72 research outputs found

    Agronomic characterization of forage grain crops

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    The aim of this research was to accomplish agronomic and chemical composition of four forage species under the Brazilian semiarid conditions . The experimental design was a randomized block, in which the treatments consisted of forage crops: corn cv. BRS 205, millet cv. BRS 1501, sorghum cv. IPA 467-4-2 and sunflower cv. Catissol 01, with four repetitions. It was measured plant height (m2), number of plants, leaf/stem ratio, dry matter percentage, total dry matter and the chemical composition of different forage species. The sorghum showed a greater growth, reaching a height of 270.90 cm. For the leaf/stem ratio, the best results were observed by corn, followed by sunflower. In the chemical composition, the sunflower stood out compared to the other materials for crude protein, lipids and mineral contents. Sorghum present greater growth and mass production of straw for the Brazilian semi-arid conditions. The studied species have appropriate chemical composition characteristics, except for sunflower that has high ether extract contents.The aim of this research was to accomplish agronomic and chemical composition of four forage species under the Brazilian semiarid conditions . The experimental design was a randomized block, in which the treatments consisted of forage crops: corn cv. BRS 205, millet cv. BRS 1501, sorghum cv. IPA 467-4-2 and sunflower cv. Catissol 01, with four repetitions. It was measured plant height (m2), number of plants, leaf/stem ratio, dry matter percentage, total dry matter and the chemical composition of different forage species. The sorghum showed a greater growth, reaching a height of 270.90 cm. For the leaf/stem ratio, the best results were observed by corn, followed by sunflower. In the chemical composition, the sunflower stood out compared to the other materials for crude protein, lipids and mineral contents. Sorghum present greater growth and mass production of straw for the Brazilian semi-arid conditions. The studied species have appropriate chemical composition characteristics, except for sunflower that has high ether extract contents

    Produção de espécies forrageiras produtoras de grãos e composição química de silagens

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    This study was conducted with the object of evaluate forage species that produce grains and chemical composition of their silages under the conditions of the Brazilian Northeast. They were evaluated four forages: maize, millet, sorghum and sunflower. It was determined the dry dead forage mass (DDFM), total dry mass of grain (TDMG), total dry mass of leaf (TDML) and total dry mass of stem (TDMS). Silage produced with the species was rated to the ammonia nitrogen, losses gases (G), losses effluent (E), dry matter yield (DMY), dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), mineral matter (MM), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF). Sorghum showed higher (p<0.05) accumulation of DDFM, TDMG and TDMS than maize, millet and sunflower. Sunflower had higher losses by G and E and lower DMY for silage production. There was no difference of silages for CP. To EE sunflower silage had a higher amount, a fact that undermines the quality of this silage for ruminants feeding. Sorghum has more appropriate characterization for silage, because of its high production of bulky, low losses and chemical composition similar to corn silage under the conditions of the Brazilian Northeast.Objetivou-se avaliar características de produção de espécies forrageiras produtoras de grãos e composição química de silagens nas condições do nordeste do Brasil. Foram avaliadas quatro forrageiras produtoras de grãos: milho, milheto, sorgo e girassol. Foram determinadas a massa seca de forragem morta (MSFM), massa seca total de grão (MSTG), massa seca total de folha (MSTF) e massa seca total de colmo (MSTC). Da silagem produzida com as espécies, avaliou-se o nitrogênio amoniacal, perdas por gases (G), perdas por efluentes (E), rendimento de matéria seca (RMS), matéria seca (MS), proteína bruta (PB), extrato etéreo (EE), matéria mineral (MM), fibra detergente neutro (FDN) e fibra detergente ácido (FDA). O sorgo apresentou maior (p<0,05) acúmulo de MSFM, MSTF e MSTC em relação ao milho, milheto e girassol. O girassol apresentou maiores perdas por G e E, e menor RMS para silagem produzida. Não houve diferença das silagens em relação a PB. Para o EE a silagem de girassol obteve maior quantidade, fato que compromete a qualidade da silagem para alimentação de ruminantes. O sorgo possui caracterização mais adequada para produção de silagem, pois apresenta alta produção de volumoso, baixas perdas e composição química semelhante à silagem do milho nas condições do nordeste do Brasil

