235 research outputs found

    Urban Farming in Inner-City Multi-Storey Car-Parking Structures: Adaptive Reuse Potential

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    The future direction of transport and new global concepts of low-carbon mobility are likely to increase the number of obsolete inner-city multi-storey car-parking structures. The adaptive reuse of these garages is challenged through the continuity of urban change and the need for new mixed-use typologies. The development of technologically advanced farming in these structures could become an innovative strategy that as an interim solution justifies renovation versus demolition and new construction. The paper presents findings from the first stage of the multiple-site case study research on car-parking structures strategically selected in 3 UK cities (Portsmouth, Bristol and Brighton). In order to develop a better understanding of the conditions that enable the implementation of urban hydroponic farming in selected structures planning and technical limitations and opportunities have been identified through the analysis of policies, exploration of layouts using Revit software, field observation and photography. The analysis demonstrated that there is a range of possible uses that may be developed in the process of up-cycling of inner-city car-parking structures, of which one might be hydroponics. Looking at three multi-storey garages has shown that these have similar problems for adaptive reuse, which can be overcome with appropriate architectural strategies. Converting these structures for farming could support addressing social, environmental and economic problems. However, the proposed development requires innovations in planning documents. Further analysis needs to be conducted to assess whether the amount of food that could be produced in such a structure is efficient and comparable with other means of achieving it

    Kreditvergabe der Banken an kleine und mittelständische

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag fasst die Ergebnisse einer im Jahr 1997 getätigten schriftlichen Befragung deutscher Banken zu ihrer Kreditvergabe an kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen zusammen. Befragt wurden 1200 Firmenkundenbetreuer privater Großbanken, Sparkassen und Genossenschaftsbanken zu dem von ihnen jeweils zuletzt bearbeiteten Kreditantrag. Im Mittelpunkt der Analyse steht die Organisation und Vorgehensweise der Kreditwürdigkeitsprüfung, die Geschäftsbeziehung zwischen Bank und Kunde und die Konditionengestaltung bei der Kreditvergabe.Bank lending, small business finance, lending relationships, loan contracting

    Bildungsverläufe von Pflegekindern. Biografische Transmission von Bildungsprozessen in Pflegefamilien

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    Die vorliegende Studie beschäftigt sich mit Bildungsprozessen von Pflegekindern und fragt dabei nach den Entwicklungs- und Bildungsmöglichkeiten, die sich Pflegekindern im neuen, erweiterten Familienkontext bieten. Als Datengrundlage dienen narrative Interviews mit Pflegekindern, Herkunftseltern und Pflegeeltern einer Pflegefamilie. Mit Hilfe dieser mehrperspektivisch angelegten Fallstudie kann anschaulich und differenziert gezeigt werden, auf welche Weise es den Pflegeeltern gelingt, durch veränderte Erfahrungshorizonte und gelebte bildungsbezogene habituelle Muster, den Pflegekindern neue Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten zu eröffnen. Die Sichtweisen der Pflegekinder und ihrer Herkunftseltern ermöglichen den Blick auf prägende frühe Sozialisationserfahrungen und Bildungsorientierungen der Herkunftsfamilie, zeigen aber auch, wie diese im Rahmen der Pflegefamilie transformiert werden können. Die Studie arbeitet so heraus, welche bildungsbezogenen Chancen für Pflegekinder mit dem Aufwachsen in der Pflegefamilie verbunden sind. Sie macht aber auch deutlich, wie prägend traumatisierende frühe Sozialisationserfahrungen auf Bildungsprozesse einwirken. Auf diese Weise bietet die Fallstudie wichtige Anregungen für eine (sozial-)pädagogische Praxis

    Public Acceptance of Antibiotic Use in Livestock Production Canada and Germany

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    The use of antibiotics in livestock production has repeatedly been in the dock over the last few years. However, reducing antibiotic treatments without increasing the suffering of animals requires changes in animal husbandry practices which will likely come at a cost. The objective of the paper is to investigate the factors influencing consumers’ willingness to consume products of animals that have been treated with antibiotics, their willingness to pay for a considerable reduction in the use of antibiotics and their willingness to consider animal welfare in the context of ‘antibiotic free’ livestock production. The study is based on an online survey of citizens in Germany and Canada, conducted in October 2016. The results reveal differences in the individual’s willingness to consume livestock products from animals treated with antibiotics between Canada and Germany with lower acceptance rates in the latter. Results also show that in both countries individuals with higher concerns about the treatment of animals more strongly reject the use of antibiotics in livestock production. This might indicate that consumers are not aware that banning antibiotics in livestock production might have negative repercussions for animal welfare

    Men's and women's experiences of violence and traumatic events in rural Cote d'Ivoire before, during and after a period of armed conflict.

