shifts as large as 2 V were reported, with the number of calculated oxide traps switching charge state varying between 1×1011 and 8×1011 cm–2, depending on processing, stress, and measurement conditions. The standard post-oxidation NO anneal was shown to reduce the number of active oxide traps by about 70 percent. The dominant oxide trap was identified as an E-prime-center type defect—a weak Si-Si bond due to an oxygen vacancy which has been broken during processing or subsequent device stressing. The large increase in bias-stress induced VT instability at temperatures above 100 °C was explained by an increase in the number of active E-prime-center type defects. Existing reliability qualification standards based on silicon device technology are inadequate for SiC MOSFETs and need to be revised, with particular attention paid to the measurement conditions
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