13 research outputs found

    Étude préliminaire pour établir des recommandations sur l’applicabilité du Test d’Agilité Motrice de l’adulte chez l’enfant ayant subi un traumatisme crânio-cérébral

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    Travail d'intégration réalisé dans le cadre du cours PHT-6113.Problématique : Le traumatisme crânio-cérébral (TCC) est la principale cause d’incapacités chez les enfants [1]. Présentement, les outils utilisés en pédiatrie post-TCC pour évaluer les habilités motrices ne semblent pas adéquats. Une problématique semblable est présente chez l’adulte et le Test d’Agilité Motrice (TAM) a été développé pour y remédier[2]. Objectif : Examiner l’applicabilité du TAM adulte chez la population pédiatrique (7 à 14 ans) afin d’établir des recommandations pour son adaptation future. Méthodologie : Deux évaluateurs ont administré les épreuves (n=9) du TAM à sept enfants sains (3 garçons; âge moyen de 10,7 ans) sans diagnostic antérieur de TCC. Leur performance a été filmée et leur perception a été recueillie. Les scores (/135) au TAM ont été établis par consensus de l’équipe avec revisionnement des vidéos au besoin. Résultats : En général, le test semble être applicable et ne présente aucun effet plancher, ni plafond. Bien que tous les enfants aient aimé faire le test, le fardeau de l’évaluateur est important, car son temps d’administration variait de 30 à 42 min. Le score total moyen est de 115 [111-119] et il ne semble pas y avoir de différences selon le sexe, ni l’âge, sauf pour celui de sept ans (88/135). Les épreuves plus difficiles pour l’ensemble des enfants étaient le lancer de la balle au mur, l’équilibre unipodal yeux fermés et une partie du circuit complexe. Conclusion : Le test semble applicable pour les enfants évalués. Toutefois, certains aspects devront être modifiés pour le rendre applicable en physiothérapie pour la clientèle pédiatrique post-TCC (ex: grosseur du matériel utilisé)

    Metabolization of Elemental Sulfur in Wheat Leaves Consecutive to Its Foliar Application

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    The qualitative and quantitative aspects of elemental sulfur metabolization in wheat leaves and its effect upon photosynthetic metabolism were studied through the application of micronized sulfur upon the third leaf. Energy-dispersive x-ray analysis combined with scanning electron microscopy emphasized the existence of a sulfur peak associated with a strong potassium peak in the spectra of different tissue regions for treated leaves only, supplying an original evidence of sulfur uptake. Experiments with(35)S-labeled micronized sulfur showed that about 2% of the labeled S was absorbed and metabolized into cystine, methionine, glutathione, and sulfate. The close correlation between the excess of oxygen uptake and oxygen needs for sulfur oxidation in conjunction with the absence of hydrogen sulfide released by treated leaves support direct and fast oxidation of sulfur into sulfate according to a pathway still unclear but independent of photosynthetic CO(2) metabolism in treated leaf. The mechanisms involved in the primary metabolism of element sulfur in wheat therefore appear to be different from those in fungi

    Association between Admission Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Levels and Functional Outcome of Thrombolyzed Stroke Patients

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    International audienceBackground: 25-Hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) deficiency is a frequent condition in patients who suffer a stroke, and several studies suggested that it may be associated with a poorer prognosis. The aim of this study was to investigate specifically the association between 25(OH)D levels and functional outcome at 3 months in ischemic stroke patients treated with intravenous thrombolysis. Methods: Consecutive ischemic stroke patients who received intravenous thrombolysis were enrolled between 2010 and 2013. Baseline characteristics were collected, and serum concentrations of 25(OH)D were measured within the first 24 hours after admission and were analyzed according to the quartiles of their distribution (= 25 nmol/L). Multivariable ordinal logistic regression was used to evaluate the association between 25(OH)D and 3-month functional outcome assessed by the modified Rankin score. Results: Three hundred fifty-two patients were included (mean age 68.6 +/- 15.8, 50.7% women, mean 25(OH)D level 45 +/- 25 nmol/L). The characteristics of the patients only differed with regard to higher premorbid functional impairment in patients with low 25(OH)D. In univariate analysis, the risk of functional impairment in patients with low 25(OH)D levels was greater than that in patients with higher 25(OH) D levels (odds ratio [OR] 2.10, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.35-3.27, P = .001). This association was still observed after adjustment for confounding variables (OR 1.70, 95% CI: 1.06-2.71, P = .027). Conclusion: A low serum 25(OH)D level is associated with worse functional outcome in patients with acute ischemic stroke treated with intravenous thrombolysis. Further investigations are required to understand the underlying mechanisms of this association

