4,401 research outputs found

    Collinear and Transverse Momentum Dependent parton densities obtained with a Parton Branching Method

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    We present a solution of the DGLAP evolution equations, written in terms of Sudakov form factors to describe the branching and no-branching probabilities, using a parton branching Monte Carlo method. We demonstrate numerically that this method reproduces the semi-analytical solutions. We show how this method can be used to determine Transverse Momentum Dependent (TMD) parton distribution functions, in addition to the usual integrated parton distributions functions. We discuss numerical effects of the boundary of soft gluon resolution scale parameter on the resulting parton distribution functions. We show that a very good fit of the integrated TMDs to high precision HERA data can be obtained over a large range in x and Q^2

    Span, chainability and the continua H* and I_u

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    We show that the continua I_u and H* are non-chainable and have span nonzero. Under CH this can be strengthened to surjective symmetric span nonzero. We discuss the logical consequences of this.Comment: 2004-03-11: corrected some typos, some parts rewritte

    The spans of five star-like simple closed curves

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    Let X be a continuum, that is a compact, connected, nonempty metric space. The span of X is the least upper bound of the set of real numbers r which satisfy the following conditions: there exists a continuum, C, contained in X × X such that d(x,y) is larger than or equal to r for all (x,y) in C and p1(C) = p2(C), where p1, p2 are the usual projection maps. The following question has been asked. If X and Y are two simple closed curves in the plane and Y is contained in the bounded component of the plane minus X, then is the span of X larger than the span of Y? We define a set of simple closed curves, which we refer to as being five star-like. We answer this question in the affirmative when X is one of these simple closed curves. We calculate the spans of the simple closed curves in this collection and consider the spans of various geometric objects related to these simple closed curves

    Soft-gluon resolution scale in QCD evolution equations

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    QCD evolution equations can be recast in terms of parton branching processes. We present a new numerical solution of the equations. We show that this parton-branching solution can be applied to analyze infrared contributions to evolution, order-by-order in the strong coupling αs\alpha_s, as a function of the soft-gluon resolution scale parameter. We examine the cases of transverse-momentum ordering and angular ordering. We illustrate that this approach can be used to treat distributions which depend both on longitudinal and on transverse momenta.Comment: Latex, 8 pages, 4 figure

    Collinear and TMD Quark and Gluon Densities from Parton Branching Solution of QCD Evolution Equations

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    We study parton-branching solutions of QCD evolution equations and present a method to construct both collinear and transverse momentum dependent (TMD) parton densities from this approach. We work with next-to-leading-order (NLO) accuracy in the strong coupling. Using the unitarity picture in terms of resolvable and non-resolvable branchings, we analyze the role of the soft-gluon resolution scale in the evolution equations. For longitudinal momentum distributions, we find agreement of our numerical calculations with existing evolution programs at the level of better than 1 percent over a range of five orders of magnitude both in evolution scale and in longitudinal momentum fraction. We make predictions for the evolution of transverse momentum distributions. We perform fits to the high-precision deep inelastic scattering (DIS) structure function measurements, and we present a set of NLO TMD distributions based on the parton branching approach.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figure

    Audio amplifier with PWM for laboratory measurements

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    Práce pojednává o teoretickém návrhu výkonového zesilovače pracujícího ve třídě D. Zesilovač je primárně určen pro laboratorní činnost, tj. měření hlavních parametrů zesilovače této třídy (kmitočtová odezva, rychlost přeběhu, aliasing apod.). Zesilovač (budoucí laboratorní přípravek) využívá PWM (pulzně šířková modulace) a je konstruován z jednotlivých bloků tak, aby bylo možné měřit klíčové signály skrz celým zapojením (trojúhelníkový komparační signál, analogový vstupní signál, zpětnovazební signál, PWM signál z modulátoru, budičů a výkonových tranzistorů, výstupní signál za rekonstrukčními filtry). Přípravek je určený pro napájení ze stabilizovaného zdroje bezpečného napětí a měl by být schopen dodat do běžné zatěžovací impedance výkon několik desítek wattů.This paper describes about theoretical design of class D power amplifier. Amplifier is primarily intended for laboratory measurements, i.e. measuring of major parameters of amplifier operates in this class (frequency response, slew rate, aliasing etc.). Amplifier (oncoming laboratory module) uses PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) and is constructed from separate blocks for possibility of measuring key signals trough all the structure (triangle comparation wave, analog input signal, feedback signal, PWM signal from modulator, drivers and power transistors, output signal after recontruction filters). Laboratory module is determined for laboratory power supply of safe voltage and should be produce power of several tens of watts into usual load impedance.

    Moderní informační technologie a inovace v ekonomice

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    The paper deals with the phenomenon of the new economy. It introduces the definition of the new economy and its evolution. The main intention is concetrated to the explanation of importance, influence and its positive contribution of working ICT in economies. The paper presents paradigm of the new economy. It describes penetration of the new economy in economies on examples of several states, which can be considered as the models of the new economy. The paper also puts the new economy in context of economics process since the beginning of ninetieth to presents, which leads to estimation of the next evaluation of this phenomenon

    Zebrafish as a model for regenerative studies - from dissecting the effects of cryoinjury to the cellular diversity of heart repair

