58 research outputs found

    Dew, fog, and rain as supplementary sources of water in south-western Morocco

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    International audienceThis study reports on one year (May 1, 2007 - April 30, 2008) of dew, fog and rain measurements carried out in the dryland area of Mirleft, Morocco in order to be used as alternative or supplemental sources of water. Four standard dew condensers and a passive fog net collector of 1 m² surfaces were used. Meteorological data were collected. 178 dew events (18.85 mm), 31 rain events (48.65 mm) and 7 significant fog episodes (1.41 mm) occurred, corresponding to almost 40% of the yearly rain contribution (48.65 mm, 31 events). Chemical and biological analyses were carried out. Dew and rain pH were neutral (close to 7) and the total mineralization was considerable (dew: 560 mg/L; rain: 230 mg/L). Ca²+, K+, SO42- and NO3- are found of continental origin; Cl-, Na+ and Mg2+ are of sea origin. The ions concentration agrees with the World Health Organization recommendations for potable water. The biological analysis shows harmless vegetal spores and little contamination by animal/human bacteria. A cost analysis shows that, with little investment, the population of the arid and semi-arid coastal areas of south-western north Africa could make dew water an interesting supplementary alternative water resource

    Modeling of Integrated Production Tomato under Multispan Greenhouse in Souss Massa region

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    Abstract: The renewal of greenhouse in Souss Massa region is a priority to improve the production of protected vegetable crops. The greenhouse structure is a complex system; it is the place of multiple interacting factors continuously in time and space. Aimed at controlling the integrated production under Multispan greenhouse, we need to consider all factors influencing volume and quality of commercial production. Among these factors, microclimate of structure mainly due to its architecture, its coverage material, its ventilation area and weather outside. In parallel with this study other factors will be studied, management of pests, diseases and management of production cost flow, aims to model the integrated production under greenhouse and to provide a convenient way of greenhouses decision making in protected production. This study was conducted in three separate unichapelle compartments 270m ² each. Inputs of fertilizer and water line were managed and controlled by a fertigation compact programmer. As climate data were collected through two weather stations installed in the greenhouse. The results of the first year showed the significant effect of the Multispan greenhouse microclimate on improving the production volume, the management of pests and diseases and economic inputs in comparison with the Canary greenhouse

    Fog and Dew as Potable Water Resources: Maximizing Harvesting Potential and Water Quality Concerns

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    Fog and dew are often viewed as economic nuisances causing significant financial losses in the transportation industry and agricultural sector. However, they are also critical components of the hydrological cycle, especially in water scarce environments. Water scarcity is one of the major threats to mankind in the 21st century, and this can be due to development pressures, pollution, and/or expanding populations. In water scarce environments, fog and dew represent potentially exploitable ancillary water resources that could ameliorate the water scarce situation, if efficiently harvested. However, two important issues are often overlooked in relation to fog and dew harvesting and potability. First, current fog and dew harvesting technologies are low yielding with great potential for improvements. Second and more importantly, the potability of these water resources is often based on simple analyses that often omit trace metal and biological analyses. The few studies that report trace metal or biological measurements suggest elevated trace metal concentrations or biological contamination that could be of concern to public health. We discuss the potential for fog and dew harvesting technologies and the need for trace metal and biological analyses of these waters before use

    Blood lead, cadmium and mercury among children from urban, industrial and rural areas of Fez Boulemane Region (Morocco): Relevant factors and early renal effects

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    Objectives: To describe blood lead (Pb-B), cadmium (Cd-B) and mercury (Hg-B) levels in children living in urban, industrial and rural areas in Fez city (north of Morocco) and to identify the determinants and some renal effects of exposure. Material and Methods: The study was conducted from June 2007 to January 2008 in 209 school children (113 girls, 96 boys), aged 6-12 years, from urban, industrial and rural areas in Fez city. Interview and questionnaires data were obtained. Blood and urinary samples were analyzed. Results: The mean of blood lead levels (Pb-B) in our population was 55.53 μg/l (range: 7.5-231.1 μg/l). Children from the urban area had higher blood lead levels (BLLs) mean (82.36 μg/l) than children from industrial and rural areas (48.23 and 35.99 μg/l, respectively); with no significant difference between boys and girls. BLLs were associated with traffic intensity, passive smoking and infancy in the urban area. The mean of blood cadmium levels (BCLs) was 0.22 μg/l (range: 0.06-0.68 μg/l), with no difference between various areas. Rural boys had higher BCLs mean than rural girls, but no gender influence was noticed in the other areas. BCLs were associated with the number of cigarettes smoked at children's homes. The blood mercury levels (BMLs) mean was 0.49 μg/l (range: 0.01-5.31 μg/l). The BMLs mean was higher in urban and industrial areas than in the rural area with no gender-related difference. BMLs were associated with amalgam fillings and infancy in the urban area. About 8% of the children had BLLs ≥ 100 μg/l particularly in the urban area, microalbuminuria and a decrease in height were noticed in girls from the inner city of Fez and that can be related to high BLLs (89.45 μg/l). Conclusions: There is a need to control and regulate potential sources of contamination by these trace elements in children; particularly for lead

    Production d'eau potable par condensation passive de l'humidité atmosphérique (rosée)

