205 research outputs found
Baer’s house (Tartu city, Veski street 4) modelling; evaluation of condition of construction engineering and renovation solutions offering
Ehitusinseneriõppe lõputöö
Maaehituse õppekavalTeadaolevalt liigub projekteerimine aina enam 2D valdkonnast 3D mudelite koostamise
suunas. Magistritöös analüüsitakse erinevaid 3D tarkvarasid Baer’i maja näitel, antakse
hinnang hoone tehnilisele seisukorrale ja pakutakse välja probleemsete kohtade
Lõputöö esimeses osas uuritakse ajalugu, antakse ülevaade hoonest, krundist ja hoone
valdajatest. Teises osas kirjeldatakse mõõdistusprojekti koostamise protsessi ja
metoodikat, uuritakse Maaehituse eriala teise kursuse poolt koostatud mõõdistusprojekti
ning tehakse selle ekspertiis. Kolmandas osas uuritakse kolme erinevat 3D modelleerimise
tarkvara ning antakse hinnang nende kasutusmugavusele ja otstarbekusele, võttes aluseks
Baer’i maja. Neljandas osas hinnatakse hoone seisukorda visuaalselt ning tuuakse esile
probleemsed kohad. Pakutakse välja nende renoveerimislahendused. Täiendavalt
uuritakse põhjalikumalt hoone sarikate seisukorda resistograafiga ning tehakse kõige
väiksema jääkristlõikega sarika tugevuse kontrollarvutused.
Tarkvarade Vertex, ArchiCad ja Autodesk Revit uurimisel selgus, et teiste programmide
ees on kõige suuremad eelised Autodesk Revit tarkvaral.
Hoone tehnilisel hindamisel selgus, et hoone ees olevate keldri akende valguskastid ja
voodrilaua viimistluse seisukord on halb ning leitud probleemidega peaks tegelema
esimesel võimalusel.
Antud lõputöö tulemused võivad olla aluseks hoone restaureerimise projektile.Today designing is moving more and more from 2D to 3D model making environment. In
this master’s thesis we will analyse different 3D software on the example of Baer house,
evaluation is given to buildings technical condition and renovation solutions are offered
for problematic places.
In the first part of graduation thesis buildings history is studied, overview is given about
the building, the lot and its holders. In the second part the composition of measuring
process and method is described, measuring project composed by land constructions
specialities second course is studied and expertise is conducted. In the third part three
different 3D modelling softwares are analysed and evaluation is given to their ease of use
and practicality on the basis of Baer’s house.
In the fourth part the state of the building is evaluated visually and problematic places are
brought forward.
Renovation solutions for them are suggested. Additionally buildings rafters condition is
thoroughly examined with resistograph and strength control calculation for rafter with
smallest residual cross-section is made.
While conducting study amongst Vertex, ArchiCad, Autodesk Revit software it became
known that compared to other programs Autodesk Revit has biggest advantages.
While conducting buildings technical evaluation it became evident that basement
windows lightboxes located in front of the building and the condition of clapboards
refinement is bad - these problems should be dealt with on first opportunity.
The restoration project could be based on the results of this graduation thesis
The effect of the quality of family and school relationships on anxiety and mood disorders on young adults: Based on a longitudinal study
Käesoleva uurimistöö eesmärgiks oli leida, mil määral mõjutab pere- ja koolisuhete kvaliteet subjektiivset ärevust ja depressiivsust ning ärevus- ja meeleoluhäirete esinemist longituudses perspektiivis. Valim koosneb Eesti Laste Isiksuse, Käitumise ja Terviseuuringu (ELIKTU) käigus longituudmeetodil kogutud noorema ja vanema kohordi andmetest ning selle suurus on n = 1238. Antud uurimistöös kasutatakse ärevuse, depressiivsuse, pere- ja koolisuhete kohta kogutud andmeid enesekohastest küsimustikest ning psühhiaatrilisest intervjuust. Selgus, et madalama kvaliteediga pere- ja koolisuhteid tajunud uuritavad raporteerisid ka järgnevates uuringulainetes kõrgemat püsi- ja seisundiärevust ning depressiivsust võrreldes nende uuritavatega, kes tajusid kõrgema kvaliteediga pere- ja koolisuhteid. Samuti esines tendents, et uuritavad, kes tajusid madalama kvaliteediga pere- ja koolisuhteid, olid pigem grupis, kus ärevus- ja meeleoluhäireid diagnoositi rohkem
Changing behaviours to change the system? Dairy system transformation in Germany
Current dairy consumption and production practices exceed the planetary boundaries and threaten human and animal health and socio-economic well-being. A radical, transformative and systemwide change in the dairy system is urgently needed, but the pathway is still unknown. With regards to diets, a lot of emphasis is put on demand-based solutions and consumer behaviour change, however, an evaluation of their potential in achieving transformative change is still missing. The role of producers in driving this change is even less examined. Combining behaviour change with systems change is a somewhat novel, but promising approach to bridge this gap. This research study therefore combines these disciplines to research how much leeway consumers and producers have in transforming the German dairy system towards becoming more sustainable.
