1,795 research outputs found

    The Effects of Trivial Attributes on Choice of Food Products

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    Trivial or irrelevant attributes are defined as attributes that do not create a meaningful difference in a brand’s performance. The objective of this paper is to determine if and how trivial attributes affect consumers in their choice of variety/brands of food products including frozen green beans, orange juice, canola oil, and frosted strawberry toaster pastries. Sixty subjects participated in the experiment. Subjects understood that trivial attributes are less important than substantive attributes. Substantive (important) quality attributes and economic variables affecting choice were all perceived equal across brands by the subjects in the experiment. Two critical driving forces in determining the presence and direction of the effect of a trivial attribute on the consumer choice are the size of the choice set and the type of trivial attribute, i.e., product versus promotional attribute.consumer choice, food products, product attributes, promotional attributes, choice set size, trivial attributes, Agribusiness,

    The Effects of Stimulus Pairings on Surrogate Conditioned Motivation Operations

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    Research on the surrogate conditioned motivating operation (CMO-S) is sparce and typically produces unsuccessful outcomes. These failures suggest this concept may not be as simple as it is defined, and researchers must explore different strategies to produce the effect; in this case, without contriving for a motivating operation. Four participants recruited from a midwestern university were assigned to color or sound changing video games, in which certain colors or sounds were randomly assigned and then paired during conditioning sessions with specific edibles. Data were collected during probe sessions at the beginning, middle, and end of the study by recording the exact time an edible was selected; conditional probability analyses were then used to assess if participant responding began to outperform chance responding and thus suggest a CMO-S effect was developing. Data were analyzed on general and individual responding, meaning one analysis assessed any edible choice during any stimulus change, whereas additional analyses assessed a specific edible choice during its assigned intervals. Results show that a general effect likely occurred for two participants, one of which also showed a potential specific CMO-S effect. The two participants that failed to show an effect spur discussion on the role of preparedness in CMO-S designs; effects were demonstrated when edibles were paired with visual changes, but not when paired with auditory changes. Based on these results, more research is warranted to understand and explore how to effectively create the CMO-S effect and how it can be used to promote adaptive behavior change. Keywords: surrogate conditioned motivating operation (CMO-S), motivating operations, conditional probability analyse

    Making work-life policies and perceptions public: An examination of corporate websites and employee ratings of work-life balance

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    Organizational leaders in high-performing companies strive to implement work-life policies and practices that contribute to the company’s competitive advantage in meaningful ways. In the United States, leaders often cite business case justifications for work-life benefits by tracing benefits to profit and loss in the form of higher retention, lower absenteeism, and greater productivity, for example. However, a corporate social responsibility case adds to the business case for work-life benefits by recognizing the potential to enhance the company’s reputation by demonstrating ethical business practices to public audiences. This study builds on both a business case and social responsibility case to examine the potential relationship between work-life benefits communicated on public-facing corporate websites and employees’ work-life balance perceptions. Using quantitative content analysis, work-life benefits were coded by categories into three tiers: Tier 1) foundational business case, Tier 2) modern business case, and Tier 3) progressive corporate social responsibility case. A series of hierarchical regressions were conducted to test the relationships between work-life benefits in each tier and the work-life balance perceptions expressed in employees’ ratings of work-life balance on the job search site Indeed.com while controlling for company size and financial performance. The statistical analysis also tested the moderating effects of industry along with organizational culture and manager support. Statistical analyses yielded largely non-significant results. This was likely due to problems with the validity in the work-life balance measure, as evidenced by the multicollinearity observed between work-life balance ratings and other Indeed.com dimension ratings. However, post hoc analyses revealed insights into industry differences in work-life benefit offerings and offer several insights for organizational leaders. Work-life benefits can serve to attract and retain talented employees when they align with employee expectations and needs, which vary based on industry workforce demographics and norms. Organizational leaders can also institute work-life benefits as part of a corporate social responsibility campaign to demonstrate care for employee and community well-being

    What are the odds? A Functional Imaging Study on Loss Anticipation, Positive Punishment and Negative Reinforcement in Problem Gamblers and Healthy Controls

