Modeling of Integrated Production Tomato under Multispan Greenhouse in Souss Massa region


Abstract: The renewal of greenhouse in Souss Massa region is a priority to improve the production of protected vegetable crops. The greenhouse structure is a complex system; it is the place of multiple interacting factors continuously in time and space. Aimed at controlling the integrated production under Multispan greenhouse, we need to consider all factors influencing volume and quality of commercial production. Among these factors, microclimate of structure mainly due to its architecture, its coverage material, its ventilation area and weather outside. In parallel with this study other factors will be studied, management of pests, diseases and management of production cost flow, aims to model the integrated production under greenhouse and to provide a convenient way of greenhouses decision making in protected production. This study was conducted in three separate unichapelle compartments 270m ² each. Inputs of fertilizer and water line were managed and controlled by a fertigation compact programmer. As climate data were collected through two weather stations installed in the greenhouse. The results of the first year showed the significant effect of the Multispan greenhouse microclimate on improving the production volume, the management of pests and diseases and economic inputs in comparison with the Canary greenhouse

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