To deal with this complexity, a two-pronged methodology approach was used, where focus groups provided consumer insights, and semi-structured interviews added the expert views of dairy producers. The COM-B model was used to understand the aspects needed to engage with a new behaviour. The actors’ capability, opportunity and motivations were analysed to identify barriers, enablers, major challenges and solutions to move towards a system that acts within socio-ecological boundaries. The transformative potential of behaviour change was assessed through systems mapping and leverage points.
Consumer insights confirmed the intention- and knowledge-action gap, where despite a high level of these factors, behaviour change was hindered by lifestyle issues, the availability of sustainable dairy products and social norms. Placing a high value on food and the connectedness to farmers were identified as potential opportunities. Producers’ good intentions were limited by economic and political dependencies and the social norms of growth and individualism, whereas what enabled them was collaboration and the experience that it pays off to produce differently (e.g. organic production or cow bound calf rearing). The systems analysis found that in order to transform the system, changing the growth-orientated goal towards quality differentiation and the underlying mental structures towards collaboration would be most effective, but also most challenging. The results propose that the behaviour change opportunities for consumers and producers in system transformation are limited in terms of direct changes of the overall goal and in people’s mental models, but small structural achievements on the level of different actors and their interconnections are possible through collaboration. Successful collaboration, enabled also by openness and awareness, has then the potential to shift paradigms. This highlights that possible solutions address several layers of the system, but also require political support
Õpilaste toimetulekumustrid erinevates tunnivälistes tegevustes : lõputöö
Straddling For Market Space: Transforming Estonian State-Owned Enterprises Toward A Free-Market Orientation
This paper examines the dynamics of transformation of three Estonian state-owned enterprises – Eesti Gaas, Eesti Energia and Eesti Telefon - toward a free market orientation following the Estonia’s decision to separate from the USSR. The difficulties of such transformation are first examined from a theoretical perspective. It is argued that organizations attempting such transformation are likely to be stuck in a state of dynamic equilibrium between the old static mode and the emerging free-market mode until some key factor causes it to tip over into one or the other of these modes. Four major transformational challenges - strategic orientation, resource and competency acquisition logic, workforce and organizational configuration - are discussed by examining the dynamics of transformation of three Estonian state-owned enterprises
Microencapsulação de óleo essencial de capim limão utilizando o processo de coacervação simples
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Química.A microencapsulação é capaz de aumentar o tempo de vida útil de compostos voláteis, presentes em produtos alimentícios e cosméticos. No presente trabalho são apresentados os resultados da microencapsulação do óleo essencial de capim limão (Cymbopogom citratus) com poli(álcool vinílico) reticulado com glutaraldeído através da técnica de coacervação simples ou salting out. Foram avaliados quatro tipos de PVA com diferentes massas molares e graus de hidrólise. Os resultados experimentais mostraram que PVAs de elevado grau de hidrólise apresentam baixa ativação superficial, não estabilizando o óleo essencial e não formando microcápsulas. A distribuição de tamanho das microcápsulas apresentou estreitamento e deslocamento para faixas de diâmetro menores com o aumento da temperatura de reação, com a diminuição da fração volumétrica e com o aumento da taxa de agitação. A absorção de água, ou intumescimento, das microcápsulas foi diminuída com o aumento da razão de reticulação utilizada. A adição de nitrogênio ao meio de reação foi avaliada e os resultados indicaram que a taxa de reação foi maior. Foram testados um estabilizante, poli(pirrolidona vinílica) e um surfactante, dodecil sulfato de sódio, para evitar a reticulação entre as microcápsulas. Somente o dodecil sulfato de sódio mostrou-se eficiente. O óleo essencial de capim limão foi avaliado antes e após ser microencapsulado quanto a sua composição e atividade antimicrobiana, avaliada por concentração mínima inibitória. Não foram observadas alterações que pudessem comprometer a sua atividade antimicrobiana. A liberação do óleo essencial microencapsulado foi avaliada por hidrodestilação das microcápsulas e foi comparada à hidrodestilação do óleo essencial puro mostrando que o óleo encapsulado é liberado a uma taxa menor. Por fim o glutaraldeído foi quantificado através de HPLC em função do tempo de reação, mostrando que sua maior parte é consumida na primeira hora de reação
Teorema do hexágono de Pascal Teorema de Pappus
TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Físicas e Matemáticas, Curso de Matemática.Neste trabalho, no capítulo 1, trazemos um breve estudo sobre a biografia desses dois grandes matemáticos, Blaise Pascal e Pappus. No segundo capítulo, fazemos um estudo sobre polinômios, anéis de polinômios, ideais, com demonstrações de resultados importantes que serão utilizados na demonstração dos teoremas. Finalmente, no terceiro capítulo, enunciamos e apresentamos as demonstrações do Teorema do Hexágono de Pascal, e do Teorema de Pappus. Ao longo do trabalho, serão vistos alguns exemplos e ilustrações para a melhor compreensão dos tópicos
Sistemas de informação oficiais de meningite criptocócica, estado do Rio de Janeiro
