69 research outputs found

    Atypical Development of Attentional Control Associates with Later Adaptive Functioning, Autism and ADHD Traits

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    Funder: H2020 European Research Council; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100010663Funder: Research Foundation FlandersFunder: Universiteit Gent; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100004385Funder: Marguerite-Marie DelacroixFunder: Autistica; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100011706Funder: Riksbankens Jubileumsfond; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100004472; Grant(s): NHS14-1802:1Funder: K.F. Hein FondsFunder: Scott Family Junior Research FellowshipAbstract: Autism is frequently associated with difficulties with top-down attentional control, which impact on individuals’ mental health and quality of life. The developmental processes involved in these attentional difficulties are not well understood. Using a data-driven approach, 2 samples (N = 294 and 412) of infants at elevated and typical likelihood of autism were grouped according to profiles of parent report of attention at 10, 15 and 25 months. In contrast to the normative profile of increases in attentional control scores between infancy and toddlerhood, a minority (7–9%) showed plateauing attentional control scores between 10 and 25 months. Consistent with pre-registered hypotheses, plateaued growth of attentional control was associated with elevated autism and ADHD traits, and lower adaptive functioning at age 3 years

    A consensus guide to capturing the ability to inhibit actions and impulsive behaviors in the stop-signal task.

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    Response inhibition is essential for navigating everyday life. Its derailment is considered integral to numerous neurological and psychiatric disorders, and more generally, to a wide range of behavioral and health problems. Response-inhibition efficiency furthermore correlates with treatment outcome in some of these conditions. The stop-signal task is an essential tool to determine how quickly response inhibition is implemented. Despite its apparent simplicity, there are many features (ranging from task design to data analysis) that vary across studies in ways that can easily compromise the validity of the obtained results. Our goal is to facilitate a more accurate use of the stop-signal task. To this end, we provide 12 easy-to-implement consensus recommendations and point out the problems that can arise when they are not followed. Furthermore, we provide user-friendly open-source resources intended to inform statistical-power considerations, facilitate the correct implementation of the task, and assist in proper data analysis

    Implying social interaction and its influence on gaze behavior to the eyes

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    Researchers have increasingly focused on how the potential for social interaction modulates basic processes of visual attention and gaze behavior. In this study, we investigated why people may experience social interaction and what factors contributed to their subjective experience. We furthermore investigated whether implying social interaction modulated gaze behavior to people’s faces, specifically the eyes. To imply the potential for interaction, participants received either one of two instructions: 1) they would be presented with a person via a ‘live’ video-feed, or 2) they would be presented with a pre-recorded video clip of a person. Prior to the presentation, a confederate walked into a separate room to suggest to participants that (s)he was being positioned behind a webcam. In fact, all participants were presented with a pre-recorded clip. During the presentation, we measured participants’ gaze behavior with an eye tracker, and after the presentation, participants were asked whether they believed that the confederate was ‘live’ or not, and, why they thought so. Participants varied greatly in their judgements about whether the confederate was ‘live’ or not. Analyses of gaze behavior revealed that a large subset of participants who received the live-instruction gazed less at the eyes of confederates compared with participants who received the pre-recorded-instruction. However, for both the live-instruction group and the pre-recorded instruction group, another subset of participants gazed predominantly at the eyes. The current findings may contribute to the development of experimental designs aimed to capture the interactive aspects of social cognition and visual attention

    The ‘real-world approach' and its problems: A critique of the term ecological validity

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    A popular goal in psychological science is to understand human cognition and behavior in the ‘real-world.’ In contrast, researchers have typically conducted their research in experimental research settings, a.k.a. the ‘psychologist’s laboratory.’ Critics have often questioned whether psychology’s laboratory experiments permit generalizable results. This is known as the ‘real-world or the lab’-dilemma. To bridge the gap between lab and life, many researchers have called for experiments with more ‘ecological validity’ to ensure that experiments more closely resemble and generalize to the ‘real-world.’ However, researchers seldom explain what they mean with this term, nor how more ecological validity should be achieved. In our opinion, the popular concept of ecological validity is ill-formed, lacks specificity, and falls short of addressing the problem of generalizability. To move beyond the ‘real-world or the lab’-dilemma, we believe that researchers in psychological science should always specify the particular context of cognitive and behavioral functioning in which they are interested, instead of advocating that experiments should be more ‘ecologically valid’ in order to generalize to the ‘realworld.’ We believe this will be a more constructive way to uncover the context-specific and context-generic principles of cognition and behavior

    The Reality of “Real-Life” Neuroscience: A Commentary on Shamay-Tsoory and Mendelsohn (2019)

