1,384 research outputs found
Heredity of seventeen isozyme loci in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)
L'électrophorÚse sur gel d'amidon a été utilisée pour évaluer le polymorphisme isoenzymatique chez deux espÚces de manioc. Les extraits bruts ont été obtenus à partir de feuilles et de pollen. Dix enzymes ont été examinés pour leur polymorphisme dans une collection de germplasm de 365 cultivars plus 109 échantillons sauvages, la plupart d'Afrique. L'hérédité de ces allozymes a été examinée en utilisant treize descendances intra et interspécifiques. 17 locus polymorphes ont été trouvés pour les dix systÚmes enzymatiques, avec 59 allÚles. Tous les marqueurs ont montré une hérédité disomique et trois groupes de liaison ont été identifiés. (Résumé d'auteur
Corseul (CĂŽtes-dâArmor), un quartier de la ville antique
GrĂące aux fouilles conduites par H KerĂšbel. Fanum Martis, actuel Corseul, se dĂ©voile peu Ă peu. Sur la rĂ©serve archĂ©ologique de Monterfil II, un vaste ensemble commercial et artisanal a Ă©tĂ© mis au jour, sur prĂšs de 5000 m2, le long dâun axe majeur du chef-lieu de la citĂ© des Coriosolites. Il a ainsi Ă©tĂ© possible de suivre, de 15/10 av. n Ăš. au IVe s. ap., lâĂ©volution architecturale et topographique du quartier. Le mobilier recueilli, comptant une grande proportion dâestampilles italiques et dâamphores de Lipari, atteste que la citĂ© fut un important marchĂ© oĂč sâĂ©changeaient des produits dâorigine mĂ©diterranĂ©enne. LâĂ©tude des vestiges est Ă©tayĂ©e par une analyse mĂ©trologique, menĂ©e par un architecte archĂ©ologue, qui a notamment permis la restitution des Ă©lĂ©vations rĂ©gies par lâordre toscan. Si Corseul offre encore un vaste champ dâinvestigations possibles, la fouille de Monterfil II prĂ©cise dĂ©sormais comment furent mis en place, sous le rĂšgne dâAuguste, le parcellaire urbain et les emprises des domaines public et privĂ©.Under the direction of H. KĂ©rtbel, excavation on the site of Fanum Martis. present-day Corseul, has gradually revealed a vast trading and crafts centre within the archaeological protection area of Monterfil II. Uncovering a surface area of over 5000 m2 along the major axis of the former Coriosolati capital has enabled archaeologists to discern architectural and topographical changes which took place in this quarter from 15/10 BCE to the 4th century CE. The finds, which include a high proportion of Italian pottersâ marks and Lipari amphorae, attest to the significance ot the town as a marketplace for items produced throughout the Mediterranean Basin. A metrological analysis of the remains, earned out by an archaeologist trained in architecture, has served as the basis for a reconstruction of elevations governed by the Tuscan order. Although there is still much work to be done in Corseul. the excavation carried out thus far at Monterfil II has shown how the urban layout and public and private domains were established during the reign of Augustus
Production, purification, and quality assessment of borrelial proteins CspZ from Borrelia burgdorferi and FhbA from Borrelia hermsii.
peer reviewedBorrelia, spirochetes transmitted by ticks, are the etiological agents of numerous multisystemic diseases, such as Lyme borreliosis (LB) and tick-borne relapsing fever (TBRF). This study focuses on two surface proteins from two Borrelia subspecies involved in these diseases: CspZ, expressed by Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto (also named BbCRASP-2 for complement regulator-acquiring surface protein 2), and the factor H binding A (FhbA), expressed by Borrelia hermsii. Numerous subspecies of Borrelia, including these latter, are able to evade the immune defenses of a variety of potential vertebrate hosts in a number of ways. In this context, previous data suggested that both surface proteins play a role in the immune evasion of both Borrelia subspecies by interacting with key regulators of the alternative pathway of the human complement system, factor H (FH) and FH-like protein 1 (FHL-1). The recombinant proteins, CspZ and FhbA, were expressed in Escherichia coli and purified by one-step metal-affinity chromatography, with yields of 15 and 20Â mg or pure protein for 1Â L of cultured bacteria, respectively. The purity was evaluated by SDS-PAGE and HPLC and is close to about 95%. The mass of CspZ and FhbA was checked by mass spectrometry (MS). Proper folding of CspZ and FhbA was confirmed by circular dichroism (CD), and their biological activity, namely their interaction with purified FH from human serum (recombinant FH15-20Â and recombinant FHL-1), was characterized by SPR. Such a study provides the basis for the biochemical characterization of the studied proteins and their biomolecular interactions which is a necessary prerequisite for the development of new approaches to improve the current diagnosis of LB and TBRF. KEY POINTS: âą DLS, CD, SEC-MALS, NMR, HPLC, and MS are tools for protein quality assessment âą Borrelia spp. possesses immune evasion mechanisms, including human host complement âą CspZ and FhbA interact with high affinity (pM to nM) to human FH and rFHL-1
Search for muon-neutrino emission from GeV and TeV gamma-ray flaring blazars using five years of data of the ANTARES telescope
The ANTARES telescope is well-suited for detecting astrophysical transient
neutrino sources as it can observe a full hemisphere of the sky at all times
with a high duty cycle. The background due to atmospheric particles can be
drastically reduced, and the point-source sensitivity improved, by selecting a
narrow time window around possible neutrino production periods. Blazars, being
radio-loud active galactic nuclei with their jets pointing almost directly
towards the observer, are particularly attractive potential neutrino point
sources, since they are among the most likely sources of the very high-energy
cosmic rays. Neutrinos and gamma rays may be produced in hadronic interactions
with the surrounding medium. Moreover, blazars generally show high time
variability in their light curves at different wavelengths and on various time
scales. This paper presents a time-dependent analysis applied to a selection of
flaring gamma-ray blazars observed by the FERMI/LAT experiment and by TeV
Cherenkov telescopes using five years of ANTARES data taken from 2008 to 2012.
The results are compatible with fluctuations of the background. Upper limits on
the neutrino fluence have been produced and compared to the measured gamma-ray
spectral energy distribution.Comment: 27 pages, 16 figure
All-sky Search for High-Energy Neutrinos from Gravitational Wave Event GW170104 with the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope
Advanced LIGO detected a significant gravitational wave signal (GW170104)
originating from the coalescence of two black holes during the second
observation run on January 4, 2017. An all-sky high-energy
neutrino follow-up search has been made using data from the ANTARES neutrino
telescope, including both upgoing and downgoing events in two separate
analyses. No neutrino candidates were found within s around the GW
event time nor any time clustering of events over an extended time window of
months. The non-detection is used to constrain isotropic-equivalent
high-energy neutrino emission from GW170104 to less than
erg for a spectrum
The Antares Collaboration : Contributions to the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2015, The Hague)
The ANTARES detector, completed in 2008, is the largest neutrino telescope in the Northern hemisphere. Located at a depth of 2.5 km in the Mediterranean Sea, 40 km off the Toulon shore, its main goal is the search for astrophysical high energy neutrinos. In this paper we collect the 21 contributions of the ANTARES collaboration to the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2015). The scientific output is very rich and the contributions included in these proceedings cover the main physics results, ranging from steady point sources, diffuse searches, multi-messenger analyses to exotic physics
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