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    Objective: With this study, we aim to arrive at a better understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying the anticipation of losses due to unpleasant electric shock stimuli. According to prospect theory – currently the most important descriptive model of decision making under uncertainty in economics – subjects overweight small probabilities and underweight high probabilities. Here, we analyzed to what extent prospect theory is manifested in biological data. Does the human brain process aversive contingencies of decisions in a nonlinear manner according to the probability weighting function underlying prospect theory? Which brain regions process certainty or uncertainty regarding an outcome regardless of its valence? How do individuals with problematic gambling habits differ in these entities? Methods: The present study included a total of 83 participants (22 problem gamblers, 18 habitual gamblers, 23 age-matched subjects and 20 young control subjects). Each participant was evaluated by psychologists through a semi-structured interview and the self-reported Southern Oaks Gambling Scale. The study participants engaged in a card game in which unambiguous situations with various risk levels for aversive events (unpleasant but not painful electric shocks) were created. Apart from neural responses during anticipation of an aversive event, our paradigm allowed us to measure how neural activity during expectation is modulated by the probability of the outcome. Furthermore, we used the participants’ attitudes towards risk to account for the subjective evaluation of probabilities, as suggested by prospect theory. Results: We confirmed existing knowledge about the active network during anticipation of aversive events in a large sample. Specifically, in response to our experimental stimuli, the BOLD (blood oxygen level dependent) signal increased in the anterior and medial cingulate cortex, the anterior insula, the amygdala, the thalamus and the medial frontal regions. Based on economic studies and on our previous behavioural results, we modelled the expected outcomes according to uncertainty and prospect theory. With increasing chances of avoiding punishment, we found that the BOLD signal increased in the orbitofrontal cortex, the striatum, the hippocampus, the precuneus, and the posterior cingulate cortex. Conversely, with increasing certainty of a positive or negative outcome (U-shaped from most certain loss to no loss), we found activation patterns in the medial superior frontal cortex, the anterior cingulate cortex, the anterior insula, the frontopolar prefrontal cortex and the angular gyrus. Furthermore, we found evidence for group differences in cerebral activation in the bilateral superior temporal pole, the anterior insula and the medial cingulate cortex during the perception of distinct probability levels according to the nonlinear probability weighting function. Interestingly, these regions are relevant both in loss anticipation paradigms and in functional imaging studies describing pathological gambling. Conclusion: Our results support the concept that the neural response to anticipation is determined by its valence. Although it has frequently been reported that gamblers and non-gambling individuals show differences in reward anticipation, during loss anticipation gambling participants do not differ in their neural activation patterns. We also tested whether specific regions of the brain follow a nonlinear brain response according to prospect theory and the certainty of an outcome. When their BOLD responses during probability perception were compared, non-gambling and gambling individuals did show differences in the perception of probabilities. This provides new evidence that simultaneously occurring cognitive processes are represented in different sets of brain regions. Specifically, neurobiological correlates of loss anticipation were found in areas known to be involved in dopaminergic reinforcement learning and in the corticolimbic circuit, while regions known to subserve decision making, conflict monitoring and punishment showed correlation with the certainty of the outcome


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    This thesis answers two questions: How has the difference between western states’ forestry and fire management practices affected wildland fire response and how can forestry and fire management stakeholders address wildfire scale and frequency in the western United States? Through a comparative analysis approach, the research presented in this thesis showcases three western states (Arizona, California, and Alaska) to offer a glimpse at similar wildfire behavior and impacts across the West. Thus, the research provided in this thesis applies to most western states and underscores the point that resiliency against wildfires is imperative to ensuring the protection of the nation’s natural resources, communities, and critical infrastructure. As a result, this thesis offers four recommendations that include community involvement, the allocation and utilization of resources (i.e., personnel, equipment, and technology), immediate action from policymakers, and examination of alternative solutions (i.e., technology and “Smokey the Beaver”). In all, the wildfire threat will continue to evolve in the United States, especially in the West, so action must be taken, and solutions must be identified for years to come to mitigate wildfire impacts on forests, communities, and critical infrastructure.Civilian, Arizona Department of Emergency and Military AffairsApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    Personal Problems Experienced in Conducting the Junior High Physical Education in Austin, Minnesota, and Some Recommended Solutions that Could Strengthen the Program

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    Austin, Minnesota, in light of present day evaluating procedures has an adequate program of physical education for boys of Junior High age. However, many problems confront the staff as the population explosion is at a near peak in the schools of Austin. This paper will attempt to discuss these problems that are evident and perplexing and will also make suggestions as to possible solutions of the problems. IN order to understand the Junior High School pupil, the author has made a study of this age group in order to give a true picture of the needs and interests of the Junior High child. There are many communities in this country with the same problems that we have in relationship to the physical education program in Austin. Our three main problems are: 1) lack of space both for activities and storage, 2) class size too large, and 3) time factor getting to and from a teaching station. A solution for all three of these problems would be to build a multi-purpose gymnasium which would give the needed space and would reduce the class size, as it would mean the addition of two or more teaching stations

    Phylogeny of Echiura (Annelida, Polychaeta) inferred from morphological and molecular data-implications for character evolution

