56 research outputs found

    Demonstrasi Sel Volta Buah Nanas (Ananas Comosus L. Merr)

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    When two conductors, namely Cu and Zn are connectedvia an electrolyte solution forminga circuitof cell voltaic, a potential difference arises as a result of chemical reactions in both electrodes. Because reduction reaction performs at a positive electrodeandoxidation reaction occurs at a negative electrode (Zn), electrons flow from Zn to Cu. This research clarifies performance of pineapple (Ananas comosus L. Merr) as an electrolyte solution. Cell voltaic design modificationis carried out by varying an area of plate electrodes, electrode distance and volume of electrolyte solution. The experimental results showed the voltage is independent on the variables. This is an opportunity to reduce the dimension of the cell voltaic. Observation of cell voltaic performance showedthat the current decrease as a polynomial function of time for the filtered or notfiltered of electrolytesolution. Finally a resistance value will be defined by an atreatment of electrolyte solution. Keyword: potential difference, cell voltaic, pineapple, Cu, Z


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    This study aims to investigate the optimum design of sandwich composite reinforced sugar palm fiber (SPF) with albizzia sawdust (AS) core and investigate effect of thermal cyclic and dynamic flexural loading on mechanical properties. The SPF was alkali treated (5% NaOH) to remove lignin. The matrix used for skin composite reinforced SPF was unsaturated polyester resin (UPRs), whereas urea formaldehyde (UF) resin was used as binder of the core. The result shows that the skin composite reinforced by 4 hour of alkali treated fiber has the highest strength. By using press mold method, the optimum fiber content of the skin composite is about 30-35% (v/v). The 60% of sawdust content (w/w) results the highest mechanical properties of core. By using the optimum properties of skin and core, the sandwich composite, whose 2 mm of skin and 10 mm of core thickness, has better mechanical performance compared to that with other dimension. The sandwich composite, treated by using thermal cyclic, has lower mechanical properties compared to untreated composite. The increasing of temperature and cyclic number decreases the bending strength and impact toughness of the sandwich composite. For dynamic flexural loading test, the increasing of load cyclic number increases deflection and decreases stiffness of the sandwich composite. This composite has a good opportunity to be applied for housing and furniture panels

    Identifikasi Bidang Gelincir Pemicu Bencana Tanah Longsor Dengan Metode Resistivitas 2 Dimensi Di Desa Pablengan Kecamatan Matesih Kabupaten Karanganyar

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    Investigation of landslide slip surface has been conducted at Salaman Sub village, Pablengan Village, Matesih District, Karanganyar Regency, Central Java Province by using dipole-dipole array geoelectrical resistivity method. Data processing were using Res2Dinv version 3.45 (semi demo version) software. The interpretation result showed that at the research area was found lithology consist i.e. clay, wet clay, sandy clay until claysand, sand until breccia. The slip surface is a wet clay layer with resistivity value range from 19.3 Ω m to 36.6 Ω m, for one section was found with depth of 1.7 meter until 17 meters, and for two section was found with depth of 8.9 until 16.4 meters. Keywords: resistivity geoelectrical, landslide, slip surface, pablengan villag

    Resistensi Siswa SMK Negeri 1 Surabaya terhadap Kebijakan Full Day School

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    Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi bentuk resistensi siswa SMK Negeri 1 Surabaya terhadap kebijakan Full Day School. Lokasi penelitian berada di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan 1 Surabaya. Penelitian menggunakan teori Resistensi milik James S. Scott. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang berusaha menjelaskan fenomena secara luas dan mendalam. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut, Bentuk Resistensi yang dilakukan para siswa SMK Negeri 1 Surabaya seperti membolos, berangkat telat ke sekolah dengan sengaja, keluar kelas sebelum mata pelajaran berakhir, membuat status mengenai kebosanan dikelas lewat sosial media, dan alasan pulang ke rumah karena sakit atau ada acara keluarga dilakukan para siswa secara sadar. Hal itu tetap mereka lakukan walaupun harus ada resiko yang mereka terima dikarenakan melakukan resistensi terhadap kebijakan tersebut. Penyebab resistensi yang dilakukan para siswa dikarenakan adanya rasa ketidaksetujuan atau menurut mereka ketidaksesuaian dengan keinginan mereka

    Identifikasi Situs Candi Bukit Carang, Karanganyar Menggunakan Metode Geolistrik Tahanan Jenis Konfigurasi Dipol-Dipol

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    Identification of temple sites have been performed on the Bukit Carang region at Anggrasmanis, Jenawi, Karanganyar, Central Javausing the geoelectricity resistivity measurement with a dipoles configuration method. This method can determine buried sites around the site groundwork. Software Surfer ver 8.0 and Res2dinv ver 3.30b are used to analyze the mapping data and the sounding data, respectively. This research foundelevenanomalies structured andesite’s rock with resistivity of935-1511 Ωmwhich is considered as temple sites. Keywords: geoelectricity, resistivity, andesite rock, temple, dipol