    Nutritional composition and fermentative characteristics of Massai grass silage added with licuri (Syagrus coronata) cake

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    This study evaluated the best level of inclusion of licuri cake (Syagrus coronata) in massai grass (Megathyrsus maximus) silage by chemical composition and fermentation quality of the silage. The experiment was conducted at Experimental Farm of the School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science of Federal University of Bahia. The treatments were composed by massai grass cut at 40 days, chopped and added at levels 0, 80, 160 and 240 g kg DM-1 of licuri cake. After mixing, the material was compressed in experimental silos, which were opened after 76 days. The experimental design was completely randomized, with four treatments and four replications. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance and regression. The addition of licuri cake improve linear increase (P < 0.01) in the contents of dry matter, crude protein, ether extract, total digestible nutrients, pH, NH3-N, dry matter intake, digestible dry matter and forage value index in massai grass silage There was a linear reduction in the contents of ash, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, hemicellulose and cellulose (P < 0.01). There were no differences on contents non-fibrous carbohydrates (P = 0.356) and acid detergent lignin (P = 0.432). It is recommended the inclusion of licuri cake at level of 240 g kg DM-1 in massai silage, because provided the greatest chemical composition, dry matter intake, digestible dry matter and forage value index

    Intake, nitrogen balance and microbial protein synthesis of steers fed with or without lipid addition

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    This study investigated the influence of energy supplementation with or without the addition of lipids on microbial production, microbial synthesis efficiency and nitrogen balance. Eight fistulated steers were used with accessible rumens and kept in individual stalls. Their diets consisted of corn silage; corn silage + concentrate; corn silage + concentrate with addition of lipids in the form of soybean oil; and corn silage + concentrate with addition of lipids in the form of soybean grains. Estimates of microbial protein synthesis were obtained based on the urinary excretion of purine derivatives. The concentrations of ammonia in the rumen were determined immediately at 2, 4, 6 and 8 hours after feeding. The diets with concentrate increased (P0.05). Concentrated diets presented higher concentrations of urea nitrogen in the serum and urinary urea excretion (P0.05). Energy supplementation, with or without lipid addition, can be used as a strategy to increase the synthesis of the microbial protein in the cattle fed corn silage

    Performance, body composition and net requirements of protein and energy for weight gain in steers supplemented with or without addition of lipids

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    This research aimed to evaluate the performance, body composition and net requirements for protein and energy in grazing Nellore steers supplemented with or without addition of lipids. Twenty-eight steers, 301 ± 5.8 kg BW, were used in the experiment. The comparative slaughter method was used, with four steers used as references. The remaining 24 steers were randomly distributed into four groups, during 180 days, according to treatment: only Panicum maximum cv. Mombasa grass; Mombasa grass with concentrated supplementation based on soybean meal; Mombasa grass with concentrate containing lipids from soybean oil; and Mombasa grass with concentrate containing lipids derived from soybean grains. The total DMI of the steers fed only the pasture did not differ (P > 0.05) from the average intake of the treatments with or without addition of lipids. There were no differences (P > 0.05) between treatments for total daily gain, carcass and non carcass for protein, energy and fat. The requirements of protein and energy did not differ (P > 0.05) among the treatments. When the pasture is of good quality, supplementation does not alter the body composition or the net requirements of protein and energy for weight gain. The supplementations with higher concentrations of lipids (oil and grain) were not enough to promote greater gains in fat and energy in carcass

    Growth performance and carcass traits of young nellore bulls supplemented with or without addition of lipids

