570 research outputs found

    Skilled Migrant Women’s Experiences of the Job Search Process

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    In this article, we address how skilled migrant women experience job search processes in Finland, and the expectations and emotions that arise from these workforce encounters, which we explore through unique qualitative data. Although Finland relies strongly on principles of equality and inclusion, highly educated migrant women face major difficulties in job application processes. The employment level of migrant women in Finland is low compared to other Nordic countries, and even though migrant women are more educated than migrant men and their Finnish language skills are better, they encounter many hurdles in employment. As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the situation is getting more difficult for many women with non-Finnish background.There are multiple hurdles in highly educated women workers’ employment, which relate to structural and cultural aspects and which end up in discrimination in recruitment processes

    Lastu-projektin Pop Up -toimintaa Puijonlaakson asukastuvalla : Opas liikunnallisiin toimintatuokioihin

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    Toiminnallisen opinnäytetyömme tilaajana on Savon Vammaisasuntosäätiön sr (SAVAS) käynnistämä Lastu-projekti Kuopion Perheentalolta. Tuotimme Kuopion Perheentalolle Pop Up -toimintaa Kuopion Puijonlaakson asukastuvalla vuonna 2017. Pop Up -toiminnalla tässä yhteydessä tarkoitetaan tietyn, määritellyn ajan tapahtuvaa toimintaa tiloissa, joissa sitä ei yleensä ole. Opinnäytetyömme tavoite on koostaa liikunnallisista Pop Up -toiminnoista sähköinen opas, joka soveltuu laajalle kohderyhmälle. Lisäksi työssä otetaan huomioon liikunnallisissa toiminnoissa erityistä tukea tarvitsevat henkilöt. Kuopion Perheentalon tavoitteena on olla esteetön kohtaamispaikka kaikenlaisille perheille. Kuopion Perheentalon sisällä toimivan Lastu-projektin tavoitteena on taas edistää vammaisten ja erityistä tukea tarvitsevien lasten ja lapsiperheiden hyvinvointia. Näistä lähtökodista pyrittiin toiminnan sisältö suunnittelemaan niin, että erityistä tukea tarvitsevat pystyivät osallistumaan toimintaan parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla. Liikunnalliset toimintatuokiot toteutimme suunnittelemalla viisi toimintakertaa. Jokaiselle toimintakerralle suunnittelimme oman teemansa. Lähtökohtana oli toiminnan toteutus ja ohjaus monipuolisesti. Valmistauduimme etukäteen tekemällä ohjeet toiminnoista ja hankimme tarvittavat materiaalit hyvissä ajoin. Toiminnasta viestimme niin, että käytimme monia eri markkinoinnin kanavia. Toteutimme parityönä opinnäytetyön, jonka lopputuotoksena on sähköinen opas toiminnallisiin tuokioihin. Oppaan avulla voidaan jakaa ideoita liikunnallisesta toiminnasta toimintakyvyiltään erilaisille ryhmille ja antaa vinkkejä ryhmässä tapahtuviin toimintatuokioihin. Opasta voi muokata tarvitsemallaan tavalla. Opas on rakennettu niin, että siitä voi halutessaan ottaa käyttöönsä yksittäisiä toimintoja. Toiminto-en lähtökohtina oli luoda osallistujien välille yhteisöllisyyttä ja osallisuuden kokemusta. Yhteisöpedagogin työssä opasta voi hyödyntää osallistavaan ohjaukseen erilaisissa toimintaympäristöissä. Yhteisellä toiminnalla edistetään inkluusiota sekä toimia sosiaalikulttuurisena innostajana.The subscriber to the functional thesis is the Lastu project organized by The Housing Foundation for Intellectually Disabled in Savo (SAVAS). We produced for Lastu project that is part of Kuopio Per-heentalo (Kuopio Family House) Pop Up actions in Kuopio Puijonlaakso Community House in the year 2017. Pop Up action is a certain defined time continuous action in a place where it usually doesn´t happen. The aim of our thesis is to produce web guide for wide target group. We also took those in need of special support into account. The aim of Kuopio Perheentalo is to be a place to where it is easy to come and to where all kinds of families are welcome. The aim of Lastu project is to promote well-being for disabled children and chil-dren who need special support and their families. These were the starting points for our plan to help children and their families take part in exercise lessons. We implemented our activities by designing five different educational lessons. For every lesson we planted a different theme. The starting point was to plan the implementation and directing in a variety of ways. We prepared in advance by providing instructions for the activities and getting the necessary materials in good time. Our lessons we marketed using many different marketing channels. We, Kristiina and Ritva, completed our thesis as a web guide for functional lessons. With the help of the web guide it´s possible to share ideas about exercise for groups of people with different function-alities. You can edit the guide as needed for your purposes. The guide has been built so that also only a part of the instructions can be used during a lesson according what is needed. The aim is to create community-based and participatory experience between the participants. Community educators can use the guide for directing in different operating environments. A common operating culture promotes inclusion and social-cultural activities