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    Contrary to echiuran monophyly, which is unambiguously supported by several autapomorphies, echiuran phylogenetic intra-relationships are still unknown to date. In order to contribute to a clarification this thesis investigates the phylogenetic relationships of all high-ranking subgroups using morphological and molecular phylogenetic analyses. In order to enlarge the morphological dataset, two traditional diagnostic character complexes were studied comparatively on the basis of light and scanning electron microscopy as well as histological investigations (anal sacs: seven species, gonostomal lips: five species). For one species (Thalassema thalassemum, Thalassematidae) the ultrastructure of the anal sacs including their funnels was studied. In addition, the ultrastructure of spermatozoa was investigated in two species, each assigned to one subgroup. The ultrastructure of the larval protonephridia was made accessible for T. thalassemum. After a critical evaluation of the relevant states, potentially phylogenetic informative characters were compiled within a data matrix. The data matrix was complemented by literature data for missing representatives of all subgroups and additional diagnostic characters from literature. In total, a cladistic analysis was conducted using 47 morphological characters. A molecular phylogeny (18S rDNA + 16S rRNA + MT-CO1) was established on the basis of 16 new gene sequences together with already published data from Genbank. Regardless of the method used, all analyses recover a resolution that opposes to the traditional classification and to previous phylogenetic hypotheses. Favoured morphological and molecular tree are congruent in identifying two major clades, hitherto referred to as Bonellia-group and Urechis-group, as well as a basal resolution of some traditional thalassematid taxa (i.e., Arhynchite pugettensis). The Bonellia-group includes monophyletic traditional Ikedaidae within paraphyletic traditional Bonelliidae. Monophyly of the Bonellia-group is well supported by the molecular tree. The Urechis-group is highly supported by both analyses and incorporates traditional Echiuridae + Urechidae. Traditional Urechidae are recovered as a clade. Due to the molecular tree a sister group relationship of Bonellia- and Urechis-group is well supported. The favoured morphological tree in contrast supports a sister group relationship of Bonellia-group and the remaining echiurans (Arhynchite pugettensis excluded). However, thus far no morphological characters are known that could sustain any of the two sister group hypotheses. The main difference between morphological and molecular tree concern the resolution of “Thalassematidae”: they either form a paraphyletic assemblage to the remaining echiurans (favoured by molecular sequences), or they are polyphyletic, with Arhynchite pugettensis as basalmost offshoot within Echiura (favoured by morphology). In the latter case the remaining thalassematids are resolved as paraphyletic assemblage with respect to the Urechis-group. Subsequently, a final conclusion is not possible so far, because neither the analyzed sequence data, nor the enlarged morphological dataset provide an apomorphy for “Thalassematidae”.Phylogenie der Echiura (Annelida, Polychaeta) auf der Basis von morphologischen und molekularen Daten-Implikationen für die Merkmalsevolution ausgewählter Merkmalskomplexe Während die Monophylie der Echiura aufgrund einer Reihe von Autapomorphien sicher begründet ist, sind die phylogenetischen Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen innerhalb der Echiura bisher ungeklärt. In der vorliegenden Dissertation werden die phylogenetischen Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen aller hochrangigen Teilgruppen der Echiura mittels morphologischer und molekularer Stammbaumanalysen untersucht. Dazu wurden zwei traditionell genutzte diagnostische Merkmalskomplexe für Vertreter der meisten hochrangigen Teilgruppen anhand von licht- und rasterelektronenmikroskopischer sowie histologischer Methoden vergleichend untersucht (Analsäcke: sieben Arten, gonostomale Lippen: fünf Arten). Für eine Art (Thalassema thalassemum, Thalassematidae) wurde die Ultrastruktur der Analsäcke inklusive Trichter untersucht. Desweiteren wurden neue Merkmalskomplexe erschlossen: die Spermienultrastruktur für je einen Vertreter zweier hochrangiger Teilgruppen und die Ultrastruktur der larvalen Protonephridien bei T. thalassemum. Die Auswertung der Ergebnisse führte zu der Zusammenfassung potentiell phylogenetisch informativer Merkmale in einer Merkmalsmatrix. Für fehlende Teilgruppen und weitere diagnostische Merkmale wurde die Matrix mit bereits publizierten Daten ergänzt. Die kladistische Analyse der morphologischen Daten umfasste insgesamt 47 Merkmale. Durch die erfolgreiche Sequenzierung von 16 neuen DNA-Sequenzen konnte ein molekularer Stammbaum (MT-CO1 + 16S rRNA + 18S rDNA) erstellt werden. Die molekularen Datensätze und der favorisierte Baum der morphologischen Analyse unterstützen übereinstimmend eine Auflösung die den traditionellen Klassifikationen und Verwandtschaftshypothesen widersprechen. Im Ergebnis beider Analysen werden zwei große monophyletische Gruppen unterstützt, die hier als Bonellia-Gruppe und Urechis-Gruppe bezeichnet werden. Außerdem werden manche traditionelle thalassematide Arten basal aufgelöst (i.e., Arhynchite pugettensis). Die Bonellia-Gruppe besteht aus paraphyletischen traditionellen Bonelliidae und monophyletischen traditionellen Ikedaidae. Die Monophylie der Bonellia-Gruppe ist molekular gut unterstützt. Die Urechis-Gruppe wird durch beide Analysen stark unterstützt und beinhaltet die traditionellen Taxa Echiuridae und Urechidae. Basierend auf der molekularen Analyse wird eine Schwestergruppen Beziehung von Bonellia- und Urechis-Gruppe gut unterstützt. Dagegen unterstützt der favorisierte morphologische Baum schwach eine Schwestergruppenbeziehung von Bonellia-Gruppe und den verbleibenden Echiuren (ohne Arhynchite pugettensis). Morphologische Synapomorphien für beide Hypothesen sind nicht bekannt. Der Hauptunterschied zwischen den Bäumen besteht in der Auflösung der „Thalassematidae“ als Abstammungsgemeinschaft. Diese sind entweder paraphyletisch als Schwestergruppe zu allen anderen Echiuren (molekulare Analyse), oder polyphyletisch mit Arhynchite pugettensis als Schwestergruppe zu allen anderen Echiuren (morphologische Analyse). Die restlichen thalassematiden Arten clustern im favorisierten morphologischen Baum als paraphyletische Gruppierung mit der Urechis-Gruppe. Beide Analysen lassen keinen eindeutigen Schluss über die Stellung der „Thalassematidae“ innerhalb der Echiura zu, da weder die erhobenen Sequenzdaten noch der morphologisch erweiterte Datensatz eine Apomorphie der Gruppe liefert