El objetivo del estudio fue comparar el perfil epidemiológico de meningitis criptocócica en diferentes sistemas de información, evaluando en que medida el disponible en el Sistema Brasilero de Información de Agravios de Notificación reflejaría las ocurrencias de la meningitis criptocócica en el estado de Río de Janeiro (Sureste de Brasil), de 2000 a 2004. El banco del Sistema de Información de Agravios de Notificación fue comparado con un nuevo banco compuesto por los casos de meningitis criptocócica de ese Sistema, de la Asesoría de Meningitis de la Secretaria de la Salud del Estado y de los registros de laboratorio del Instituto Estatal de Infectología Sao Sebastiao. El Sistema captó 65,7% de los casos presentes en el nuevo banco. El porcentaje de pacientes presentando Sida como enfermedad preexistente fue semejante en los dos bancos (26% y 24,9%). Así, a pesar de que la incidencia de meningitis criptocócica sea subestimada en ese Sistema, el perfil de los casos notificados refleja el perfil del total de casos.O objetivo do estudo foi comparar o perfil epidemiológico de meningite criptocócica em diferentes sistemas de informação, avaliando assim em que medida aquele disponível no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação refletiria as ocorrências da meningite criptocócica no estado do Rio de Janeiro, de 2000 a 2004. O banco do Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação foi comparado com um novo banco composto pelos casos de meningite criptocócica desse Sistema, da Assessoria de Meningite da Secretaria de Saúde do Estado e dos registros do laboratório do Instituto Estadual de Infectologia São Sebastião. O Sistema captou 65,7% dos casos presentes no novo banco. O percentual de pacientes apresentando Aids como doença preexistente foi semelhante nos dois bancos (26% e 24,9%). Assim, embora a incidência de meningite criptocócica esteja subestimada nesse Sistema, o perfil dos casos notificados reflete o perfil do total de casos.The study aimed to compare the epidemiological profile of crytococcal meningitis in different information systems, thus assessing to what extent the profile available in the Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (Information System for Notifiable Diseases) reflected cryptococcal meningitis occurrences in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Southeastern Brazil, between 2002 and 2004. That database was compared to a new database comprised of cryptococcal meningitis cases from this System, from the Assessoria de Meningite da Secretaria de Saúde do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (State Department of Health Meningitis Advisory Committee), and from the Instituto Estadual de Infectologia São Sebastião (State Institute of Infectious Diseases) laboratory records. The System detected 65.7% of the cases present in the new database. The percentage of patients with AIDS as a pre-existing disease was similar in both databases (26% and 24.9%). Thus, even though cryptococcal meningitis incidence is underreported in the System, the profile of notified cases reflects the profile of the total number of cases
Improvement of sensorial and volatile profiles of olive oil by addition of olive leaves
The changes caused by the addition of olive leaves (0, 5, and 10%) during the extraction of olive oil and malaxation time (20, 30, and 30 min) in the volatile profile and sensory attributes of olive oil from cv. Cobrançosa were studied. To investigate such transformations, a central composite designs from the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used, retrieving 13 runs combining leaf percentages and malaxation times. Each run was extracted in triplicate (39 olive oils overall). Sensory attributes were improved to leaves addition, mainly green and fruitiness attributes in olfactory and gustatory-olfactory sensations, but high malaxation times ( > 30 min) reduced pungent and bitter notes. Leaves addition increased the amounts of total volatiles, particularly the GLV's (green leaves volatiles) (E)-2-hexenal, (Z)-3-hexenal, and (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, directly correlated with the improved sensory attributes. RSM models a showed positive linear effect with leaves addition, but a negative effect with malaxation time. These results suggest the use of olive leaves as effective odorants for the olive mill industry, while enabling the reduction of malaxation times and by-product amounts. Practical applications: The results obtained clearly open new lines of research to use olive leaves, a sub-product of olive oil extraction, in a valuable way. Olive leaves can be used as natural sources of odorants for olive oils. Furthermore, their use during the extraction of olive oils from overmature olives may also lead to an improvement of the volatile fraction and provide enhanced sensory properties to the consumers, thus conferring an added value to these oils. Another important practical application is the extraction process. In our work, we advise to optimize both the percentage of leaves and the malaxation time as much as possible, as they facilitate both sensory and volatile fractions of the extracted olive oils. Sensory attributes are improved to leaves addition, mainly green and fruitiness attributes in olfactory 17 and gustatory-olfactory sensations, but high malaxation times ( > 30 min) reduced pungent and bitter 18 notes. Leaves addition increase the amounts of total volatiles, particularly the GLV's (green leaves 19 volatiles) (E)-2-hexenal, (Z)-3-hexenal, and (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, directly cor related with the improved 20 sensory attributes. RSM models a show positive linear effect with leaves addition, but a negative effect 21 with malaxation time. These results suggest the use of olive leaves as effective odorants for the olive mill 22 industry, while enabling the reduction of malaxation times and by-product amounts.Ricardo Malheiro thanks FCT, POPH-QREN and FSE for the
Post-Doctoral grant (SFRH/BPD/111901/2015).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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