32 research outputs found

    The Southeast Alaska Tribal Ocean Research (SEATOR) Partnership: Addressing Data Gaps in Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring and Shellfish Safety in Southeast Alaska

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    Many communities in Southeast Alaska harvest shellfish such as mussels and clams as an important part of a subsistence or traditional diet. Harmful algal blooms (HABs) of phytoplankton such as Alexandrium spp. produce toxins that can accumulate in shellfish tissues to concentrations that can pose a hazard for human health. Since 2013, several tribal governments and communities have pooled resources to form the Southeast Alaska Tribal Ocean Research (SEATOR) network, with the goal of minimizing risks to seafood harvest and enhancing food security. SEATOR monitors toxin concentrations in shellfish and collects and consolidates data on environmental variables that may be important predictors of toxin levels such as sea surface temperature and salinity. Data from SEATOR are publicly available and are encouraged to be used for the development and testing of predictive algorithms that could improve seafood risk assessment in Southeast Alaska. To date, more than 1700 shellfish samples have been analyzed for paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs) in more than 20 locations, with potentially lethal concentrations observed in blue mussels (Mytilus trossulus) and butter clams (Saxidomus gigantea). Concentrations of PSTs exhibit seasonality in some species, and observations of Alexandrium are correlated to sea surface temperature and salinity; however, concentrations above the threshold of concern have been found in all months, and substantial variation in concentrations of PSTs remain unexplained.Funding: The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not reflect the views of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Funding for this work was provided by the Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant Program (Award NA17NMF4270238). Gribble’s e ort was supported by grants from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (R01ES029165 and P30ES019776).Ye

    An assessment of temporal, spatial and taxonomic trends in harmful algal toxin exposure in stranded marine mammals from the US New England coast

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    © The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Fire, S. E., Bogomolni, A., DiGiovanni, R. A., Jr., Early, G., Leighfield, T. A., Matassa, K., Miller, G. A., Moore, K. M. T., Moore, M., Niemeyer, M., Pugliares, K., Wang, Z., & Wenzel, F. W. An assessment of temporal, spatial and taxonomic trends in harmful algal toxin exposure in stranded marine mammals from the US New England coast. Plos One, 16(1),(2021): e0243570, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0243570.Despite a long-documented history of severe harmful algal blooms (HABs) in New England coastal waters, corresponding HAB-associated marine mammal mortality events in this region are far less frequent or severe relative to other regions where HABs are common. This long-term survey of the HAB toxins saxitoxin (STX) and domoic acid (DA) demonstrates significant and widespread exposure of these toxins in New England marine mammals, across multiple geographic, temporal and taxonomic groups. Overall, 19% of the 458 animals tested positive for one or more toxins, with 15% and 7% testing positive for STX and DA, respectively. 74% of the 23 different species analyzed demonstrated evidence of toxin exposure. STX was most prevalent in Maine coastal waters, most frequently detected in common dolphins (Delphinus delphis), and most often detected during July and October. DA was most prevalent in animals sampled in offshore locations and in bycaught animals, and most frequently detected in mysticetes, with humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) testing positive at the highest rates. Feces and urine appeared to be the sample matrices most useful for determining the presence of toxins in an exposed animal, with feces samples having the highest concentrations of STX or DA. No relationship was found between the bloom season of toxin-producing phytoplankton and toxin detection rates, however STX was more likely to be present in July and October. No relationship between marine mammal dietary preference and frequency of toxin detection was observed. These findings are an important part of a framework for assessing future marine mammal morbidity and mortality events, as well as monitoring ecosystem health using marine mammals as sentinel organisms for predicting coastal ocean changes.S.F. - NOAA John H. Prescott Marine Mammal Rescue Assistance Grant Program #NA16NMF4390151 S.F. - NOAA John H. Prescott Marine Mammal Rescue Assistance Grant Program #NA17NMF4390082 S.F. - Florida Tech Department of Biological Sciences S.F. - Florida Tech John H. Evans Library Open Access Subvention Fund. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Comparative analysis of three brevetoxin-associated bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) mortality events in the Florida Panhandle region (USA)

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    In the Florida Panhandle region, bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) have been highly susceptible to large-scale unusual mortality events (UMEs) that may have been the result of exposure to blooms of the dinoflagellate Karenia brevis and its neurotoxin, brevetoxin (PbTx). Between 1999 and 2006, three bottlenose dolphin UMEs occurred in the Florida Panhandle region. The primary objective of this study was to determine if these mortality events were due to brevetoxicosis. Analysis of over 850 samples from 105 bottlenose dolphins and associated prey items were analyzed for algal toxins and have provided details on tissue distribution, pathways of trophic transfer, and spatial-temporal trends for each mortality event. In 1999/2000, 152 dolphins died following extensive K. brevis blooms and brevetoxin was detected in 52% of animals tested at concentrations up to 500 ng/g. In 2004, 105 bottlenose dolphins died in the absence of an identifiable K. brevis bloom; however, 100% of the tested animals were positive for brevetoxin at concentrations up to 29,126 ng/mL. Dolphin stomach contents frequently consisted of brevetoxin-contaminated menhaden. In addition, another potentially toxigenic algal species, Pseudo-nitzschia, was present and low levels of the neurotoxin domoic acid (DA) were detected in nearly all tested animals (89%). In 2005/2006, 90 bottlenose dolphins died that were initially coincident with high densities of K. brevis. Most (93%) of the tested animals were positive for brevetoxin at concentrations up to 2,724 ng/mL. No DA was detected in these animals despite the presence of an intense DA-producing Pseudo-nitzschia bloom. In contrast to the absence or very low levels of brevetoxins measured in live dolphins, and those stranding in the absence of a K. brevis bloom, these data, taken together with the absence of any other obvious pathology, provide strong evidence that brevetoxin was the causative agent involved in these bottlenose dolphin mortality events

    Identification of yessotoxin in mussels from the Caucasian Black Sea Coast of the Russian Federation

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    The toxin load of shellfish hepatopancreas harvested from the Caucasian Black Sea Coast of the Russian Federation was investigated. The majority of the toxin load was shown to be yessotoxin (YTX), 45-hydroxy-yessotoxin (45-OH-YTX), and homoyessotoxin (homoYTX). Concurrent with the mussel intoxication, the dinoflagellates Lingulodinium polyedrum and Gonyaulax spinifera were found in high concentrations.Peer reviewed: YesNRC publication: Ye

    Effect of salinity on the distribution, growth, and toxicity of Karenia spp.

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    Abstract The first recorded bloom of Karenia spp., resulting in brevetoxin in oysters, in the low salinity waters of the Northern Gulf of Mexico (NGOMEX) occurred in November 1996. It raised questions about the salinity tolerance of Karenia spp., previously considered unlikely to occur at salinities \u3c24 psu, and the likelihood that the bloom would reoccur in the NGOMEX. Salinity was investigated as a factor controlling Karenia spp. abundance in the field, using data from the NGOMEX 1996 bloom and Florida coastal waters from 1954 to 2004, and growth and toxin production in cultures of Karenia brevis (Davis) G. Hansen and Moestrup. During the NGOMEX bloom, Karenia spp. occurred much more frequently at low salinities than in Florida coastal waters over the last 50 years. The data suggest that the NGOMEX bloom started on the NW Florida Shelf, an area with a higher frequency of Karenia spp. at low salinities than the rest of Florida, and was transported by an unusual westward surface current caused by Tropical Storm Josephine. The minimum salinity at which growth occurred in culture ranged between 17.5 and 20 psu, but the optimal salinity ranged between low values of 20 or 25 and high values of 37.5–45 psu, depending on the clone. The effect of salinity on toxin production in one clone ofK. brevis was complex, but at all salinities brevetoxin levels were highest during the stationary growth phase, suggesting that aging, high density blooms may pose the greatest public health threat. The results demonstrate that Karenia spp. can be a public health threat in low salinity areas, but the risk in the NGOMEX is relatively low. No bloom has occurred since the 1996 event, which was probably associated with a special set of conditions: a bloom along the Florida Panhandle and a tropical storm with a track that set up a westward current