    Modelling of spur gear contact using a local adaptive finite element mesh

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    The gear drive is a critical part of a power transmission system. Modelling and simulating of the gear pairwith finite element method (FEM) take important role as a part of the design process to estimate stresses,deformations, and damage risks in various operating conditions. A parameterized calculation model for theanalysis of stresses in the gear contact and the gear root was developed. A local adaptive FE mesh was used,where a dense FE mesh zone around the contact point moves along the line of action to speed up thecomputation. The adaptive FE mesh, the rotation of the gear pair, and the accurate surface profile based ongear hobbing process were created in Matlab environment to obtain a good control of the flank profile andthe meshing parameters. These were integrated with a commercial FEM software to calculate deformationsand stresses. The developed FE mesh approach was validated successfully against analytical Hertzian theory.In addition, the developed spur gear model was compared to the gear standard ISO 6336 and a commercialgear calculation software resulting in relatively good correspondence with the maximum contact pressureand the maximum tooth root stresses

    Friction and temperature mapping of environmentally acceptable gear oils

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    In recent years, environmental issues have raised the demand to protect the environment against the pollution caused by the uncontrolled spillage of lubricating oils. One solution is using Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants (EALs), however, these oils are more expensive than the common mineral oils. The consumers require to test the oil performance using test machines but testing in real machines is costly and time-consuming. Small test machines like ball-on-disc have been previously used for friction mapping and ranking gear oils. In this paper, the friction maps are measured from 0.65 GPa to 1.25 GPa, and temperature maps are devised to experimentally simulate the gear contact along the line of action. Results illustrate that EALs can provide up to 60 % better frictional efficiency that leads to 20 oC cooler oil temperature in high-pressure contacts operating under elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) regime

    Development of damage detection parameters over the lifetime of a rolling element bearing

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    This paper presents the trends of damage detection parameters over the lifetime of a rolling element bearing. In the experimental part, a series of bearing tests was performed using the twin-disc test device, until the monitored bearing was severely worn. This was followed by the analysis of measured acceleration and acoustic emission data in a constant-load condition, but also as loaded with impact-type loading. The results showed that traditionally used parameters, such as kurtosis and RMS, can indicate whether the bearing is damaged or not in a non-impact load condition. However, especially under impact-loading, the parameters based on acoustic emission data showed good performance and enabled monitoring of progress of the bearing damage

    Skilled Migrant Women’s Experiences of the Job Search Process

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    In this article, we address how skilled migrant women experience job search processes in Finland, and the expectations and emotions that arise from these workforce encounters, which we explore through unique qualitative data. Although Finland relies strongly on principles of equality and inclusion, highly educated migrant women face major difficulties in job application processes. The employment level of migrant women in Finland is low compared to other Nordic countries, and even though migrant women are more educated than migrant men and their Finnish language skills are better, they encounter many hurdles in employment. As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the situation is getting more difficult for many women with non-Finnish background.There are multiple hurdles in highly educated women workers’ employment, which relate to structural and cultural aspects and which end up in discrimination in recruitment processes.Peer reviewe

    Development of a test device for the evaluation of hydrodynamic lubrication in thrust bearings

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    Oil lubricated thrust and journal bearings are widely used in industrial machines such as in stone crusher applications. In this study, a laboratory-scale test device for the evaluation of hydrodynamic lubrication in thrust bearings is developed. In the test device, the normal load, rotation speed, lubricant supply temperature and inlet flow rate can be adjusted and measured continuously and independently. In addition, thrust plate temperature and friction torque can be measured. This allowed initial testing of the functionality of the transient hydrodynamic model, which had been developed earlier to enhance bearing design and the testing process. The results show that the trends of the measured and the calculated results correspond well. The absolute friction coefficient values are also in reasonable agreement. The obvious main cause for deviation of results is the oil temperature in the pad inlet, exact estimation of which, by theoretical or experimental means, is complicated

    Tieni fenomenologiaan

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    A numerical model for the calculation of fretting fatigue crack initiation for a smooth line contact

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    A numerical model for the calculation of fretting fatigue crack initiation in smooth elastic contact is presented. The model is focused on cylinder-on-plane contact and it can be applied in partial and gross slip conditions by using a constant normal force, a reciprocating tangential force and a cyclic bulk stress. The model is based on explicit stress equations, the multi-axial Dang Van and Findley fatigue criteria and a statistical size factor concept. The model allows non-symmetric traction distribution caused by cyclic bulk stress and the calculation of relative tangential surface displacement. The results from the model correlate well with the corresponding FE-results. The model developed is fast