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    The aim of research was to evaluate the performance and characteristics of the carcasses of Nellore young bulls in grazing supplemented with or without addition of lipids. Twenty–eight young bulls, 301 ± 5.8 kg in body weight, which four constituted the reference group and the twenty-four remnants were used in the experiment and randomly distributed into four groups according to treatment: only Panicum maximum cv. Mombasa grass; Mombasa grass with concentrated supplementation based on soybean meal; Mombasa grass with concentrate containing lipids from soybean oil; and Mombasa grass with concentrate containing lipids derived from soybean grains. The total dry matter intake of the animals fed only Mombasa grass did not differ from the average intake of the three treatments supplemented with concentrate. There were no differences (P>0.05) between Mombasa grass and diets with concentrate, supplementation with or without lipid and lipids sources in the carcass traits, gastrointestinal tract, organs and loin eye area. Nellore bulls receiving concentrate increased subcutaneous fat thickness compared with bulls that received only Mombasa grass. Nellore young bulls fed Mombasa grass only, supplemented with or without addition of lipids were similar regarding growth performance and carcass traits

    Crescimento e produção do capim massai sob déficit hídrico / Growth and production of grass massai under water deficit

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    Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos de diferentes turnos de rega sobre as características de crescimento e produção do capim massai. A pesquisa foi realizada em casa de vegetação da Universidade Federal do Ceará-UFC, Campus do Pici, Fortaleza, CE. Utilizou-se delineamento em blocos casualizados, com cinco tratamentos constituídos dos intervalos de irrigação de 2, 4, 6, 8 e 10 dias, com quatro repetições. Foram avaliados: o número de folhas vivas por perfilho (NFV), taxa de alongamento de folhas (TAlF), taxa de alongamento de colmo (TAlH), taxa de aparecimento de folhas (TApF), taxa de senescência foliar (TSF), filocrono, altura, índice de área foliar (IAF), razão folha/colmo (F/C), número de perfilhos vivos (NPV), relação matéria viva/matéria morta (MV/MM), matéria seca (MS), produção de massa verde (PMVF) e seca (PMSF) de forragem e peso seco da raiz (PSR). Observou-se efeito linear (p&lt;0,05) decrescente para o NFV, TAlF, TAlH e para a TApF. Notou-se que a partir do quarto dia sem irrigação o capim massai teve queda na produção de 10,68 g vaso-1 para 2,66 g vaso-1 para os tratamentos de 4 e 10 dias respectivamente, indicando que essa espécie tem sua produção comprometida em curto período de déficit hídrico. Intervalos de irrigação superiores há quatro dias influenciam as características de crescimento e produção do capim massai

    Efeito da substituição do milho pela palma forrageira sobre o desempenho, características de carcaça e qualidade da carne de cordeiros terminados em confinamento

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    Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da substituição do milho moído por duas espécies de palma forrageira, Orelha de Elefante Mexicana-OEM (Opuntia stricta Haw.) e espécie Gigante (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill) em uma ração completa para terminação de cordeiros avaliando seus efeitos sobre consumo, comportamento ingestivo, desempenho, características de carcaça, cortes comerciais e composição físico-química da carne. Foram utilizados dezoito cordeiros sem padrão racial definido com peso corporal médio de 15,0 ± 2,32 kg e foram distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com três tratamentos (OEM e palma Gigante e grão de milho como controle) e seis repetições. As duas espécies de palma forrageira em substituição ao milho moído na dieta de cordeiros não modificaram o consumo de matéria seca (CMS) proteína bruta e fibra em detergente neutro nem o tempo (min/dia) de ingestão, ruminação e ócio ou ganho corporal final. Cordeiros alimentados com milho moído e palma Gigante apresentaram maior ganho de peso total (GPT) e médio diário (GMD) em relação à espécie OEM. A dieta com milho moído promoveu melhor rendimento de carcaça quente e fria comparando cordeiros recebendo palma forrageira, independente da espécie. Os custos com ração e total (kg/cordeiro) foram maiores para a dieta com milho moído. A substituição do milho moído pela palma forrageira não alterou os teores de umidade, proteína e cinzas da carne, bem como a capacidade de retenção de água, perda por cozimento, força de cisalhamento e intensidade de cor a*. No entanto, houve efeito para o teor de lipídios da carne, índice de intensidade de cor b* e L*, sendo que a espécie de palma Gigante e o milho grão moído apresentou o maior teor de lipídios e intensidade de amarelo (b*) e menor cor L* em relação ao OEM. A espécie palma forrageira Gigante pode substituir o milho moído como fonte de energia em dietas para cordeiros em terminação, pois melhora significativamente o rendimento financeiro do produtor sem alterar o GMD, CMS, comportamento ingestivo e rendimento dos cortes comerciais. Palavras-chave: carcaça; coloração; força de cisalhamento; palma; ruminant

    Performance and metabolic behavior of Santa Inês lambs fed different concentrations of Spirulina platensis diluted in cow's milk.