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    Prix de l'Université Ibn Zohr, 7ème édition 2009-2010The work of thesis has for objective to estimate exactly the quantity of water potentially produced by dew in the village of Mirleft in the South of Agadir (Morocco), to compare it with the other alternative resources of water collection (fog, rain) and estimate its quality. The implementation at Mirleft of a meteorological station, 4 condensers and a net with fog allowed obtaining data concerning the period between 05/01/2007 and the 04/31/2008. Very numerous events of dew were observed, with rare events of fog. The dew water represents 40% of the annual contribution of rain and thus appears as an essential component in the whole water balance. A mathematical approach to modeling the dew has ben used to estimat dew yield over a dozen sites scattered throughout the territory. A spatio-temporal analysis allowed a better understanding of the phenomenon of condensation across Morocco. The average pH of the dew and the rain are respectively equal at 7.40 (± 0.28) and 6.85 (± 0.21) with an average conductivity of 727.25 μS/cm (± 678.64) and 316 μS/cm (± 306.07), representing a total mineralization of 560 mg L-1 and 230 mg L-1. In this study, the ratio TA/TC, lower than 1, indicates the alkaline nature of these waters. The analysis of the major ions showed that the concentration of Cl- and Na+ are raised with regard to that of the other elements. An analysis in main constituent (ACP) was realized on the data to identify the possible origin of the ions. To estimate the contribution marine or not marine of these ions, the fraction of the salt resulting from the sea (SSF) was calculated. The weak percentages of the SSF of the dew suggested a considerable contribution of not marine origin for constituents such as Ca²+, K+, SO4 2- and NO3 - Cl- , Na+ and Mg2+. On the other hand in the rainwater, the values of the NSSF (No Sea Salt Fraction) indicate that only Ca²+ and NO3- are not influenced by the sea. The study of the neutralization factor revealed the decreasing order of the cations in the water of both sources NFCa ²+ > NFMg ²+ > NFK+. We noticed the influence of the climate on the chemistry of the dew and consequently the temporal variations where the seasons of transition and sandbanks are more concentrated in elements than the wet season characterized by high rates in dew water. The quantities of ions measured and biological analysis agrees with the World Health Organization requirements for potable water. The results in terms of yields associated with chemical analysis of dew and the successful demonstration of the condenser in different areas where our team has done this research led us to equip successful collection systems to Idousskssou (8 km SE of Mirleft).Le travail de thèse a pour objectif d'estimer précisément la quantité d'eau que l'on peut espérer collecter par la rosée dans le village côtier de Mirleft, situé au sud d'Agadir (Maroc), de la comparer aux autres ressources renouvelables de récupération d'eau douce (brouillard, pluie) et d'estimer sa qualité. La mise en place à Mirleft d'une station météorologique, de 4 condenseurs et d'un filet à brouillard a permis d'obtenir des données concernant la période comprise entre le 01/05/2007 et le 31/04/2008. De très nombreux événements de rosée ont été observés, avec de rares événements de brouillard. L'eau de rosée représente 40 % de l'apport annuel en pluie et apparaît donc comme une composante essentielle de l'apport hydrique total. Une approche mathématique de la modélisation de la rosée a estimé son rendement sur une quinzaine de sites répartis sur tout le territoire du Maroc. Une analyse spatio-temporelle a permis une meilleure connaissance du phénomène de la condensation à l'échelle du Maroc. Concernant les analyses chimiques, les pH moyens de la rosée et de la pluie sont respectivement égaux à 7,40 (± 0.28) et 6,85 (± 0.21) avec une conductivité moyenne de 727,25 μS/cm (± 678.64) et 316 μS/cm (± 306.07), représentant une minéralisation totale de 560 mg L-1 et 230 mg L-1. Dans cette étude, le rapport TA/TC, inférieur à 1, indique la nature alcaline de ces eaux. L'analyse des ions majeurs a montré que la concentration du Cl- et Na+ est élevée par rapport à celle des autres éléments. Une analyse en composante principale (ACP) a été réalisée sur les données afin d'identifier l'origine possible des ions. Pour estimer la contribution marine et non marine de ces ions, la fraction du sel provenant de la mer (SSF) a été calculé. Les faibles pourcentages du SSF de la rosée ont suggéré une contribution considérable d'origine non marine pour des composants comme Ca²+, K+, SO4 2- et NO3 - exceptés le Cl-, Na+ et Mg2+. Par contre dans l'eau de pluie, les valeurs du NSSF (No Sea Salt Fraction) indiquent que seulement Ca²+ et NO3 - ne sont pas influencés par la mer. L'étude du facteur de neutralisation a révélé l'ordre décroissant des cations dans l'eau des deux sources NFCa²+ > NFMg²+ > NFK+. On a constaté l'influence du climat sur la chimie de la rosée et par conséquent les variations temporelles où les saisons de transition et sèches sont plus concentrées en éléments que la saison humide caractérisée par les taux élevés en eau de rosée. Les quantités d'ions mesurées et les analyses biologiques montrent que l'eau de rosée est potable vis-à-vis des recommandations de l'OMS. Les résultats en termes de rendements associés aux analyses chimiques de l'eau de rosée et le succès du condenseur de démonstration dans différentes régions où notre équipe a réalisé ces recherches nous ont incité à équiper avec succès des grands systèmes de collectes à Idousskssou (8 km SE de Mirleft) pour l'usage de la population locale

    Le Québec dans le monde : Portrait statistique

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