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    OBJECTIVE: We assessed men's and women's experiences of gender based violence and other traumatic events in Côte d'Ivoire, a West African conflict-affected setting, before, during and after a period of active armed conflict (2000-2007). DESIGN: Cross-sectional, household survey. SETTING: 12 rural communities directly impacted by the Crisis in Côte d'Ivoire, spanning regions controlled by government forces, rebels and UN peacekeepers in 2008. PARTICIPANTS: 2678 men and women aged 15-49 years. PRIMARY OUTCOME MEASURES: Violence exposures measured since age 15. Questions included intimate partner physical and sexual violence; physical and sexual violence by others (including combatants) and exposure to traumatic events before, during and after the Crisis period (2000-2007). RESULTS: Physical and/or sexual violence since age 15 was reported by 57.1% women and 40.2% men (p=0.01); 29.9% women and 12.3% men reported exposure to any violence in the past year. Nearly 1 in 10 women (9.9%) and 5.9% men (p=0.03) were forced to have sex by a non-partner since age 15, and 14.8% women and 3.3% men (p=0.00) reported their first sexual experience was forced. Combatants were rarely reported as sexual violence perpetrators (0.3% women). After the Crisis, intimate partner physical violence was the most frequently reported form of violence and highest among women (20.9% women, 9.9% men, p=0.00). Fearing for their life was reported by men and women before, during and after the Crisis. CONCLUSIONS: Sexual violence in conflict remains a critical international policy concern. However, men and women experience different types of violence before, during and after conflict. In many conflict settings, other forms of violence, including intimate partner violence, may be more widespread than conflict-related sexual violence. Alongside service provision for rape survivors, our findings underscore the need for postconflict reconstruction efforts to invest in programmes to prevent and respond to intimate partner violence and trauma

    Zeit zum Handeln

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    ZEIT ZUM HANDELN Zeit zum Handeln / Putzing, Monika (Rights reserved) ( -

    Mental health and use of health care services in opioid‑exposed school‑aged children compared to foster children

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    Given the concerns raised regarding the effects of prenatal exposure to methadone and buprenorphine on the developmental outcomes of the children, this study assessed mental health and use of services in a national sample of school-aged children (N = 78) born to women enrolled in opioid maintenance treatment during pregnancy, compared with a group of foster children (N = 140). The majority of the opioid-exposed children lived with their birth parent(s) at the time of assessment (N = 62), while 16 lived in foster homes. Caregivers completed the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) and the Reactive Attachment Disorder scale. Teachers completed the SDQ. Three kinds of services were included in measuring service use: school-based education services, child mental health services, and hospital-based habilitation services. The main finding of the study is that children prenatally exposed to methadone or buprenorphine living with their family of origin had significantly better mental health status than their foster-placed counterparts and that of the comparison group of foster children. In addition, the exposed children living at home had less child welfare involvement, and only half of them were using any of the three services measured. The odds for using services increased significantly in accordance with increasing mental health problems, independent of group affiliation, indicating a need-based access to services. In line with other studies, we found that the odds for using one or more services was 2.3 times greater for boys than for girls. Our results contribute to a more-nuanced understanding of the developmental outcomes of prenatal exposure to methadone and buprenorphine, and factors associated with increased service use in groups of at-risk children.publishedVersio

    Untersuchungen zur Qualitätsveränderung bei der Verarbeitung und Lagerung von ausgewählten Erzeugnissen aus Bio-Forellen und konventionell erzeugten Forellen als Voraussetzung für die Erstellung einer Handlungshilfe für handwerkliche Forellenzuchtbetriebe

