9 research outputs found

    Quantum Hall Skyrmions with Higher Topological Charge

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    We have investigated quantum Hall skyrmions at filling factor \nu=1 carrying more than one unit of topological, and hence electric, charge. Using a combination of analytic and numerical methods we find the counterintuitive result that when the Zeeman energy is tuned to values much smaller than the interaction energy (g \mu_B B/(e^2/\epsilon\ell) < 9*10^{-5}),the creation energy of a charge two skyrmion becomes less than twice the creation energy of a charge one skyrmion, i.e. skyrmions bind in pairs. The doubly charged skyrmions are stable to further accretion of charge and exhibit a 10% larger spin per unit charge than charge one skyrmions which would, in principle, signal this pairing.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. B, Rapid Communication

    NMR linewidth and Skyrmion localization in quantum Hall ferromagnets

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    The non-monotonic behavior of the NMR signal linewidth in the 2D quantum Hall system is explained in terms of the interplay between skyrmions localization, due to the influence of disorder, and the non-trivial temperature dependent skyrmion dynamics.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Reconstruction of the ν=1\nu =1 Quantum Hall Edge

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    The sharp \nu=1 quantum Hall edge present for hard confinement is shown to have two modes that go soft as the confining potential softens. This signals a second order transition to a reconstructed edge that is either a depolarized spin-texture edge or a polarized charge density wave edge.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, to be published in the proceedings of the workshop on ``Novel Physics in Low-Dimensional Electron Systems'' held in Dresden, Physica

    Bulk and edge excitations of a ν=1\nu =1 Hall ferromagnet

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    In this article, we shall focus on the collective dynamics of the fermions in a ν=1\nu = 1 quantum Hall droplet. Specifically, we propose to look at the quantum Hall ferromagnet. In this system, the electron spins are ordered in the ground state due to the exchange part of the Coulomb interaction and the Pauli exclusion principle. The low energy excitations are ferromagnetic magnons. In order to obtain an effective Lagrangian for these magnons, we shall introduce bosonic collective coordinates in the Hilbert space of many-fermion systems. These collective coordinates describe a part of the fermionic Hilbert space. Using this technique, we shall interpret the magnons as bosonic collective excitations in the Hilbert space of the many-electron Hall system. Furthermore, by considering a Hall droplet of finite extent, we shall also obtain the effective Lagrangian governing the spin collective excitations at the edge of the sample.Comment: 30 pages, plain TeX, no figure

    Spin-excitations of the quantum Hall ferromagnet of composite fermions

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    The spin-excitations of a fractional quantum Hall system are evaluated within a bosonization approach. In a first step, we generalize Murthy and Shankar's Hamiltonian theory of the fractional quantum Hall effect to the case of composite fermions with an extra discrete degree of freedom. Here, we mainly investigate the spin degrees of freedom, but the proposed formalism may be useful also in the study of bilayer quantum-Hall systems, where the layer index may formally be treated as an isospin. In a second step, we apply a bosonization scheme, recently developed for the study of the two-dimensional electron gas, to the interacting composite-fermion Hamiltonian. The dispersion of the bosons, which represent quasiparticle-quasihole excitations, is analytically evaluated for fractional quantum Hall systems at \nu = 1/3 and \nu = 1/5. The finite width of the two-dimensional electron gas is also taken into account explicitly. In addition, we consider the interacting bosonic model and calculate the lowest-energy state for two bosons. Besides a continuum describing scattering states, we find a bound-state of two bosons. This state is interpreted as a pair excitation, which consists of a skyrmion of composite fermions and an antiskyrmion of composite fermions. The dispersion relation of the two-boson state is evaluated for \nu = 1/3 and \nu = 1/5. Finally, we show that our theory provides the microscopic basis for a phenomenological non-linear sigma-model for studying the skyrmion of composite fermions.Comment: Revised version, 14 pages, 4 figures, accepted to Phys. Rev.

    Dynamics of the Compact, Ferromagnetic \nu=1 Edge

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    We consider the edge dynamics of a compact, fully spin polarized state at filling factor ν=1\nu=1. We show that there are two sets of collective excitations localized near the edge: the much studied, gapless, edge magnetoplasmon but also an additional edge spin wave that splits off below the bulk spin wave continuum. We show that both of these excitations can soften at finite wave-vectors as the potential confining the system is softened, thereby leading to edge reconstruction by spin texture or charge density wave formation. We note that a commonly employed model of the edge confining potential is non-generic in that it systematically underestimates the texturing instability.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, Revte

    Effective Action Studies of Quantum Hall Spin Textures

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    We report on analytic and numerical studies of spin textures in quantum Hall systems using a long-wavelength effective action for the magnetic degrees of freedom derived previously. The majority of our results concern skyrmions or solitons of this action. We have constructed approximate analytic solutions for skyrmions of arbitrary topological and electric charge and derived expressions for their energies and charge and spin radii. We describe a combined shooting/relaxational technique for numerical determination of the skyrmion profiles and present results that compare favorably with the analytic treatment as well as with Hartree-Fock studies of these objects. In addition, we describe a treatment of textures at the edges of quantum Hall systems within this approach and provide details not reported previously.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure