1,219 research outputs found

    Evaluating a Primate Sanctuary: Population assessment of the Common Squirrel Monkey (Saimiri sciureus) on Sumak Allpa, Ecuador

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    The common squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus) population on Sumak Allpa was assessed during 33 observation periods between November 5th and November 24th of 2012. Sumak Allpa is a 113.15-hectare island on the Napo River in the Orellana Province of Amazonian Ecuador that has been functioning as a primate sanctuary since 2005. Squirrel monkeys were surveyed during 1 to 3 hour observation walks in the mornings, afternoons, and evenings. During two occasions, the island was divided among multiple observers at the same time, including one observer in a canoe on the exterior of the island, to allow more coverage of the island and differentiation between multiple troops on the island. There was found to be one large troop, containing a maximum of 17 adults or juveniles and 3 infants (between 2 and 4 weeks of age), as well as an independent individual that likely separated from and joined the large troop frequently. A positive growth rate of 0.875 births/month in 2011 and 0.3075 births/month in 2012 was calculated using current and past data from the island (Latimer & Stout 2011) Sighting locations indicate a habitat preference for disturbed and island edge forest dominated by bamboo and heliconiaceae vegetation. The large troop was found to sleep in the same trees (two tall palms) in all but one observation evening, indicating high fidelity to sleeping sites. Behavioral recordings demonstrated significantly higher allocations to food-related activities (travel and forage, stationary forage) than other activities, accounting for 62% of all activity, and a high percentage of travel (travel, travel and forage), accounting for 72% of all activity. Very little aggression or social play was observed. This study demonstrates a positive growth and success of S. sciureus on Sumak Allpa, suggesting that the island functions effectively as a sanctuary for this species. Further research is needed to clarify and expand on results of this study, but the given results are significant in supporting sanctuaries such as Sumak Allpa in the protection and recuperation of the common squirrel monkey, as well as other exploited primate species

    Hamza Zalyaul v. State of Nevada, 138 Nev. Adv. Op. 74 (Nov. 23, 2022)

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    In considering whether the district court has subject matter jurisdiction over felonious acts committed by minors who avoid charges until adulthood, the Supreme Court ruled that juvenile courts have exclusive jurisdiction over delinquent acts unless otherwise provided under NRS 62B.335

    The Poetics of Remembrance: Communal Memory and Identity in Heidegger and Ricoeur

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    In this dissertation, I explore the significance of remembering, especially in its communal form, and its relationship to narrative identity by examining the practices that make possible the formation and transmission of a heritage. To explore this issue I use Martin Heidegger and Paul Ricoeur, who have dedicated several of their major works to remembrance and forgetting. In comparing Heidegger and Ricoeur, I suggest that Ricoeur\u27s formulation of the identity of a subject and a community offers an alternative to Heidegger\u27s account. For, if Heidegger\u27s critique of subjectivity offers the possibility of a new relationship to history and community, it nevertheless overlooks the possibility of a humanism that is not tied to a metaphysical account of subjectivity. By contrast, the positive work of remembrance can recover heretofore concealed possibilities through our being faithful to the past, and saving it from the destructive forces of time. To show how the fragility of memory preserves the past against the destructive work of time and brings with it the hope of a better future, I emphasize one specific theme--namely, the debt we owe to the dead, which dissertations the possibility for ethical consideration of an historical community. In this regard, this dissertation pursues two goals. The first task is to elucidate how Heidegger\u27s and Ricoeur\u27s phenomenological projects understand the intimate connection between remembrance and the creation of a community. The second goal of this dissertation is to show how Ricoeur is able to respond to the problems that Heidegger\u27s ontological account of memory raises. The completion of these two tasks will contribute to a phenomenological hermeneutics of memory and forgetting

    Collective Identity and Collective Memory in the Philosophy of Paul Ricoeur

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    Collective memory has been a notoriously difficult concept to define. I appeal to Paul Ricoeur and argue that his account of the relationship of the self and her community can clarify the meaning of collective memory. While memory properly understood belongs, in each case, to individuals, such memory exists and is shaped by a relationship with others. Furthermore, because individuals are constituted over a span of time and through intersubjective associations, the notion of collective memory ought to be understood in terms of the way that memory enacts and reenacts networks of relations among individuals and the communities to which they belong, rather than in terms of a model that reifies either individuals or groups. Ricoeur’s account can show sources of oppression and offers ways to respond to them.Collective memory has been a notoriously difficult concept to define. I appeal to Paul Ricoeur and argue that his account of the relationship of the self and her community can clarify the meaning of collective memory. While memory properly understood belongs, in each case, to individuals, such memory exists and is shaped by a relationship with others. Furthermore, because individuals are constituted over a span of time and through intersubjective associations, the notion of collective memory ought to be understood in terms of the way that memory enacts and reenacts networks of relations among individuals and the communities to which they belong, rather than in terms of a model that reifies either individuals or groups. Ricoeur’s account can show sources of oppression and offers ways to respond to them

    Enhancing Mathematical Fluency in the Elementary Classroom

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    Chepina RumseyThe purpose of this research was to investigate mathematical fluency in a third grade classroom by using a game involving multiplication. We evaluated how students solved these problems and what strategies they used to better understand their level of knowledge and if they have reached mathematical fluency. In order to determine the purpose of my research, I first asked myself what kinds of questions I would like answered about fluency. The first question I wanted to know was “are the strategies students choose very similar or are they inventive?” I felt this question would be answered through data analysis. The next two questions I had were “why do students choose the strategies they do?” and “are students more apt to work out the problem using arithmetic or use a strategy and which do they prefer?” These questions could be answered through personal interviews with the students after the lesson. The last question I had was “how can teachers expand students’ use of strategies?” This question would be answered through my review of literature
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