5 research outputs found

    Pathohistological Diagnosis of Adrenal Tumors: Experience of a Single Center

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    Introduction: To investigate adrenal tumors of patients operated on at the University Hospital Center Osijek from 2016 to 2019 for the purpose of examining the location and histopathological findings of the tumors and determining whether there is a difference related to that in terms of the age and sex of the subjects. Subjects and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study with historical data analysis. The subjects were patients of both sexes (N=23) diagnosed with adrenal tumors (N=23) who underwent surgery at the University Hospital Center Osijek in the period from 2016 to 2019. The archive was used in the University Hospital Center Osijek. Results: Adrenal tumors were more often unilateral than bilateral. No differences were found in the localization of tumors of the right and left adrenal glands. Benign tumors were more common than malignant tumors and were the most common adenoma. Seventeen women underwent surgery and were 10 years older on average (61.6 years). There were no significant differences regarding tumor occurrence with respect to the patients’ age. Benign tumors were more common in women, but the difference was not statistically significant. Regarding histopathological findings, women were more likely to have adenoma (N=10) and hyperplasia (N=4), while men had other benign tumors (N=3) and metastatic tumors (N=1). However, the difference was not statistically significant. Conclusion: In patients who have undergone surgery for adrenal tumors, there were more unilateral tumors compared to bilateral ones, but there was no difference in tumor localization (left and right). Benign tumors were more common, the most common of which were adenomas. There were no significant differences with respect to age and sex. (Lekić I, Banović V, Marjanović K, Kovačić B, Feldi I, Bačun T. Pathohistological Diagnosis of Adrenal Tumors: Experience of a Single Center. SEEMEDJ 2020; 4(2); 108-112

    Održiva rešenja u analitičkoj hemiji: Kombinacija instrumentalnih tehnika i ekološki prihvatljivih prirodnih indikatora za klasičnu volumetriju

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    Dimethyl fumarate (DMF) serves as the active ingredient in medications designed to treat relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis, yet there is a notable absence of specific monographs for this compound in available pharmacopeia’s. Nevertheless, various instrumental chromatographic techniques are employed to determine the concentration of DMF across diverse matrices. This study endeavours to highlight the viability of merging structural instrumental analytical methods with a simple classical volumetric approach utilizing a cost-effective, non- toxic, and natural indicator - the ethanol extract of Curcuma longa powder. The primary aim is to accurately determine DMF assay in commercial samples without utilizing certified reference materials (CRM).The poster presentation of this conference paper was held during the 6th Student Section of the 31st International Conference on Ecological Truth and Environmental Research (EcoTER '24), which took place in Sokobanja, Serbia, from June 18th to 21st, 2024. The presentation was given by the first author, Aleksa Vizi

    Mladinski program To sem jaz - mrežni poskus porazdeljene odgovornosti

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    Duševno zdravje je poleg telesnega zdravja nujen pogoj za uspešno delovanje posameznika pa tudi skupnosti in družbe kot celote. Težave, povezane z odsotnostjo duševnega zdravja, v sodobni družbi naraščajo. Med najpogostejšimi sta tudi pri nas tesnobnost in depresija, najbolj izstopajoč javnozdravstveni kazalec stanja duševnega zdravja v naši državi pa je samomorilnost. Vendar izkušnje kažejo, da je za krepitev, ohranitev in povrnitev duševnega zdravja in za uspešno obvladovanje duševnih motenj in samomora mogoče marsikaj storiti. Pričujoči prispevek opisuje dejavnost na področju krepitve duševnega zdravja na Celjskem z vidika javnega zdravja


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    Introduction: Online counselling represents a new medium for finding health information. The aim of the research is to determine the importance of analysis of adolescents\u27 issues in order to understand their problems, needs and desires. Methods: In 2012 the system for the classification of questions by the type of problem was introduced. In relation to the contents the questions were first sorted to the parent category then followed by the categorization according to the subject matter. The calculation comprised the portions, averages and quartiles, and in some cases even Cramer\u27s V coefficients. The analysis covered the entire defined population (3,257 coded questions). Results: Most of the users are girls (76 %), the most representative group encompasses adolescents aged between 14 and 17 years (57 %). Most questions were grouped into the categories Sexuality and sexual health (24 %), Relationships (23 %) and Body (20 %). The length of posts increases with the age of the user (Cr\u27s V = 0.18), but differs by the gender (a higher proportion of longer questions (Cr\u27s V = 0.15) were posted by girls) and the themes (Cr\u27s V = 0.31). Discussion and conclusion: The categorizing of questions is suitable for the identification and analysis of adolescents\u27 problems, needs and desires. Regular categorisation of questions with analysis will serve as a useful research tool for youth work.Uvod: Spletne svetovalnice predstavljajo nov medij za iskanje informacij o zdravju. Cilj raziskave je ugotoviti pomen analiz vprašanj mladostnikov za razumevanje njihovih problemov, potreb in hrepenenj. Metode: Leta 2012 je bila uvedena katalogizacija vprašanj spletne svetovalnice glede na tipologijo problemov. Vprašanja so bila glede na vsebino sproti razvrščena v krovno kategorijo in nato pod več vsebinskih tem. Izračunani so bili deleži, povprečja ter kvartili, v nekaterih primerih Cramerjevih V koeficientov. Analiza je zajela celotno opredeljeno statistično populacijo (3.257 kodiranih vprašanj), obiskovalcev spletne svetovalnice, v obdobju med 1. januarjem 2012 in 31. decembrom 2012. Rezultati: Večino uporabnikov predstavljajo dekleta (76 %), najbolj reprezentativno skupino mladostnikov pa stari med 14 in 17 let (57 %). Največ vprašanj je bilo razvrščenih v kategorije spolnost in spolno zdravje (24 %), odnosi (23 %) in telo (20 %). Dolžina objav raste s starostjo uporabnika (Cr\u27s V = 0,18), razlikuje pa se tudi glede na spol uporabnika (dekleta so objavila večji delež daljših vprašanj (Cr\u27s V = 0,15)) in tematiko (Cr\u27s V = 0,31). Diskusija in zaključek: Katalogizacija vprašanj je primerna za identifikacijo in analizo problemov, potreb in hrepenenj mladostnikov. Redna periodična klasifikacija vprašanj z analizami bo služila kot uporabno raziskovalno orodje za delo z mladostniki

    Quellen- und Literaturverzeichnis

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