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    The main thrust of Shamay-Tsoory and Mendelsohn’s ecological approach is that “the use of real-life complex, dynamic, naturalistic stimuli provides a solid basis for understanding brain and behavior” (p. 851). Although we support the overall goal and objectives of Shamay-Tsoory and Mendelsohn’s approach to “real-life” neuroscience, their review refers to the terms “ecological validity” and “representative design” in a manner different from that originally introduced by Egon Brunswik. Our aim is to clarify Brunswik’s original definitions and briefly explain how these concepts pertain to the larger problem of generalizability, not just for history’s sake, but because we believe that a proper understanding of these concepts is important for researchers who want to understand human behavior and the brain in the context of everyday experience, and because Brunswik’s original ideas may contribute to Shamay-Tsoory and Mendelsohn’s ecological approach. Finally, we argue that the popular and often misused concept of “ecological validity” is ill-formed, lacks specificity, and may even undermine the development of theoretically sound and tractable research

    Parent-child interaction during the first year of life in infants at elevated likelihood of autism spectrum disorder

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    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) likely emerges from a complex interaction between pre-existing neurodevelopmental vulnerabilities and the environment. The interaction with parents forms a key aspect of an infant's social environment, but few prospective studies of infants at elevated likelihood (EL) for ASD (who have an older sibling with ASD) have examined parent-child interactions in the first year of life. As part of a European multisite network, parent-child dyads of free play were observed at 5 months (62 EL infants, 47 infants at typical likelihood (TL)) and 10 months (101 EL siblings, 77 TL siblings). The newly-developed Parent-Infant/Toddler Coding of Interaction (PInTCI) scheme was used, focusing on global characteristics of infant and parent behaviors. Coders were blind to participant information. Linear mixed model analyses showed no significant group differences in infant or parent behaviors at 5 or 10 months of age (all ps≥0.09, d≤0.36), controlling for infant's sex and age, and parental educational level. However, without adjustments, EL infants showed fewer and less clear initiations at 10 months than TL infants (p = 0.02, d = 0.44), but statistical significance was lost after controlling for parental education (p = 0.09, d = 0.36), which tended to be lower in the EL group. Consistent with previous literature focusing on parent-infant dyads, our findings suggest that differences between EL and TL dyads may only be subtle during the first year of life. We discuss possible explanations and implications for future developmental studies

    Replacing eye trackers in ongoing studies: A comparison of eye-tracking data quality between the Tobii Pro TX300 and the Tobii Pro Spectrum

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    The Tobii Pro TX300 is a popular eye tracker in developmental eye-tracking research, yet it is no longer manufactured. If a TX300 breaks down, it may have to be replaced. The data quality of the replacement eye tracker may differ from that of the TX300, which may affect the experimental outcome measures. This is problematic for longitudinal and multi-site studies, and for researchers replacing eye trackers between studies. We, therefore, ask how the TX300 and its successor, the Tobii Pro Spectrum, compare in terms of eye-tracking data quality. Data quality—operationalized through precision, accuracy, and data loss—was compared between eye trackers for three age groups (around 5-months, 10-months, and 3-years). Precision was better for all gaze position signals obtained with the Spectrum in comparison to the TX300. Accuracy of the Spectrum was higher for the 5-month-old and 10-month-old children. For the three-year-old children, accuracy was similar across both eye trackers. Gaze position signals from the Spectrum exhibited lower proportions of data loss, and the duration of the data loss periods tended to be shorter. In conclusion, the Spectrum produces gaze position signals with higher data quality, especially for the younger infants. Implications for data analysis are discussed

    Exploring emotional face processing in 5‐month‐olds: The relation with quality of parent–child interaction and spatial frequencies

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    It is unclear whether infants differentially process emotional faces in the brain at 5 months of age. Contradictory findings of previous research indicate that additional factors play a role in this process. The current study investigated whether five-month-old infants show differential brain activity between emotional faces. Furthermore, we explored the relation between emotional face processing and (I) stimulus characteristics, specifically the spatial frequency content, and (II) parent, child, and dyadic qualities of interaction characteristics. Face-sensitive components (i.e., N290, P400, Nc) in response to neutral and fearful faces that contained only lower or higher spatial frequencies were assessed. Quality of parent–child interaction was assessed with the Manchester Assessment of Caregiver Infant Interaction (MACI). The results show that, as a full group, none of the components differed between emotional expressions. However, when splitting the group based on median MACI scores, infants who showed high quality of interaction (i.e., more attentiveness to caregiver, positive and negative affect, and liveliness) processed emotions differently, whereas infants who showed low quality did not. These results indicate that a sub-group of infants show differential emotional face processing at 5 months of age, which seem to relate to quality of their behavior during the parent–child interaction