    Организация строительного контроля при реализации инвестиционных проектов ПАО «Газпром» на примере магистрального газопровода «Сила Сибири»

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    Объектом исследования является строительство магистрального газопровода «Сила Сибири». Цель работы – разработать процесс организации строительного контроля на основе реализованных проектов ПАО «Газпром» и осуществить проведение строительного контроля при строительстве магистрального газопровода «Сила Сибири». В процессе исследования проводились анализ литературных источников, рассмотрение и анализ различных схем организации строительного контроля. В результате исследования была разработана модель и схема организации строительного контроля, рассчитаны оптимальные параметры проведения строительного контроля, разработаны мероприятия по охране труда и промышленной безопасности, охране окружающей среды. Степень внедрения: внедрена с 2015 года. Область применения: объекты ПАО «Газпром».The object of study is the construction of the gas pipeline "Power of Siberia". Purpose – to develop a process of organization building control on the basis of the completed projects of PJSC "Gazprom" and carry out the construction control during the construction of the gas pipeline "Power of Siberia". In the process of investigation the analysis of literature sources, review and analysis of various schemes of the organization of building control. In the result of the study a model was developed and diagram of building control, the calculated optimal parameters for building control, measures on labor protection and industrial safety, environmental protection. Level of implementation: implemented in 2015. Scope: the objects of PJSC "Gazprom"

    The London conference on Afghanistan: a new strategy in need of further specification

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    "The 28 January 2010 London conference on Afghanistan aimed "to move the international effort forward in three key areas": Security, Governance and Development, and Regional Support. The conference set out clear ambitions in each of these areas and announced several new policies to meet these ambitions. How the broad policies agreed at the conference can be transformed into executable programmes and identification of possible dangers for programme implementation are the next steps that must be taken." (author's abstract

    The Effects of a PowerPoint Activity Schedule to Teach a Night and Morning Routine to Twins with ASD

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    Abstract Behavior analysts can use activity schedules (i.e., a list of ordered steps with embedded visual supports) to teach skills, such as following schedules, completing chained tasks, varying play, and collaborating with others. The present study examines the effects of an electronic activity schedules with a series of visual, gestural, model, and physical prompts to teach two young girls on the autism spectrum to complete morning and night routines in their home. In addition, the lead clinician assessed the extent there were generalized effects by teaching the parents to implement the routine. Finally, the clinician identified if the activity schedules produced additional benefits, such as decreased latencies to sleep. For both girls, the activity schedules were successful in decreasing challenging behavior and increasing independence with night and morning routines across four clinicians and their two parents. In addition, on average, both girls had decreased latencies to sleep on nights they used the nighttime activity schedule. Limitations and implications of this project are discussed