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    SMS (Short Messages Service) merupakan terobosan baru di bidang teknologi informasi yang memungkinkan berkomunikasi lewat media teks dengan menggunakan telepon seluler. Dengan SMS, pengguna perangkat bergerak khususnya telepon selular dapat memperoleh informasi dengan cepat dan mudah dari perangkat bergerak yang ia miliki. Dengan dukungan teknologi Internet yang telah ada serta aplikasi yang memang dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat umum, SMS menjadi alternatif untuk memperluas penyebaran informasi secara cepat dan tarifnya lebih murah. Pada Tugas Akhir ini penulis menerapkan SMS sebagai aplikasi pada kuis interaktif. Pembahasannya dimulai dari konsep SMS yang menjelaskan prinsip kerja dan arsitektur SMS sebagai komponen yang mendukung aplikasi kuis interaktif. Kemudian perancangan aplikasi meliputi basidata dengan tabe-tabel yang dibutuhkan dan diagram alur program. Pembuatan aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat digunakan pada media televisi sebagai bidang promosi dari suatu perusahaan

    E-Learning System Implementation Program for Kindergarten Level

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    The Community Partnership Program, the form of mentoring the implementation of the E-Learning System for the level of kindergarten, is a new paradigm in community service activities that support improving kindergarten-level learning through the e-Learning System implementation. This program aims to implement Social Learning Theory in the implementation of the E-Learning System, and to assist in the management of E-Learning at the Kindergarten level, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.This case study had conducted at the Fatahillah Islamic Kindergarten in the Depok area, West Java, Indonesia. The general problem in this study reveals that most Kindergarten teachers and parents in children's education have a lack of understanding of social learning in the e-learning system and a problem of lack of understanding by managers to understand the operational procedures for managing the e-learning system. The results of this study in this program assisted in the making of learning modules based on social learning theory and assistance in managing e-Learning systems.  In this study, the program has contributed to the implementation of good e-learning, at the Kindergarten level in the Depok Region of West Java, especially in the Fatahillah Islamic Kindergarten

    A Conceptualization of The Sme Digitalization Model To Support The "SME-Go Digital" Program in Indonesia

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    Nowadays, many business people and academic researchers are paying attention to improving digitalization in business and innovation for business models, especially in the case of SMEs. Many SMEs have not implemented digitalization then, they never think about the business model as an issue that underlies the conceptualization of the MSME digitization model in this study. This research aims to provide a conceptualization of the SME digitalization model to assist Indonesia's "SME-Go Digital" program. In this study, a qualitative approach was applied using descriptive methods. The development of a conceptual framework based on Grounded Theory and Perception Analysis from the results of the SME survey was used to conceptualize the SME digitalization model. The results of this study present a conceptualization of the SME digitization model used to support the Indonesian government's digitization program (“SMEs Go Digital”). This study concludes that the SME digitization model had developed using a conceptual framework based on the description of grounded theory. Furthermore, this study emphasizes the influence of dynamic capabilities on the digitization of SMEs, which impacts the development of Business Model Innovations. The Indonesian government's "SME-Go Digital" program will be partially supported by contributions from this research. Keywords: conceptualization, government program, model, SMEs digitalizatio

    Model Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Berbasis Integrasi Standar Akreditasi BAN-PT dan ISO 9001:2008

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    Sistem Penjaminan Mutu untuk Perguruan Tinggi mutlak diperlukan untuk menjamin kualitas pendidikan, khususnya program studi. ISO 9001: 2008 adalah standar untuk sistem manajemen mutu dan Akreditasi BAN-PT merupakan standar untuk peningkatan proses akademik yang berkualitas untuk perguruan tinggi. Permasalahan akan timbul bila kedua set dokumen tersebut akan diintegrasikan ke dalam suatu model sistem penjaminan mutu. Hal ini disebabkan adanya perbedaan bahasa, struktur, dan rincian kedua set dokumen tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan model sistem penjaminan mutu dengan melakukan integrasi akreditasi BAN-PT dan ISO 9001: 2008. Metode Yang digunakan dalam mengintegrasikan dua dokumen dalam penelitian ini adalah metode komparatif, metode pemetaan dan model harmonisasi. Hasil yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan efisiensi penggunaan kembali klausul dan persyaratan ISO dalam penerapan akreditasi BAN-PT dan efektifitas suatu penerapan akreditasi BAN-PT dalam proses adopsi ISO. Model ini akan menjadi alat yang sangat berguna untuk perguruan tinggi bersertifikat ISO yang berencana menerapkan Akreditasi BAN-PT


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    The existence of a guarantee object is that it still is in the hands of the fiduciary giving debtor in fiduciary guarantees often experience problems, including the fiduciary giving does not carry out its obligations to pay its debts resulting in default. therefore, the purpose of this study is to look at the legal consequences of defaulting on fiduciary debtors at Pegadaian companies and the obstacles faced in a study using a normative juridical approach with descriptive research specificationsThe results of the study show that in KREASI credit that has been registered in accordance with the provisions of the Fiduciary Law where if the debtor is in default, persuasive subpoena efforts will be made, the act of withdrawing the goods in the hands of the debtor until carrying out the execution in accordance with the provisions of Article 15 paragraph (1) of the UUF and the Constitutional Court Decision No. 18/PUU-XVII/2019. Whereas those who are not registered according to the provisions of Article 1155 paragraph 1 of the Civil Code Pawn companies can directly sell collateral objects that are in their control. Obstacles faced by PT Pegadaian if the debtor defaults, namely the debtor does not voluntarily hand over the collateral object, the collateral object has been damaged and no longer functions, and the collateral object is intentionally transferred by the debtor to a third party
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