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    Zebrafish is an excellent model to study cardiac regeneration. This freshwater teleost fish can fully regenerate its heart after myocardial infarction (MI) within one to two months after the injury. Cryoinjury method is widely used to induce the injury in the zebrafish heart since it mimics the closest human MI. Current protocols used in adult zebrafish, including cryoinjury method, do not involve any analgesia treatment and they do not take into consideration the adverse effects that can arise out of these techniques. Nociception is a basic response of the animal to harmful external or internal stimuli, which is essential for survival and adaptability to the environment. Fish can react to noxious stimuli, similarly to the higher vertebrates, which should be considered in the design of scientific experiments. In this study, I showed that cryoinjury is a noxious stimulus for zebrafish by assessing zebrafish behaviour Moreover, I showed that morphine treatment for 6h after the cryoinjury procedure, but not lidocaine, significantly improved zebrafish behaviour using swimming speed as a readout. Importantly, the morphine treatment for 6h did not impair regeneration based on histological analysis and did not affect regenerative capacities based on the transcriptome analysis using scRNA-seq and qPCR. We advise using morphine as the analgesic of choice to reduce adverse effects associated with the cryoinjury procedure in adult zebrafish. The refinement of the current cryoinjury protocol allowed us to investigate cellular drivers of zebrafish heart repair with consideration of zebrafish welfare with the improved protocol. Several pro-regenerative factors and signalling pathways are known to be crucial for zebrafish heart regeneration, however, the cellular composition of the zebrafish regenerating heart and cell types involved in the process are still incompletely understood. To systematically investigate the diversity of activated cell states in the zebrafish regenerating heart, we used single cell transcriptomics and spatiotemporal analysis. We showed that upon the injury there is a significant induction of several cell states with fibroblasts characteristics and we confirmed the pro-regenerative role of transient col12a1a-expressing fibroblasts. To determine the origin of transient cell states, we performed Cre/lox lineage tracing, in order to understand the events leading to heart regeneration. We reported that transient fibroblasts can originate both from epicardium and endocardium, similarly to the development process. We also identified Wnt signalling as a key regulator of endocardial-derived fibroblasts, which was at least partially mediated by the impaired revascularization during regeneration. In this study, we identified the great diversity of specialized activated fibroblasts as one of the factors crucial for zebrafish heart regeneration, which gives us new possibilities towards improving mammalian heart repair.Der Zebrafisch ist ein hervorragendes Modell für die Untersuchung der Herzregeneration. Dieser Süßwasser-Teleostfisch kann sein Herz nach einem Myokardinfarkt (MI) innerhalb von ein bis zwei Monaten nach der Verletzung vollständig regenerieren. Die Kryo-Verletzungsmethode wird weitgehend verwendet, um die Schädigung des Zebrafischherzens herbeizuführen, da sie dem menschlichen MI am nächsten kommt. Die derzeit bei erwachsenen Zebrafischen angewandten Protokolle, einschließlich der Kryoverletzungsmethode, beinhalten keine Analgetikabehandlung und berücksichtigen nicht die nachteiligen Auswirkungen, die sich aus diesen Techniken ergeben können. Die Nozizeption ist eine grundlegende Reaktion des Tieres auf schädliche äußere oder innere Reize, die für das Überleben und die Anpassungsfähigkeit an die Umwelt unverzichtbar ist. Fische können ähnlich wie die höheren Wirbeltiere auf schädliche Reize reagieren, was bei der Planung wissenschaftlicher Experimente berücksichtigt werden sollte. In dieser Studie konnte ich zeigen, dass die Kryoverletzung ein schädlicher Reiz für Zebrafische ist, indem ich das Verhalten der Zebrafische untersuchte. Darüber hinaus konnte ich zeigen, dass die Behandlung mit Morphin für 6 Stunden nach der Kryoverletzung, nicht aber mit Lidocain, das Verhalten der Zebrafische deutlich verbesserte, wobei die Schwimmgeschwindigkeit als Indikator verwendet wurde. Wichtig ist, dass die 6-stündige Morphin-Behandlung die Regeneration laut histologischer Analyse nicht beeinträchtigte und sich auch nicht auf die Regenerationsfähigkeit auswirkte, wie die Transkriptomanalyse mittels scRNA-seq und qPCR ergab. Wir empfehlen die Verwendung von Morphin als geeignetes Analgetikum, um unerwünschte Wirkungen im Zusammenhang mit der Kryoverletzung bei erwachsenen Zebrafischen zu vermindern. Die Verfeinerung des aktuellen Kryo-Verletzungsprotokolls ermöglichte es uns, die zellulären Triebkräfte der Zebrafisch-Herzreparatur unter Berücksichtigung des Wohlergehens der Zebrafische mit dem verbesserten Protokoll zu untersuchen. Es ist bekannt, dass mehrere regenerationsfördernde Faktoren und Signalwege für die Regeneration des Zebrafischherzens von entscheidender Bedeutung sind. Die zelluläre Zusammensetzung des Zebrafischherzens und die Zelltypen, die an diesem Prozess beteiligt sind, sind jedoch noch unvollständig bekannt. Um die Vielfalt der aktivierten Zellzustände im regenerierenden Zebrafischherz systematisch zu untersuchen, haben wir Einzelzelltranskriptomik und raum-zeitliche Analysen eingesetzt. Wir konnten zeigen, dass nach der Verletzung eine signifikante Induktion verschiedener Zellzustände mit Fibroblastencharakteristika stattfindet, und wir bestätigten die pro-regenerative Rolle von transienten col12a1a-exprimierenden Fibroblasten. Wir identifizierten ebenso den Wnt-Signalweg als einen wichtigen Regulator der aus dem Endokard stammenden Fibroblasten, der zumindest teilweise durch die beeinträchtigte Revaskularisierung während der Regeneration vermittelt wurde. In dieser Studie haben wir die große Vielfalt an spezialisierten aktivierten Fibroblasten als einen der entscheidenden Faktoren für die Regeneration des Zebrafischherzens identifiziert, was uns neue Möglichkeiten zur Verbesserung der Herzreparatur bei Säugetieren eröffnet