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    Die Aufzucht der Forellen wurde unter standardisierten Bedingungen durchgeführt (Modellversuch). Futterzusammensetzung und Besatzdichte entsprachen ökologischen und konventionellen Zuchtbedingungen. Es wurden verschiedene Ökofutter getestet. Extrudiertes Ökofutter desselben Herstellers schnitt deutlich besser ab als pelletiertes. Die Leistungsvorteile (Wachstum, Futterauswertung, Proteinausnutzung) eines hochwertigen konventionellen Futters hingen von der Pelletgröße ab. Mit 6,0 % Fett waren die geräucherten konventionellen Forellen des Modellversuches deutlicher fetter als die ökologischen (4,5 %). TVB-N- Wert, Redoxpotential, Malondi-aldehyd und Glutathion sowie physikalische Methoden (Farbmessung, elektronische Nase) waren zur Verfolgung von Qualitätsveränderungen bei einer Lagerung bei 2-4 °C ungeeignet. Aufzuchtsbedingte unterschiedliche Gehalte einiger Fettsäuren sind als ernährungsphysiologisch unbedeutend einzustufen. Die mikrobiologische Qualität war gut oder sehr gut. In konventionellen vakuumverpackten Räucherfilets wurden seltener Bakterien und niedrigere Gesamtkeimzahlen gegenüber den ökologisch produzierten gefunden. Die Befunde waren aber nicht geeignet, die sensorische Qualität zu beeinflussen. Diese nahm kontinuierlich ab, war jedoch am Ende der Lagerung noch als durchschnittlich zu bezeichnen und keinesfalls verdorben. In Übereinstimmung mit Ergebnissen des Vorgängerprojektes „Bioforelle“ an rohen Forellen konnten auch in den Räucherforellen weder reproduzierbare Auswirkungen der Produktionsform noch qualitative Unterschiede festgestellt werden. Durch Besichtigung kleiner bis mittelständischer Räuchereien wurden individuelle Verarbeitungsstrukturen erfasst. Die Auswirkungen der wichtigsten Arbeitsschritte (Salzen, Räuchern) auf die Qualität wurden näher untersucht. Die Kerntemperatur von 60°C wurde in konventionellen Handelsproben nicht immer, bei der untersuchten Bioware zuverlässig erreicht. Die besuchten ökologisch arbeitenden Betriebe waren modern ausgestattet unter Berücksichtigung heutiger Hygienestandards

    Environmental contamination and hygienic measures after feline calicivirus field strain infections of cats in a research facility

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    Feline calicivirus (FCV) can cause painful oral ulcerations, salivation, gingivitis/stomatitis, fever and depression in infected cats; highly virulent virus variants can lead to fatal epizootic outbreaks. Viral transmission occurs directly or indirectly via fomites. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence and viability of FCV in the environment after sequential oronasal infections of specified pathogen-free cats with two FCV field strains in a research facility. Replicating virus was detected in saliva swabs from all ten cats after the first and in four out of ten cats after the second FCV exposure using virus isolation to identify FCV shedders. In the environment, where cleaning, but no disinfection took place, FCV viral RNA was detectable using RT-qPCR on all tested items and surfaces, including cat hair. However, only very limited evidence was found of replicating virus using virus isolation. Viral RNA remained demonstrable for at least 28 days after shedding had ceased in all cats. Disinfection with 5% sodium bicarbonate (and IncidinTM Plus) and barrier measures were effective in that no viral RNA was detectable outside the cat rooms. Our findings are important for any multicat environment to optimize hygienic measures against FCV infection

    Endothelial Tissue-Type Plasminogen Activator Release in Coronary Heart Disease Transient Reduction in Endothelial Fibrinolytic Reserve in Patients With Unstable Angina Pectoris or Acute Myocardial Infarction

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    AbstractObjectives. We sought to examine whether the disturbed fibrinolytic system in patients with an acute coronary syndrome is associated with a reduced endothelial fibrinolytic capacity.Background. Intracoronary thrombus formation is a frequent finding in acute coronary syndromes. Systemic alterations of coagulation and fibrinolysis are known to occur, but possible disturbances of endothelial fibrinolytic function have not been investigated.Methods. We compared 42 patients with an acute coronary syndrome (acute myocardial infarction in 11 and unstable angina pectoris in 31) with 25 patients with stable angina. Venous blood was sampled serially for determination of markers of the fibrinolytic system and of hypercoagulability from admission to day 10. An occlusion test to determine the maximal endothelial tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) release was also performed.Results. Both on day 0 and day 10, patients with an acute coronary syndrome had a marked elevation of t-PA mass concentration (mean value ± SEM 14.4 ± 1.6 [day 0], 18.9 ± 2.5 ng/ml [day 10]) and of plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI) (9.4 ± 2.2 [day 0], 11.3 ± 2.6 AU/liter [day 10], p < 0.05 vs. patients with stable angina). There was also a hypercoagulative state with elevated thrombin activity and increased D-dimers (p < 0.05 vs. patients with stable angina). Maximal endothelial t-PA release was initially reduced (p < 0.05 vs. patients with stable angina) to 2.3 ± 0.9 ng/ml, but levels recovered during follow-up to 4.4 ± 1.4 ng/ml (vs. 5.7 ± 1.5 ng/ml in patients with stable angina).Conclusions. Despite the known prolonged systemic alteration of fibrinolysis in acute coronary syndromes, endothelial fibrinolytic capacity is reduced only during the acute phase and becomes normalized during follow-up, and thus is linked more to intravascular thrombus formation than to steady state levels of markers of the fibrinolytic system
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