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    O experimento foi conduzido no Setor de Ovinocultura pertencente à Fazenda Maria Paz, localizada no município de São José de Espinharas-PB e teve como apoio o Laboratório de Nutrição Animal (LANA) do Centro de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande. Com este estudo objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da suplementação do “creep feeding” com leite bovino enriquecido com Spirulina platensis (espirulina) sobre o desempenho de cordeiros da raça Santa Inês, mediante o consumo de matéria seca (CMS), consumo de proteína bruta (CPB), peso corporal (PC), ganho de peso médio diário (GPMD) e estimar o período da fase de aleitamento mais adequada para a utilização da espirulina. Trinta cordeiros da raça Santa Inês foram distribuídos em um delineamento em blocos ao acaso com parcelas subdivididas no tempo (níveis de espirulina: 0 5 e 10 g e períodos de tempo consecutivos: 0-15, 15-30, 30-45 e 45-60 dias). Quanto ao consumo, não houve efeito de interação do nível de espirulina administrado e os períodos de tempo consecutivos e o efeito dos períodos de tempo no consumo foi independente com o consumo aumentando em função da idade dos animais. Quanto ao peso no final de cada período e conseqüente ganho de peso médio diário, houve efeito de interação do nível de espirulina e os períodos de tempo estudados. O nível de espirulina teve efeito no GPMD apenas dentro dos primeiros 15 dias, com maior ganho para o nível de 10 g de espirulina (300 g) em relação a testemunha (205 g). Enquanto o peso final foi maior para o tratamento com 10 g de espirulina (12,0; 17,02; 19,71 e 25,30 kg) em todos os períodos estudados (0-15, 15-30, 30-45 e 45-60 dias, respectivamente.). Mesmo os animais que receberam o aleitamento artificial sem espirulina (0gS), atingiram GPMD acima dos valores preconizados pelo AFRC (1995). A diluição de Spirulina platensis no leite bovino se mostrou eficiente no desempenho diário de cordeiros quando utilizada na concentração de 10g diárias dos 15 aos 30 dias de idade.The experiment was carried out in Maria Paz Ranch Sheep Production Department, in São José de Espinharas-PB. Bromatological analyses were performed in the Laboratory of Animal Nutrition/Centro de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural/Universidade Federal de Campina Grande. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the supplementation with cow milk enriched with Spirulina platensis (Sp) on Santa Inês lamb performance submitted to a “creep feeding” regimen. Data on dry matter (DMC) and crude protein (CPC) consumptions, live body weight (BW), and mean daily body weight gain (MDBWG) were colleted to determine the correct period to supplement lambs with Spirulina platensis. The three levels (0, 5 and 10 g) of Spirulina supplementation were assigned to 30 lambs (plots) according to a randomized block design. Data were collected in four consecutive periods (0-15, 15-30, 30-45 and 45-60 days), characterizing a split plot in time experimental design. Consumption was not affected by spirulina level x period interaction, and increased with periods. BW and MDBWG were affected by the spirulina level x period interaction. Spirulina levels affected MDBWG only from day 0 to day 15, when the highest MDBWH (300 g) was associated to 10 g of Spirulina, while no Spirulina supplementation resulted in 205 g in MDBWG. Live body weight at the end of each period was also higher when the lambs were supplemented with 10 g of Spirulina (12,0 17.02, 19.71 and 25.30 kg, respectively for the 4 consecutive periods). Even the animals that got no Spirulina supplementation surpassed the expected AFRC (1995) values for MDBWG. The dilution of Spirulina platensis in cow milk showed to be efficient on the daily performance of lambs when utilized in concentration of 10g/day from 15 to 30 days of age.CNP