60 research outputs found

    Wavelet analysis of circadian and ultradian behavioral rhythms

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    We review time-frequency methods that can be useful in quantifying circadian and ultradian patterns in behavioral records. These records typically exhibit details that may not be captured through commonly used measures such as activity onset and so may require alternative approaches. For instance, activity may involve multiple bouts that vary in duration and magnitude within a day, or may exhibit day-to-day changes in period and in ultradian activity patterns. The discrete Fourier transform and other types of periodograms can estimate the period of a circadian rhythm, but we show that they can fail to correctly assess ultradian periods. In addition, such methods cannot detect changes in the period over time. Time-frequency methods that can localize frequency estimates in time are more appropriate for analysis of ultradian periods and of fluctuations in the period. The continuous wavelet transform offers a method for determining instantaneous frequency with good resolution in both time and frequency, capable of detecting changes in circadian period over the course of several days and in ultradian period within a given day. The discrete wavelet transform decomposes a time series into components associated with distinct frequency bands, thereby facilitating the removal of noise and trend or the isolation of a particular frequency band of interest. To demonstrate the wavelet-based analysis, we apply the transforms to a numerically-generated example and also to a variety of hamster behavioral records. When used appropriately, wavelet transforms can reveal patterns that are not easily extracted using other methods of analysis in common use, but they must be applied and interpreted with care

    Shell Neurons of the Master Circadian Clock Coordinate the Phase of Tissue Clocks Throughout the Brain and Body

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    Background: Daily rhythms in mammals are programmed by a master clock in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). The SCN contains two main compartments (shell and core), but the role of each region in system-level coordination remains ill defined. Herein, we use a functional assay to investigate how downstream tissues interpret region-specific outputs by using in vivo exposure to long day photoperiods to temporally dissociate the SCN. We then analyze resulting changes in the rhythms of clocks located throughout the brain and body to examine whether they maintain phase synchrony with the SCN shell or core. Results: Nearly all of the 17 tissues examined in the brain and body maintain phase synchrony with the SCN shell, but not the SCN core, which indicates that downstream oscillators are set by cues controlled specifically by the SCN shell. Interestingly, we also found that SCN dissociation diminished the amplitude of rhythms in core clock gene and protein expression in brain tissues by 50–75 %, which suggests that light-driven changes in the functional organization of the SCN markedly influence the strength of rhythms in downstream tissues. Conclusions: Overall, our results reveal that body clocks receive time-of-day cues specifically from the SCN shell, which may be an adaptive design principle that serves to maintain system-level phase relationships in a changing environment. Further, we demonstrate that lighting conditions alter the amplitude of the molecular clock in downstream tissues, which uncovers a new form of plasticity that may contribute to seasonal changes in physiology and behavior

    Methods for Detecting PER2:LUCIFERASE Bioluminescence Rhythms in Freely Moving Mice

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    Circadian rhythms are driven by daily oscillations of gene expression. An important tool for studying cellular and tissue circadian rhythms is the use of a gene reporter, such as bioluminescence from the reporter gene luciferase controlled by a rhythmically expressed gene of interest. Here we describe methods that allow measurement of circadian bioluminescence from a freely moving mouse housed in a standard cage. Using a LumiCycle In Vivo (Actimetrics), we determined conditions that allow detection of circadian rhythms of bioluminescence from the PER2 reporter, PER2::LUC, in freely behaving mice. The LumiCycle In Vivo applies a background subtraction that corrects for effects of room temperature on photomultiplier tube (PMT) output. We tested delivery of d-luciferin via a subcutaneous minipump and in the drinking water. We demonstrate spikes in bioluminescence associated with drinking bouts. Further, we demonstrate that a synthetic luciferase substrate, CycLuc1, can support circadian rhythms of bioluminescence, even when delivered at a lower concentration than d-luciferin, and can support longer-term studies. A small difference in phase of the PER2::LUC bioluminescence rhythms, with females phase leading males, can be detected with this technique. We share our analysis scripts and suggestions for further improvements in this method. This approach will be straightforward to apply to mice with tissue-specific reporters, allowing insights into responses of specific peripheral clocks to perturbations such as environmental or pharmacological manipulations

    Persistent Cell-Autonomous Circadian Oscillations in Fibroblasts Revealed by Six-Week Single-Cell Imaging of PER2::LUC Bioluminescence

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    Biological oscillators naturally exhibit stochastic fluctuations in period and amplitude due to the random nature of molecular reactions. Accurately measuring the precision of noisy oscillators and the heterogeneity in period and strength of rhythmicity across a population of cells requires single-cell recordings of sufficient length to fully represent the variability of oscillations. We found persistent, independent circadian oscillations of clock gene expression in 6-week-long bioluminescence recordings of 80 primary fibroblast cells dissociated from PER2::LUC mice and kept in vitro for 6 months. Due to the stochastic nature of rhythmicity, the proportion of cells appearing rhythmic increases with the length of interval examined, with 100% of cells found to be rhythmic when using 3-week windows. Mean period and amplitude are remarkably stable throughout the 6-week recordings, with precision improving over time. For individual cells, precision of period and amplitude are correlated with cell size and rhythm amplitude, but not with period, and period exhibits much less cycle-to-cycle variability (CV 7.3%) than does amplitude (CV 37%). The time series are long enough to distinguish stochastic fluctuations within each cell from differences among cells, and we conclude that the cells do exhibit significant heterogeneity in period and strength of rhythmicity, which we measure using a novel statistical metric. Furthermore, stochastic modeling suggests that these single-cell clocks operate near a Hopf bifurcation, such that intrinsic noise enhances the oscillations by minimizing period variability and sustaining amplitude

    Wavelet analysis of circadian and ultradian behavioral rhythms

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    Wavelet analysis of circadian and ultradian behavioral rhythms

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    Multi-attribute, multi-alternative models of choice

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    Model scripts and data from 2017 article in Cognitive Psycholog
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