    Recurrent cystitis episodes are caused by "ordinary" uropathogenic Escherichia coli strains

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    Recurrent cystitis (i.e. more than 2 episodes over a 6-month period) is a public health concern as it impacts significantly the patients' quality of life. Both sporadic cystitis (SC) and recurrent cystitis (RC) are mainly caused by Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC). However, specific determinants associated with "recurrent" UPEC remain poorly characterized. → Objective: to describe genomic and phenotypic traits associated with recurrence and to explore within host genomic adaptation of sequential UPEC isolates

    Les enseignantes en France (xvie-xxe siècle)

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    Explorer l’évolution de la place des enseignantes en France dans les sphères scolaire et sociale entre le xvie et le xxe siècle. Révéler de quelle manière les identités individuelles et collectives ont pu se façonner dans ce cadre professionnel à la lumière de la différence des sexes. Tel est le but de cet ouvrage articulé autour des trois pôles que sont les trajectoires de vie (origine sociale, mobilité géographique), les parcours professionnels (formation, conditions de recrutement et de travail) et l’accès des femmes aux postes de direction (prégnance du modèle masculin, rapport à la hiérarchie masculine). Les sources convoquées ici sont variées : archives d’établissements, rapports d’inspecteurs, presse, témoignages oraux et écrits, représentations picturales et littéraires. Elles fournissent les matériaux d’enquêtes élargies sur la formation de l’identité des enseignantes et nous aident à mesurer l’emprise des représentations sur elles, ainsi que sur leur capacité à y résister. Éclairer les assignations institutionnelles, les rapports professionnels et humains qui se nouent au fil du temps au sein de l’École, la reconnaissance enfin du rôle des femmes dans l’enseignement : un combat théorique et social qui demeure à la fois actuel et essentiel

    Perirenal Adipose Tissue Displays an Age-Dependent Inflammatory Signature Associated With Early Graft Dysfunction of Marginal Kidney Transplants

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    International audienceBackground: Better understanding of the contribution of donor aging and comorbidity factors of expanded criteria donors (ECD) to the clinical outcome of a transplant is a challenge in kidney transplantation. We investigated whether the features of donor-derived stromal vascular fraction of perirenal adipose tissue (PRAT-SVF) could be indicative of the deleterious impact of the ECD microenvironment on a renal transplant. Methods: A comparative analysis of cellular components, transcriptomic and vasculogenic profiles was performed in PRAT-SVF obtained from 22 optimal donors and 31 ECD deceased donors. We then investigated whether these parameters could be associated with donor aging and early allograft dysfunction.Results: When compared with the PRAT-SVF of non-ECD donors, ECD PRAT-SVF displayed a lower proportion of stromal cells, a higher proportion of inflammatory NK cells. The global RNA sequencing approach indicated a differential molecular signature in the PRAT-SVF of ECD donors characterized by the over-expression of CXCL1 and IL1-beta inflammatory transcripts. The vasculogenic activity of PRAT-SVF was highly variable but was not significantly affected in marginal donors. Periorgan recruitment of monocytes/macrophages and NK cells in PRAT-SVF was associated with donor aging. The presence of NK cell infiltrates was associated with lower PRAT-SVF angiogenic activity and with early allograft dysfunction evaluated on day 7 and at 1 month post-transplant. Conclusions: Our results indicate that human NK cell subsets are differentially recruited in the periorgan environment of aging kidney transplants. We provide novel evidence that PRAT-SVF represents a non-invasive and timely source of donor material with potential value to assess inflammatory features that impact organ quality and function